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Yeah, SURE you would
GaGambler 31 reads

I'd be willing to bet you haven't seen ten grand in an entire month, much less for a single weekend.

I hopefully will have a reason to celebrate very soon and I have decided to spend a weekend with a sexy and beautiful woman on the top floor of a downtown hotel.  I can envision all the games but have to make a very important decision.  How much?

If the girl's rate for a weekend is $10K but I only have $9K to spend, should I offer the $9K or find a less expensive option?  And if I did offer the $9K would she take it or be offended?

What if the girl's rate is $2,500 and I only had $1,500?  

Or should I act out that old saying variety is the spice of life and not spend it with one person?  

Enquiring minds want to know.  

Don't offer a lady less than her posted rate. It's disrespectful, especially when you're not a repeat client.

She must be  A Top GFE And Porn Star,  with  few porn movies..I'd say unless your rich, check around,  for that special someone, or Variety Is The Spice Of Life, so they say..Hugs Xoxo Sheila

You would be surprised how often I see this. And you get to foot the bill for all the expenses and gifts.  

I think a better question would be "how many of them are actually getting that kind of coin?"

I have bet several times that much on a single hand of blackjack, but for the life I me I just can't believe I would ever pay that much to get laid, err "for company" lol, but each to their own. I am sure anyone reading this thinks I am an absolute fool for betting the price of a decent car on a single turn of the cars, so who I am I to tell others what to do with their money?

Another thing to think about since this appears to be a "blow out weekend" for the OP, once again speaking strictly for myself, but if I am with one woman for a weekend, at my "advanced age" especially wearing a condom, I doubt I am going to have sex with her more than 5 or 6 times over the entire weekend. Now if I am seeing multiple women, I could maybe double that number as "lil Gambler" is ALWAYS interested in "new" pussy. lol

The chances of finding some chump willing to blow 10K for a weekend are remote. If it does happen it's like winning the lottery. A few girls will advertise absurd daily or weekend prices on the slim chance that someday somebody will come along and pay it.

Another reason is marketing. A guy who can only afford her hourly rate can con himself into thinking he's getting a 10K girl.

is the "monthly special" advertised by some hookers for $100,000 for an "exclusive" for the month. lol

I guess it is like buying a lottery ticket that costs the hooker nothing, but whenever I see something so ridiculous on a hookers website I immediately skip past her to the next girl on my list, with a short pause to stop laughing of course. lol

But I suppose the OP is proof that "there is one born every minute"

-- Modified on 9/1/2017 1:08:14 PM

If I were a Billionaire a hundred thousand is only one  ten thousandth - 0.0001 of my net worth.  

  Look at all the guys who feel they're getting  a bargain when renting a hooker for $ 400.00 one hour.  
   How many of them have a net worth of four million?  
   I don't and I thought 400.00  an hour with  an awesome hooker was a bargain.  

 If my Math isn't correct, that's unusual, but I did it in my head while thinking how much head I would get in a month if I were a billionaire renting hookers by the month.  :-D

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: What I find particularly entertaining (and delusional)
is the "monthly special" advertised by some hookers for $100,000 for an "exclusive" for the month. lol  
 I guess it is like buying a lottery ticket that costs the hooker nothing, but whenever I see something so ridiculous on a hookers website I immediately skip past her to the next girl on my list, with a short pause to stop laughing of course. lol  
 But I suppose the OP is proof that "there is one born every minute"

-- Modified on 9/1/2017 1:08:14 PM

Based on that math, I should only be paying $45 for the month.....
I don't consider $400/hr even with an "awesome hooker" a deal.  Even pussy has diminishing returns.  

so I don't think you are a fool for betting 10K on a hand of blackjack.  I just think you have enough money where that makes the bet really interesting.  Kinda like me betting $100 on that same hand.  

HappyChanges33 reads

women at five hundred bucks an hour rather than spend a weekend with one women.

Hop a plane, head to Costa Rica and see 18 different chicas at $100 hr.

Better plan on making it a four day weekend to see that many chicas though. lol

BTW, I have actually done this literally dozens if not hundreds of times, and going first class all the way rarely has it cost me more than five grand for a 3-4 day weekend, and that includes running a $500 bar tab each day. lol

Of women that charge $10,000 for a weekend,  

The first makes you pay up front, and is called a Top Shelf Under The Radar Porn Star who will utterly rock your world and make you forget that any other women exist on the planet.  

The second makes you pay later, a lot later, and when you finally pay her will be called an ex-wife. :p

A classic point of view - and unfortunately true.....

...and she considers you a decent client, she won't turn up her nose at 9K.  If she hasn't seen you before, you'd be starting off on the wrong foot.  If she does agree to see you because, after all, 9K is 9K, she still may resent you and consciously or subconsciously not give her best effort.

More importantly, don't spend a weekend with a woman who you haven't seen a few times before to know if you're compatible.

... to spend on this weekend?  $9000?  $1500?  Or... what?

First, figure out how much you can spend on this weekend you're planning.  Then try to find a sexy, beautiful woman who fits your budget, without insulting her.

One way to do this is to find such a woman who doesn't have a published rate for a weekend.  Preferably it's someone you've seen before so you know you'll have a mutually good time for an entire weekend together. Then explain to her what you have in mind, how much you'd like to spend the weekend with her, and see what she says. If she doesn't give you a rate, ask her what she thinks is fair, eg what it would take to cover her normal income for a weekend.  If it's not in your budget, let her know that to see if she has any flexibility on the rate.  If not, ask someone else.  

I've only done one weekend with a provider, and it was with someone I knew well.  I flew her to the location.  She had no published rate for a weekend and asked only that I cover her normal income for the weekend, which was minimal because she doesn't work evenings or Sundays.  I had a great time, and I think she did also.  

I say probably not because if you're talking about general price haggling, that's frowned upon.

Look at the percentages here, that's only 10% in your first example, but 40% in your second. If you offered her 2,250, aside from being a little nickle and dime-y, it would probably be accepted, but it's not worth a couple bills and you looking like a cheap ass in my book.

In your weekend example though, the odds are if you have 9k to burn, you can have 10k to burn without issue, but if you actually somehow didn't, you're talking a fair bit of cash there, and she'll likely take your 9k without issue assuming she doesn't book every weekend at 10k without issue (which she absolutely does not).


Sex is awesome, but it's not some magic commodity that doesn't follow the same rules as every other personal service. You're not going to nickel and dime your maid, but you might offer her 10% less than asking if she cleaned your entire business in one weekend.  

When the dollar values get bigger, it's more worth it for someone to take a discounted offer. It's not personal, it's business.

Do you bring your calculator on a date? Lol

out of the gate with someone you've never met?  I've sometimes booked multi-hour appointments with new girls, but when its bad, a two-hour appointment seems like six.  You're both watching the clock waiting for it to end.  We all have different personalities and there are some providers you are just not going to click with, but if you do this, you are stuck paying for the weekend whether you stay for the whole weekend or not.  

I would recommend selecting your girl far enough in advance that you can see her for an hour to two in a "get-to-know-you" situation.  DURING that session, assuming all is going swimmingly, you can ask her in person what she would charge you for a weekend.  If there is good chemistry and she knows you're not going to be a difficult appointment, she might arbitrarily quote you something less than her published rate, and she will assume you didn't look at her website rate for a weekend, so she won't think you are asking for a discount, but she may offer one anyway by offering you a lower quote.  Things can change in the business from moment to moment.  If she's fully booked for the month, she may stick with the published rate, but if the rent's due and its been slow, she may want to make sure she gets a chunk of business like this and will quote you an attractive rate to make it happen.  When you are in person and have paid the published rate for an hour or two, there are no negative implications in asking what the rate is for a weekend unless you phrase it using the word, "discount."

Mommascomin33 reads

If her rate is stated on her website, don't negotiate it, whether you're a repeat or not. If its a rate she quoted you after you proposed the weekend, I think you can offer 9k and say that's your budget, but don't delve into back and forth negotiating. (Sidenote: You're going to have a happier provider when you pay full price than when she feels like she's being taken advantage of, and happier provider generally means happier client. Discounted price often means discounted service, especially if the provider isn't the one initially offering the discount.)

If a rate is 2500, and you offer 1500, which is only 60%, she will DEFINITELY be offended, and even if she agrees to it for whatever reason, you're not going to have a good time, I'm sure of that. She'll do the bare minimum.

Also keep in mind that if 1k is such a big deal for you (11%) then maybe you don't really have the funds to see this provider for a weekend. I've had a weekend with a client, and outside of my fee, extra expenses came to 3k+ between the rental house, food, shows, and shopping. and entertainment.

than her posted rate is asking for trouble.

Stick with the gals you can afford (and at $9K there are many great ones).  

Or, break your time up and see a few women for far less $$.

rando_mn35 reads

That's probably a very cost-effective alternative. Spending the whole weekend with one provider is going to mean at least six hours a night of sleep for her, plus bathroom breaks, plus paying to watch her eat, etc. Better to schedule shorter blocks of time with multiple providers.

does not have a published rate for that time frame. Echoing what others have said, I would not spend an entire weekend if I hadn't seen the provider before and had an awesome time.

My choice would be to see one repeat lady for an extended date on Friday, another provider for Saturday, and a 3rd provider for Sunday. Variety is king.  

....  she was someone I had seen several times. I asked her if she would go on a cruise with me and she said she would. Besides the all-expenses-paid she only wanted $350 a day which is just above her hourly rate.  

 Maybe it was because we had a good relationship and clicked with one another and she just wanted a vacation but it certainly was important to communicate with each other expectations.

everyone keeps saying weekend. A weekend can be many things to different folks. Is it Friday night to Monday morning?
 Or is it Saturday afternoon to Sunday night ? See what I mean?  Those 2 examples will be very different prices.  
Why not tell her you wish to celebrate with her and that you have $9000 to spend and ask what she can do for that price. Tell her upfront the level of hotel you will be staying in. She may wish to extend her time with you if it's a 5 star with excellent restaurants/room service.  
Stop stressing and have a blast

Whether Friday night to Sunday night, or Saturday morning to Monday morning is irrelevant.

I hope you have a fun weekend!  
stick to your budget.. many ladies all over the country have "fly me to you" packages very reasonable!!!  (Raise hand in here) of course you take care of airfare and at the minimum 4 star hotel.  
I offer packages like that since I prefer longer engagements and weekends here and there are much much fun!

My rate will actually go down some. I just enjoy spending more time with one person really. I cater to the longer engagements.  
As Veronica said, many ladies have a "fly me to you package"  
I do think I'd spend atleast a few hours with a lady before committing to an entire weekend though.
Either way, hope you have a fucking blast.... LITERALLY!! 😜🙄😀

9k or 10 k for the weekend with one hooker. Enjoy spice of life with variety with 9k

The worst thing that happens is she say, no.

To be honest I would just ask the provider.  I have made exceptions if we may have chemistry.  $ is not everything. Time you never get back. I would rather know that I am enjoying my time in a safe environment with a respectful individual who appreciates my company.

I have traveled with a lady before and I am mulling it over as I write this response (which will help me clarify my own thinking).  This is very, very rare.  I would never consider doing it with a lady that I have never met.  You have to have truly exceptional chemistry.  That is very hard to find.  Otherwise you are setting yourself up for disappointment.  My two cents:
1) I would see the lady for 1-2 hours.  Then 2-3 hours.  Then maybe a few times at 4+ hours.  Then maybe, if there is exceptional chemistry, ask her how she feels about a longer engagement.  Don't negotiate --- listen.  
2) Once I have seen her multiple times, I should have a sense of whether or not there is real chemistry (within the context of this unique relationship), whether or not we have enough shared interests and common values, whether or not we would have fun together, whether or not she would truly enjoy herself (I don't know too many people that could hide boredom for several hours or days), whether or not she would be appreciative, an understanding of what her expectations might look like, and the impact that this would have on our existing "relationship."      
3) Be true to yourself.  Don't do something (spend a lot of money) simply because you can.  Consider what need or void you are trying to fill and ask yourself if this is the best way to fill that need.    
4) Overall, IMHO the rate that she quotes will be a good indicator of where you stand with her --- in other words, if the rate is significantly less than what you would expect and/or extrapolate based on her known or existing rates, then to me that would signal that she believes that she would genuinely enjoy spending time with me.  On the other hand, if I have never met the lady before, for example, then I would expect her to price in a significant amount of risk because there are way too many unknowns.  That is another reason why I would never consider doing something like this with someone I have never met before.  
Overall, I think that this should be perceived as a "reward" or "as something special" vs. something to do because you can.  If it feels too much like a transaction, then it isn't a good idea.  Every time that I have considered something like this it was because the lady suggested it vs. me --- which makes a big difference.      

-- Modified on 9/4/2017 10:52:14 PM

what exactly does she have to provide.  How much ass is she supposed to give up?  If she's gonna spend the whole weekend with her legs in the air, I'd charge $10K too if not more.

I'd be willing to bet you haven't seen ten grand in an entire month, much less for a single weekend.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Yeah, SURE you would
I'd be willing to bet you haven't seen ten grand in an entire month, much less for a single weekend.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Yeah, SURE you would
I'd be willing to bet you haven't seen ten grand in an entire month, much less for a single weekend.
I've made 20 grand in one month not that it's any of your business.  This is not my only job, GAinbredhick.  Troll somewhere else.

How else would you get to 20k in a month?

Maybe change your handle to Bonnie.

She could be into credit card fraud, Identity theft, dealing meth, or all sorts of different ways to get to add an extra $19,000 a month onto her hooker income.

But if we are going to be suggesting name changes, might I suggest that Pinocchio would be a better fit for her?

I know many who are still waiting for their's.

There are many jobs you can make over $10K a month.  Lots of sales jobs for one, mid to high level executives and yes, hookers.  Hell, I've known cocktail waitresses and strippers who've made over $2K in one night.  People who own their own companies do it all the time, but not trash talking imbeciles who do nothing but put down escorts and women in the sex industry.  I'm guessing you have a hard time even coming up with $250.

I Remember back when I use to watch dyanna Lauren porn videos when she was a young hot pornstar I would have paid her 10,000 dollars for a hr I was young and could go as long as peter north but to pay that kind of money to someone for a weekend and she probably going to say I need 12 hrs of me time each night so to me it's not worth it!!

I had a guy from Arizona wanted me for a whole weekend Fri lunch time till Monday morning. The first phone he kept me on the phone asking me stupid questions 40 mins later.  

I was drained !!!

Give me strength !!!

and have a great repore with.  Let her know you would love to see her for a weekend and this is your budget.  However be prepared that she may decline or counter as well.  

I would not make an offer to a lady you actually want to see but have not, it could be considered and insult and you could be added to her personal BL and loose your chance to ever meet her.

I will also add that a few things might be considered.  Are you taking her somewhere cool she hasn't been and wants to go.  Are you planning other activities out and about or trying to keep her in bed the whole weekend?  Depending, those things can make an offer sweeter or not depending on a ladies viewpoint.  So lay out your offer and what type of time you are looking for to get the best results where niether of you end up disappointed.

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