TER General Board

yeah, mine is healthy, mature smitten
russbbj 89 Reviews 649 reads

I understand and recognize the indelible line that is the hobby. In fact, the line is what makes this sport so attractive to me.

I just find the small glimpses of these wonderful women when they participate in here, so awesome.

I simply adore women, the female body is a masterpiece

one in New york city, one in Chicago, one in Cincinnati, one in Sacramento, and now on in Phoenix. It make me feel like a 15 year old kid trying to get a date. But the communication is wonderful so I want i to remain in those conversations. I guess I've had enough Bourbon for tonite.

they don't become smitten with you.

If that happens, then it's uh-oh time.

GaGambler742 reads

but when one party's head is thinking nothing but P4P, and the other's heart is saying something more, then it is definitely "uh-oh" time. And yes, that works both ways.

It really is a bit disconcerting to have a person blowing up your phone wanting reassurances constantly about how "special" things are between you. As you might be able to infer from my post I had this happen to me recently. Just a couple of days ago to be more specific. At first it was great for the ego and kind of nice,and at the risk of going all Turdwellian on you, it was even "sweet" but "sweet" grew into a bit irritating when a few texts grew into blowing up my phone wanting constant reassurance that I wanted to see her again, are we still going to the beach together? Are you going to see other girls? etc etc etc.

I know this pales in the face of the true stalkers that the women here risk creating by being a bit too good at GFE, but yes "uh oh time" does work both ways.

Sometimes when I read the boards, I get the feeling that some of the guys actually want the ladies to really like them, not talking about you Russ, just a general observation.    That would defeat the whole purpose of this sport but my feeling is that it does not happen that often from lady to John.  
If I were a mind reader, this is the thought I would like to capture:  "Nice guy, made me laugh, I had a good time, I would not mind seeing him again."     To me that is the perfect thought and vibe

it certainly is a wild ride as I'll attest to.

You are correct however about when one person misunderstands the other's intentions.

Hearts can get banged up that way, but I suppose some of that is inevitable.  I've had more than a couple of rounds of that too in this hobby.

Luckily, one happens to live pretty close by, so I've got something set up.  

The other four live on in my dreams. Maybe someday. And I love that 15 year old feeling when you hit it off with a lady. Especially when it brings back that 15 year old hardness.

Three of the four are easy to figure out, I can't figure out NY.    I think the ladies are awesome too and I am glad they are here, there is nothing better than reading a few posts from somebody and thinking that they are interesting and then you see the photo and immediately think "whoa, she looks like THAT?!"

My ladyboner for her burns eternal.  

Posted By: Pangloss
Three of the four are easy to figure out, I can't figure out NY.    I think the ladies are awesome too and I am glad they are here, there is nothing better than reading a few posts from somebody and thinking that they are interesting and then you see the photo and immediately think "whoa, she looks like THAT?!"

I thought so but I was not 100% sure :)   I think we all have a boner for her, the day I saw her pic on the photo board it was one of those wowzer! moments.    I know we all use LOL, but I already remembered her from some posts that really did make me laugh out loud.   What a combination of brain power, wit and looks.  Ay, ay, ay!

I wonder how difficult it would be to arrange doubles with Rrasha and Tori?

Posted By: hey mikey
I wonder how difficult it would be to arrange doubles with Rrasha and Tori?  

Or is she my good twin? Dun dun DUNNNNNNN

Posted By: perfectstorm
Posted By: hey mikey
I wonder how difficult it would be to arrange doubles with Rrasha and Tori?  

GaGambler766 reads

I wonder since there is a certain element who thinks that "slut" and "whore", not to mention "hooker" are horrible insults that we should all be ashamed of. What do those people think about a hooker being called "cunty" and I REALLY wonder how those same people feel about a woman describing herself that way?

I can just see heads exploding all the way from DC to California. lmao

This needs a "disclaimer", Do Not Read While Stoned. :)

Posted By: GaGambler
I wonder since there is a certain element who thinks that "slut" and "whore", not to mention "hooker" are horrible insults that we should all be ashamed of. What do those people think about a hooker being called "cunty" and I REALLY wonder how those same people feel about a woman describing herself that way?  

I can just see heads exploding all the way from DC to California. lmao

bonordonor542 reads

I jerk off. Thank you Tobi. BTW, I had to clean my monitor again.

I excrete cunty...but you knew that.
TOBI!!! I won't tolerate this cheating of the heart much longer (was that a song from the 80's?). But if I have to...smooth choice, Rasha's yummy.

Gambler me love, Cunty to me is smart mixed with snark mixed with extreme wit and demands a general if not better knowledge of pop culture and great works of writing.... mostly snark though and an intolerance of cuntycocky.

Posted By: GaGambler
I wonder since there is a certain element who thinks that "slut" and "whore", not to mention "hooker" are horrible insults that we should all be ashamed of. What do those people think about a hooker being called "cunty" and I REALLY wonder how those same people feel about a woman describing herself that way?  

I can just see heads exploding all the way from DC to California. lmao

Likely just one of the two ladies who I'd disappoint in a threesome with Rrasha.  (Sorry, but I can't type... or, evidently, read.)

Mix in a some beauty, a healthy sexual appetite and a great body and I'm all

Posted By: russbbj
one in Cincinnati

Senator.Blutarsky673 reads

...part of the fun is flirting with these gals. I hope you get a chance to meet them one day. BTW, this gal lives down your way...and seems like she might be a lot of fun.

betterknot597 reads

A couple I think I could be a real friend to but who needs another broken down old man.

Unless of course you mean you see her when you dont pay her or you/her kept contact after her retirement. That I can see and that i have done. But paying someone muddies the waters of the "friend" category. Oft times, when the money stops so does the friendship. Which is normal for most and fine too.

89Springer568 reads

I don't think I'd want to.  There's a chance I wouldn't like the real person. Why risk screwing up a good thing

browneyes_420 reads

How long do you talk sexually with providers on the phone?
 How long it takes till they start getting mad because they just realized that you wasted their time, did no session booking, have no clue your own preferred time for fun, keep asking her are you available to meet now on short notice and other wrong behavior like that?
Good news: you avoid ruining providers good mood by being précised about your time and location you would like to session with her. And wait to tell her your fantasies till you meet her face to face!

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