TER General Board

Yes! Couldn't have said it better. -e-
MiMi See my TER Reviews 38 reads


trekman982351 reads

Hello everyone.

So this post is mainly directed towards the providers.  Let us say that a 37 year old virgin “visitis” you.  What are some things he can do to make it less awkward for you?  

Thank you.

Just go with the flow. It will only be awkward for you. Once you've cum the first time you will be able to relax. I suggest you see a milfy provider who is more relaxed.

Would you mind explain why?
I really am interested.

HappyChanges35 reads

the pussy on a pedestal.

Hello,  I have been socially awkward my entire life.  I don’t really understand people at all.  It has only been in the last couple of years that I have figured out how my brain works versus everyone else.  I don’t really communicate with people very well so meeting women and not having them think badly of me is nearly impossible..

Oh, and I typed my age incorrectly...I am 35..not 37.

From your original post, I thought you were asking on behalf of a 37-yo friend. We didn't need to know how old you are. :-)  
Some Providers are particularly accommodating of Newbies, regardless of the Newbie's age. They are just good at reading people, making them feel comfortable and at ease. And there is no shame or blame if things don't follow some pre-planned script (based on porn or some other fantasy).  "Performance anxiety" and stuff like that can affect the newbie. Skip the script and tell your friend just to try to be relaxed and enjoy whatever happens.

Posted By: trekman98
Re: Just interested.  
Hello,  I have been socially awkward my entire life.  I don’t really understand people at all.  It has only been in the last couple of years that I have figured out how my brain works versus everyone else.  I don’t really communicate with people very well so meeting women and not having them think badly of me is nearly impossible..  
 Oh, and I typed my age incorrectly...I am 35..not 37.
When people ask your friend how he remained a virgin until the age of 37, try this one: Put into a drug-induced coma at the prepubescent age of 11; awakened 26 years later; now looking for new experiences. :-)

In my original post I was talking about myself.

Don't have money
Don't have looks
Raised Catholic
need I go on?

Why I’m I still a virgin?

Broadly, the march of time is inexorable and seems to accelerate the older you get.  It feels like I was 35 a year ago and 25 maybe two years before that; it’s only when I think about past events that I actually “feel” my age.  And so, before you know it some things are just left undone - like losing one’s virginity.  Not to mention, I simply cared less and less about it as the years rolled by; I was only hard-up or desperate during my 20s.

More specifically, I’ve always been a Shy Guy with No Game... and if you’ve got no game, you’ve got no girl.  The seemingly complex, social “mating dance” you’re supposed to do to entice the ladies to go out with you is opaque to me; I just could never get anything going and their confused or annoyed expressions just made me stop trying.  Also, I was never a party guy (I don’t drink, smoke or use recreational drugs) and so never really frequented bars and such; the few times I did, I quickly grew bored and would just be waiting to leave.  That mostly leaves the women you work with, but I like my job to be as static-free as possible (I’ve got two ladies at work right now who I know are interested, but I’m really only attracted to one of them and she’s married - which would present even MORE unwanted complications).

I do fine when I’m actually with someone as I am at ease and can just be myself (i.e. we’ve gotten past the uncomfortable “getting to know you” crap); my time with my One & Only girlfriend from 23-24 years ago was great (we didn’t have sexual intercourse because she wanted to “wait until marriage”, though we did pretty much everything else; she then dumped me for her ex-boyfriend who had returned to college at the time... and they didn’t “wait until marriage”).  Years later, she wanted to get back together, but by then I certainly didn’t.

At this point, I don’t think I even want a girlfriend; it just seems like you have to give up to much to have one.  I just don’t want to be entangled in their lives (and their drama...) or they in mine.  I like the fact that when I’m off work, my time and my money are my own; I do what I want, when I want.

It is only recently that I’ve really been thinking about (having real) sex and I’ve now stumbled across this shadowy world of Providers and Clients - and it sounds just right!  By paying an upfront fee (which is very cheap in the long run) I’ll be able be to skip all the annoying pretense and social performance and have some female attention, companionship and physical pleasure.  And then I’ll be out with no strings attached!

This whole thing should be legal, as it would then be regulated and thus safe for all concerned.  It only took our great grandparents about 10 years to figure out that Prohibition wasn’t going to work, and yet THIS is still illegal?  A what a bunch of outmoded, moralistic BS.

Sorry for the life story everyone, but it just felt good to belt it out.

-- Modified on 11/9/2017 7:11:57 AM

I have no idea how long you've been lurking here, waiting to jump in the pool, but here's hoping you take the plunge before you're too old to get it up at all.  Go for it!

Lurking?  About a week and half; this site has really given me a lot of good info on The Hobby.   The Plunge?  I’d say sometime in the next two weeks.

And thanks!

MaddieP34 reads

The question is how can he make it less awkward for himself.  Yes he probably will be nervous and excited the same time.  I actually prefer not to know before hand if someone is a virgin. Providers are usually very quick to identify when someone is inexperienced sexually.  When I come across such situations, I generally lead the session and do not make an issue of it unless he chooses to discuss it.  Oh, and do not use porn as a guide of what to expect. Nothing in there is real.

That last part is certainly true; porn is about making it look good for the camera, not necessarily feel good for the participants.

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