TER General Board

Yes that was my point!
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 2500 reads

Which seemed to go over his head. And he seems to follow her. I see he's doing it again in a thread above this one.

brcforest3612 reads

It seems like Clients and Providers are pretty divided on what Verification should entail.

I've read guys who've said NEVER give a Provider your Real Name or Driver's License, and some have stated they'll give Providers their real names when Providers give them their real names.

My question is if being verified on Preferred411 eliminates the need for such personal information exchanges? Isn't that the major point of verification?

It seems to me that if a Client is Verified by Preferred411 that sending them a PM on Preferred411 and having them respond on Preferred411 proves they've been verified and are legit Clients with verified jobs, etc.

There just doesn't seem to be a need for Driver's License checks or name exchanges in instances of Verified Clients setup through PMs on those sights.

After all, maintain discretion is a huge part of this.

Ladies vary in the types of screening they are comfortable with.

Gents vary in the amount of information they feel comfortable giving.

Find a lady whose verification requirements match your comfort level and don't worry about what other ladies want or what other men give.

He wants to change the verification process to his liking by enlisting support of like minded people. If not, OP is dumb as door nail.

Panthera122355 reads

What he posts here is not going to change anyone's opinion on the subject. I don't give out my full name, and you do. Neither of us are going to change because of a thread. I just happen to agree with his summation.  

I think the OP is far from dumb. Man, you don't like anybody these days.

Everyone should stick with their comfort level - and NEITHER providers nor clients should try to persuade otherwise.
This is important for newbies, as too often I've seen providers on the newbie board try to convince guys that they "should" be willing to give up their name (beyond to P411, etc.) putting a value judgement on that decision.

It's a big world, lots of room for all to play as they feel comfortable.

Very we'll said, and oh by the way, you have some great legs don't you? Yummy!

ROGM2021 reads

Clients want Sex and Providers want Money. Nuff said.  


I'd be careful about posting your personal info on any of those so called Verification Sites. I don't use any Verification Site. Most Providers I've seen don't request any Verification. If a Provider wants a Detailed Life History about you starting from Birth, I'd find another Provider.

Would be like following Oprah's diet plan...it might work once or twice, but sooner or later...boom!  It's a good thing you write like a six year old so hopefully nobody takes you seriously.  Now why don't you toddle off and buy Sweet and Adorable some groceries, there's a good douchebag.

P411 called my place of employment. What does that tell you? No one except for myself knows if I actually work there or not. I could have been there paying a bill for all they knew.

I completley appreciate a providers need for screening.. THat's why I use several verification services.. At some level TER is a verification "system".. P411.. called my work phone.. left me a voice mail with a code.. I called them back with the code.. verification complete.. no big deal..  I can't remember how RS2000 did it.. but it was painless..  

THe P411 system works very well and I don't feel at all threatened by any of their security. If a girl doesn't screen, why would I want to see her? She's at risk and who knows what issues that may create..

Do what you are comfortable with.. but be realistic..

earthshined2635 reads

this is even more valuable and useful if the providers know each other or have a presence on TER.

This adequate in the age of Internet telephony. I can send a phone any where in the world and bounce back Google voice. Only reason I can't bounce back from outer space is, there is no phones there.

When they called your office, who did they talk to or leave message? You direct line and your voice mail? You called them back from that number and they checked your Caller ID, right? Great, I make my Caller ID anything I want it to be for few bucks. There companies that will do it for you, Google.

Indeed, the new technologies have made provider/hobbyist interactions fluid but one still has to approach it with abundance of caution and giving your name or showing your Drivers License is not among one of the dangers. Think about it this way, this is a mutually beneficial transaction why would provider want to expose you, in 99% of the time? If it happened, this business would have dead a long time ago and we wouldn't discussing this.  

At the end of they day, every human transaction needs an appropriate level of trust. What I mean by that is, you would not and should not give your Bank Account numbers to a stranger but giving John Smith and showing your drivers license Iowa, if they need to see it is not of those precautions.

By the in 10+ years of mongering! not a single provider has asked me to show my drivers license. Reason may be that, I give the information they want and sign my emails with my full name and the mobile #. If anyone is determined to hurt me they can find the information in many ways. Just type in your phone number(s) in Google see what comes up. Don't be shocked at what you see. You live in the US where, your personal information is collected, stored, and sold for profit not in the EU or Asia where one cannot buy or sell another person's information without the owners permission.

Food for thought on the Independence Day.  


Even when a hacker forwards it,  certainly isn't as common or easy as you make it sound.  

Also,  I've had more than several providers / agencies ask me for my ID and this is after giving them more than three references.  It was just their policy for new clients no exceptions.  Maybe you haven't hobbied much at all in the last 10 years you claim to have Hobbied?    

Or it could be that the girls immediately knew it was you after hearing all the vulgar language you spew.  Or did you confuse a provider for jack Dunphy and jca again?  Lmao

What makes you think a P411 verifiable girl is not at risk? LE, and substance abuse does not discriminate.  

Like you said, be realistic.

Posted By: josulli
I completley appreciate a providers need for screening.. THat's why I use several verification services.. At some level TER is a verification "system".. P411.. called my work phone.. left me a voice mail with a code.. I called them back with the code.. verification complete.. no big deal..  I can't remember how RS2000 did it.. but it was painless..  
 THe P411 system works very well and I don't feel at all threatened by any of their security. If a girl doesn't screen, why would I want to see her? She's at risk and who knows what issues that may create..  
 Do what you are comfortable with.. but be realistic..

Comprehension, it would have been a surprise.

There's a simple solution to it that a lot of guys just don't seem to get: if a lady's screening requirements are not to your liking, just move on. It's really not that difficult.  

I have no issue with a gent skipping over me because he finds my screening process to be too thorough. What I take issue with is the daily (yes, daily...sometimes more) emails, PMs, texts, and P411/DC requests from guys who think that money and the "right" verification service membership entitles them to a date. Most of the time, they're simply snarky about it, but other times they can be downright abusive about it. It's exhausting and extremely frustrating.  

There are literally hundreds of ladies who will take a verification site membership with no further screening, and that's their prerogative. But for those of us who won't accept a paid site membership at face value (for reasons I won't get into here), it's also our right to screen as much as we see fit. Don't want to partake? No problem! Just don't whine and harass us about it.  

There's a huge difference between discretion and anonymity. I take discretion very seriously, but I won't meet anyone anonymously.

Like, your personality turns them off?

Posted By: Tobi Telford
There's a simple solution to it that a lot of guys just don't seem to get: if a lady's screening requirements are not to your liking, just move on. It's really not that difficult.  
 I have no issue with a gent skipping over me because he finds my screening process to be too thorough. What I take issue with is the daily (yes, daily...sometimes more) emails, PMs, texts, and P411/DC requests from guys who think that money and the "right" verification service membership entitles them to a date. Most of the time, they're simply snarky about it, but other times they can be downright abusive about it. It's exhausting and extremely frustrating.  
 There are literally hundreds of ladies who will take a verification site membership with no further screening, and that's their prerogative. But for those of us who won't accept a paid site membership at face value (for reasons I won't get into here), it's also our right to screen as much as we see fit. Don't want to partake? No problem! Just don't whine and harass us about it.  
 There's a huge difference between discretion and anonymity. I take discretion very seriously, but I won't meet anyone anonymously.

In your case, Vern, you need no reason. I wouldn't fuck you with my worst enemy's vagina.  

I'll answer this question seriously just for fun, though: my personality/height/weight/number of freckles/whatever is completely irrelevant to screening. I would assume that if someone doesn't like some other aspect of me, he's not going to bother to get as far as the screening step. Duh.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Like, your personality turns them off?  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
There's a simple solution to it that a lot of guys just don't seem to get: if a lady's screening requirements are not to your liking, just move on. It's really not that difficult.    
  I have no issue with a gent skipping over me because he finds my screening process to be too thorough. What I take issue with is the daily (yes, daily...sometimes more) emails, PMs, texts, and P411/DC requests from guys who think that money and the "right" verification service membership entitles them to a date. Most of the time, they're simply snarky about it, but other times they can be downright abusive about it. It's exhausting and extremely frustrating.    
  There are literally hundreds of ladies who will take a verification site membership with no further screening, and that's their prerogative. But for those of us who won't accept a paid site membership at face value (for reasons I won't get into here), it's also our right to screen as much as we see fit. Don't want to partake? No problem! Just don't whine and harass us about it.    
  There's a huge difference between discretion and anonymity. I take discretion very seriously, but I won't meet anyone anonymously.

89Springer2704 reads

It would be a riot to watch you take JohnnyComeAlone apart

-- Modified on 7/4/2014 8:22:25 AM

Posted By: Tobi Telford
In your case, Vern, you need no reason. I wouldn't fuck you with my worst enemy's vagina.  
 I'll answer this question seriously just for fun, though: my personality/height/weight/number of freckles/whatever is completely irrelevant to screening. I would assume that if someone doesn't like some other aspect of me, he's not going to bother to get as far as the screening step. Duh.  

My point was we can screen the same way.  

I actually appreciate being able to see a ladies personality before, I ever express interest in her.


Way back when you first started posting you mentioned my previous handle "bigvern". This was before I was aware of your status as a provider(meaning you are available) ,or before I ever clicked a link to your site.

One question - Why?

Why what? I can't understand your blathering most of the time, and this time you couldn't even format the shit right.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Fuck - russbbj, ADJ, Rod, Curly if he promises not to write one of his dissertations about me, skarphedin, keystonekid, Cosette, Courtney and a few others.  
 Here is the post, and it wasn't just myself you mentioned.

Marry - I'm already betrothed to Aria, but maybe we could work out some kind of sister-wives thing with LR, Julia and Taylor. If I had to pick a dude, hands down it would be Panthera. I think he's the only one who would be cool with my cat lady status.  
Not even for diamonds - OSP (but he knows that), GaG, anonymousfun, bigvern, captain7. Some of those I know I'd butt heads with, others I just straight up don't like.  
Honorable mention goes to Tucky. Not sure which category I'd put him in, I just feel like he'd be hilarious.  [/quote

Homeboy is truly TSTTTTT. No idea why he's bringing up the "fuck, marry, kill" thread from months ago.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Fuck - russbbj, ADJ, Rod, Curly if he promises not to write one of his dissertations about me, skarphedin, keystonekid, Cosette, Courtney and a few others.    
  Here is the post, and it wasn't just myself you mentioned.  
 Marry - I'm already betrothed to Aria, but maybe we could work out some kind of sister-wives thing with LR, Julia and Taylor. If I had to pick a dude, hands down it would be Panthera. I think he's the only one who would be cool with my cat lady status.  
 Not even for diamonds - OSP (but he knows that), GaG, anonymousfun, bigvern, captain7. Some of those I know I'd butt heads with, others I just straight up don't like.    
 Honorable mention goes to Tucky. Not sure which category I'd put him in, I just feel like he'd be hilarious.  

I didn't even respond to thread that you mentioned my name in.

You liked me lol. :D

And I ain't marrying either.

His brain (assuming he has one) never catches up

I hope I piss off plenty with my sparkling personality.  

Try this bit of uncommon sense......not every hooker is going to appeal the every trick. There are many lining up to see her BECAUSE of her personality.  

Seriously you would be better off with a lobotomy so you just sit and stare at a wall and drool all over yourself.

The existence of a frontal lobe to lobotomize...I would argue this is unnecessary surgery.

He talks like a dead tree stump so no surgery needed.

Tobi, is the one who dragged my name into her narcissistic world view.

I linked the post above.

Tobi, said not even for diamonds, I never offered so much as a bus token. She took upon herself the notion that I wanted to be with her.

Never expressed the opinion that I was interested in her as a provider.

You opened the door, she stepped in. If you don't want any or little interaction from hookers, myself or her in particular just ignore us. But by replying you're implying interest in, at the very least, what she has to say.  

Her answer reflected the general atmosphere here, johns wanting to see hookers, not a stretch at all.

Which seemed to go over his head. And he seems to follow her. I see he's doing it again in a thread above this one.

She did refer to me as a rape condoning maggot. Just for asking how two young women found themselves beholden to a pimp, that the HOC contracted for entertainment at a bachelor party.

... but that was way after she expressed interest in not seeing me?

IDK about the other men here, but I see providers to avoid the incessant game of real life fornicating.  


One post she wouldn't fuck me for diamonds, the next post she is flirting with me.

That equals BSC to me, we guys know where to find you ladies with out having to deal with the BS

Flirting with you?! Dear god, you are fucking crazy. Attention everyone: the day I start flirting with Vern, I give you all permission to cunt punt me.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
She did refer to me as a rape condoning maggot. Just for asking how two young women found themselves beholden to a pimp, that the HOC contracted for entertainment at a bachelor party.  
 ... but that was way after she expressed interest in not seeing me?  
 IDK about the other men here, but I see providers to avoid the incessant game of real life fornicating.  
 One post she wouldn't fuck me for diamonds, the next post she is flirting with me.  
 That equals BSC to me, we guys know where to find you ladies with out having to deal with the BS.  

Were you alive during that administration, lol? You really are a PYT Tobi!!!



No ma'am, I'm an early Bush Sr. administration baby (not to be confused with bushbaby, as seen below). And you are a pretty thing no matter the age, Steph!  

Posted By: MatureGFE
Were you alive during that administration, lol? You really are a PYT Tobi!!!



Gotta add that to the TT dictionary along with "tit bump" "Jesus tittyfucking Christ" and of course "Lady Boner!"

on the pulled rape thread? And if you were so ok with your post about it WHY keep changing your handle?

I guess you really do blame the girls.

Yeah after she mentioned my name.  

... and how can I express interest in someone who wouldn't want to see me any way?


You might want to check the batteries in your logic meter, babe.

I didn't mention your name until you showed up, dipshit.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Yeah after she mentioned my name.  
 ... and how can I express interest in someone who wouldn't want to see me any way?  
 You might want to check the batteries in your logic meter, babe.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
I didn't mention your name until you showed up, dipshit.  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Yeah after she mentioned my name.    
  ... and how can I express interest in someone who wouldn't want to see me any way?  
  You might want to check the batteries in your logic meter, babe.

it is bullshit or an attack on someone so, expect the same.  

You are relentless in exhibiting you stupidity though.

xe1907 reads

Maybe you think it bullshit but many think it true.  Lot of fat squatters with bullshit reviews talking lot of bullshit everywhere.

Johnny alright in my book.  you da man Johnny.  pay no mind to trash babies who lick punanany of nasty nasties.

Posted By: anonymousfun
it is bullshit or an attack on someone so, expect the same.  
 You are relentless in exhibiting you stupidity though.

xe1677 reads

there many crazies out there - DO NOT GIVE REAL NAME!!!  ARE YOU STUPID???????

If I give you my real name, you give me YOUR real name!!  Got it?  Good.

there are so many crazy bitches out there who will extort and blackmail you.  Don't be a stupid idiot and listen to these idiots here on this board.  They are not worth it.  believe me, plenty of real hot women, much hotter than these women who want name, and other info.  You should go to insane asylum if you give them name and work info.  these stupid fat squatters who want all these infos can kiss my big fat white ass ok.


she'd be ecstatic to be "skipped over" for that reason...especially if it was you doing the skipping.

Why do you think I value your opinion? I don't.

Posted By: thehumanist
she'd be ecstatic to be "skipped over" for that reason...especially if it was you doing the skipping.

All the other misfits showed up as well; predictable.

As is your stupidity

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Why do you think I value your opinion? I don't.  
Posted By: thehumanist
she'd be ecstatic to be "skipped over" for that reason...especially if it was you doing the skipping.
 All the other misfits showed up as well; predictable.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
 I agree 100% with your post.
Same goes for you, FUCK OFF!

Go soothe yourself with some calorie packed junk food and add another couple of inches to that already bursting waist line.  

Then go stand on a mirror and try and see your teenie peenie.

It comes up just as often and the answers for both are still the same. If her requirements and your requirements don't jive, move the fuck on, and see someone else. Duh.

-- Modified on 7/4/2014 9:24:51 AM

What does "juve" mean, ps? LOL!

I try to fix my typos, but there are so many of them when I am on my phone. Big fingers. Tiny keypad. Touchy touch screen.:)

Please! Never put me in the same category as him!
By the way, I did go back and fix it. So now your post makes no sense. :)

Steele;)2039 reads

ID AND a Photo is required now ;) Period. You don't like it, tough titty boys. This is serious shit, not to be taken lightly. You boys don't wanna give it up, some of us won't give it out. That simple. And yea, I'm the f'n crazy one here, screw y'all LOL. I think not.  

(Oh and pssst, if her screening is that simple gentlemen and easy as pie, that should tell you something. You have to work a lil to be with the best of this world. Great things don't come easy :)

Happy 4th people ..... I think.

-- Modified on 7/4/2014 1:10:19 PM

But on the oft chance you wanted to see an ID...will my library pass from high school (I think I still have one  LOL) work?

I've also added a photo below of someone that you might be related to?

Steele;)2519 reads

if any woman here has ever been stalked or physically abused (which I have, both scenarios in the past) our screening ain't nothing for what we do here lol. You can be rest assured I remedied that problem rather quickly and any man who attempts to lay a hand on me inappropriately or my children, I will kick his mother fucking ass from here to timbuktu and enjoy every second of it. There is no way in hell I will EVER, I mean EVER let that happen again to anyone I hold close. No way in hell.  

You get screened our way or you don't touch. Simple as pie.

-- Modified on 7/4/2014 1:30:22 PM

I hear some dudes are really into that scene...and are willing to pay quite a bit extra  LOL

Seriously though...whatever any gal needs to do to feel comfortable is what she should do.  NO exceptions.

As for me...I haven't had an issue with any gal thus far in not providing a license or photo ID...heck, maybe it's just my board persona that puts some in that comfort zone  ;)

Or maybe it's something else...who knows!

Posted By: Steele;)
if any woman here has ever been stalked or physically abused (which I have, both scenarios in the past) our screening ain't nothing for what we do here lol. You can be rest assured I remedied that problem rather quickly and any man who attempts to lay a hand on me inappropriately or my children, I will kick his mother fucking ass from here to timbuktu and enjoy every second of it. There is no way in hell I will EVER, I mean EVER let that happen again to anyone I hold close. No way in hell.  
 You get screened our way or you don't touch. Simple as pie.  

-- Modified on 7/4/2014 1:30:22 PM

Steele;)2241 reads

pleasure for me if he wants to be a douchebag and get off on trying to physically hurt a woman. Let him try it with me. It'll be my joy to surprise his ass and thensome with what this lil body can muster up when it comes to being pissed off and touched in the wrong way LOL. What's a taser? They're no fun, that's for sure.

But yes, you'd have to send me a copy of your ID there Danny Boy and employment info. No exceptions, not even your cute board persona could win me over mister. I'm sure it works with all the other ladies, but hey, since when do I do things like everyone else here haha. That would be just downright lame on my behalf.

Btw, you better show up looking like him or I'd happily give you an asswhoopin free of charge and part of me thinks you may like it ... intentionally ;)

-- Modified on 7/4/2014 4:03:54 PM

But I know enough to say never say never!

Hope all is going well.

Posted By: Steele;)
pleasure for me if he wants to be a douchebag and get off on trying to physically hurt a woman. Let him try it with me. It'll be my joy to surprise his ass and thensome with what this lil body can muster up when it comes to being pissed off and touched in the wrong way LOL. What's a taser? They're no fun, that's for sure.  
 But yes, you'd have to send me a copy of your ID there Danny Boy and employment info. No exceptions, not even your cute board persona could win me over mister. I'm sure it works with all the other ladies, but hey, since when do I do things like everyone else here haha. That would be just downright lame on my behalf.  
 Btw, you better show up looking like him or I'd happily give you an asswhoopin free of charge and part of me thinks you may like it ... intentionally ;)

-- Modified on 7/4/2014 4:03:54 PM

Steele;)2026 reads

never. However, I do not think 'brunch' is in the cards for you and I anytime in the future dear sir.  

Hope you had a Happy 4th...our fireworks were beautiful indeed.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. It really is so simple....yet so many do not grasp that concept. If the lady you want to see has a screening protocol you do not agree with...then see someone else...there are too many fish in the sea to get all up in arms about how a lady chooses to conduct her screening and what information she requires to feel comfortable meeting someone. For every lady that requires a real name/place of employment/phone number/e-mail, there are three more that require only a reference, P411 okay, or nothing at all.  

And the funny thing that I have noticed over the years...the one's who have no problem giving that info (real name, place of employment, phone #, e-mail, etc), are usually those in positions of importance....it's my belief that these gentlemen realize the importance of safety, have done their research, and have nothing to hide. Whereas, those who refuse to give real name (even though they have no references, and are a member of zero verification sites), balk at giving a lady any means of identifying who they are...so what are they really trying to hide?  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
There's a simple solution to it that a lot of guys just don't seem to get: if a lady's screening requirements are not to your liking, just move on. It's really not that difficult.  
 I have no issue with a gent skipping over me because he finds my screening process to be too thorough. What I take issue with is the daily (yes, daily...sometimes more) emails, PMs, texts, and P411/DC requests from guys who think that money and the "right" verification service membership entitles them to a date. Most of the time, they're simply snarky about it, but other times they can be downright abusive about it. It's exhausting and extremely frustrating.  
 There are literally hundreds of ladies who will take a verification site membership with no further screening, and that's their prerogative. But for those of us who won't accept a paid site membership at face value (for reasons I won't get into here), it's also our right to screen as much as we see fit. Don't want to partake? No problem! Just don't whine and harass us about it.  
 There's a huge difference between discretion and anonymity. I take discretion very seriously, but I won't meet anyone anonymously.

I am a hobbyist and not a provider. A hobbyist must be willing to provide their real names. In my 10 + years in the hobby, I never had problem by giving my real name and no one has ever asked to see my drivers license. I believe, when start acting all cagey and suspicious of the provider or with an agency, their red flags start flying so, they ask for more.

How is P411 or any other source provide 100% confidence to a provider? Do they do a thorough back ground check using third party, for example, like Uber, before you can be part of Uber? My guess is no, you conspiracy theorists will never go for that.

You can argue about it, till the cows come home and till they are slaughtered and made in hamburgers, cooked ate and discarded and even then nothing will Chang and shouldn't. There are too many creeps running around with sole purpose of hurting women whenever and however they can and by all means, providers should error on the side of caution.

It appears, every posing this question has an agenda and trying to support on here as if, it is going to change any one's verification process. No it will not.

If you are concerned so much about your privacy, SHUT THE DOOR & CLOSE THE BLINDS.

A provider can choose to see you or not.  She is under no obligation to see anyone, regardless of what verification services they are members of.  She can ask you to stand on your head and spit wooden dildos and you have to do it if you want to see her.  It's her pussy, and she makes the decision.  If you don't like it, tough shit, find another provider.

Personally, I like tighter screening, I feel like that provider is more safety-conscious, and that improves my safety and therefore comfort level.  I have no problem giving my real name to the relatively few ladies I see, but have never had to show my driver's license.  

If I was in the hobby to see how many different girls I could bang, I might feel differently, but Wilt Chamberlain's record is already well out of reach, so I'm not interested in quantity at this point in my life.

Panthera122156 reads

nothing more. If that is not good enough, then I move on. I have never had much difficulty in arranging sessions.  

Tobi and I will never have the pleasure, but I respect her requirements and wouldn't even attempt a booking with her. I am singling her out because I know her requirements and she is on the thread. Her loss  ;)  

No, I will never give my driver's license and employment information out. I never had to and never will.

Steele;)2701 reads

Posted By: Panthera12
nothing more. If that is not good enough, then I move on. I have never had much difficulty in arranging sessions.  
 Tobi and I will never have the pleasure, but I respect her requirements and wouldn't even attempt a booking with her. I am singling her out because I know her requirements and she is on the thread. Her loss  ;)    
 No, I will never give my driver's license and employment information out. I never had to and never will.  

Panthera122458 reads

Back to hooking or are you relying on Government handouts again?

Steele;)2679 reads

jugular again haha. You are so predictable as usual. My business is my business and yes, I 'hook' from time to time when 'I' feel like it. It's a bonus kick when I'm in the mood. I have a date with a 24yo cutie this week actually. While he's a year UNDER my requirement, his communication is top notch without faulter and sent me what I needed without a question. You again, wouldn't understand. A very intellectual young man far beyond his years who 'gets it'. Simple emails, speaks with the utmost of intelligence, his employment is 'one with nature' and he's gorgeous. Oh and yes, he sent me his ID ;)  See? Easy breezy.

Get a clue ol' cat. You'll never get it unfortunately. Go sleep it off and wake up in a better mood. But tis nice to see you playing on the GD board again. See, I can be pleasant ;) amongst the complete morons here. Tis fun arguing with you especially.

-- Modified on 7/5/2014 5:21:01 AM

Panthera122368 reads

to see an old hooker 30 years his senior and even sent you his ID. And he is gorgeous? Then why would he be with an old lady?
Even you can't believe you own lies so don't expect us to.

I see that you are still as insecure as ever.

Steele;)2131 reads

date with the field he's in. He travels too much and he's one of those young guys who's just not into the girls his own age. I bet even if you spoke to him, he'd impress even you (ok, doubt it, no one's good enough for your pompous ass). He's home for a few days and wants to spend time with someone. Not really all that hard to grasp if you can expand your mind passed your lil puny one for just a few brief moments. I know, a hard thing to do.  

And yes, he's adorable...most of the young guys I have been fortunate to see are handsome for sure. They just don't have the time to deal with 'dating' in the true sense of the word. It happens more than you think oh clueless one. It's ok, I wouldn't expect you to get it, that's why this is fun. I am giggling.  

Come on Panthera, get it together, I know you can. Speaking of dates, don't you have one lined up in July then up here? I'm sure you passed screening too with a breeze, or was your alias name enough for her. You deff got a good thing going don't ya with that BS ;)

GaGambler2148 reads

Or there is another turdster out there?

My bet is this 24 year old model client is as real as Roger, any takers?

Because those types were never in the running to begin with. Not in either the hookers or johns cross hairs, which means doesn't give a crap, therefore there is "no loss".The loss comes when someone actually wants to see someone and they refuse.  

Sort of like seeing a complete douche bag on here pissing into the wind, being a shit caked asshole and then him telling me, he wouldn't fuck me with someone elses dick.  

Don't care!

-- Modified on 7/5/2014 7:11:50 AM

The thread that was a few days ago where a provider was raped...he was P411 and I have no idea what it would take to retrieve his real info from P411 in order to track him down to give LE his real info instead of his hobby crap.  

A huge percentage of my clients give me real info and I will give my real info to them. They have NEVER tried anything...why? Because I know who they are.

The solution is simple, ladies see those guys who give them the verification they need to feel comfy and likewise for the guys.

No point pressuring either side to accept or give out more than is comfortable...move along people.

Unfortunately that isn't the reason you are "safe".

I would tend to think that most people would never commit an act of violence...however (see the attached link) those that are outside the norms seem to be known to their victims.

Having someones real info may have other benefits however.  Stopping them from being a rapist isn't one of them.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
The thread that was a few days ago where a provider was raped...he was P411 and I have no idea what it would take to retrieve his real info from P411 in order to track him down to give LE his real info instead of his hobby crap.  
 A huge percentage of my clients give me real info and I will give my real info to them. They have NEVER tried anything...why? Because I know who they are.  
 The solution is simple, ladies see those guys who give them the verification they need to feel comfy and likewise for the guys.  
 No point pressuring either side to accept or give out more than is comfortable...move along people.

In the case of this deal, not often do the attackers "know" the victim like in say date rape, family abuse etc. NOTHING is foolproof, however having a john know I know his real name helps.  

An unbalanced moron, well sure but at least he will be tracked down and pay for what he does.

And if I was ever raped, I at least know how to find him and exact my own retribution, that would be worth going to jail for.

Seems like the opportunity for a dude to "take advantage" would occur after a period of sessions.  Which would equate to the "date rape" situation as you described.  As well, those known by the attacked are still unlikely to be punished.  According to the link I posted earlier "97% of rapists never spend a night in jail".

So even having some johns "real" info seems like a weak argument for feeling safe.  Frankly it's a very weak position to take.  

Having some very large friends who will look out for YOU (or any gal) should the unthinkable happen is a much more viable solution IMHO.  Hoping that the judicial system would assist is laughable.

We agree on this issue...just that I don't expect 100% of dudes to be honorable.  Same with the gals.  Just do the best to "trust your gut" and hopefully life will be grand.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
In the case of this deal, not often do the attackers "know" the victim like in say date rape, family abuse etc. NOTHING is foolproof, however having a john know I know his real name helps.  
 An unbalanced moron, well sure but at least he will be tracked down and pay for what he does.  
 And if I was ever raped, I at least know how to find him and exact my own retribution, that would be worth going to jail for.

hotplants2380 reads

Should providers station these 'very large friends' outside the door of every session?  

lets all stand back and watch the " I don't see why I should be screened" hysteria go to a whole new dimension of hobby guy freak-out.  

Nothing is fool-proof.  And a provider may not be able to stop someone, who already has every intention of assaulting her (or him), to NOT "take advantage". But knowing who the hell that person actually is, and having some way to find them (even if after the fact), is a helluva lot better that not having a friggin' clue.

Not having ANY information is weak. With NO information, even if LE tried to help, what could they possibly do?

-- Modified on 7/4/2014 12:34:38 PM

Based on studies as well as my personal experiences sexual assaults happen more often by those already known.  Having personal information will not stop an attack.  And as those same studies discuss people let their guard down once some level of trust has formed.

In P4P no gal can trust screening to protect her.  As I said to Steele, trust your gut!

I never suggested having large people there to protect her... That's not feasable.  But knowing large people to take care of an assailant would be more pragmatic than LE.  I can tell you unequivocally if any gal I know was attacked...I would ask my very large friends deal with the rapist.

Clear on this?

Posted By: hotplants
Should providers station these 'very large friends' outside the door of every session?  
 lets all stand back and watch the " I don't see why I should be screened" hysteria to a whole new dimension of hobby guy freak-out.  
 Nothing is fool-proof.  And a provider may not be able to stop someone, who already has every intention of assaulting her (or him), to NOT "take advantage". But knowing who the hell that person actually is, and having some way to find them (even if after the fact), is a helluva lot better that not having a friggin' clue.  
 Not having ANY information is weak. With NO information, even if LE died to help, what could they possibly do?

hotplants2686 reads

How would your large friends go about dealing with this? Did she happen to get his real name when she was "trusting her gut"?

Having a guys name real name may not stop him from assaulting someone. But it's a helluva lot better than not having his name. The only thing that's 'foolproof' is not having a chance in hell of even knowing where to start looking for that guy if you know absolutely nothing about him.  

And, even if a provider has been seeing a guy for years----if he does implode----the statistics about a women being more likely to know her assailant is meaningless.  

If I'm sexually assaulted by some guy I know and trust, I may not have seen that coming. But I sure as hell know who the fuck he is

I have said numerous times that any gal should screen however to be comfortable.  

Getting his real name is part of that for many gals.

However if she doesn't and has an episode with some douchebag, there are other ways to ID this bastard.

Aside from a digital fingerprint that can be reverse engineered, many dudes drive to an incall.  License plates seem to be easy enough to trace as well.  Those who work in the PI field tell me that there are other methods as well.

Then having very large friends who are interested in helping was all I'm suggesting.

Posted By: hotplants
How would your large friends go about dealing with this? Did she happen to get his real name when she was "trusting her gut"?  
 Having a guys name real name may not stop him from assaulting someone. But it's a helluva lot better than not having his name. The only thing that's 'foolproof' is not having a chance in hell of even knowing where to start looking for that guy if you know absolutely nothing about him.  
 And, even if a provider has been seeing a guy for years----if he does implode----the statistics about a women being more likely to know her assailant is meaningless.  
 If I'm sexually assaulted by some guy I know and trust, I may not have seen that coming. But I sure as hell know who the fuck he is.  

With a burn phone if done right cops have a hard time tracing them. Plates are traceable buy only if you get the number. That can be difficult after the fact and depends on luck. Anything after the fact it is luck if he is traceable. Cops are backlogged more information give them the more likely they will work the case.

In a specific spot and has a camera outside how is she going to get his plate number if she was punched and out on the floor?  

So out of a burner phone, a gmail or other fairly anonymous mail account and a fake hobby name and a board name with no real info behind that, how exactly is LE or even a PI supposed to find him...and how much freaking money will that cost over handing over his real info for free?  

Or put up cameras for facial recognition to at least prove he was there and the DNA he left behind, not to mention his finger prints..well, that would work. Now listen to the uproar if a camera was used in a common area not unlike almost every store in this country.

As for the very large friends,well what happens to the cost of whoring when a lady then has to pay her protection...I am sure that cost would be passed on to the tricks, and then listen to the banshee like screeches from that rate increase.

I know you will not hand out your stuff and that's fine. I am not arguing this to convince you or anyone otherwise. I am pointing out what is easier in order to catch a fuckhead who does this. It may not fully deter or prevent but it helps in capture

The course of actions I would take would be to hire professionals who have the tools and wherewithal to correctly ID the assailant.  Once correctly ID'd the following actions would be to have some of my "friends" deal with him.

If you honestly believe that there aren't many methods to ID some asswipe, so be it.  The comical part to this is that many believe in the anonymity of Inet, burner phones, cash paid for plates, et al.  And in many cases of simply staying UTR that is fine.

However when an atrocious act is committed all of those "safeguards" can and are routinely pierced by those who understand how to do so.  As scoed commented LE is capable of this, but tend to move far too slowly and ineptly to be relied upon for this action.

As to the costs of this...if some asshole rapist thinks they would ever get away from me (having injured someone I know that is close to me)....money is a non-issue.

Are we clear?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
In a specific spot and has a camera outside how is she going to get his plate number if she was punched and out on the floor?  
 So out of a burner phone, a gmail or other fairly anonymous mail account and a fake hobby name and a board name with no real info behind that, how exactly is LE or even a PI supposed to find him...and how much freaking money will that cost over handing over his real info for free?  
 Or put up cameras for facial recognition to at least prove he was there and the DNA he left behind, not to mention his finger prints..well, that would work. Now listen to the uproar if a camera was used in a common area not unlike almost every store in this country.  
 As for the very large friends,well what happens to the cost of whoring when a lady then has to pay her protection...I am sure that cost would be passed on to the tricks, and then listen to the banshee like screeches from that rate increase.  
 I know you will not hand out your stuff and that's fine. I am not arguing this to convince you or anyone otherwise. I am pointing out what is easier in order to catch a fuckhead who does this. It may not fully deter or prevent but it helps in capture

Steele;)2208 reads

on here to play LOL. That's my .02 ;)

Am I right?

Who knows  ;)

Posted By: Steele;)
on here to play LOL. That's my .02 ;)  
 Am I right?

I just want to keep it as simple as I can...and I know it is a crap shoot to begin with. Like I said in a previous post..I want to know where the asshole is who hurt me (if it came to that) so I can deal with it the right way.

-- Modified on 7/5/2014 8:45:45 AM

A great woman I am damn lucky to know was raped by a client. First session. I am a very large man. Guess what other than filling a complaint on some lame ass cops and getting them to do something. He is out their right fucking now because she didn't get an once of traceable info. Most rapes are date rapes but not all, not even close. What you propose is worthless. Real information isn't useless. If she had real information maybe the creep would behind bars or something. Instead he is out there. He will likely do so.

You misread my proposal.  Try reading it once again.

As for "real information"...who knows.  However I will suggest that getting the right types of people involved NOW can ID the assailant.

FWIW most (97% according to the stats) rapists never spend a moment behind bars.  Hence my suggestion of "knowing large people".  With "large" having a very broad meaning.  For example, Joe Pesci in Goodfellas was NOT physically a "large" person....but he was VERY LARGE.  Got it?

Posted By: scoed
A great woman I am damn lucky to know was raped by a client. First session. I am a very large man. Guess what other than filling a complaint on some lame ass cops and getting them to do something. He is out their right fucking now because she didn't get an once of traceable info. Most rapes are date rapes but not all, not even close. What you propose is worthless. Real information isn't useless. If she had real information maybe the creep would behind bars or something. Instead he is out there. He will likely do so.

Steele;)2953 reads

intuition on something going 'rogue' is usually evident prior to meeting. There have been a few times a red flag most deff went off with gentlemen contacting me and guess what.......you don't book. You say thank you, tell them why and move on. Done deal. It may not always be the case and we are not always right, but like anything, your first primal 'gut instinct' on an individual is usually spot on, no matter where the conversation leads.

And trusting my gut is always the best option.

Such a problem! She wants to be safe! I want to be discrete! She wants to know my name! I want to know her room number! How can we EVER get together?!

Poe's Law, for the witless.

I'm really glad that this is not such a big problem for me. These threads make me feel such empathy for the poor hobbyists who find P4P such a confusing ordeal. I hope the process SOMEHOW becomes more cut and dried for them. Blowholes might be the answer for some. Marriage might be a better avenue for others. Education could help a few of them coop.

But most guys will pine and sigh, I suppose, all snarled up in such a cruel tangle of perplexity.

Someone really should come up with a country song about their misery.


Posted By: brcforest
It seems like Clients and Providers are pretty divided on what Verification should entail.  
 I've read guys who've said NEVER give a Provider your Real Name or Driver's License, and some have stated they'll give Providers their real names when Providers give them their real names.  
 My question is if being verified on Preferred411 eliminates the need for such personal information exchanges? Isn't that the major point of verification?  
 It seems to me that if a Client is Verified by Preferred411 that sending them a PM on Preferred411 and having them respond on Preferred411 proves they've been verified and are legit Clients with verified jobs, etc.  
 There just doesn't seem to be a need for Driver's License checks or name exchanges in instances of Verified Clients setup through PMs on those sights.  
 After all, maintain discretion is a huge part of this.

Steele;)2608 reads

means for any gentleman who wants to partake in this world to obtain a specific 'card & #' almost like a SS card for only being accepted in this ever so small world we call companionship. Someone out there will come up with one way of verifying each gentleman diligently, effectively and so no questions will be encountered making life easier for both parties involved almost like a secret underground code. Kind of like holding the 'golden ticket' lol. Without it you get nada. And that 'one' person is the Messiah of the Underground World.  

I know, great idea, just remember it was mine to start with. I'll come after ya if you steal it.

Panthera122416 reads

that you have ever made. A card! LMAO! A piece of plastic. Yeah! Problems solved! Did your meds change or are you eating those turnips out of the truck? Just LMAO!

Steele;)2226 reads

Doesn't Think He Has To EVER Be Screened because of your fucking handle, or excuse me, 'alias' (give me a break) LOL.  

Hopefully someday, guys who want to play in this world will have to meet FACE to FACE with the verifier with all his info way before seeing any beautiful lady here. Then he's given a card or maybe a chip (yes move into the future Panthera, I know you can do it) once all info checks out for her to see. Date is on. Pretty simple if you ask me. Sorry but you guys in this world are the predators and we are the prey, there's only one way protect our ass' besides a good kick in the nuts, taser or handheld.  

And WTF are you jumping on about, you're about as sneaky as they come on here. Please. Why in the fuck would you EVER understand or 'go' along with it. You're shady. Period and against every possible kind of screening on the planet. You're one of those who see the girls who DON'T screen LOL End of discussion.  

Isn't it nap time for you yet? Lazy ol' cat. That's all cats do anyway. Expect shit to come to them without lifting a finger haha. It's no wonder why you are 'known' for your alias.

-- Modified on 7/5/2014 5:05:12 AM

Panthera122000 reads

You are as nutty as they come. While I can appreciate a visionary, no one on Earth will have an implant for a hooker to scan. You always were a dreamer, not a doer.

Steele;)2594 reads

at least I got ya thinking ;) I think you got the jist. So are ya for it?

Me, a dreamer? Most definitely. But to follow without 'doing' is not in my makeup as a woman. No one on here will ever 'know' the real me. Not even the guys who think they do ;) Even our few short PMs, you don't think I expressed the real me do ya? I'm not stupid Panthera. Come on. You are like talking to a ghost. That does shit for me quite honestly. I need a real man in front of me to remotely get anywhere or anything outta me. Even then, it would never happen in this world no matter how much someone thinks they 'know' anything LOL.  

You guys lie about everything don't ya? Well then, what's the problem?

-- Modified on 7/5/2014 7:38:51 AM

brcforest2391 reads

I appreciate hearing from all the experienced people on this board!

I'm not worked up about this, but I want to be smart.

I did get verified via preferred411, so I'd like to think that's all I needed to do and that I won't have to have my ID checked and risk ID or intrusive problems that no Client every wants.

It just seemed odd to me that so many Providers seem to say they check Driver's Licenses with no exceptions. That seems crazy to me when a site like P411 should eliminate that need if PMs are used on it.

Umm. P411 encourages ladies to check IDs so that the info in your P411 handle can be cross-checked with whatever was used to generate it. Guys share accounts all the time, and accounts have been taken over by LE before. You might want to read over P411's policies before you balk at the idea of showing your ID before a date.

Steele;)2688 reads

can get his hands on a 'friends' ID to get 're'verified using that person's personal information, you're f'n crazy. Look at all the BS that happens on this site alone with handles and alias'. Can you imagine screening using this site? Forget it. It's BS on a stick and thensome.  

The Johns here of yesteryear who refuse to come into the light without being verified 'our' way and still think 'their' way is legit enough are the only ones who speak up on this board. Think about it. Of course they're going to tell you their way is legit and there is no way in hell they'll give their 'personal' info out. I'm sorry but times have changed and changing with those time is inevitable. You know how ol' cats DESPISE change of any kind. Only gets worse with age I'm afraid. Plus they typically stick with the same providers they saw 10 years ago simply for 'ease' before the 'ID' craze.  

But for you new cats, different story.  P411 is step 1. Then each woman here will do as she needs from there to feel comfortable in order to see you. EVERYONE has to be on board for this to be a safe community or all shit will hit the fan. Stick with independents and I mean FORGET agencies. You gentlemen who do that shit are f'n nuts or the walkins...WHATTTT????? It's simple, provide the info she needs plus any verification service and all will have a good time. Without it you will get nowhere, at least with the quality providers here, that's just how it is. Like I said before, good things don't come easy.  

This isn't reinventing the wheel, so don't make it that way.....or is it, for some of you anyway ;)

-- Modified on 7/5/2014 3:59:51 AM

If the screening process is TOO easy or non-existent, you don't want to see her. Just like IRL, you have to qualify. The woman who don't screen thoroughly beforehand KNOW she might be opening her door, dressed in her lingerie, to LE, a rapist, a deadbeat, a slob, or a mugger. So you show up and the screening starts there. Not only does it cut into playtime, but it often takes her awhile to recognize what a prize catch you are. And, since screening is sort of a two-way thing, you might encounter some unexpected upcharing in one form or another. OTOH, if a sweaty woman turns you on...

You're asking a woman to meet you as a stranger, strip naked, put your cock into her mouth, and spread her legs for you. Heaven forbid she's allowed to get a few clues as to who the hell you are.

You want it to be as easy as grabbing carry-out at lunchtime. Check out Jif. She uses that name because she spreads so easily.

Now, if you want a classy lady to entertain you for a few hours, tell her as much as you feel comfortable with. Saying, "I'm in my late 40's," might suffice instead of saying "48." Telling her what profession you're in MIGHT satisfy her without giving her the name and address of your employer. But if your uncomfortable telling her ANYTHING, you're unfit to play the game, IMO, and probably won't enjoy it much anyway.

Or you can only see a high-end lady who employs a butler to see you in and who then take your calling card to her. That's a more expensive option.

But, to do this you only need to show your first name and the last several digits of whatever ID you used to create this.
You can have all other info covered up with tape if you want (P411 mentions this on their site).

For most ladies on P411 the P411 screening and okay system is sufficient (they won't ask for additional info), but some do ask for more.  This is their prerogative.  If you don't want to give it out, then don't consider those ladies.

I understand the inquisitive nature of the question, and the curiosity about screening practices, but you need to understand many around here are very sensitive on these topics.  Some ladies with strict sreening will go to the mat defending their practices.  It might be an academic question to you, but their standards impact how safe they feel and potentially their income, so I'd suggest treading lightly on this.  This is certainly something I've learned in my 1.5 years in this hobby.  On the otherhand, don't ever feel pressured to go outside your comfort level either, as you have every right to hobby in the manner that makes you feel safe too.

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