TER General Board

Yes 5k is alot of $$
Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 881 reads

and no many of us do not make that much on a given week.  However we are not usually at someone's beck and call expected to cater to someone else's needs/desires 24/7 including "services rendered" multiple times a day as well.  For me 5k for 5 days would depend on how well I knew the guy, how much freedom he would give me to do what I want to do, as well as if I actually WANTED to go to that location in the 1st place.  Not all money is good money and feeling under paid at only 75$ per waking hour is not a sexy feeling either especially if I am expected to preform over and over and over every day.  No way, I would rather be broke sitting at home making no money then deal with all that.

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 7:46:04 PM

f you knew the guy, and got along pretty well with him, would you go for this pitch?  

"Hey, let's go to XYZ exotic location together for 5 days/4 nights together.  Food, travel, lodging, plus a nominal fee, all included, in exchange for daytime company plus services rendered, as discussed and agreed upon before hand."

It's a long time to be "on the clock" compared to the usual 1 hr, and you'd probably also have to show your real id to someone (airport, hotel, snorkel instructor, etc) at some point.  

On the other hand...you could give someone the vacation of a lifetime, and have a good time yourself, too.  

Ladies, what do you think

as well as my family and/or real job (losing money twice) I will go with my friends and pay my own way. When you typed "nominal fee" that connotes you're trying to get a discount in exchange for a trip. News flash... escorts are PAID to escort you wherever you go, so unless a girl is just desperate for a vacation, I can't see why a provider would go for this especially if you've never met her.  

Now, if you said "Hey, I hear you want to travel to Chicago and I would be willing to pay your expenses in exchange for x, BUT you can still see other clients during the day/night" that's a different story. You're basically saying she can't work and has to be with only you for half her going rate... am I getting this right?  

If so, no way. That's not a vacation to me.

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 5:58:53 PM

Nobody is going anywhere with you for a "nominal fee." Most ladies who do this have a rate structure for it, which contemplates not only the time they have to spend with you (you think of it as them only "working" an hour or two a day but for them it means being "on" every waking hour), but also the opportunity cost of not being able able to take many shorter appointments. It's not a dream vacation for them, it's work. I don't find trade shows fun, even if they're in Cancun; it's work and while there might be a moment or two of enjoyment I would not go if my employer said "hey, you're going to Cancun so we're going to suspend your regular salary and pay you a nominal fee in addition to picking up your expenses, but be sure to schmooze all your drunk clients while you're there." Does that help put things in perspective?

I am all for a barter, but if I want a free vacation I just put an ad up for the city I want to visit lol. Presto... free vacation and I don't have to have someone up my ass 24/7. That's the entire point of being an escort. We don't need anyone to take us on vacation, but if you want to pay for a girl's touring expenses to get her to the city in exchange for x amount of time to make up for that, I can bet many would go for that type of deal because they are not losing money by seeing you that way.

Thanks for the responses, ladies.  

shouldn't have written "nominal fee", obviously sounded like a cheapskate, ha

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 6:32:36 PM

It was with a long time client, been with him since 2009 or so. I went with him on his business trip for 4 days 3 nights. He paid for everything, food, shopping spree, etc etc. I in fact didn't even need my wallet but I did bring my ID. He did give me a few hundred dollars and said here you go. It was much lower than what I would have charged normally. Why did I do it? Because he helped me out years before when I was in a bad situation, actually let me state situationS! I have never been full time doing escorting. There was a long stretch when I was working off and on and then had a civilian job. What I got paid at that job in a week, I could make in half a day as an escort but the job had insurance benefits and other great things that I wanted. I won't go into the things that he helped me out with during those dry times but it was plenty. Not one time did he ever say, well I will do this but you suck my dick or something. Never. Never. Not once. He never even hinted at it. He genuinely wanted to help me and my family and he did. I never forgot that generosity. Being there for me when no one was and helping me to get on my feet, yeah worth it. When he asked about the trip I said let's go! He told me what he would give me. I said ok. I just remembered how he bailed me out without expecting anything extra. Helping me out when I thought that I couldn't get out! It was fine. I went with him twice over two years same deal, same price but what he did for me previously was priceless. :)

PS when he mentioned donation I looked surprised and he said what? You don't think I am going to take you for free, do you? LOL! I said alrighty then and started packing.

Posted By: Arovet
Nobody is going anywhere with you for a "nominal fee." Most ladies who do this have a rate structure for it, which contemplates not only the time they have to spend with you (you think of it as them only "working" an hour or two a day but for them it means being "on" every waking hour), but also the opportunity cost of not being able able to take many shorter appointments. It's not a dream vacation for them, it's work. I don't find trade shows fun, even if they're in Cancun; it's work and while there might be a moment or two of enjoyment I would not go if my employer said "hey, you're going to Cancun so we're going to suspend your regular salary and pay you a nominal fee in addition to picking up your expenses, but be sure to schmooze all your drunk clients while you're there." Does that help put things in perspective?

Not sure why anyone would pay $ 5k for anyone's time like this.  But I've seen these OP's for years.

Honestly, the only person I could/would spend 5 days with and few distractions is myself.  I can't imagine having to entertain anyone for 5 days.  At any price.

Posted By: London Rayne
Sounds like a deal I would give my ex husband (S) lol. E.

Well yah. They suck at being husbands or boyfriends, but make great sugar daddies. I dig it. They want the vagina and no drama, and I want the money... done deal. There is always a way to compromise ha ha.

VOO-doo668 reads

on the cheap side to me, but it really depends upon on her market, and how busy she is.  

Unless I REALLY like the client AND the location, I'd rather be at home, even when offered $1k/day.  

When I did incall in NYC, $1k was my 2-hour rate. It wasn't often that I had $1k worth of dates every day for 5 days straight, but it did happen. I could plausibly make $5k in a week, by spending 10-15 hours working (compared to 120 hours = 5 days)  

In other markets, $5k for 5 days might be more attractive. And, if a girl really needs the money, I'm sure she'd jump at any chance to make $5k.

However, whether she accepts or not...if she doesn't feel that she's being paid a fair rate, she's going to be HELL for any client to spend time with for that length of time. Especially after the snoring and sleeplessness, and he pinches her butt in public AGAIN. LOL

And your description of a typical week for someone at 500/hr is reasonable.  However unless she's got confirmed gigs that would be unusual for her, 5k for a week is huge.

Honestly it seems most gals would only do the 5 day gig if they had some schmuck drop some serious coin.  At least the gals that I know well won't do this unless the money is serious.

Your other post clearly explains why.

Could you imagine being stuck with Dr Who for 5 days?  I can't imagine being stuck with me for 5 days either  ;)

Posted By: VOO-doo
on the cheap side to me, but it really depends upon on her market, and how busy she is.  
 Unless I REALLY like the client AND the location, I'd rather be at home, even when offered $1k/day.  
 When I did incall in NYC, $1k was my 2-hour rate. It wasn't often that I had $1k worth of dates every day for 5 days straight, but it did happen. I could plausibly make $5k in a week, by spending 10-15 hours working (compared to 120 hours = 5 days)  
 In other markets, $5k for 5 days might be more attractive. And, if a girl really needs the money, I'm sure she'd jump at any chance to make $5k.  
 However, whether she accepts or not...if she doesn't feel that she's being paid a fair rate, she's going to be HELL for any client to spend time with for that length of time. Especially after the snoring and sleeplessness, and he pinches her butt in public AGAIN. LOL.  

VOO-doo484 reads

I can't imagine why anybody would want to be stuck with me for 5 days, either. If I'm home all day, even for just one day...my pet is like, GET THE FUCK OUT of my living room. OK, you can feed me, but then PLEASE just GET LOST.

The only people with whom I've spent that amount of time are my parents...and yet, all those years I wondered why they were so tolerant of me playing outside for hours...

Why clients pay to spend 3+ days with a person (and even get plaintive when she goes to the bathroom) is incomprehensible.

I need so much alone time and forget sleeping with someone...nope separate rooms so I can sleep. even dating in real life, I need to sleep and alone is the best. I really can't tolerate too much time around people and that's with peeps  I really like. I am more quality versus quantity.

VOO-doo749 reads

The only time I have ever felt differently, was when I was in the first stages of LOVE (or more accurately, infatuation). That's when I can't get enough of someone, to the point that I don't even care about sleep.... that wears off after, like, a month.  

I'd hate to think that any client felt like that about me, if there was no chance I'd return his feelings. I don't encourage or desire that.

I get bored after 6 months. That is now my duration for a "relationship". Much longer and I just lose complete interest.  

That is a great reason not to do this as some guys just don't understand that boundary especially when chemicals get involved and if it is not reciprocated, it is all the more annoying.

I don't want to sleep with anyone but myself.  I will not subject anyone to waking up with me. I'm really, really selfish.  Alone time is good.

I swear the looks I get when I get up and get dressed to go home...this is civvie shit I am talking about. I love my space and my bed and my bathroom. I have no problem leaving at an ungodly hour just to be alone.

I sleep in the middle of the bed so god help the poor person who wants the 12 inches on either side cause I am not moving.

and no many of us do not make that much on a given week.  However we are not usually at someone's beck and call expected to cater to someone else's needs/desires 24/7 including "services rendered" multiple times a day as well.  For me 5k for 5 days would depend on how well I knew the guy, how much freedom he would give me to do what I want to do, as well as if I actually WANTED to go to that location in the 1st place.  Not all money is good money and feeling under paid at only 75$ per waking hour is not a sexy feeling either especially if I am expected to preform over and over and over every day.  No way, I would rather be broke sitting at home making no money then deal with all that.

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 7:46:04 PM

Most of the gals I know don't do them...simply because of the issues of not being able to breathe.

Those that do them are quite picky about the type/length and with whom they go with.

As I've said a couple of times on this thread...I can't stand being with me for 5 days...I wouldn't impose that on anyone else.

Those gals that have done the overseas trips (@Main1984)...the stories they've shared with me about the trip solidifies my opinion on why no one should ever consider dropping anything serious for a gal to go.  The only times those types of trips panned out (from the gals that I know) seems to be with guys who liked to do their thing...and gals who liked to do their thing.  Meet up for dinner later and maybe...maybe...maybe some playtime.

But I guess the guys who seek this are looking for something that I'll never really wrap my head around.  Fortunately most gals are like you...and simply pass on this.  

Posted By: Sage of Chicago
and no many of us do not make that much on a given week.  However we are not usually at someone's beck and call expected to cater to someone else's needs/desires 24/7 including "services rendered" multiple times a day as well.  For me 5k for 5 days would depend on how well I knew the guy, how much freedom he would give me to do what I want to do, as well as if I actually WANTED to go to that location in the 1st place.  Not all money is good money and feeling under paid at only 75$ per waking hour is not a sexy feeling either especially if I am expected to preform over and over and over every day.  No way, I would rather be broke sitting at home making no money then deal with all that.

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 7:46:04 PM

Or charge him every time he wants to get laid.

If some moron pays a gal $ 5k for a 5 day gig...that's typically 4x (or more) than what she'd earn sitting at home doing nothing.  I understand that you (or any gal) would want XXX for the inconvenience of pretending to like the guy and have pretend fun for that timeframe.

But honestly...what expenses could you (or any gal) possibly be expecting on such an excursion?

I trust the fool paying a gal to go on this trip is going to pay travel expenses...including air/food/room.  But expenses....seriously????

If you don't have these 5k, this doesn't mean that other person doesn't. I am sorry, but it sounds that you simply doesn't have it. Then make it and after we will discuss the value of the money and what a fair amount is for someone time and companionship. What will happen if you win a lottery? You still be whining on these boards or you through the party with blackjack and ladies? Oh common, enlighten

Now I'm waiting to see if I can collect on an outstanding bet.  Then it'll be off to McD's for a feast fit for a King  LOL

BTW...I don't play the lottery.  Well, I did a couple of times when it was over $ 450M.  But with those odds I needed to be struck by lightning twice in one day...it didn't happen  :(

You really should meet my friend Inicky46.  I think you two would get along really well.  He's got a HHHUUUUGGGEEE wallet  ;)

Posted By: utrforever
If you don't have these 5k, this doesn't mean that other person doesn't. I am sorry, but it sounds that you simply doesn't have it. Then make it and after we will discuss the value of the money and what a fair amount is for someone time and companionship. What will happen if you win a lottery? You still be whining on these boards or you through the party with blackjack and ladies? Oh common, enlighten

And what do you do with the money? They are just working?

Make a suggestion...I'm all ears  ;)

Posted By: utrforever
And what do you do with the money? They are just working?

You are doing some math lacking oxygen. And this thing of ours is more delicate, there is a human factor in it. And I would say 5000 for 5 days is what it is worth.

"Hey, let's go to XYZ exotic location together for 5 days/4 nights together.  Food, travel, and lodging are all included, in exchange for daytime company plus services rendered, as discussed and agreed upon before hand.  What would be your rate?"

Even then, I think there's still too much in the air for an informed decision.  Let's say you're proposing that time to be in Aruba during the middle of winter to a lady from Chicago.  If she went alone the airfare is $1400, lodging is $700 and food + drinks another $500 for a total of $2600 in value and she doesn't have to deal with any clients if she doesn't want to.  How much would she be compensated for dealing with the same client 5 days in a row?  Bear in mind, if he's paying he's still a client - this ain't no date!

You might get lucky and find someone who's interested in seeing a city on her bucket list, or attending a show/event that is off limits otherwise (cost, qualifications, connections, etc) who would discount her rate in exchange for that deal.

From a cost standpoint it's likely cheaper to find local talent at your destination.  But it sounds like you want a travel buddy to soak up the sights and sounds with you, to share in that moment.  That's great so long as you can keep the client boundary intact when it's over - this ain't no date!

When I used "if he's still paying" that was not meant to imply he might not paying.  Instead, it was to trigger the connection that it's not a lovey-dovey romance of the heart type of event.  Just because someone has a provider join them on a vacation does not mean it's a real romance, and the client should respect those boundaries both during and after their time together.

So yeah, he's still paying for the expenses during the date, plus an agreed upon amount for her time.  It's up to the two of them to work out how the charges are paid, whether it's on his bill/credit card each time, or perhaps he's a "kept man" during the date and they settle up afterwards.

Is that something that immaterial? Or time frame and circumstances dictate that so and so costs money? There is mere no difference between love story and paid date. Love story usually costs more. Do not be so serious. Credit-debit cards. Everything will be just fine.

Ok, in all honesty... if any of you can get me VIP passes to the next Breaking Benjamin concert when the new album is released in June and touring starts, I will do whatever you want bwhahahaha. Just sayin.

for something like that, hire a foreign gal if money is a concern, it will save you a bundle.  Loved Arovet's reply, only thing that makes my conferences tolerable, regardless of where they are, is the P4P 😄

(of a price, consideration, etc.) named as a mere matter of form, being trifling in comparison with the actual value; minimal.

Why would I accept far less to go somewhere that I can send myself anytime I'd like AND lose out on work/money here? Vacation trips are far more "work" than overnights, which are a lot, and far more than a 4-hour dinner/dessert date. I'm expected to be wet & ready 24/7. Why would I take a "nominal" fee for that? I don't care how well we get along or how long we've known each other. In fact, that would probably piss me off more, thinking the guy is trying to get a deal based on whatever pseudo-relationship we've built up to that point. There is nothing that turns me off more than a regular asking for a discount...

My website is pretty clear. I do discount for multiple days, however, the price is the price, no matter where we go or what we do ; )

Posted By: SpikeBob
 If you knew the guy, and got along pretty well with him, would you go for this pitch?    
 "Hey, let's go to XYZ exotic location together for 5 days/4 nights together.  Food, travel, lodging, plus a nominal fee, all included, in exchange for daytime company plus services rendered, as discussed and agreed upon before hand."  
 It's a long time to be "on the clock" compared to the usual 1 hr, and you'd probably also have to show your real id to someone (airport, hotel, snorkel instructor, etc) at some point.    
 On the other hand...you could give someone the vacation of a lifetime, and have a good time yourself, too.  
 Ladies, what do you think?  

joecarter789 reads

Many businesses show appreciation for repeat business and, since you have made it clear that this is just a business to you, why would you get pissed if a regular asked for a discount?  Like you, he is merely treating the transaction as a business deal  and looking for the best deal possible.  You can't have it both ways.  Therefore it is unreasonable to be offended and hurt by an attempted negotiation.

I have grown quite fond of a few provider friends, I was just reminded by you that it is likely a one-way thing . . . but then, I always pay the full amount, do 3 hour dates, do not take grandfathering and tip well so I stay at the top of the list.
Thanks for the reminder sweetie that this is a business and nothing more.

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 10:35:08 AM

Newsflash: It's not a real relationship since I had to spell it out for you. And yes, asking me for a discount is rate haggling, which I'll have no part of. It's cheap and fucking plain ass rude. My rates are not negotiable. To think because you've seen me before earns you some right in the form of a discount is purely idiotic. I'm not a large corporations giving out freebies, dude.

Actually, I can and do have it both ways. This is my JOB, how I make money, and I've yet to give a discount. My time doesn't depreciate for repeats. If he WANTS to see me again, he's going to pay for it, otherwise I move on to fill up my calendar with plenty of others that will.

This is indeed a business, my JOB, but it doesn't mean I treat gentleman like a transaction. If I did, I wouldn't have the ratings I do. But you're fooling yourself if you think it's any more than that with any of the women you see. You want the goodies, she wants the money, otherwise, neither of you would be there. Doesn't mean it can't be genuine, or enjoyable, but it has to stay no-strings, i.e. "Pseudo"...

Thanks for the reminder sweetie that some of you still just don't get it.

Posted By: joecarter
Many businesses show appreciation for repeat business and, since you have made it clear that this is just a business to you, why would you get pissed if a regular asked for a discount?  Like you, he is merely treating the transaction as a business deal  and looking for the best deal possible.  You can't have it both ways.  Therefore it is unreasonable to be offended and hurt by an attempted negotiation.  
 I have grown quite fond of a few provider friends, I was just reminded by you that it is likely a one-way thing . . . but then, I always pay the full amount, do 3 hour dates, do not take grandfathering and tip well so I stay at the top of the list.  
 Thanks for the reminder sweetie that this is a business and nothing more.

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 10:35:08 AM

"Daytime companionship" + "services rendered" = work. You gotta pay for that, dude.

VOO-doo572 reads

It depends upon the client, upon what else I have going on (classes, other work), and especially, it depends upon the ‘nominal fee’. The location doesn’t really matter, as I do travel on my own time to places of my own choosing. I’m a very idiosyncratic traveler, in terms of where I like to go, and how I like to spend my time. I prefer traveling alone and staying in non-turistic, inexpensive locations. I like doing things on my own schedule, according to my own whims. So even if you’re literally offering me a week on a luxury private yacht in the Mediterranean, with stops in several famous European cities…I won’t be able to spend it the way I’d like to, had I been left up to my own devices. To me, it will feel like a Las Vegas casino must feel to one of those hostesses…cool atmosphere, cool guy, great perks, but I’m at WORK! I’m here to entertain my client all night at the poker tables…I can’t play, myself.

That’s not to say I can’t have fun with you, or enjoy the vacation. I don’t mean to make it sound like it’s 100% a forced march, because I can definitely have a great time. But, I’m still there to make you happy, and I know that I will have to ‘earn’ my keep. So even if you tell me that you are fine with us doing ‘my thing’ for a few hours…you don’t really mean that. What you want, is to feel like you’re treating me, so that I won’t be ‘working’ for you. For instance, if *I* really want to go hiking, but you’re 200 pounds overweight, I'll suggest something else. I’m there to make YOU happy, I know the deal (and, if I’m hiking, I’d rather go alone anyway). And even if you let me hike by myself for a few hours while you took care of work emails…I’d meet you for dinner, for ‘you’ time, without being able to extend the evening according to my desires…I couldn’t relax, I couldn’t take a nap, couldn’t sort out my photos. Couldn’t just go to bed in a relaxed frame of mind with my last memory being of trees and rocks.  

Also, it depends upon how I feel about the client. There are clients I’d be thrilled to see for an extended date. But, I refused a client for an overnight last spring because I knew he would be too much for me to tolerate. Furthermore - no matter how much I like the client, I will resent the hell out of him, if I’m spending several days/hours in his company and feel cranky and underpaid.  

My advice: Does she have a weekend, weekly, daily, or overnight rate on her site? If so, make a reasonable offer based upon those parameters. If she does have a 3-day rate, but you feel that she should take less due to some unusual circumstance (you’ll take her shopping on Faubourg Saint Honore, or something similar), then explain that and give her room to make a counteroffer. (Personally, I hate shopping, but I’d be happy to sell the clothing on ebay).  

Also, I’d do at least an overnight to gauge things out. A dinner date might not be enough to give you an idea of what she’ll be like over such a long period of time (especially a sleepover). For instance, I had a semi-regular client I’d been seeing since January. He’d booked a few dinner dates, and then pulled the trigger on an overnight. The guy was fine…not my favorite, but not horrible company. We had enough commonalities to have a good time together, especially with some alcohol thrown into the mix…

However, the overnight was ghastly (for me). He’d ‘missed’ me, and chided me for ‘putting distance between us’ as I hadn’t been chatty enough in between appointments. He also wanted to touch me and lay upon me, all night. Now, I anticipate some cuddling before bed, and before/after morning playtime…however, in 98% of the overnights I’ve done, sleepy time is sleepy time, and we each respect the need for the other person to sleep in his/her own space, unpoked and free to turn over without being weighed down by another person’s entire body weight. (That’s not just with clients…that’s also how it was with all of my real-life boyfriends). Obviously, not everybody is on the same page, so you need to see if you and she can literally sleep and wake up together…without her wanting to BITE you, or you her (and not in a fun way, lol).

...merely flippant dismissive replies (truth be told, this is much more of a Newbie Board type question).
I'm impressed with the thought - and restraint - that went into this!
Well done.

Pink_Panties833 reads

Say you are a freelancer.  Let's say, you build fences for a living.

A lady who's fence you built told you that she'd like to go to the Caribbean for 5 days and offers to pay you one day's typical income and she'll pay the trip.  Would you go for it?

Well, it depends!  Do you find the lady attractive?  Do you like her?  Are you embarrassed to be seen with her in public (people will think you're dating afterall.) Do you NEED a vacation badly?  Do you have enough money on reserve to afford a vacation?  What if you have ample money where her proposal isn't really of value to you?  (Ex: you'd prefer to choose your own vacation destination and your travel partner.)

So to answer your question, it totally depends on who is asking, how much they're paying, and if I want to go.  I have done vacation arrangements, and I have turned them down.

Main1984548 reads

Recently I mentioned to my ATF about spending a week in London together. She was very excited about the idea (we're both anglophiles). It hasn't moved forward to the point of discussing her rate, but I was anticipating somewhere in the neighborhood of $20,000 to $30,000.

I looked at the rates of various top providers for multi-hour sessions, all day, and overnight. Most have a pattern for discounting longer and longer times.  

I don't know if that amount would be acceptable to most providers who are in the $350 to $500 per hour range.

Offer her a few thousand to go...she'll be happy to take it.

Pay her 20-30k and you better work out a 6 month SD gig...or you've so horrifically overpaid for this.  And even if she agrees to fuck you a few times a month for the next 6+ months...you better hope she doesn't get tired of you and just keep the money (ironically right after your trip is over).

Heck...do what a good SD does...pay her monthly.  And at her hourly rates you can work out a great deal for a couple thousand a month for weekly fuckfests.

Maybe ask around backchannel anyone who's seen your gal for a trip.  Don't be the moron that looks back in a year to find out that she went with some other dude for $ 3k for the week to Rome!!

Posted By: Main1984
Recently I mentioned to my ATF about spending a week in London together. She was very excited about the idea (we're both anglophiles). It hasn't moved forward to the point of discussing her rate, but I was anticipating somewhere in the neighborhood of $20,000 to $30,000.  
 I looked at the rates of various top providers for multi-hour sessions, all day, and overnight. Most have a pattern for discounting longer and longer times.  
 I don't know if that amount would be acceptable to most providers who are in the $350 to $500 per hour range.

Main1984673 reads

If it happens, I'll start at $3K and see if she laughs. I paid twice that for four hours, though, and she got to go home to her dog.

You comment that you were looking at gals in the 300-500 range.  So let's use 500x4=2000.

Why in the hell are you paying "twice that" (assuming you paid her 3000x2=6000).

Would you like my PayPal account info so you can send me some money for this remedial math issue?  I'll only charge you 20x the norm...and I guess you'll think it's a bargain?

Hell....send me that fee and I'll send over your new ATF for 2 hours.  And I'll still make out like a bandit.  But that would make me a pimp...yeah, I can live with that  ;)

Posted By: Main1984
If it happens, I'll start at $3K and see if she laughs. I paid twice that for four hours, though, and she got to go home to her dog.

If he finds that his money is well spent, that means that they are spent well

Will you take me to McD's and spend $ 750 for a Big Mac?

I guess with your logic you just might...but alas...you don't have any money.

Talk with my friend Inicky46...he wants so badly to hear from you.

Posted By: utrforever
If he finds that his money is well spent, that means that they are spent well

But I'll pay 10 if I really want to eat.

Main1984521 reads

I could fuck up a cup of coffee tonight.  

I paid half that for four hours.  

Ya gotta admit, though, I provided some entertainment.

she might be the type to up her offer if she considers the 1st offer insulting.  6grand for 4hrs is 1500hr, not in line with a 300-500$ pro by any means.  Good luck with your offer

First there is no "normal" in this game.

Honestly...I can absolutely assure you that the gal that can command 10-15k for a week is quite the anomaly.  As well the dude who would consider dropping that type of coin is just as rare.

Main1984 suggested gals charging 350-500/hr.  YOU know that for a gal to make that in a week is a rarity...I mean like once in a lifetime for that dollar range.  As well she's working every day and seeing quite a few johns to make that.  

Let's try and pretend there is some level of logic here...not create some unrealistic number that you and most of your friends would never ever make in a week...ever.

not sure why you didn't get it from my last post but hun, there is a huge difference between what a lady would make at home in a given week and what she would charge to go on a trip with someone.  If she wanted to just make what she normally would in a given week she would stay at home and make it.  If she gets asked on a trip to cater to a guest and spend 24/7 with him because she would not be doing that at home.  

You are paying her to be away from her home, family, friends and people she would like to spend time with.  Even if she likes you and likes you alot, why would a lady say fuck it just don't pay me I want to go and fuck you for free or for what I would have made at home to take me away from everyone I care about.  That sounds stupid to me.  

I am not talking about my friends per se, my set tends to be more hourly then upward(though I do many over nights at over a grand per), but I know many ladies back channel who have commanded 10k+ for a week or so away.  You can't say it doesn't happen, because it does though it may be rare for a guy to commit to that much time.  Generally I have heard for 2-4day trips generally priced around 1.5-2k a day, and yes, they are getting it

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 10:28:26 PM

That's what my post was commenting on.  I know quite a few gals who command some serious coin for rates.  I also know quite a few in the mid range of 300-500/hr.  Ironically the stories of vacation gigs comes up from time to time...and being they seem to like to talk to me...I'll reiterate that for ANY gal to get 15k+ for a week is so rare...that I'll  still consider it a "once in a lifetime" for nearly every gal here.

Also, most gals can get a few thousand for that 2-4 day gig.  The smarter gals can also get the guy to pay more for less.  But again...and I concur with you 1,000% for any gal to spend multi-day's is a tough gig for a gal.

I can tell you that I have no interest in spending multi-days with anyone.  But others do...and as Main1984 posted are naive as to what gals would really take for the trips.

One story I heard not long ago was from a gal who went on a 5 day trip with a guy who cried about his divorce problems.  She made a serious concession to this "poor guy".  Well, she gets back and asks if I can see her as "rent is due".  I ask her why she only charged the guy a few hour rate for the trip...and she tells me the above story.  The guy then went on to see many many gals other than the one he "hoodwinked".  Her story is not unusual unfortunately.  You may know who the guy was (is).

Posted By: Sage of Chicago
not sure why you didn't get it from my last post but hun, there is a huge difference between what a lady would make at home in a given week and what she would charge to go on a trip with someone.  If she wanted to just make what she normally would in a given week she would stay at home and make it.  If she gets asked on a trip to cater to a guest and spend 24/7 with him because she would not be doing that at home.    
 You are paying her to be away from her home, family, friends and people she would like to spend time with.  Even if she likes you and likes you alot, why would a lady say fuck it just don't pay me I want to go and fuck you for free or for what I would have made at home to take me away from everyone I care about.  That sounds stupid to me.    
 I am not talking about my friends persey, my set tends to be more hourly then upward(though I do many over nights at over a grand per), but I know many ladies back channel who have commanded 10k+ for a week or so away.  You can't say it doesn't happen, because it does though it may be rare for a guy to commit to that much time.  Generally I have heard for 2-4day trips generally priced around 1.5-2k a day, and yes, they are getting it

Simple offer and acceptance (or nonacceptance).  John should figure out what it's worth to him to have Jane accompany him on a vacation.  Once the offer is made Jane can either refuse outright or counter-offer.  And we go from there.   John needs to be prepared for her to say no, but such is life...  I have no doubt if the answer is no, that one woman's floor will be another woman's ceiling if he keeps looking. It's just a matter of how important female companionship is to him for a few days compared to a little extra salad in his bank account

May indeed contact the dude with a request to still "make it happen".

Usually that happens when she realized that rent is due in a week, damn car has some issues, kid(s) need braces and so on.

I don't begrudge anyone to get the most they can for being in what is arguably a very uncomfortable position.  And in spite of guys thinking this is a "vacation"....if they only knew what most gals babble about the trip to others..they'd never ever consider wasting a dime on this.

The guy is better off taking his dog...and then hiring a hooker (and the rates in Europe/Asia are lower than most here...by a lot in certain areas) for his evening fun.

Posted By: Joe Christmas
Simple offer and acceptance (or nonacceptance).  John should figure out what it's worth to him to have Jane accompany him on a vacation.  Once the offer is made Jane can either refuse outright or counter-offer.  And we go from there.   John needs to be prepared for her to say no, but such is life...  I have no doubt if the answer is no, that one woman's floor will be another woman's ceiling if he keeps looking. It's just a matter of how important female companionship is to him for a few days compared to a little extra salad in his bank account

I would say it is only not the norm because it is not normal for a guy to commit to a longer time frame(unless he is trying to get one over on the lady), usually the girls I have heard about with extended multi day dates are doing 2-4days and not a full week.  There is at least 1 lady that regularly gets 10k for week trips, I can't remember her name off the top of my head though but I have heard about her via BC and her VERY successful business model.

As far as the douche you are talking about at the end, no idea but he took advantage MAJORLY and should have a warning sent out so no one falls for it again,  Likely whatever lady it was that it happened to I either was not keeping an eye on the PO board those days or she kept the info from everyone because she was embarrassed.  

I have heard horror stories about these trips too.  One of my past GF's went to a B&B with a guest and he wanted to get more serious, she declined him again and so he attempted to kill himself during the stay.  Personally there can also be some lines crossed when you spend that much time with some one and that is not a place I want to be either.  

Sorry for all the run on sentences.  I think fast so sometimes it doesn't translate well as I try to write it all out.

Ahem, about those VIP passes to Breaking Benjamin?

if it is someone I don't know or don't know well then I have a rate for that though I do tend to allow a little negotiation if the trip entices me.   If I know the guest well, and he knows it is somewhere I want to go then likely he would get a deal on my time but there are limits there as well.  

However with any multi-day trip I have certain needs to, like I prefer a separate bed because it is hard to sleep with someone touching me or snoring loudly in my ear and if I am not rested you will be dealing with hell on heels and not the normal sweet Sage.  Personal time too, now if you pay full rate then personal time besides showering alone to wash my hair and body and then making up time hit the fan.  However if I choose to give you a deal because it is a place I want to see/go, that means I want to see it and do things there.  

If I know the guy well sometimes I will only charge the over night rate because those are the only hours I would be available for hanky panky, and I expect to be able to do my sight seeing, snorkleing, and shopping during the day.  If you want to join, cool but whining is not fun either and certainly does not set a sexy mood at the end of the day.

That is just my take though.  As providers we have a right to offer whatever we like at whatever price we like.  On trips I consider the price or the room and travel my travel fee since traveling takes extensive time as well and well I dislike driving and flying.

FYI, I didn't read anything but the first post. Going to do that now, haha!

We have an agreed upon per day rate that is equivelent to a multi hour and all food and lodging is on him. I handle airfare unless we are able to travel together. But I still plan on working, which is always fine, and doing what I want; the together activities are often agreed upon over breakfast. All in all not bad, we have had this set up for a while. For me, it is a vacation with perks. Bonus if I get to pick the location which has happened also.  

Planning on an overseas trip with another gentleman and capping my rate at a weekend. Airfare, lodging, and meals covered by him. It's a shorter trip and I will be tired after traveling but I am factoring in not being able to take appointments while I am there nor a few days once I get back.  

If I want to go and it is an awesome opportunity, I will go and make everything reasonable for the guy. Plus I am not delusional that I will make tons of money in those few days I am gone. Lol! If I make my month from one trip and still schedule my regulars in another week either before it after I go away I am still doing good.

I once took a slightly-more-than-nominal rate to go out for a few days on a well known private yacht.  However, it was with a regular overnight client.

I'm accepting a slightly-more-than-nominal rate to spend a couple of weeks sailing around Croatia this summer. Again, with a regular overnight client.

Basically, a generic good time?  I'd rather work then pay cash.  However, if she has a weakness, you can possibly exploit that.  Lol

There are many factors at play, but the provider's lost income is perhaps the most important.  If you have a regular with a good connection and you take her to a great place and pamper her, she may cut you some slack in her price.  The best opportunity probably would be with a part-time provider who has a day job and gets paid vacation.  

Your expectations also are a big factor.  If you expect constant companionship and/or multiple rounds every day, that is very pricey.  If you give her free time and/or agree to only 1-2 hours of play per day, she may cut you a deal.  But if she can  make $1,000 per day, for example, at home, she's still going to want close to that while away.

That said, there is a huge variation.  Some women who like to travel will negotiate.  Those who like you may negotiate.  But "nominal fee" almost certainly will be insufficient.  "Moderate fee" may work with some.  In most cases, you'll spend less overall if you vacation by yourself and pay for companionship at home for a couple of hours per day.

...comes with paid leave but meh the job of an escort doesn't exactly come with that benefit.  
I'm going to Hawaii in late October and looking to do Japan next year. I can pay for that easy myself....even if a client covers a vacation and other expenses I'm guessing he'll also want quite a bit of "service" so um yeah that'll be extra (lol).

Loved it.  

But it was just one guy and we could laugh at dead baby jokes together. Happens all the time friend

Too much time to be on the clock. A nominal fee? That might cover my extended time away from home, however I would charge every time we had sex my normal rate. He is also paying for the extended company and someone to do shit with.  

Personally I would not even do an overnight let alone say 5 days. So the above if more hypothetical than ever a reality.

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 8:01:08 PM

I think you have used the exact right word, now if ladies applied that.... lol

But which one would?

I suggest looking for someone who WANTS to go there.
And your EXACT expectations in fine print.

"Nominal"..... indeed.



Posted By: SpikeBob
 If you knew the guy, and got along pretty well with him, would you go for this pitch?    
 "Hey, let's go to XYZ exotic location together for 5 days/4 nights together.  Food, travel, lodging, plus a nominal fee, all included, in exchange for daytime company plus services rendered, as discussed and agreed upon before hand."  
 It's a long time to be "on the clock" compared to the usual 1 hr, and you'd probably also have to show your real id to someone (airport, hotel, snorkel instructor, etc) at some point.    
 On the other hand...you could give someone the vacation of a lifetime, and have a good time yourself, too.  
 Ladies, what do you think?  
-- Modified on 5/5/2015 8:20:06 AM

Posted By: FoxyNC
I think you have used the exact right word, now if ladies applied that.... lol  
 But which one would?  
 I suggest looking for someone who WANTS to go there.  
 And your EXACT expectations in fine print.  
 "Nominal"..... indeed.  
Posted By: SpikeBob
  If you knew the guy, and got along pretty well with him, would you go for this pitch?    
  "Hey, let's go to XYZ exotic location together for 5 days/4 nights together.  Food, travel, lodging, plus a nominal fee, all included, in exchange for daytime company plus services rendered, as discussed and agreed upon before hand."  
  It's a long time to be "on the clock" compared to the usual 1 hr, and you'd probably also have to show your real id to someone (airport, hotel, snorkel instructor, etc) at some point.    
  On the other hand...you could give someone the vacation of a lifetime, and have a good time yourself, too.    
  Ladies, what do you think?  
-- Modified on 5/5/2015 8:20:06 AM

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