TER General Board

Yes. As is the stubble. eom
JakeFromStateFarm 23 reads


This may be a bit alarmist, but it shows a growing trend of people losing what few privacy rights we once had, and in this case it is something that could affect us personally.

The article below doesn't come out and say it, but I suppose if hotel staff can barge in whenever they like, then the treasured bolt that locks the door from the inside will also soon be gone.

This could allow hotels who could become suspicious of a single female checking into their rooms to barge in unannounced, with less than hilarious results for us.

I guess we'll have to start propping up a chair against the door from now on.

Another disturbing issue is that if the hotel staff (not heretofore known as being the cream of society) can barge in at any time, I suspect a trend of rapes and robberies given the ease that people can obtain keys, etc.   I wonder why Disney et al does not think about that.

Now if they remove the dead bolt we’ve got a problem.

If so, you could be suffering from PPD.  Please read the attached and act accordingly.  Unless, of course, you believe your shrink is out to control your mind through the fillings in your teeth.

but all the assholes behind me when I drive that want to kill me.

Of course, on the other hand, there are all the idiots in front of me that I want to kill, so it evens out.

I'm going to have all my fillings replaced however, just to be safe.

so long to change the policy. As is most facets of life (except for prices of certain goods / services), there needs to be compromise. If hotels would say that a staff member (housekeeping most likely or maybe minibar refillers) will enter your room between 9am and 5pm just indicate your preference when checking in to the hotel--then all would be fine.

Otherwise, touring providers that have an am appointment one day and an early afternoon appointment another day might be in for a rude interruption.  

Question: During the LV shooting, did the LV shooter have the deadbolt in use on his room door while he was shooting? I remember reading he had installed a camera in the hallway outside his room so that he could spot security coming after him.  

...pack a rubber door stop and use it while you're in the room. For a couple of bucks, it will prevent that door from being opened.

There are several types of portable door blocks available to carry to your room and ensure that you are not disturbed.

I would also suggest carrying your own DND sign.

If face value is to respond to the LV tragedy, then won't those circumstances dictate the invasion of privacy?  Will hotels really care about our world?   And then is the hotel overlooking a suburban office park the place that changes?

Posted By: mrfisher
The article below doesn't come out and say it, but I suppose if hotel staff can barge in whenever they like, then the treasured bolt that locks the door from the inside will also soon be gone.
That article says, "If guests are not comfortable with Disney staff going into their rooms when they are gone [guest NOT in the room], the company will coordinate with those people on an individual basis."  Where does it say that they will enter the room at any time or without notice?  Or that the inside locks (dead bolt; peek-a-boo lock) are going away?  
When I travel, I have no problem with hotel staff coming in while I'm out to clean up the mess I've made. I just hate it when they tuck in the bed covers so tight that you need crowbar to get them loose.  They are cleaning the room, not conducting a forensic search and analysis.  (Besides, how will they be able to tell my jizz from all the other jizz all over walls, phone, furniture and everything else in hotel rooms?)  
An occasional room check (to replace towels? to pour blue dye into the toilet to make it appear to have been cleaned?) would have discovered the cache of weapons that the LV shooter had stashed there.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: But how would they know if someone is in the room?
They could either knock on the door or they could just use the hidden cameras and one-way mirrors as they currently do.

Not alarmed or worried. Rarely used a do not disturb sign. I am sure there will be some lawsuits arising because of this at some point.

Disney has a history of violating personal civil rights.  When they started putting on Disney musicals, individual rights in NYC went out the window.  It is all about power and money with them, yes I am that cynical.  Any excuse will do.

What the heck has a musical to do with individual rights?

...the same year Giuliani became mayor and started cleaning up Times Square with his "broken windows" policing policy and later "stop-and-frisk."  I don't think it was Disney's idea though; just a coincidence.

In the immortal words of Sir Conan Doyle's detective, Sherlock Holmes, there is no such thing as a coincidence.

I think you've nailed it!

i'm smashing my Mickey Mouse watch to pieces and mailing it back to Iger.

Then again, look at all the dirt that surfaced about the founder, Walt.  Very unsavory stuff, perhaps the management style has never changed.  

They invested tens of millions in investments and campaigns.  Follow the money, like everywhere else.

Reason given is Las Vegas shooting where the guy holed up in a hotel.

Should the hotel allow someone with multiple fire arms to check-in? Could they put up a sign "no firearms allowed" without the NRA going ape shit?

1.Choose  upscale hotel
2.use the security lock
3.Put the 'Do No Disturb' sign on outside of door

If hotel staff need to contact you they will call the room.Otherwise you have a case.

....... that my mental health, or lack there of was going to be in question.

Whew, yes I'm disturbed.

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