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wrps07 518 reads

If they feel at home with you they will let it rip all time and laugh. That is what my wife does. She will let a nasty one and ask me if smells. I will tell you this it smells pretty bad.

-- Modified on 11/2/2014 2:30:06 AM

The myth that women don't fart has been jealously protected for centuries.  But now it can be revealed: women fart their brains out when they think men aren't around.  
Exhibt A

That's one adorable ass.  She can fart around me any time.

Skinny_Minnie:-)561 reads

I had a boyfriend convinced that girls don't even go #2.

“If you want the curry to linger, then just pull my finger.”

-- Modified on 11/2/2014 3:17:41 AM

wrps07519 reads

If they feel at home with you they will let it rip all time and laugh. That is what my wife does. She will let a nasty one and ask me if smells. I will tell you this it smells pretty bad.

-- Modified on 11/2/2014 2:30:06 AM

As we gentlemen should.  Never fart in bed, go into the bathroom and close the door.  And be sure to turn the fan on.  Not exactly rocket science...

It has happened to me and can really ruin the experience.

I have. One time a client fell asleep whilst spooning me. I had eaten at my favorite Indian joint earlier and so I'm texting Courtney like "dude I am gonna die but I don't wanna wake this guy up by farting on his junk." It was brutal.

I fessed up and said I desperately needed to fart and didn't want to do it in her face.  But she's a nurse and said it wouldn't have bothered her at all.  Still, I went to the bathroom, let it out and returned to the action.

However bathrooms are notorious for having an echo effect and I heard it. I gave it an 8 out of 10 for volume. Didn't let him know that I heard it.

I told her I couldn't hold it in any more.  I don't recall if it was a loud one or just a "burner."

it would be for a pill that would make farts smell like rose petals.  
Ben Franklin wrote an essay on the subject titled Fart Proudly.  I'd link to it except that I'm on the iPhone.  
It's a good read.

I couldn't find the clip but if someone can it's hilarious.  I think the deodorizer is shoved up one's butt and changes farts into a variety of smells like piney woods or "new car."
In real life, you can buy a cushion with a charcoal filter that will suck the smell out of any fart, from a company called GasBGone. I can certify that it works.
And, for rrasha, one of their gifts is a pen that looks like a finger.  You pull on it and it makes a variety of farting noises.

Verizon offered a large discount on the monthly billing rate too if I traded in my old LG phone for the iPhone.  I can't imagine what their interest is in this, but I didn't complain.

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