TER General Board

Yep or he somehow has food poisoning..
jaydalee See my TER Reviews 117 reads

that seems to be the one used so sick won't be seeing anyone but somehow a review pops up while he was in town.
Ask which restaurant and hear radio silence...lol
It is a two way street and quite frustrating for the gents as well as the ladies.

Providers' grandmothers seem to die at a higher rate than those of the general population.  I've had several times over the years in which a provider cancels a couple hours prior to our scheduled time, or stops communicating altogether prior to a session, due to a sick or recently deceased grandmother.  It happened to me again earlier this week when I was in Minneapolis; I was communicating with a traveling lady (PM me for details) with good reviews, and we were planning to meet that day.  She stopped communicating with me, and then hours after our scheduled time she emailed to say "Sorry, my daughter's grandmother died and it's been hectic."  I don't mean to sound unsympathetic to dying family members, but as often as I've heard the excuse there's no way it's true every time.  I wish she would just come out and tell me she got a better offer instead of lying about the situation and getting my sympathy when it's not warranted.

Anyone else have similar experiences?  It never seems to be a grandfather, always the grandmother.

Yeah, I can see that.  The dude finally hears back from the OTHER girl he would rather see and suddenly his grandmother's sick.  uh huh.  

that seems to be the one used so sick won't be seeing anyone but somehow a review pops up while he was in town.
Ask which restaurant and hear radio silence...lol
It is a two way street and quite frustrating for the gents as well as the ladies.

I am sure if you do this often enough you get plenty more similar reasons. And of course most are not true.  

However do not assume we got a better offer. While I have only once had to cancel a booked appointment I can understand the easy excuse. Keep in mind I said easy excuse.  

Everyone has issues that come up in their lives that are not in their control. Some are very complicated, some are very private to us, some are both. We are not going to share or try to explain those types of things. A death in the family is easy, hard to argue and end the conversation right there and then.  

We dont expect you to believe the excuse, but we just cant or dont want to tell you the real issues in our lives. Personally we see the same thing from guys. It seems each of you have either a boss or child that is demanding at the last minute. Thats the most common excuse I get, and I dont bother to complain, its simply a personal issue and none of my business.


You have one mother, two grandmothers, 4 great-grandmothers, 8 great-great-grandmothers.

Do you see where this is going?

Statistically speaking, there are far more grandmothers than mothers, and so on ad infinitum.

LOL! Good point. Ladies and gents, keep this in mind when you are using family members as an excuse.

Btw, I don't I've experienced the  ill or dead grandmother excuse.

Most grandmothers, upon hearing their granddaughter us a hooker, would not die, only shit their Dependx.

... who flaked on our date at the club.  
I guess by granny only being hospitalized, there leaves an option for her funeral at a later date if said stripper needs to break another date.  ;)

"Another date"? You need to grow a pair!
 You just add to the problem if you excuse bad behaviour

You took my reply too literally, lol. I have no intention of ever settng up  another "date" with that flaky stripper.

I've been in the hobby for 20+ years and probably well over 100 sessions.  I can count on one hand how many times I've cancelled a session, and only once did I cancel the same day.  I've never lied about the reason for canceling, and if it's short notice I'll offer to pay for it anyway because it's not fair to the provider.  I understand there are a lot of flaky hobbyists out there.  I understand that unforeseen events come up, but please don't lie to me.  Maybe it's just a coincidence that I've heard the dead grandma story so many times.

I'm not for saying a family member passed unless they actually have because that's kind of creepy. However, in some peoples lives I have heard that a bunch of people all of a sudden get sick and some all in the same year. Very odd how that works, but it does happen.  

I had a couple of sick family members, and more are being added to the list at this point.

I am preferring nowadays keeping that stuff to myself on exact details, and simply saying family emergency. I've been fortunate to not have to cancel any dates except one in the past year, because stepping away and getting a nice fuck sure helps put some silver lining into the equation.  

Sometimes though, it's too hard to pull it off if something had just happened. But you have to remember, that things do happen in our life is as well, as much as you want to fantasize we are unicorns riding on clouds 24 seven

-- Modified on 6/16/2017 12:13:21 PM

I've made the mistake of telling the whole truth as to why I couldn't make a date. One of them was pretty gross, and the guy told me to come anyway. Gross! Hell no. Next time I will just say family emergency LOL!

... and you just don't hear THAT coming from a hobbyist everyday!

I didn't cancel, instead asking her want she thought was best. She still wanted to meet, saying it was no big deal. She was amazing - never holding back and she showed me a helluva good time. What a trooper!

Yeah I know some of you have heard this story from me before.  I once drove 4 hours to see a lady  and was sitting in a parking lot in her town.  Not getting any response.  Well a pickup pulls up at the stop light in front of me, literally across the sidewalk from me.  The pickup had two couples and was pulling a ski boat.  Yes the lady I was trying to get a hold of was in the back seat.  With traffic noise I might have had to yell for her to hear me.  So I punched redial and when the phone rang she looked down into her lap.  Finally heard from her 3 days later.  Her mother had had a heart attack and she never stepped out of the hospital from 6am until after midnight that day.  So you just gotta decide if you believe the lady.  Most excuses are plausible.   bigdel

Posted By: bigdell
Her mother had had a heart attack and SHE never stepped out of the hospital from 6am until after midnight that day.
I feel like Bill Clinton parsing what the meaning of "is" is.  if SHE = the mother never stepped out of the hospital, that leaves daughter-Provider plenty of time to party on a boat. Not lying! Mom is in the hospital!  
If SHE = daughter-Provider, then maybe the pickup or boat was equipped as a hospital and you just didn't see her = mother in the back seat. Now, neither SHE (mother or daughter) left the hospital-boat all day long.  
Or, SHE = daughter-Provider is a fuckin' liar. Move on.

Think about it, if you are born a lesbian, there is no reason for the lesbian vagina to go through the cycle.

Since lesbians are predisposed not to want anything to do with penis.

It was this or a menopause joke at your exoense.

Either way bloody cunts are gross.

Ive heard "Aunt Flo" made an early visit more than any other BS excuse. I'm  going to cancel 100% of the time because I'm not into getting my "red wings" or fucking up my good sheets.

'She stopped communicating with me, and then hours after our scheduled time she emailed to say "Sorry, my daughter's grandmother died and it's been hectic." '

I'll put what jumped out at me here "my daughter's grandmother"?! Why not say "my mother" but I just it could be an adopted child. Still that just seems like one of the silly word game statements.

But being honest would not really help you either so this way you can both keep pretending the fantasy is possible if you meet in the future -- or I suspect that's the thinking here.

FakawiTribe146 reads

her (ex?) mother-in-law I could see referring to her as her daughters grandmother.

For example, in Arkansas you can be your own grandpa, to wit:

That is an important element to the equation.

It's good to see you are on the case.

Of course she would say "my mother" if it was her mother. Like Fakawi tribe, The first thing that popped out at me, was that it was her ex husbands mother.

Posted By: perfectstorm
Re: Why not say "my mother"?   Duh, Because it's not her mother.  
Of course she would say "my mother" if it was her mother. Like Fakawi tribe, The first thing that popped out at me, was that it was her ex husbands mother.
She might even say her mother-in-law or former mother-in-law passed away. But there's also a chance that she was never married to her daughter's daddy so it's simpler for to say her daughter's grandma, as she probably does in her real life when talking to friends who know everyone in the Family Circus.

I know women who have multiple children from multiple daddys. When talking about the baby daddy it's "my daughter's father," and of course the gramma on that side is "my daughter's grandmother."  Not sure why the poster above assumed that the daughter's grandmother would be the Mom's mom.  Not saying the OP of this thread got a legit reason or a phony one. Who knows? Just saying that the phrase "my daughter's grandmother" is hardly the reason to discount it.

I hadn't heard this until now as it relates to providers, but Grandmas seem to have 9 lives when it comes to the modeling/photography world. (lol)

I didn't believe the dying grandmother story, and told the provider politely. Days later she sent me a photo of a closed casket up against a plain brick wall with no signage or other identifying markings.

I was instantly convinced. Lordy, the truth shall set you free!

There is seldom an upside, but plenty of downside.  

My mentor at work told me that if I want to tell someone off, get a job as a judge.

my grandpa pass away last week.... for reals

I'm sorry to hear that, and wish the best for you and your family.

Blah, blah, blah...If a person legitimately has an issue and cares about your business, they would offer to reschedule. A local provider said she fell asleep because she had a sleeping disorder and didn't wake from a nap blah blah blah. However, she offered to reschedule when I reached out and complained and offered me extra time for wasting mine. I drove 50 - 60 miles round trip for dead silence when I got to the apartment complex.  

I did reschedule and she never watched the clock and I was there 90-120 minutes. For a 60 minute session. That's what people do when they give a shit. If all you get is an excuse with no attempt to reschedule at all, it really doesn't matter what the reason is they give. They're just trying to get out of it without looking bad.

Oddly , Grandfathers seem to fare much better than the Grandmas....lol
Cancellations are a bane to the industry.....rather it be client or Provider.  

But I would much rather have the dreaded cancellation with a crappy excuse than the shitty ncns

-- Modified on 6/17/2017 8:28:46 AM

I have a friend who has his own company. His tech / accounting guy twice used the dying Grandfathers as reasons for not showing up at work at really important times. He was actually embezzling (stealing) from my friends company.

Well, this guy was not a well man and while he was in hospital on his death bed, my friend was in the room visiting when two older gentlemen walked in.

Of course, they were the employees two dead Grandfathers.

About an hour after her "grandmother" has taken I'll, you see her post an ad.

as providers we hear it all and whilst this is an excuse many use somewhere in this thread it says it's creepy to use this excuse and I agree.  God forbid it happen on the same day you use that excuse.  I will say I've had to cancel a few times but rather than go into a long drawn out explanation I simply tell you I'm truly sorry but I have to cancel due to personal issues that require my immediate attention and that I would love to see you in the future should you decide to rebook me.  I get it from both sides as the stories we hear as providers from hobbiest are both hear and there but in this industry it happens and we've come to expect it.  Me personally I do my best to understand as you never know what the reason is if fake or real doesn't matter as the person has conveyed there wish to cancel and I understand that and respect that as much as sometimes it causes issues, these are issues that will be dealt with in a professional manner and not to be considered personal.  Besides we all have lives and not everything is always going to work out the way we plan but best to try and see the positives behind things as it makes you day better and allows you to continue being a great provider, person in general.

sorry for the long response just my take.

Common excuse I've heard is that they are sick or they are having their periods. As disappointing as the cancellations are that is still better than a NCNS. I do usually confirm they day of so sometimes I can still make another arrangement.

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