TER General Board

VOO-doo 522 reads

I totally wish they'd get rid of that option.

Imperatio1992 reads

Just out of curiosity, what would you do if a client just seemed to like you a little too much? (Refuse to see them? See how much you get outta their pocket?)

Or if you as a hobbyist have fallen prey to the feminine charm & wiles of a provider? (Stop seeing them? Buy up all their time? Cry alone?)

I get that a provider would never want to turn down a paying client, but is it advisable/safer/better to just keep distance? I just can't imagine a situation like that ending well for either party.

And yes, I'm just planning for the future when this inevitably happens to me at some point lol

I just ignore the calls and eventually tell him why if he doesn't get the hint. I am too proud to lie or use someone, plus it makes it worse if you go that route.

I am pretty nice and don't always say something or ignore when I should, but once I truly know you are too attached... Alexandra is not available anymore. There is no going back or toning it down thinking I will see you.

Posted By: Imperatio
Just out of curiosity, what would you do if a client just seemed to like you a little too much? (Refuse to see them? See how much you get outta their pocket?)  
 Or if you as a hobbyist have fallen prey to the feminine charm & wiles of a provider? (Stop seeing them? Buy up all their time? Cry alone?)  
 I get that a provider would never want to turn down a paying client, but is it advisable/safer/better to just keep distance? I just can't imagine a situation like that ending well for either party.  
 And yes, I'm just planning for the future when this inevitably happens to me at some point lol

Walk in a park, review the pictures of his house that she shows me and ask to live with him there. We are humans, yes, happens. Xo

Posted By: Imperatio
Just out of curiosity, what would you do if a client just seemed to like you a little too much? (Refuse to see them? See how much you get outta their pocket?)  
 Or if you as a hobbyist have fallen prey to the feminine charm & wiles of a provider? (Stop seeing them? Buy up all their time? Cry alone?)  
 I get that a provider would never want to turn down a paying client, but is it advisable/safer/better to just keep distance? I just can't imagine a situation like that ending well for either party.  
 And yes, I'm just planning for the future when this inevitably happens to me at some point lol

Imperatio638 reads

Are you saying that this thread is an overly belaboured point?

GaGambler614 reads

It makes Senor Grumpy's head hurt.

But he is right, this subject does come up about once a week.

We call them "I've fallen for a hooker and can't get up" threads, and yes a LOT of guys fall for hookers. I would have to say that behind getting arrested, killed, robbed, beaten or raped, it is one of the worst things than can happen to the ladies here. Unless of course she falls for him too, and don't laugh, it does happen.  I am hardly a "hunk" but I have had several LTR's with women that I have met through P4P.

I find it funny you often respond, only to say the same thing.

Stop living in the past. lol!

GaGambler519 reads

I have a "friend" of mine coming back to town today. She is not exactly a GF, nor are we in "love" but she quit charging me quite some time ago, so she must like me at least a little bit. So, yes it does happen.

and for the record, the subject of you being an idiot comes up a lot as well, and yes I often respond to those posts too, always saying the same thing that YES you are an idiot. See, some responses never get old.

Are you more interested in your fuck buddy, or my idiocy?

GaGambler606 reads

In the meantime I can either do some work this morning, or hang around on TER.  

So I guess for the time being at least, your idiocy will have to do. lol

The most feelings I will develope is a crush/infatuation, and that's all it is.

Posted By: Imperatio
Just out of curiosity, what would you do if a client just seemed to like you a little too much? (Refuse to see them? See how much you get outta their pocket?)  
 Or if you as a hobbyist have fallen prey to the feminine charm & wiles of a provider? (Stop seeing them? Buy up all their time? Cry alone?)  
 I get that a provider would never want to turn down a paying client, but is it advisable/safer/better to just keep distance? I just can't imagine a situation like that ending well for either party.  
 And yes, I'm just planning for the future when this inevitably happens to me at some point lol

If a GUY happens to be adorable, same here lol. I just watched "The Loft" and was shocked at how quickly one of the married guys fell for the hooker. She was a hot hooker, though.

I would keep it going as long as I could stand it. There is a limit though, my limit. Look as unfair as that may seem, I am here for one thing and I am not responsible for some john who can't get a grip that he is paying me to be there and that it does not blossom into a relationship because he feels all warm and fuzzy with me.  

A word of caution to  johns, if you are paying her to be there, it is not a real relationship UNLESS she tells you not to keep paying.

I think morons should read it, morons are the only people who think that providers want anything more than a business relationship.

but they don't all have the same level of disdain.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I think morons should read it, morons are the only people who think that providers want anything more than a business relationship.

Sadly the love-struck fools that need this reality check the most probably don't read TER.

Stickythong615 reads

I know she secretly loves me.  

I like H+T's honesty and perspective on the business.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I would keep it going as long as I could stand it. There is a limit though, my limit. Look as unfair as that may seem, I am here for one thing and I am not responsible for some john who can't get a grip that he is paying me to be there and that it does not blossom into a relationship because he feels all warm and fuzzy with me.  
 A word of caution to  johns, if you are paying her to be there, it is not a real relationship UNLESS she tells you not to keep paying.

bigguy30652 reads

They don't care about us and it's all about the money.
So sure you might find a small hand full of providers that act human but most are about that green.
They only fuck you to bring that money back to their personal boyfriend or girlfriend.
Please don't get played with your hard earned money guys.
This is a fun hobby but if you want a real relationship look outside of it!

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I would keep it going as long as I could stand it. There is a limit though, my limit. Look as unfair as that may seem, I am here for one thing and I am not responsible for some john who can't get a grip that he is paying me to be there and that it does not blossom into a relationship because he feels all warm and fuzzy with me.  
 A word of caution to  johns, if you are paying her to be there, it is not a real relationship UNLESS she tells you not to keep paying.

GaGambler571 reads

I use the term hooker all the time, but I don't get all butt hurt when I am called a john in return.

and yes I suppose any hooker that has to fuck the likes of you is doing it strictly for the money and no matter what she charges, she really should be charging more.

H+T NEVER sugar coats things, it's one of the things that many of us like about her, I am sorry your wittle feelings got hurt, poor wittle guy. lmao

bigguy30712 reads

If you think my feelings were hurt you have to be drunk right now.
You make smart ass comments all the time with no proof behind anything.
So my feeling were not hurt clown boy.
I was making a point and showing how little these providers really care so don't waste your time looking for love.
If they call us johns then they are hookers.  
We fuck them and leave the money.
Then everybody is happy after the date.
Sometimes I forget how slow you really are on here and run away when you can't take the heat. Lol

Posted By: GaGambler
I use the term hooker all the time, but I don't get all butt hurt when I am called a john in return.  
 and yes I suppose any hooker that has to fuck the likes of you is doing it strictly for the money and no matter what she charges, she really should be charging more.  
 H+T NEVER sugar coats things, it's one of the things that many of us like about her, I am sorry your wittle feelings got hurt, poor wittle guy. lmao
-- Modified on 6/30/2015 12:24:39 PM

Just be clean, pay up and don't bug the shit out of me unless it is to book another appointment

bigguy30658 reads

I don't think you are really up for it anyway but the bossy vocal female providers are the most fun.  
When I finish with them they can't speak anymore.  
Thanks for the laughs. Lol

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Just be clean, pay up and don't bug the shit out of me unless it is to book another appointment.  

Your use of the word big really denotes fat, so fatdaddy now is it?. All you really would need  to do is sit on them and you'd pretty near suffocate them.

-- Modified on 6/30/2015 12:59:10 PM

bigguy30589 reads

When you assume you know what happens right?  
Also the only thing you might suffocate on is my dick inside your mouth.  
You are funny I will give you credit on this comment.


Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Your use of the word big really denotes fat, so fatdaddy now is it?. All you really would need  to do is sit on them and you'd pretty near suffocate them.  

-- Modified on 6/30/2015 1:18:28 PM

I have a very good healthy set of teeth so be very careful putting your dick near my mouth

bigguy30559 reads

So you must deal with some crossover hobbyists and now I understand your confusion with the name calling that doesn't apply to me.
I am a straight male and not into anything like that but this must be your thing.
Thanks for the laughs but again when you assume wrong again.
You know the rest. Lol

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I have a very good healthy set of teeth so be very careful putting your dick near my mouth.  
-- Modified on 6/30/2015 7:35:58 PM

bigguy30470 reads

Thanks for adding your name to the clown show. Lol

Posted By: USGrantlover

VOO-doo522 reads

Clients who get overly attached don't usually want to pay anymore (at least not on a per date basis). They prefer to take the relationship to another level. Usually, they start out by demanding pretty unreasonable amounts of OTC time, in an effort to gradually shift the terms of the relationship. They know they can't outright ask me to date them, so they figure they'll ask for dinner this time, then maybe next time I'll stay overnight, then we'll gradually start spending more time together OTC, and so on. At least, that's how it's come across to me.  

Girls who milk guys who fall for them usually go the sugar daddy route, or something like it - at least, in my experience. I had a friend who made a guy feel special with lots of OTC time and a heavy discount, but then she'd sob to him whenever she needed money for something.  

I personally don't have the stomach or tolerance for it. When I was newly independent, I kind of kept it going with one guy for a bit too long. He was a pretty experienced hobbyist, and I figured he'd eventually come to his senses. Well, he did, but only after his feelings got hurt. It turned what had been a very enjoyable hobby friendship into something negative for both of us.

Earlier this year, I did have to be 'busy' for one client...thankfully, he got the hint after two times. Aside from that, it's been a long time since I've let it get to the point where I have to take any kind of action. I'm very straight with my clients - I tell them, you are one of my favorite CLIENTS, you are a special CLIENT. That doesn't stop guys from trying to misinterpret me, but when they do, they invariably hit a brick wall before they can even spit out 'I thought maybe we could...' So, the few who have exhibited clingy tendencies tend to eventually fall away of their own accord.  

BTW, to the person who messaged me - I can't read it now, as my credit card company keeps flagging my VIP payment as fraudulent :/ Hopefully it will be sorted out soon.

BTW, to the person who messaged me - I can't read it now, as my credit card company keeps flagging my VIP payment as fraudulent :/ Hopefully it will be sorted out soon."

try writing a fake review on your favorite provider to get your VIP back... seems to work well in this business model..

VOO-doo523 reads

I totally wish they'd get rid of that option.

GaGambler556 reads

I have dated several hookers, after all hookers have Boy Friends and a social life just like everyone else. Some clients make horrible "dates" others (like me of course) make for the perfect date/BF/fuck buddy. At least you don't have to lie about what you do for a living.

but yeah, most guys are WAY too clingy, and many of the rest are simply looking for freebie, so I get your point.

VOO-doo707 reads

I've dated two clients, so what you say is definitely true. There's even a small possibility I might date again soon (not a client)...I AM human, I swear :)

The guys I mentioned, though, totally realize that I see them as a client only, and are just trying to finesse their way into freebie/dating/whatever.

GaGambler691 reads

If the lines have already been drawn, I don't call it trying to "finesse" their way in, I think it's more accurately called "weaseling"  

It is funny though, I got "fired" as a client not that long ago, but she did leave the door open to actual dating. One of her friends used to be my GF and I know several of her IRL friends as well, and she told me she just felt funny having sex with me for money. I have seriously thought about taking her up on the opening that she left for me, but although she is hot, and great in the sack, I know I would fuck up a couple of friendships if I tried to pursue it, plus I see several of her friends as a customer, and obviously they would be hands off if I pursued this. Oh well. lol

Voodoo, just wandering if you collaborated with another provider to determine when it is time to terminate a Pay for play relationship, what would be 4 signs that you would use that would be indicative of when it is time to stop?  Also what signs would you be looking for with respect to their emotions and other types of behavior that take the relationship out of what the scope was originally intended for?   This is a topic that should be a chapter in the escorts business and personal survival handbook.   It is not that you guys are in the business of turning down clients but it is also critical to know and identify what is a good relationship with respect to business.   For some that is kind of obfuscating considering that gfe is on the menu.

like after 1st or 2nd visit?

Posted By: VOO-doo
Clients who get overly attached don't usually want to pay anymore (at least not on a per date basis). They prefer to take the relationship to another level. Usually, they start out by demanding pretty unreasonable amounts of OTC time, in an effort to gradually shift the terms of the relationship. They know they can't outright ask me to date them, so they figure they'll ask for dinner this time, then maybe next time I'll stay overnight, then we'll gradually start spending more time together OTC, and so on. At least, that's how it's come across to me.  
 Girls who milk guys who fall for them usually go the sugar daddy route, or something like it - at least, in my experience. I had a friend who made a guy feel special with lots of OTC time and a heavy discount, but then she'd sob to him whenever she needed money for something.  
 I personally don't have the stomach or tolerance for it. When I was newly independent, I kind of kept it going with one guy for a bit too long. He was a pretty experienced hobbyist, and I figured he'd eventually come to his senses. Well, he did, but only after his feelings got hurt. It turned what had been a very enjoyable hobby friendship into something negative for both of us.  
 Earlier this year, I did have to be 'busy' for one client...thankfully, he got the hint after two times. Aside from that, it's been a long time since I've let it get to the point where I have to take any kind of action. I'm very straight with my clients - I tell them, you are one of my favorite CLIENTS, you are a special CLIENT. That doesn't stop guys from trying to misinterpret me, but when they do, they invariably hit a brick wall before they can even spit out 'I thought maybe we could...' So, the few who have exhibited clingy tendencies tend to eventually fall away of their own accord.  
 BTW, to the person who messaged me - I can't read it now, as my credit card company keeps flagging my VIP payment as fraudulent :/ Hopefully it will be sorted out soon.

Luckily, none of my clients have crossed any lines when it comes to getting attached... yet! Lol.

What I want to know is how do you providers deal with potential clients that seem to think your number or email address are open lines of communication just for chatting?  I don't want to be so harsh as to lose a potential client, but how do you let them know that they need to "sh** or get off the pot" in the nicest possible way?  Now, I'm not talking about clients that I already have appointments set with, or clients I've already seen.  I'm talking about clients who for some reason or another haven't been able to get an appointment, but still feel like we have the kind of relationship that warrants daily text messages.  Nothing inappropriate, but still entirely unnecessary.  Ladies?

GaGambler631 reads

at some point you have to put your foot down, or you will become a titillating unpaid pen pal instead of a successful, well paid hooker. lol

This is not unique to the sex business, people in all businesses run into time wasters, and people who simply cannot make a decision without you having to force the issue.

If it makes you feel any better, I am often put in the decision to tell someone to "shit or get off the pot" for millions of dollars not hundreds, and believe me, I know how hard it is to chase off potential business, but the truth of the matter is, those time wasters are really clients, nor are they ever likely to be, so you are much better off finding out once and for all if they are for real. There is a saying "you can't lose what you never had" that seems rather appropriate here.

Superstar!506 reads

Tell the guy, "I'm so sorry!  Mom/Friend/Client is in town so I'll have to put away this phone.  You'll have to email me to set up our appt."

That is IF you want to possibly salvage a potential appointment.  If he seems like a total timewaster, you have nothing to lose by telling him "No more contact.

Then do you even want that guy as a client?  

This type of behavior seems pretty ingrained and you might be in for a giant headache with guys like this.

I have had this, and this is what I have said......

"I have a very busy schedule and can't continue the back and forth you seem to need. I am more than happy to schedule an appointment and we can chat at length then. "

As for repeated emails, I will ignore a lot of them and site business and other commitments. Eventually I will block if the guy has not pulled the trigger and booked.

Those who will keep sending messages for as long as you keep replying to them.   I will stop communicating if they don't try to set a date after a few message.  Sometimes (maybe 1/3 of the time) they will eventually get back in touch and set a date.   Rarely do they become repeat visitors, though.  

There are those who want to get to know you via email/text/chat so you may want to ask them up-front if that's what they're doing, and decide for yourself if you're comfortable with that.  It's difficult to tell the difference between those types and those who are solely wasting your time, IMO, so I don't go in or the getting-to-know you stuff.  But that's just me.

Many more guys are just wasting providers' time in between the occasions when they have the opportunity and/or funds to actually pull the trigger.  Some get off on wasting your time and will never pull the trigger.  So I don't waste my time, period.    :-)


someCuteChic460 reads

If I think I wouldn't mind seeing them as a client in the future, I just ignore most of their contact that isn't appointment related. I may chat with them briefly, a couple of short texts or emails, but if they haven't asked to schedule after a couple of messages,  I just end the conversation by ignoring them. They typically get the hint, and they either schedule or stop contacting me completely. Both outcomes are equally fine with me.

If I don't think I'd like to see them, I just ignore all of their contact and block them if I need to. Easy.

If a client is too clingy but you think hes not BSC then dont cut him off just yet, he might not know the game very well. If your verbals hints have no effect then just stop communicating (but keep the bridge, incase you need $ for emergencies) if you don't feel good about making money off of him.  

I've never fallen for a provider, i just don't get how someone could fall for a person who has a mask on. Sure they might be great to get along with but its a business relationship, ofc shes going to be great to get along with if shes got some business sense. Sure there are exceptions but i would bet the relationships that work out are super rare.

If he gives me the creeps, that's a rap. If he is just overly nice, I can deal with that. As long as his advances do not start to invade my personal time/life, I can be delicate... no really, I can lol.  

Posted By: Imperatio
Just out of curiosity, what would you do if a client just seemed to like you a little too much? (Refuse tt'o see them? See how much you get outta their pocket?)  
 Or if you as a hobbyist have fallen prey to the feminine charm & wiles of a provider? (Stop seeing them? Buy up all their time? Cry alone?)  
 I get that a provider would never want to turn down a paying client, but is it advisable/safer/better to just keep distance? I just can't imagine a situation like that ending well for either party.  
 And yes, I'm just planning for the future when this inevitably happens to me at some point lol

The timing of this post is very odd.   I just had a provider who walked away few hours into what was supposed to be a weekend getaway.  I had already met her once and we clicked (or so I thought).  I don't think I was overtly attached but we had chemistry.  She obviously uses a different screening service and told me she found nothing about me.  Huh!  I am white listed by 2 dozen highly rated ladies between TER and Date-Check (and I mean scores of 10).  But what gave her the "creeps" is that I myself learned about her more than I should. My source was google and intelius!  Just plain public info.  
Many providers had no problem telling me their real names ( of course after establishing good relation and after repeated dates, many of which require travel and airplane reservations and hence the name).  I did my best to explain but I guess I was not good enough for her.  She perceived me as not-so-direct, I guess.  No responses to many emails. She offered to return donation but eventually decided not to.  

Posted By: London Rayne
If he gives me the creeps, that's a rap. If he is just overly nice, I can deal with that. As long as his advances do not start to invade my personal time/life, I can be delicate... no really, I can lol.  
Posted By: Imperatio
Just out of curiosity, what would you do if a client just seemed to like you a little too much? (Refuse tt'o see them? See how much you get outta their pocket?)  
  Or if you as a hobbyist have fallen prey to the feminine charm & wiles of a provider? (Stop seeing them? Buy up all their time? Cry alone?)  
  I get that a provider would never want to turn down a paying client, but is it advisable/safer/better to just keep distance? I just can't imagine a situation like that ending well for either party.  
  And yes, I'm just planning for the future when this inevitably happens to me at some point lol
-- Modified on 6/30/2015 3:41:11 PM

Why would you need to google and use Intelius on her? No offense, but if I gave some guy my full name to book airline tickets and he confessed to doing that, I might be a bit put off. He is not screening London at that point, but my fkin personal life which is really none of his business unless I want to tell him. Would I still take his money? Maybe, if he was good in bed.

I was thinking the same damn thing when I read his post.

Why, oh why oh why can some guys not get a handle of the boundaries. Damn it man, do your do dilegence on researching a lady, show up on time or visa versa, ensure the envelope is correct, have a great time and leave or she leaves. Why is it so difficult for some guys to figure out such a simple arrangement? It's not rocket science. Honestly, her personal life is none of our fucking business and visa versa.

Keep you nose where it belongs dude, in your business.

In my line of job, I have to protect myself.  I know at least 5k people in our mid-size southern town, may be more. I tend to be cautious, sometimes overzealous.  I do not disagree with your input, but if I am not vigilant then it could be a social and financial disaster.

I'd really like to say that I don't get why guys can't grasp this arrangement and become clingy. I mean this is really fucking simple, have a great time with a great lady for a couple (or more hours) at her published rate and then either you or she leaves. Pretty fucking simple.

But recently I've had to travel with a colleague who is clingy, there's no way that this guy could/would ever go to lunch/dinner by himself, he expected to share just about every waking moment together. I tried to get time away from him on a weekend stay over by telling him I was going on a Bourbon your and he said " that sounds like a good time". Uh, that wasn't an invitation pal, that was a declaration of what I was going to do. Fortunately for me, it was Father's Day weekend and his wife and son drove down to send time with him, whew.

So, I have a small idea of how clingy someone can get, damn I can just imagine when there is the intimacy of sex involved. It gives me a new appreciation of what you gals must deal with.

I'm befuddled why guys can't understand the boundaries of our arrangement

GaGambler729 reads

The last time we were in Costa Rica at the same time, (notice I did NOT say together) he told me what a lousy wingman I made. I told him in no uncertain terms that I was NOT nor did I want a fucking wingman, and that the ground rules were simple, "I do what I want and you do what you want, occasionally that will be the same thing, but only by accident"

I have a longer tolerance than you though, I can usually make it a day or two with a woman before wanting to chew my arm off, I do make a lot of stupid promises when drunk and horny though. I have lost track of how many women I have promised to take to the beach, mountains, lake etc during the evening only to wake up with them in the morning and having to make up the most ridiculous excuses to get out of my promise once the blood returns to my brain. On rare instances I will actually take a woman somewhere for a day or two, but two days seems to be my maximum. So yes, I too get why women can't stand a clingy guy.

It shall be life.  

Sorry, for some reason that line from Outlaw Josey Wales came to mind.

Perhaps one day when I visit CR, if you're there at the same time, we can have a cocktail and discuss the finer things in life (pussy) and I can excuse myself without any notice to "lather, rinse, repeat", visa versa. There are only a few things that take precedence over a good Bourbon, pussy is one.

Pussy, pussy good, p pussy real good, oh that's push it, well I like my version better

"You gonna pull them pistols or just whistle Dixie, boy?"

"The Wild Bunch" was much better.  So was "Unforgiven."

'm going Mag 7.... best horse opera ever made.. unless you count Star Trek.. best horse opera without horses...

'Wild Bunch' awesome too. Maybe I'll just call it my fave. And 'Unforgiven?' Awesome but not as good as JW son.

That'd be me

You're a wanted man Wales

Reckon I'm right popular

You a bounty hunter  

Yeah, a man's gotta make a living somehow

Dyin ain't much of a living, boy

He leaves dead men where ever he goes

Now that's a movie...."Angel Eyes"..sorry, off topic.

Just re watched it on plane overseas. Great flick with great casting. Love 'Angel Eyes' and Eli Wallach. Too damn long though.

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