TER General Board

MasterZen 33 Reviews 304 reads

the key for me is ability to repeat with a gal (local or visiting) that I am attracted to, feel comfortable with, have great chemistry with and who expresses similar sentiments about spending time with me.  

Obviously, local gals are easier to see on a more frequent and "impromptu" basis, while visiting gals require more planning to see, or need to be "invited" to visit and build a trip around seeing me. There is room for all.

I've had a number of favorites over the years, and all fit these criteria. It's about the gal and where/how we spend our time together, not whether she is local or touring per se.

When it comes to their current city, do hobbyist prefer to see a local girl or a visiting girl? Please explain your reasons.

Thank you.

... if I have a great experience I like to see her more than once.  That's much harder to do with visiting providers. Also where I live I'm fortunate to have many top-notch local providers at reasonable rates--so many that I have a long "must-see" list of local ladies, which together with the ladies I see regularly doesn't leave much time (or money) for visiting providers.  

...since they seem to take their appointments more seriously and are less likely to flake or pull a NCNS. I do see local ladies as well but I am much more apprehensive and with them I rely much more on reviews from reliable hobbyists about her commitment to actually showing up.

for repeat visits if we connect. This is not always possible with touring ladies, especially ladies who only visit once or twice a year.

We are fortunate in Florida to have a semi-regular rotation of ladies who will rotate between S. Florida, Naples, Tampa, Orlando and sometimes Jacksonville.

There are some ladies whose posts I have admired over the years and I will visit with them if they come and visit the Sunshine State.  

Similar to keystonekid, I am never inclined to want to see "Last chance! Final tour!" or similar ladies. If it's a fantastic time, I'm actually disappointed that I'll never be able to repeat. If it's not worth repeating, I could have stayed with a local anyway.

Posted By: MsKaeleen
When it comes to their current city, do hobbyist prefer to see a local girl or a visiting girl? Please explain your reasons.
Similar thread from the General Board
Subject: I wish my local providers were as dependable as the touring ones.  
Posted: 2/15/2017 at 10:22:18 AM
Posted by: lopaw

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 6:42:48 PM

In my AO, the local girls suck (no pun intended).  Big city, small market.  I tend to look forward to touring girls as they break up the blandness of the same ole same ole.  Either that or I venture outside of the local parameters and frequent Richmond and or D.C. occasionally.  If your local in NYC, D.C. or L.A. then I can see how you may have a different point of view.  

I don't repeat all that much, but since I travel a great deal on business, If I see a touring provider where I live, I can usually see her in her home city at a later date.

I'm partial to girls from SoCal. I'm in DC, so when I know they're visiting I try to book as much in advance as possible.

whollysh!!433 reads

Yes. It gets tiresome. Lol

Posted By: Hot.Pony.1959
I'm partial to girls from SoCal. I'm in DC, so when I know they're visiting I try to book as much in advance as possible.

Mostly local,  as the material in LA is just awesome! I see the occasional visiting Pornstar if I get the urge!

Well East coast girls are hip
I really dig those styles they wear
And the Southern girls with the way they talk
They knock me out when I'm down there

The Mid-West farmer's daughters really make you feel alright
And the Northern girls with the way they kiss
They keep their boyfriends warm at night

I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California girls

I love California girls. They're materialistic with no pretense about it. I give them my Dodgers Dog, break into my homerun trot, and start searching for the next visiting ad.

Posted By: Hot.Pony.1959
I'm partial to girls from SoCal. I'm in DC, so when I know they're visiting I try to book as much in advance as possible.

Our local providers can be flaky as hell. And in LA of all places! What a surprise! ;)

the key for me is ability to repeat with a gal (local or visiting) that I am attracted to, feel comfortable with, have great chemistry with and who expresses similar sentiments about spending time with me.  

Obviously, local gals are easier to see on a more frequent and "impromptu" basis, while visiting gals require more planning to see, or need to be "invited" to visit and build a trip around seeing me. There is room for all.

I've had a number of favorites over the years, and all fit these criteria. It's about the gal and where/how we spend our time together, not whether she is local or touring per se.

have been my regulars over the years were touring girls, so they would come into town for a month and I would see them once or more a week while they were here and then a different girl would come in the next week.  But I have also enjoyed deeper relationships with girls that were constant in my town for many years.  

ROGM298 reads

Because they're always around when I'm ready to play. And they know what I like to do.

triage261 reads

anyone who is willing to sleep with me honestly

Obviously, it is nice to have a gal whom I click with to be local, but often I meet traveling gals who come around often enough that I get to see them as much as I need to.

It's pretty rare that I session with a visiting lady, although I will do so in certain instances. Longevity is difficult with visiting ladies. Another reason is that my chances to hobby rarely match those of the visiting ladies. Lastly, since I have a high profile job, I don't like visiting hotels in my own city.  

Ladies who have their own incall are high on my priority list, local or out of town. But if a hotel is a must, then an out of town hotel it must be. Rather than the visiting lady, just call me the visiting hobbyist. My travels take me on a 300 mile radius of my city, and my city is centrally located for hobby activities. I did have one traveling atf, but I'd only see her when we were both traveling, never when she was visiting my town. That eventually morphed into me being invited to party at her home, 250 miles away, thus ending the parties when she was on the road.

Posted By: MsKaeleen
When it comes to their current city, do hobbyist prefer to see a local girl or a visiting girl? Please explain your reasons.  
 Thank you.

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