TER General Board

Yeah, sadly it has to pass before it can be challenged in court.
numpty88 14 Reviews 287 reads

And in the meantime entities like P411 have to prepare for the window of time the likely law will be applicable.

For those who skip past the front page on P411 there's a note there about a pending change to their site wherein the listing of what a lady enjoys in private will removed. This is in preparation for Canada's C-36 legislation that entered a House of Commons committee on 6 October 2014 and is likely to pass final voting in December.

Thankfully the new laws have kept the door open for independent escorts to advertise on their own websites, and can list their private activities there.

So from my standpoint, P411 will be a starting point to identify those in a particular area and time (thank you calendar!) and then require another screening step by visiting each person's website to see if we're interested in the same things, and then checking reviews.

These changes sound like a hinderance between the two people whom are attempting to spend time with each other.

GaGambler341 reads

This really is not going to affect me or many other mongers who always check the reviews to see if the "menu items" listed on P411 indeed do translate into being offered to the guys she sees.

I will kind of miss the ad board, but the menus I am sure won't really be missed that much.

Senator.Blutarsky300 reads

but the loss of the "activities the lady enjoys in her private life" is not a big deal IMHO.

Posted By: numpty88
For those who skip past the front page on P411 there's a note there about a pending change to their site wherein the listing of what a lady enjoys in private will removed. This is in preparation for Canada's C-36 legislation that entered a House of Commons committee on 6 October 2014 and is likely to pass final voting in December.  
 So from my standpoint, P411 will be a starting point to identify those in a particular area and time (thank you calendar!) and then require another screening step by visiting each person's website to see if we're interested in the same things, and then checking reviews.
The TER reviews tell you all you need to know. P411 is most likely making a preemptive move to stay out of trouble.

And it's all because someone wants to control the interactions between two people who willingly engaged in commerce with each other.

Agreed that I have other options available, but I love the convenience.  Reviews have always been a catchall resource since there's nothing like boots on the ground for solid information.  At the same however, not everyone mentions or thinks about whatever particular itch I'm trying to scratch at that moment - filtering ads makes that search easier.

Things I might do with a trick list, as reviews, it will always be a YMMV situation and even that checklist cannot give a definitive answer as to whether she will let YOU.  

I can't imagine agreeing to do anything with any trick unless I see him and his shit first.

I have been preparing for this for some time now and went ahead and removed it. I would advise guys to stop using the acronyms and actually try to personally get to know the lady before this bill passes.

I wonder if saying that prior to 2014 I used to enjoy xyz would still be legal?  Or maybe acronyms need to be replaced with common other definition words:  I drink milk and love dogs but don't visit Europe?

The bill still has to pass the senate in Canada, and if it does, there's a very good chance the courts will strike it down. So, this law is not a sure thing for the long term.

And in the meantime entities like P411 have to prepare for the window of time the likely law will be applicable.

Zangari555 reads

on't use P411 much now since moving to the sugar bowl (my last 'Provider OK' was in 2012). But when I was seeing providers on a regular basis, I relied almost exclusively on P411 & ignored most reviews (which typically reveals more about a client than a provider).  I trusted Gina more than any scribble-happy John.  Two points below:

1.  I liked P411's Provider menu/activity list because that info was coming *directly* from the provider, not second-hand from a reviewer.  And the provider had a level of privacy, since she was advertising her menu within the P411 membership community.  As stated in a previous post, a provider may not be willing to list an *explicit* menu on her personal website that would be available to everyone.    

 2.  Also farewell soon to the P411 Ad Board, which also added a level of privacy.  My former ATF would only see P411 clients, so she placed her ads exclusively on the P411 Ad board & nowhere else.  And I wouldn't see providers who advertised outside of P411.  So that was a extra layer of screening for providers & clients.  This is bad news for all. --z

Zangari397 reads

Posted By: LisbethNova
Are you serious? P411 will be deleted altogether?
 No, sorry--I didn't mean to give that impression.  Per the OP, P411 will still exist, but a new Canadian law will restrict descriptions of sexual activities that the site can legally display.  So P411 will be removing  the 'Activities Section' (menu items like GFE, BBBJ, DATY, etc) from the Provider's P411 profile.   They'll also eliminate their Ad board.    

 P411 will still be a screening site, but with less info about each provider.  I'm sure P411 will continue to link to review sites--e.g., your profile will still have links to your reviews.  --z

Posted By: Zangari
Posted By: LisbethNova
Are you serious? P411 will be deleted altogether?
  No, sorry--I didn't mean to give that impression.  Per the OP, P411 will still exist, but a new Canadian law will restrict descriptions of sexual activities that the site can legally display.  So P411 will be removing  the 'Activities Section' (menu items like GFE, BBBJ, DATY, etc) from the Provider's P411 profile.   They'll also eliminate their Ad board.    
  P411 will still be a screening site, but with less info about each provider.  I'm sure P411 will continue to link to review sites--e.g., your profile will still have links to your reviews.  --z
Oh OKay thank you! yah I made sure to delete that section of my profile ahead of time.. I am still happy it's going to be up.. its a great way to screen and I would hate for our safety as providers and clients to be jeopardized.

I mostly use TER and DateCheck.  I'm not on P411.  Do they normally charge a fee for ads?  If no ads, they've lost a chunk of money.  A big chunk or a small chunk?  Will they have to increase member fees?  Will it affect other P411 services?

This affects not just providers and hobbyists but P411, too

This is bad news. I've been on P411 for a while and have good references. It's where I go to see if a potential provider offers the service that I like. I've never had to pay the fee for TER. You can tell if the provider has positive reviews without having to spend big bucks on their over priced subscription. Since P411 will no longer have a menu I will have to pay for an additional site and sift through all the reviews for the info I need. P411 just got a lot less useful.

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