TER General Board

Q for providers about reviews...
commanche 2 Reviews 1737 reads

I believe most providers are upset with negative reviews, and even more so if they're made up.  Just wondering, if the review were very complimentary, but never took place, do you care?  Would you ask to have it removed?

the only way we would know that its fake if it included activities that we dont participate in.

potential clients reading the review may assume those activities are available and could possible get angry when they find out that they're not.

it creates an added risk to an already risky situation.

I had this happen to me a few months back.  At the time I only had a few reviews.  Being a low volume provider, I know who is writing my reviews.  I was surprised one day to read a review of me explaining all these things that I never did! Not had I ever seen the hobbyist! He gave me two "10's", but I was pissed to say the least.  I don't need anyone lying for me. I not only got the review removed, I also got him banned.  He was doing a dis-service to everyone by making up stories.


Yes I do, and yes I have.

Several months ago, I got a review that gave me an 8/8. He was very complimentary, but there was one little detail wrong. He said we did something I have never done, even one time. So I knew the review had to be fake. I asked for it to be removed, explained that there was no way it could have happened the way he said it did, and the review was removed.

I love seeing glowing reviews, but I love knowing that I actually earned the high marks I get even more.

It may be little things that clue me in, like the review that said I answered the door in lingerie (nope) and that I poured a glass of red wine in the bedroom (at the time it had white carpet, no!)... or the time I had a Phoenix review although hadn't met any new friends on that trip.

I see so few gentlemen that I can always tell a fake review, even though they have always been nice.  Too many ladies think that a board handle and review history is acceptable for screening.  While I don't condone that method of screening, I do not want any reviews up that can mislead another lady.  

Also, I think it's lame when guys try to game the system for their VIP.  This site is worth every penny a gent may pay for it.

Cheyenna426 reads

YES.... I agree. If I did not earn it, I do not want it. I have been offered a barter in the past for a good review. I declined. I like to see what it is in it's own right, as earned. Fake ones, even if good, will give others the wrong info perhaps. They exist to give you men an idea of what we ladies are like to be with. I do not wsnt to be anything more or less than what I AM.


I'm not one of those girls who really cares much about reviews. Occasionally I feel like I should get more just because it seems to be the thing to do on here, but mostly I'm indifferent.

As for the reviews, they're supposed to give you an idea of what spending time with this lady is like. Of course they are all fictional accounts, but lest one stand out as extremely way out in left field from someone trying to free ride off of your good name (for references purposes) or to gain access to the juicy parts of the reviews then I would have a problem with that. Too often I hear girls tell me, well, I don't keep records (of the 50 pages of reviews they have) but if so and so reviewed me, I'm sure he's fine. Huh? Not fine. If you don't recall, don't rely on a review that could possibly be faked. Not cool. (This is also why I'm such a hard ass about who I accept as references...)

That one rogue review could very well be innocent but it could also be pretty harmful if you think about it...


No screening process is fool proof on either end. I know 2 of my reviews are fake because it states that I offered incall and I never ever offer incall in NYC....NEVER. I'm also a low volume provider and I definitely would have known if I seen these guys before.
After realizing that, I came to the conclusion that getting TER handles as a screening process can be helpful but I wouldn't call it reliable. Cause even though the information provided was absolutely not correct the reviewers had a lot of reviews under the belt which almost legitimizes them I guess. I assumed that were just doing it to get VIP status.

I recently went through this for the first time.  I did ask to have it removed when I found out that I never seen him because I didn't want TER to think I had anything to do with it.
I also ran accross a couple others he did the same thing to. I pm'd them first to find out who he was to see if I knew him and just didn't recognize his handle and they also stated they were never seen him however I have not looked to see if they are still active cause that is not my business. I was a great review actually 9 and 10.  So I pm the guy and he states well I have not actually seen you but I would like to soon when are you free? SO I asked him to take back the review and he stated he couldn't and seeing I really don't know the rules of reviews I emailed TER and they did remove it after a few days and I haven't seen and reviews from him but not really searched either. But weather it be 1 and 2 or 10 and 10 if it never happened it never happened bottom line and people shouldn't take credit for something that never took place.  So I am to gather he was giving reviews to ladies to bank days in membership???

-- Modified on 1/26/2008 9:36:44 AM

If they are fake, misleading or causing some type of issues "take em down"...

I too don't want fake or embellished reviews..
But it is really something I don't have to worry about.. Have seen at least 15 TER reviewers this month and I expect no reviews.. They would not want to jeopardize their standing with their other ladies or get ridiculed by there peers.. Which has already happened once..

Hard enough for a to get a real review so I know I want get fakes ones either...

Thank you ladies for the candid replies, much appreciate your standards.

so looked to see if you were a bbw, or flat out ugly. Not at all!! LOL

Being new to TER (but not "new") I have wondered how many ladies here allow reviews to stay up that are fake. It's nice to see so many saying they would have them taken down.

I've had a couple in the past on other sites and immediately had them removed because I figure the only reason a person would do that is if he is up to no good.

As some of the other ladies mentioned here I am pretty low profile and low volume so I know who has written me every review I've ever received anywhere and always will.

Sometimes I only see one person in a week ..sometimes I might go a couple weeks without seeing anyone, and often I am only seeing regular friends for a long time! Of course other times I might see more, but so few that I would know who was writing me the review.

I think the number one reason to have them removed is for safety reasons for other ladies.

Once someone has posted a few good fake reviews of ladies that are allowed to stay up, "he" can post a bad review of someone else and those other reviews that were left up lend this bad review credibility.

What goes around comes around and I think we should all work to "keep it real" on these boards. :)


it's hard to get them removed too. I have one up right now that is flattering, but made up.  How do I know??  I don't answer the door in lingerie...among other things.

C'est la vie...


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