TER General Board

Yes, I have
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 836 reads

After sometime I learned how to avoid these types of encounters.

When you see an unbelievable photo created photo shopping, stay away.  

When a provider’s self description includes words such as “goddess, angel and ethnicity of exotic”, stay away (is exotic a new ethnicity?)

I prefer ordinary people and they don’t disappoint you that often.

Showing up at the door and the provider not being the girl in the pics or having put on a few pounds seems to be a very common theme in reviews. The next sentence always seems to go like this, "I was already there/I was thinking with the little head so I decided to stay. Has anyone ever left an appointment because of the looks of the provider or is it as they say, "any port in a storm?"  

Providers, have you ever ended a date based solely on looks/age/weight?

GaGambler833 reads

and I have done so on several occasions. I don't believe in rewarding bad behavior so when I encounter B&S I leave, immediately with no "cancellation fee" "cab money" or otherwise giving a wanna be thief any incentive whatsoever to do this again.

girl was fugly and 20 pounds +.  gave here $40 and was gone.

GaGambler924 reads

I don't give the mugger who tries to rob me and fails  a "tip". Why should I give a ROB a single red cent for trying to rip me off. You should have presented her a bill for wasting your time.

86H13LTP858 reads

Kimchi as does her old rotten breath  but if you buckle down you can nut and get .

Posted By: jroy12
Providers, have you ever ended a date based solely on looks/age/weight?
Never. Nor would I. There is something lovable about every human on the planet.

you are a better man than I...

I find absolutely nothing loveable about CPA....

listed under her handle, meaning she is a provider.  Even if you don't know Sarah is a woman's name.

Secondly, CPA hasn't posted on this thread as of 10:25 EDT.

-- Modified on 5/15/2014 9:28:19 PM

I don't know you from Adam, but you've just demonstrated that you're dumber 'n a fucking stump... ergo, I don't want to know you.... and here I thought ironwood was dense....

There are more than enough cynics on the planet (me included) - the world would be a much nicer place if everyone believed and acted upon that.  There are people on this planet that I would have some real problems finding something lovable about. but if you can really do it - more power to you...

But he implied that he would review me (which he didn't), so I stuck it out.

He said on his P411 profile that he was in his 50s.  The man who knocked on the door was closer to 80. It was a HORRID experience in every way.  I would say, in the top 2 worst sessions of all time.

Hieronymus882 reads

Don't know how you ladies do it! No matter what I was paid if I'm not attracted to a lady I just can't perform! Guess that's the difference between a man and a women. I hope that you don't have anymore experiences like that. Just say no thanks! It's got to feel like a terrible violation to submit to someone that you aren't attracted to, at least at some level.

It's too long to detail step by step tonight .   Cliff note version: She was all  nine and tens  on  looks and performance, well known provider I had not seen.
 I called when I parked my car, she told me go to her building entrance, ring her intercom for entry .  
Then she started playing weird games on a twenty  degree day with a North wind blowing , while I'm looking like a fool loitering at her building entrance .  
 She was  jerking me around like I was her love sick puppy  she was enjoying abusing .  
 I was finally granted permission to enter her building, almost an hour after I first rang her intercom as instructed .  
  Security stopped me on my way to the elevator asked who I was visiting and asked me to sign in " My soon to be ex GF , would  you like me to  tell her you're interested "  while I gave him the  best  Khal Drogo glare I could muster .  
  When she answered her door she was naked and smiling . I stepped in the door gave her a fifty for answering and did an about face, told her something to the effect her attitude turned me off, Adios !
  At first she tried to stop me from walking out . I side stepped that action and walked out .
 Then she followed me into the hallway while she's still naked , screaming  my name over and over, asking if I'm OK . I looked back one time,told her I'm fine , gave her a big smile and left the building .

The memory of her screaming my name while she's naked in the hallway of an exclusive building , as I'm walking down the hall, asking ME if I'm OK was more than worth the price of admission .
  I'll always remember her look of  naked  astonishment  when she met a guy not  willing to pay for  her insolence , though she did get me for fifty.  

 I've often  wondered if the security guard who stopped me kept a copy of her naked dumb ass in the hallway, screaming my name like I was the love of her life who dumped her.  
 Fortunately one of my faves in D.C answered her phone so I didn't go home frustrated .  
  I looked up my  original long version  adventure in Reston in case anyone is thinking I didn't show any patience .

Gotta admire a man who can actually think with his big head when confronted by a beautiful naked bitch. Lol

It's ok bro, we all do dumb things every now and then.  ;)  
Sometimes I waited about 2 hours

I've never been a no show or rip off.  

  In my opinion once I crossed her front door threshold I was committed to at least leave her a tip, since  she looked as advertised and I changed my mind based on her showing me she was too full of herself, with her belief  she could treat me like dirt me with no consequence.  
  If she was bait and switch with looks  opposite of advertised,  I wouldn't have entered her home or given her a dime .  
 Letting her know in a polite manner her attitude turned me off so bad I couldn't fathom fucking her, was a lesson she needed to learn for her future with real or fake relationships  .  The fifty drove my  point home I was trying to get along , she failed by  testing how much abuse she could put me through .  

   From my perspective the money  was a drop in the bucket  for such an awesome memory.
 How many guys can say they've had a hot naked woman in a building  hallway screaming his  name as he's walking away, after turning her down for sex.  
It was like my best  Karaoke night at the corner bar turned into a sold out show at JFK   .  
In retrospect, when I was walking away  from her nakedness  in the hall screaming my name ,I should have removed  my coat , ripped off my shirt and tossed it over my shoulder to her,  for a Rock star experience.  :-D

-- Modified on 5/16/2014 1:06:59 PM

quick question though  ,   we're there a lot of empty ,  
spaces  ,  in   the   hall way ,

 when she   walked  ,  out naked ,    and    
 ,  she was    screaming your name .??   lol

One lady was nice. Her table only held 300 lb and I weighed a bit North of 400 at the time. The second was an ass about it. She was new and was gone shortly after.

I have walked once because the photos was fakes. No biggie.

After sometime I learned how to avoid these types of encounters.

When you see an unbelievable photo created photo shopping, stay away.  

When a provider’s self description includes words such as “goddess, angel and ethnicity of exotic”, stay away (is exotic a new ethnicity?)

I prefer ordinary people and they don’t disappoint you that often.

some people like exotic girls and don't stay away like you do.  

I suppose you came up with this direct relationship all from your 3 encounters?

And thought it looked cute. He just stood there, laughed, then said he was too nervous and left.  

Never did that again lol

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