TER General Board

Yea, yeah, yeah.
EuroModelsShown 116 reads

I guess it isn't always the case, and I've never looked into it, but everything I ever hear about starlets are the don't live up to expectation.

Some must, maybe it's the cost factor, or unrealistic expectations going in, at a higher rate and expecting to get your money worth.

I'm sure throwing money around, and creating the right atmosphere play a huge part in receiving a quality performace.

It’s been many moons since I last posted in this forum, but I thought this tale was worth offering to this peanut gallery none the less.  

   I was surprised recently by a clever, sexy, touring lady that I’d not yet had the pleasure, but very much wished too. She cogently took heed to my earlier recommendation that she contact me the next time she was coming to my region. I swiftly responded to her text, and other than suggesting I’m a ‘morning’ person I essentially deferred to her time choice. She chose 5:30pm the day of her arrival.  

   At 3:30pm I texted for updates and hotel name/address. 4:10pm I leave for the bank and the 15 mile, rush hour traffic drive to the neighboring city. I arrive in the city specified ahead of time and pulled into a sports bar for a beer. Still no “update” however. At 5:25pm I get a text saying “I’m real late” “Can I wait until 7pm?”

   Now I’m WELL aware that ‘waiting for a woman’ began shortly after history’s first fuck. But 90 minutes is really pushing it when she was in her car with her smartphone for the two+ hours prior. But I’m ‘there’, have no-one to report to for many hours, and in a comfortable surrounding. Two beers in I feel frisky and send two consecutive ‘sext’ messages. She responds by castigating me for ‘too graphic a text message’ and telling me I have “Two strikes against me”

   I inform her that I don’t take threatening or potentially manipulative shit from people I’m about to peel off several hundred in cash too, but I would capitulate. About then I decided to pay my tab, take a leak, and GO HOME!

   At 6:43 she texts asking how I want her make-up, but since I’m driving I cannot respond. At 7:07pm I get a text saying she is ready(she had yet to give me the hotel). I am now home and responded by telling her so at 7:09. She naturally got very angry, then blamed me for her driving 2 hours to see me. I never ordered ‘Outcall’ from LA to the Inland Empire. SHE CALLED ME, SHE was ineffectual and inconsiderate in her logistics, and then unnecessarily prudish and paranoid in respects to my sexting.

   I really had hoped to fuck this gal’s round, juicy, porno quality ass hard and long. And I likely would have given her a splendiferous Review under my pseudonym if she had proven as carnal with me as in her porno movies. But it ain’t THAT important, and at these crazed LA prices these slags better wise up to that fact. MGTOW

...I would have let her know.  You told her that you don't take shit from people but then you said you capitulated.  She must have thought you were going to stay.  When you decided to go home, you should have told her...in the filthiest sext possible. LOL.

It would not have gone well anyway since you both had two strikes against you in the other's scorecard.  And maybe she was running late because she was trying to squeeze in a one hour appointment at the last minute to help justify her two hour drive.

GaGambler169 reads

and we all know my style is much more "aggressive aggressive" instead.

Personally, it would depend on my mood, and how nice the watering hole at which I was waiting on whether or not I would wait the ninety minutes,(and I suppose how hot she was and how horny I was), but if I were already camped out in a bar with nothing much else to do that night, I very well might have waited. What I would NOT have done was to say I was going to wait and then change my mind, act like a butt hurt little bitch and leave without so much as a "go fuck yourself" lol

I never texted an apology or notice I would cease and desist. You certainly have become pedantic as well as comfortable in your hubris; GaG.

Sexting with someone you haven't even met yet is tacky at best, and can make her think you're LE in some circumstances.

She was wrong to not inform you earlier about being late, and her attitude could use some adjustment.

I guess this was not meant to be.

And for those wondering as I was...

:D   https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jack+Nickolson+good+as+it+gets  :D

   I wonder if old 'Jack' was ghostwriter of the movement.

Nothing good ever occurs with that behavior. Ask Anthony Wiener.

keep the communication professional until AFTER the first session.  Then you're fuck-buddies (albeit paid), so a little more graphic communication is not out of line.  If she objects after you have seen her as a customer, then the prude label may apply.  

Except for the sexting, I think he handled himself with more patience and restraint that I would have.

GaGambler114 reads

True it was HER fault for being 90 minutes late, but he could have said no and left. Once he agreed to the new time "sexting" her was just plain dumb. Have you EVER sexted a hooker who you have yet to meet? Of course not, and neither has anyone else here with any sense.

Also, even if the sexting was not highly inappropriate, she was already running late, why would he want to bother her while she was supposed to be getting ready for their date. The "you have two strikes against you" might not have been the nicest way to phrase it, but she was in the middle of getting ready and she was ready to go through with the appointment as evidenced by her text to him 17 minutes before the newly scheduled appointment time.

Yes, there is blame to go around, but I find him more at fault than her.

My texts did not require a reply. They were more a reminder of tastes and possible appurtenances. And forgive my possibly giving to imprudence from the 'alcohol' ingested while 'patiently' waiting for details like 'what hotel you're staying?' I'm confident two pints of 7% ABV beer doesn't even register on your tolerance level.

confused in the mornings.  His posts will go back to normal after 11:00a when Happy Hour starts.  

GaGambler127 reads

If I had consumed two pints of beer and someone had asked me "have you been drinking" my response of "NO" would certainly pass a lie detector as you are absolutely correct  

"two pints of 7% ABV beer doesn't even register on your tolerance level."

If you are giving the excuse of "TUI" I suppose that's a valid one. Although it would take more like two pints of tequila to get me to "sext" a hooker I had not yet met in person. lol

Not quite as good as fucking a hot porn starlet,

 but still good none the less.


Dick_Enormis77 reads

You said she was a porn star and assuming she's charging porn star rates, some guys would want to know who she is before wasting that kind of cash on her.

I guess it isn't always the case, and I've never looked into it, but everything I ever hear about starlets are the don't live up to expectation.

Some must, maybe it's the cost factor, or unrealistic expectations going in, at a higher rate and expecting to get your money worth.

I'm sure throwing money around, and creating the right atmosphere play a huge part in receiving a quality performace.

"throw money around" to get a good performance, but it also helps if you don't come off as a cheapskate.  There is a balance point where everyone is happy and got value from the experience.  It may vary from provider to provider, so you just have to find it.  

When it comes to tipping, a friend of mine takes a large wad of $10 bills, and starts peeling them off one at a time and putting them into the provider's hand.  When she smiles, he stops.  He has found the balance point.  

Dick_Enormis130 reads

As long as you do your research, read the reviews, etc, you can find those porn starlets that live up to expectations.  They are out there and they have the review history on here to prove it.  I've seen many porn stars at different price ranges from the 1000/hr to the 2k/hr and they've all gave a great performance.  It all goes back to doing your homework.  And yes, I've had a couple of not so great experiences but those were few and far in between.  

In respect to "porn star rates, she is actually VERY reasonable. I was speaking as a whole on what I've witnessed in the last decade on TER.  Today it seems any millennial twat with(or without) a student loan and a couple shilled reviews can advertise(and sadly get) $600/h or more.

  I won't besmirch the lady's name. I only offered this experience to educate, and hopefully; both sides.  

Dick_Enormis88 reads

It's ultimately up to you whether you want to name her or not.  But don't say this wasn't a revenge post and you don't want to besmirch the lady's name when you've already done that by calling her "threatening" and "potentially manipulative" "ineffectual and inconsiderate in her logistics, and then unnecessarily prudish and paranoid"

And in case anyone thinks I'm being a white knight, well no.  I'm just tired of these posts where guys come on here bitching about how they got NCNS, rescheduled a dozen times, made to wait an hour after the scheduled time, etc, etc, etc, and don't have the balls to name her.  

Isn't "sexting" sending naked pics? Kind of tricky from a sports bar.

Texting is usually just sending text. Sexting is texting about sex. You can send a picture via text, but it isn't required for either texting or sexting.

And right after that, you decided to take your balls and go home without telling her. That's not going your own way, that's called pouting. She contacted you virtually at your scheduled time and asked to delay 90 minutes. That's totally fucked up. You could've said you don't appreciate the disrespect and you're not waiting. You could've decided she may be worth it and hung in there. Neither would've been wrong. Letting her get ready while you went home and not telling her until after the new start time was childish, IMHO. Yeah she kinda deserved it because she messed up too, but still childish.

Really? You were in a bar at 5:20 with no location and you thought your 5:30 appointment was going to happen as planned? I'm not excusing her being late, that was completely disrespectful and unprofessional, but when that text hit your phone you shouldn't have been surprised. You should have started thinking of bailing an hour before game time when you had no location confirmed and couldn't get ahold of her.

If you were so drunk that that's your excuse for doing something as stupid as sext someone you haven't met FtF yet, then you were too fucking drunk to be driving. You're going to kill someone, asshole. Personally, I wouldn't feel two beers and I'd go home no problem, but I wouldn't use the two beers as an excuse for something like that.

I agree, she was very unprofessional. Too bad you can't say you're any better. She may or may not have been "unnecessarily prudish and paranoid." I don't know. But I betcha she's never been arrested.

It's been said around here a million times and I'll say it again. Complaining about these stories without naming names is pointless. Warn the others, or chalk it up to a hazard of the trade and quietly move on to the next porn star. Again, neither would be "wrong".

Conan asked me to ask you to study the difference between to and too.

I haven't yet figured all the hacks of this new Beta format to do an edit.

to set the record straight as to what would happen if she tried to waste your time and take you for granted. How dare she try to blame you when it was she who dropped the ball, but such is the truth about female nature. Unfortunately, the hobby is not entirely a safe space from having to deal with female nature (they still have a mind of their own regardless), but it's the best option for red pill men right now. Although it's not like I'd return to the plantation if they change these shitty gynocentric laws anyways, they can go fuck themselves, I'm perfectly happy doing this hobby. Whenever I see where it's coming down to the wire, and she has not yet finalized our arrangement, I start calling around for other options, oftentimes resorting to searching on bp. It usually don't take long to find someone else, and then when the first girl eventually calls back later the same evening, or sometimes the following day, I usually tell her I found someone else (even if it's not true, but it's quite often true). I think it sends a powerful message letting her know that I don't play. In many instances, I find that the new girl is better than the one who stood me up, and that could mean the beginning of a new ATF.

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