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Yes the ladies should do that
sassysinfullady See my TER Reviews 2991 reads

I just hate to make the man feel like it is a job. yes this has happened to me and i will do better at checking. It is funny when i get paid i don't feel used if i get ripped off i feel used.  BUt i do like being used( know what i mean) lol. BE-GOOD-I-TRY-TO  sassy (orlando Fl)

Just received an email from my ATF and she mentioned that she got ripped off from a “Gentlemen” for a three hour date.  She didn’t go into details but naturally she was very upset about it.  I have seen her several times now and even on our first date she only  glanced at the donation I set down.  Not to mention that she is a sweet lady who provides an excellent encounter.

I know many ladies get ripped off she is not the first or the last. I remember reading one went so far as to cut out pieces of paper the size of a bill and placed it in a envelope (must have thought he was devilishly clever) but in the words of Turko “It ain’t right”.

Like any business person, it is up to the provider to check that proper compensation is made. For the women who like it in a white envelope and don't want to look at it, that's their issue and their own naivety if they are short-changed.
I understand that it does make it seem business like and that's awkward.
But the providers I know manage to send you to the bathroom to get yourself ready -and during that time -look at the cash to make sure its all there.  
Personally, I think that's the smart way to go.

BobbitTheHobbit3152 reads

A provider should always check the donation envelop before delivering services, unless the client is one that has been seen before and is trusted. There are discrete ways of making the check.

Arizona Angel4725 reads

You can get ripped off by regulars too. It has happened to several girls. You should always get paid up front and I hate to say it but count it too. The guys know there is a time for business and a time for fun. I don't think anyone would be offended by you collecting and counting early on, unless they are trying to hide something. Besides it is always nice to get it over with and get on to all the fun stuff... like naked wrestling in the sheets :)

I am surprised by the number of ladies I have seen who don't count the money (di Monet, di Monet).  If they "know" me, that's a different issue, but when I am a just-another-john, to me it would only be common sense.  Even if a Macy's cashier got to know me, I would think she would count the money I hand her.  It's not insulting -- it's common sense.

I'm glad you pointed that out Psycho,

I understand it being necessary, but I always hate when they count the donation right at the top of the hour for concern of LE and creating that nervous, tense moment ruining the whole GFE atmosphere. One of the best ways I have seen of dealing with the transaction is to never acknowledge the envelope until after the festivites, any concern of LE should be eliminated by then. But also, stash the cash (or at least check the envelope) when he is cleaning up afterwards, to make certain she receives payment before he leaves the room. I even had one lady insist I wait until afterwards to set down my envelope and even then did not check it  before I left. I imagine fear of LE had to be the reason for this.

i might do the odd random check of the envelope, when my client is not looking, but for the most part i do not, for a few reasons.
1. i trust the universe and my instincts, i am sure they are what lead me to do the odd check.
2. i did not start providing until i was 32, and i plan to apply to the BAR here in a few years, needless to say a record would be bad, i have been married twice and had a half a dozen boyfriends and one or two poor decisions made under the influence. Put bluntly, it's not like i had not "put out" for free before and i can live with that compared to the alternative.
BUT i do make sure my purse and valueables are put away, my money is well hidden away from my purse, especially when i visit large cities.
i also express my gratitude to the gents and the universe; i am surly no more worthy than any others of the good fortune i have had, acknowledging that has so much to do with abundance continuing to flow in my life.

Love and light

I just hate to make the man feel like it is a job. yes this has happened to me and i will do better at checking. It is funny when i get paid i don't feel used if i get ripped off i feel used.  BUt i do like being used( know what i mean) lol. BE-GOOD-I-TRY-TO  sassy (orlando Fl)

Sounds like this guy was another d*ckhead who will make providers more suspicious and demanding (e.g. counting money in front of a hobbyist).  Thanks a**hole.

I spoke with one of the ladies I saw, (after we had finished up) and she said that she just glances at it, and can tell from the thickness of the stack that it looks correct.  She also said that she had never been ripped off, but had friends that were.  It was at her place, and I just dropped a folded stack of bills on her table as I walked in the room.

It's a shame that there are people out there that agree to something and then feel the need to get more than was bargained for.  It's one thing to get home and realize that the cashier gave you $0.25 too much change; it's another thing entirely to set out to cheat someone or their money, or time.

This is a tricky one.  It's funny I was thinking of this topic.  This was actually discussed with a lady a saw recently.

As someone mentioned, it is one thing if they know you (either have met before or by reputation) but another if they haven't before.

It is important to be sure that the correct amount is enclosed in the envelope.  It could be counted discretely...discretion being important. It was a good thing that it was during my last date.  There was a misunderstanding between the lady and I about the donation due.  I shorted her a little bit.  Let me assure you it was not done on purpose.  I have seen her several times before and she can certainly vouch for my character as can other ladies.  I was very embarassed and rectified it.

Be careful.

I posted about this quite a while ago but I'll tell it again

I had an especially memorable experience with someone who I had just met that time and while she was in the bathroom afterward I picked up the envelope to add a tip...while I'm holding the envelope I suddenly realize just how vulnerable I am if she were to walk out right then...she would very understandably think I was ripping her off

Fortunately she didn't catch me and I made no mention of it but when I got home that night there was an email from her thanking me for the extra tip...I told her exactly when I had added it and we had a good laugh about it and she told me she would of trusted my story if she HAD caught me...yeah right  : )

The problem is...you don't know ahead of time if things will go as good as you hope they will and I want the money thing settled BEFORE I walk in the door so if the lady has gone above and beyond I don't want to be fiddling with money no matter how good she was(I know I was lucky that other time...it could of been a disaster)...however...if she is that good I'll no doubt see her again and if so I will add the tip BEFORE I see her because if she was THAT good on our FIRST meeting then the next will be surely as good or even better

I do understand if the lady asks you to leave the envelope by the door and suggests you freshen up in the bathroom(so she can check the envelope)...to be honest though I really think if she were to count the money in front of me it might ruin the whole illusion for me and make it unlikely I'd see her again even if she is really good

I agree with everything you say, except about her ruining the illusion by counting the money.  You are certainly entitled to that opinion, but you knew that money was going to be exchanged.  At some point, she needs to touch it.  I'm thinking that for all the skills a provider brings to the table (or bed, as it were) she can certainly find a way to verify funds without ruining the mood.  Something like, "oh sweetie, I'm going to buy a really nice butt plug with this generous gift"

OK, so I'm not as good at it, but you get the drift.  Just my .02

Maybe it's that every bad experience I've had so far in this hobby there was the warning sign of either she counted the money in front of me or tried to up sell me and it went down hill from there

Keep in mind that the one thing the ladies that either provide a poor service or are out and out rip off artists do is make sure they have the money in hand before they tell you "oh this and that is extra" or just disappear when you think they're in the bathroom

I totally understand the lady's need to make sure THEY aren't being cheated but I hope they can understand as well I really don't need something extra to worry about when I see them for the first time

I don't think I'm alone in this...I've read MANY reviews here at TER that comment favorably on the fact that the lady didn't even look at the envelope until it was time to leave

I will have to admit, that in all not most, but in all cases in which I have seen a Provider the money was never even looked at no less touched. However, here again I must emphasize that I am somewhat selective in my choices, and so far my luck is holding out.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing that beats experience.

I am also one of the ladies that doesn't like to deal with the envelope up front, I too feel that it ruins the illusion. The best solution I ever experienced was from a favorite client of mine who is an experienced hobbiest. Instead of leaving the envelope on the table or dresser, he had placed it in the bathroom behind the faucets. So, when I went to freshen up... there it was - politely providing the ideal opportunity for me to examine the contents discreetly. And, this thoughtful individual, had not sealed the envelope, instead just neatly folding the flap inside so that I could quickly check it without him hearing the distinct sounds of tearing paper. I think it's the ideal solution to an awkward necessity.
My $.02

SirPrize2336 reads

He would understand her need to verify the amount and not take it personally. Since my wife is always hitting me up for extra cash, an escort counting it in front of me would probably only enhance the illusion.

One lady I saw regularly said it ruined the illusion for her if I gave her the money. I had to sneak it into her purse when she went to the bathroom. I always found that interesting.

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