TER General Board

WTF Terrilynn?
peat 10 Reviews 2954 reads
1 / 34

There is a particular provider that I have been trying to set up an appointment with for almost a year. I have seen other providers in the interim but I check in with her occasionally. Most times she does not respond. Sometimes she responds with a question and when I answer I get no reply. I have provided all the references etc and offered more. Even offered to send a link to my Facebook page so she could see I’m not gross or creepy. I finally had an appointment set up almost two weeks in advance. I texted and emailed to confirm a couple days ahead with no reply. I texted the night of with no reply. Then she cancelled two hours before the appointment because she had a friend in town. I remained respectful and said I understood and hoped she had fun. I asked about the following weekend-no reply. I tried again the next day via text saying I hope she had fun and can we set something up-no reply. I began to feel like a stalker which is not my M.O. at all and not a good feeling.  
A few attempts later I said again, that I was glad she got to see her friend but I would being lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. She replied ‘what friend’.  
I explained and sent her the text she had sent me. She was like, ‘oh yeah’. Then nothing. I emailed her again . No reply.  
It’s just fucking rude, am I right? I mean after canceling on me and everything. So unprofessional. The reason I do not abandon the pursuit is because she is a spinner who does Greek and gets good reviews. Those are in short supply around here. So I continue to be patient and respectful but I just had to vent. It’s a good thing for her you can’t review someone you haven’t had a session with LOL. But maybe they should start that.  
What do you all think? I’d love to hear from other providers.  Am I just being a whiner? Is it too much to expect  the same courtesy you extend?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 26 reads
2 / 34

It is OK to beg for pussy.
It is OK to pay for Pussy.
But it is not OK to beg to pay for pussy.

This is not meant to be.   Let it go.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 30 reads
3 / 34

She does not want to see you.  Move on.  

It's not uncommon for a provider to use this tactic in order to avoid an overt rejection. She may not want to deal with your predictable follow up questions like "why won't you see me?" or "is it because I'm a creepy, overly persistent douche?", or "are you worried that I'm too clingy"?  

It doesn't matter why. And the more you try to find out why the more she will want to distance herself from you.  

Don't be a dick. Look elsewhere.  

peat 10 Reviews 36 reads
4 / 34

But I like Greek spinners!

Chanel72014 See my TER Reviews 25 reads
5 / 34

Shes probably not a Provider anymore and if she is she probably just doesn't want to see you. I know, crazy right a provider being picky, but it happens. Just move on...its for the best.

peat 10 Reviews 25 reads
6 / 34
peat 10 Reviews 26 reads
7 / 34
JakeFromStateFarm 33 reads
9 / 34

Oh, and Conan says it's "Etiquette."

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 23 reads
10 / 34

And, uh, maybe you can find out where she's registered.

Other than that, I have nothing to suggest other than move on, and review the other hundred, or thousands of posts of why she doesn't respond, or why you are plan B.  

peat 10 Reviews 40 reads
11 / 34

It’s not my first rodeo. I know some providers are more professional and courteous than others. I also know when I’m being blown off. We had an appointment and she canceled 2 hrs before. It happens, I get it. In previous correspondence she eventually replied when she got around to it. I don’t think it’s personal. I think it’s just how she operates. You’re right. I will have to abandon this one and continue my quest for the perfect spinner. LOL

peat 10 Reviews 42 reads
12 / 34

I don’t think it’s personal.  I think it’s just how she operates.

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 26 reads
13 / 34

in to you.  Move on!!!

Tarheel10 49 Reviews 26 reads
14 / 34

You are not going to fuck THIS Greek spinner! Move on....She is a Time waster.  
Forget about it!

keystonekid 114 Reviews 22 reads
15 / 34

review was over a year ago.

Move on, don't be clingy, etc.

micktoz 41 Reviews 28 reads
16 / 34
2648667 31 Reviews 22 reads
17 / 34

Posted By: peat

I also know when I’m being blown off.

Chanel72014 See my TER Reviews 32 reads
18 / 34

Uhhhh duh....women get killed now a days for rejecting men. Do you not watch the news or is that something fly past your head. I don't blame her for being scary in this industry. Some women have the balls and some don't.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 18 reads
19 / 34

Don't have any balls at all.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 23 reads
20 / 34

hanging in there, Peat.  A year is not nearly long enough to wait for this girl.  Keep asking.  You never know WHICH message she will respond to, so you should not give up.  Just because she's rude is not a good reason to give up on your dream.

souls_harbor 23 reads
21 / 34


ToniLove See my TER Reviews 36 reads
22 / 34

Be upfront and say " Hey babe, I really want to schedule with you, if you don't wish to see me, I'm ok with that but please let me know, either way, no worries! I'm just a huge fan"
If she doesn't respond, do NOT contact her anymore.  She apparently isn't interested. Also,  I have found that people that just are inconsiderate to others like that, forgetful,  you did mention a spinner, last minute cancel.....she might be on drugs honey. If that's the case, I'd run instead of chase. You may never know really. I personally don't like a man to chase me around BUT I'd never leave someone hanging like that either.  
Just my ,02

plainjoe 67 Reviews 25 reads
23 / 34

Peat, I think you have the gist of what everyone is telling you...pass on this lady.  Personally, I would cease after her inconsiderate and rude behavior.  There are many ladies that are very responsive and would appreciate your company...and you would too.
Research is your friend - search and find another lady.

VincenzoG91 5 Reviews 29 reads
24 / 34


herbtcat 6 Reviews 24 reads
25 / 34

Seriously?  Fuck me?

peat, you asked for advice and I kindly provided it.  Now you are truly being a dick. Actually, you are a very desperate dick by asking to fuck me.  Trust me, "peat the (lonely) dick," it's not going to happen as I am not a provider, not a spinner and I don't do Greek.  Plus you have now probably successfully put yourself in the "DNS" column for any provider who reads this post.  Good luck with that.  

I'll will do what your unrequited love won't. I am specifically telling you no!  Sorry if you need to look up the definition of "unrequited", but I don't define three syllable words for stupid dicks. Google it.  

Have you considered trolling the TS boards? You may find some very wonderful providers there that will be willing to meet you and fuck you in the ass so you can have your Greek - IF you are not a dick.

GaGambler 28 reads
26 / 34

If she continues to act this way, you should just try even harder

Have you tried offering her more money? Have you tried sending her a non refundable 100% deposit? Have you tried using fake pics of a really handsome dude just to get yourself in the door?  

I have many more suggestions how you might be able to "get in the door" with her, all I ask is that you keep updating us on your progress. lmao

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 21 reads
27 / 34
LilyofMontreal See my TER Reviews 21 reads
28 / 34

Do you really want to see someone as unprofessional? I would not see her for free...

After the first no-show she should have gone into your personal black list...

You are paying to feel like you are special not to feel like a beggar,some would say marry for that...

I cannot tell you strongly enough look for a decent lady and forget this one.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 29 reads
29 / 34

From your post,  quoted below, this sentence is very odd: "Also,  I have found that people that just are inconsiderate to others like that, forgetful,  you did mention a spinner, last minute cancel.....she might be on drugs honey. "  
Inconsiderate, forgetful, last minute cancel, yes, but Spinner? What the heck does being a spinner have to do with being on drugs?🤦‍♂️

Posted By: terrilynn
Re: Why not....
Be upfront and say " Hey babe, I really want to schedule with you, if you don't wish to see me, I'm ok with that but please let me know, either way, no worries! I'm just a huge fan"  
 If she doesn't respond, do NOT contact her anymore.  She apparently isn't interested. Also,  I have found that people that just are inconsiderate to others like that, forgetful,  you did mention a spinner, last minute cancel.....she might be on drugs honey. If that's the case, I'd run instead of chase. You may never know really. I personally don't like a man to chase me around BUT I'd never leave someone hanging like that either.  
 Just my ,02  

-- Modified on 10/5/2017 10:59:09 AM

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 34 reads
30 / 34

Fact is, tons of providers are strung out on drugs. I know of a few that do drugs to stay skinny. I prefer to just eat right(I'm not super skinny either though) but there are many providers strung out. You ever see a bbw methhead? Or a 300lb cokehead? You ad flakey, inconsiderate, unprofessional.... sounds like a drug problem to me or it could be simply just BSC.... or maybe she doesn't want to see him BUT hey,  that's just my opinion. No way am I saying all spinners are on dope but I've seen a ton that were. I'm only giving my perspective here.  Being an ex drug addict myself, it sounds like this COULD be that type situation.  Sorry but, I can smell addiction a mile away.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 26 reads
31 / 34

once, but I couldn't get past the first step.  I admitted that I was powerless over pussy, and that my life had become unmanageable, but no one could convince me that was a BAD thing.  

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 42 reads
32 / 34

I think of spinners as very short girls. Small, petite women. Obviously you are thinking of them as skinny.  

Anyway I agreed with your statement on everything else. I think she's probably on drugs too. And I know there are tons of providers on drugs. I just didn't see how "spinners" fit in there. Obviously the problem is in your definition of spinner vs mine.

By the way there are a lot of fat methheads in Hawaii. 😊

-- Modified on 10/8/2017 10:14:29 PM

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 28 reads
33 / 34

Move on.Why you keep waiting around for jerk you around and take your money

Stay_thirsty_my_friend 31 reads
34 / 34

You should put that on a tee shirt and sell the hell out of it !!  Best advice I've seen on here in 10 years.  Way too many guys are begging to pay for pussy.  There's way too many clams in the ocean to get fixated on one.

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