TER General Board

WTF is wrong with you?????angry_smile
NaughtyMaddy See my TER Reviews 433 reads

Why are you even here ? Do you like to make a point to shame sex workers?

What stage of existence are most TER hookers in?

After contemplating how they took the dark dank highway to hell and smarting from the Preparation H after burn what stages do hookers go through. I think it’s similar to the five stages of grief. Do some skip over a few stages while sucking the cocks of total strangers until they accept their fate? Do others remain in the denial or anger stage and fail to accept their fate?  

Denial: The first reaction is denial. In this stage hookers believe their fate is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false reality. They deny that they are really hookers.

Anger – When the hooker recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at mongers who helped enable the mess they got themselves in.  

Bargaining – The third stage involves the hope that the hooker can somehow come up with an exit strategy to get out of this cesspool.

Depression – "I'm so sad.”I'm going to be a hooker forever. Why me? Depression is a tough stage to be in.

Acceptance – "It's going to be okay.” I’m a hooker. I’ve accepted my fate. The highway to hell led me to this sordid underground world but I will somehow thrive in the “Playpen of the Damned.”

What stage are most girls in?

Why are you even here ? Do you like to make a point to shame sex workers?

a trainwreck by tomorrow, but I'll go ahead and add a couple of lines.  

Your attitude is probably because you are a bottom-feeder, seeing low-priced BP girls that do often feel trapped in this profession because they have collateral problems like drug addition, alcoholism, etc.  If you move upmarket, many providers have university degrees and are not FORCED to do this work at all, but rather choose to do it.  It affords them a comfortable lifestyle, a lot of free time, opportunities to travel at a client's expense, and of course, the chance to meet top executives which they may not ever come in contact with if they have a civvie job.  

So there are two (or more) different classes of providers, and from your damaged perspective, it seems you hang out only in the swamp.  Try moving up market, and you will see what I'm talking about.

GaGambler456 reads

I have done entirely too much agreeing with him lately, which meant either he was becoming more sensible or I was becoming less.

This idiotic, misogynistic, hooker shaming OP puts the universe back in its proper order with me simply shaking my head about the apparent deep rooted resentment this DB must be carrying around everyday.

The post itself of course is not worth commenting on, it kind of speaks for itself.

Thank you OTM for restoring order to the universe.

He was actually alive and well writing this post.  

I cannot wrap my head around the state of mind to write this level of drivel. I think you and CDL are onto something, because he's obviously not seeing quality providers, and likely also hates himself and by extension women.

In my somewhat limited experience, I've found girls that are more or less low end, but still reasonably attractive, approachable and have good attitudes. The big difference is that they actually like what they do, and it's a misconception that a girl has to make 5-6-7-800+ an hour to like being a provider, some of them are really happy to take 300 because they really love sex and have found a way to make money at it.

So in a way, I kinda feel for OTM, because I've been at this like a yearish, and have this sorted out, but he's been at it way longer, and is still kinda clueless (enough to write this post at least).  
On the other hand, maybe he's just an asshole...

GaGambler325 reads

I am an asshole and I am NOTHING like OTM where it comes to the way I feel about the women I fuck. lol

and keep in mind "only $300" most people would kill for a job making anywhere near $300 an hour.  

Of course if they had to fuck the likes of OTM, I could see how they might start questioning if $300 hour was anywhere near enough to warrant the beach bath they must have to take after seeing him. lol

JakeFromStateFarm394 reads

She doesn't need the money because her husband (whom she met while she was a stripper) makes lots of money.  She charges $300, could easily get more but says she'll never raise her rates. She takes her hooking money and blows it on cruises she takes her whole family on.  She's nuts in a good way.

Don't give him the idea to start seeing any of us. Lol But I feel bad for the girls that do have to endure him. Those girls deserve every dollar and then some for seeing the likes of him.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
a trainwreck by tomorrow, but I'll go ahead and add a couple of lines.    
 Your attitude is probably because you are a bottom-feeder, seeing low-priced BP girls that do often feel trapped in this profession because they have collateral problems like drug addition, alcoholism, etc.  If you move upmarket, many providers have university degrees and are not FORCED to do this work at all, but rather choose to do it.  It affords them a comfortable lifestyle, a lot of free time, opportunities to travel at a client's expense, and of course, the chance to meet top executives which they may not ever come in contact with if they have a civvie job.    
 So there are two (or more) different classes of providers, and from your damaged perspective, it seems you hang out only in the swamp.  Try moving up market, and you will see what I'm talking about.

He's not welcome to see me.

I talk to alot of well reviewed gals (esp on twitter via dms) and the majority love what they do. They may have bad experiences but they don't take it out on the next. I'd know far better than the guys because they can be bit more honest in private with another provider.

If the OP feels we are all lowly shit heads who are desperate and hate what we do, then why the fuck see us? That says a lot about him, doesn't it? That view and seeing us just means he is taking advantage of us... now doesn't it?

Maybe if he did research and visited the real Swers who take shit serious and like what they do he wouldn't have this issue.

Simple logic.

Hey OP, still not good enough for SPOTY, although the most hated by hookers, you may have that award. Mr Manwhore, what would the abbreviation be for that?  

I say Manwhore will love. Train me. lol

Posted By: Sidney Starr
Don't give him the idea to start seeing any of us. Lol But I feel bad for the girls that do have to endure him. Those girls deserve every dollar and then some for seeing the likes of him.
Posted By: coeur-de-lion
a trainwreck by tomorrow, but I'll go ahead and add a couple of lines.    
  Your attitude is probably because you are a bottom-feeder, seeing low-priced BP girls that do often feel trapped in this profession because they have collateral problems like drug addition, alcoholism, etc.  If you move upmarket, many providers have university degrees and are not FORCED to do this work at all, but rather choose to do it.  It affords them a comfortable lifestyle, a lot of free time, opportunities to travel at a client's expense, and of course, the chance to meet top executives which they may not ever come in contact with if they have a civvie job.    
  So there are two (or more) different classes of providers, and from your damaged perspective, it seems you hang out only in the swamp.  Try moving up market, and you will see what I'm talking about.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
He's not welcome to see me.  
 I talk to alot of well reviewed gals (esp on twitter via dms) and the majority love what they do. They may have bad experiences but they don't take it out on the next. I'd know far better than the guys because they can be bit more honest in private with another provider.  
 If the OP feels we are all lowly shit heads who are desperate and hate what we do, then why the fuck see us? That says a lot about him, doesn't it? That view and seeing us just means he is taking advantage of us... now doesn't it?  
 Maybe if he did research and visited the real Swers who take shit serious and like what they do he wouldn't have this issue.  
 Simple logic.  
 Hey OP, still not good enough for SPOTY, although the most hated by hookers, you may have that award. Mr Manwhore, what would the abbreviation be for that?  
 I say Manwhore will love. Train me. lol
Posted By: Sidney Starr
Don't give him the idea to start seeing any of us. Lol But I feel bad for the girls that do have to endure him. Those girls deserve every dollar and then some for seeing the likes of him.
Posted By: coeur-de-lion
a trainwreck by tomorrow, but I'll go ahead and add a couple of lines.      
   Your attitude is probably because you are a bottom-feeder, seeing low-priced BP girls that do often feel trapped in this profession because they have collateral problems like drug addition, alcoholism, etc.  If you move upmarket, many providers have university degrees and are not FORCED to do this work at all, but rather choose to do it.  It affords them a comfortable lifestyle, a lot of free time, opportunities to travel at a client's expense, and of course, the chance to meet top executives which they may not ever come in contact with if they have a civvie job.      
   So there are two (or more) different classes of providers, and from your damaged perspective, it seems you hang out only in the swamp.  Try moving up market, and you will see what I'm talking about.

I've seen stupid post.. but this one.... get's to the top!

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: This is going to be . . . .
a trainwreck by tomorrow, but I'll go ahead and add a couple of lines.    
 Your attitude is probably because you are a bottom-feeder, seeing low-priced BP girls that do often feel trapped in this profession because they have collateral problems like drug addition, alcoholism, etc.  If you move upmarket, many providers have university degrees and are not FORCED to do this work at all, but rather choose to do it.  It affords them a comfortable lifestyle, a lot of free time, opportunities to travel at a client's expense, and of course, the chance to meet top executives which they may not ever come in contact with if they have a civvie job.    
 So there are two (or more) different classes of providers, and from your damaged perspective, it seems you hang out only in the swamp.  Try moving up market, and you will see what I'm talking about.
Do you honestly believe it's only BP or low end girls who have problems with drugs and alcohol?  University degrees? Like the ones that are made up  (graduated summa cum laude with a degree in biochemistry ) and everybody is laughing about?  


I have always felt the happiest were at stage 5 acceptance but it looks like most in this thread are still in the anger stage. I doubt this was any girls first career choice. That does not mean they were forced. Some come here and find happiness here at the acceptance stage. Others..............Well the anger in this thread proves my point.

Why must you insist that if a hooker has a degree, it must be fake? I worked hard for my degree and am proud of it. I have hooker friends who have post-graduate degrees as well. Do you really need a pic of my UW-Madison diploma to believe we can be educated AND love hooking? You can claim I'm in your "anger stage" but who wouldn't be mad at someone claiming such a falsehood?

To others: forgive my use of the words "hooker" and "hooking" - I'm trying to speak on the level of the OP

Posted By: AbbiMinx
Why must you insist that if a hooker has a degree, it must be fake? I worked hard for my degree and am proud of it. I have hooker friends who have post-graduate degrees as well. Do you really need a pic of my UW-Madison diploma to believe we can be educated AND love hooking? You can claim I'm in your "anger stage" but who wouldn't be mad at someone claiming such a falsehood?  
 To others: forgive my use of the words "hooker" and "hooking" - I'm trying to speak on the level of the OP
Why single out me for laughing at the degrees? Plenty of others were laughing in that thread but they seem to have "special status" around here. Not that I need status or approval from anybody around here

In most cases the degrees are faked. Hell, some have admitted it. In many cases they have been outed and it was easy to check out. Often a copywriter puts that into bios because some tricks will supposedly be more interested if they feel the hooker has a degree.  

I NEVER said there were NO hookers with degrees from legitimate schools but from what I've seen the vast majority are made up.

Most girls have no objection to the word hooker. I have no objection to being called a trick. Political correctness in this business is silly.

I mentioned stage five where hookers and mongers accept what they are doing and enjoy themselves in the "Playpen of the Damned." I was surprised that so many appear to be in the anger stage.

I am a stage 5 whoremongering pig. Acceptance brings happiness.

Then senile old grandpa REALLY won't have anything to hold over your head.  As far as vantheman666 is concerned, hookers are some of the most fucking awesome women on the planet, along with strippers, porn stars, and webcam girls.  In fact, the aforementioned type of women are, in reality, my type.  The next time I have a girlfriend, she will be a hooker or stripper or some other type of sex worker.  To hell with all the stuck-up, sex-negative civie women.  Also, let it be known that vantheman666 is a dirty slut and whoremongering pig himself, and quite fucking proud of it.

If I really seriously thought this way about providers ("dark dank highway to hell"? "cesspool"? "sordid underground world"? "'Playpen of the Damned'"?? (nice phrase though)), as a guy who pays them and spends time with them, I'd be asking myself what stage of existence *I'm* in.

-- Modified on 4/27/2017 10:01:31 PM

Reincarnation is a major tenet of my Hindu faith.  

I accept the fact that I was a client who acts like you in a past life, so this is my punishment.  
Aint karma a bitch?

I was an escort in that past life. You came to see me in Rajapura.  

Why did you give me a nine on my review? Clearly, I was a ten.  

I may not be Hindu but I believe in reincarnation so this tickled me!

Your self-loathing and projection are a pitiable sight indeed.

Please get the professional help you so desperately and obviously need.

Can't ever remember hitting any phase other than "Man, is my life great!"
Obviously, by your standards, I'm doing hooker-ing wrong.

The providers I've seen so far all seem to like what they're doing, and most definitely like the money. Some love to travel, and so tour a lot.  You'd see some of these women if you'd stop seeing crack whores.

....... because of arsehole threads like this one.  You should take your sex worker hatred to another site that begins with E. There  you will find plenty more women hating mongers like yourself.  

There, I'm done.  
I'm going to get back to fucking now.  
Isn't it fun.

-- Modified on 4/27/2017 3:00:38 PM

Very true. Most won't partake in the animal house some make it be. I have imaginary balls and it doesn't scare me to putz with everyone on here. This is more of the Big Boy place, minus the little boys.

Idiot posts like the OP make the gals not want to post on here. Most do give a flying fuck, unlike me. I have zero issue with saying what I want to.

Obviously from a business mindset, not good to get into arguments with the guys, even when they are trying to win the SPOTY

Posted By: micktoz
....... because of arsehole threads like this one.  You should take your sex worker hatred to another site that begins with E. There  you will find plenty more women hating mongers like yourself.  
 There, I'm done.  
 I'm going to get back to fucking now.  
 Isn't it fun.  

-- Modified on 4/27/2017 3:00:38 PM

Why is this person even on TER?  
If you are on the highway of hell just keep walking....
There are many men and women in this world who are whores in their own right who don't satisfy a need.
Nuff said; person's not worth our time.

How about everyone stop referring to the women in this line of work as hookers and whores. Using derogatory language towards us only perpetuates ignorant posts (like this), aggressive clients, and a lack of respect.  

You choosing to see women you do not respect shows us all that you have zero respect for yourself and are a misogynistic waste of space. I'm honestly surprised you can even find women to come visit you in that hole you live in.

More like troll cave, and I suspect there is some coercion.

Posted By: anarenee
I'm honestly surprised you can even find women to come visit you in that hole you live in.
Also, I agree 100% with the whole hooker/whore thing. I've made it a point to use "providers" or "girl/lady", I've always found the term "hooker" to have pretty negative connotations (as we can see by OTM's OP)

GaGambler390 reads

and I don't have to sugarcoat what I call myself in return, I am NOT a hobbyist, I have no problem whatsoever with trick or john, but I prefer "whore mongering pig" oink oink.

OTM uses hooker like it's a dirty word. I use it as a term of endearment. This is a fuck board, there should be no need for political correctness here. OTM's words would have been every bit as offensive if he had used provider considering the tone in which he said it.

"Providers and Customers" is more than sufficient to describe the relationships we're talking about in my book.  

I'm not going to SJW nazi anyone here. I don't really care if someone uses hooker or whatever provided they're being respectful. Not using hooker is more of a personal thing for me.

GaGambler267 reads

but as long as you don't "demand" I use Provider/Customer I won't demand you use Hooker/John.  

See how easy that is when people respect each other? lol

Exactly. This idea is unfortunately lost on my generation...

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: We obviously have different books
but as long as you don't "demand" I use Provider/Customer I won't demand you use Hooker/John.  
 See how easy that is when people respect each other? lol

Who happens to call you a bud!

Steph xoxo

in person with a provider is "working girl,"  but ironically, I try to see girls that think of it more as play than work.  They can call me anything they want; john, trick, customer, client, boytoy, stud, hotlips or whatever.  Just don't call me late for DATY.  


I don't care if guys call me a hooker or if I use the term myself. I typically use provider or Swer. Not a slam if I do use "hooker", I am one myself.

I don't call you a pig, Gambler. Manwhore with love. I know you have better respect for women than men.  

OTM is just an asshat who hates himself and takes it out on the females. Constant story with him. He landed himself into the bottom of the barrel with this post because I would seriously wonder about any gal who sees him.

Posted By: GaGambler
and I don't have to sugarcoat what I call myself in return, I am NOT a hobbyist, I have no problem whatsoever with trick or john, but I prefer "whore mongering pig" oink oink.  
 OTM uses hooker like it's a dirty word. I use it as a term of endearment. This is a fuck board, there should be no need for political correctness here. OTM's words would have been every bit as offensive if he had used provider considering the tone in which he said it.

GaGambler384 reads

Now when the weather is warm I only wear long pants once or twice a week. lol

and yes, I answer to "manwhore" as well as "whoremongering pig" just don't call me a "hobbyist"  

Sorry, but I don't Twitter, I don't even Twatter. lol

Misogynistic much?

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
What stage of existence are most TER hookers in?  
 After contemplating how they took the dark dank highway to hell and smarting from the Preparation H after burn what stages do hookers go through. I think it’s similar to the five stages of grief. Do some skip over a few stages while sucking the cocks of total strangers until they accept their fate? Do others remain in the denial or anger stage and fail to accept their fate?  
 Denial: The first reaction is denial. In this stage hookers believe their fate is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false reality. They deny that they are really hookers.  
 Anger – When the hooker recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at mongers who helped enable the mess they got themselves in.  
 Bargaining – The third stage involves the hope that the hooker can somehow come up with an exit strategy to get out of this cesspool.  
 Depression – "I'm so sad.”I'm going to be a hooker forever. Why me? Depression is a tough stage to be in.  
 Acceptance – "It's going to be okay.” I’m a hooker. I’ve accepted my fate. The highway to hell led me to this sordid underground world but I will somehow thrive in the “Playpen of the Damned.”  
 What stage are most girls in?

Do you hate the women you have sex with because you hate yourself; or do you hate yourself because you know the women you have sex with hate you?

I think we can all agree you hate yourself. Sad more than anything. Seek help. Seriously. There's better than this for you, somewhere.


Just wow.  

I think every single girl is hitting this dude with the ban stick right now.

At the right time to be an example of the points I made above to the OP.  

Hi CDL (heart symbol)!!!

I don't know if I should laugh or open a bottle of champagne...here's a toast to the ladies out there who make this a wonderful profession that allows freedom and opportunities in an otherwise dull, repressed, annoying and hopeless society. Don't you dare let anyone make you feel anything less than magnificent. Always celebrate your beauty and your charm.  
Share ze fantasy- Chanel no. 5...

JenericJohn296 reads

For simplifying my life.  I will no longer have to spend an hour finding facts and logic to argue against the offensive generalizations you have been posting and future otms will post.  I can just write, "dude, you're otm'ing" and everyone will know to click the back button.

For hopefully reversing the tide of a significant group of providers who are refusing to be reviewed.  You have single handedly united every asshole and pussy against this kind of denigration of the women without whom the bulk of us would have a sex life worse than a John with $10 to his name and on every blacklist in the universe.  I hope they read all the replies and realize that that while there may be some rough trolls here, there's no tolerance for misogyny.

For getting everyone to say in one voice that it's not ok to demean others.  Today it's providers.  Maybe tomorrow we'll stop ripping each other and realize that it is good for the pay to play universe for there to be ball busting assholes, pompous pricks, insecure jellyfish, TS devotees and every other shade of people who just don't want to accept society's efforts to tell us who we can fuck.  The only thing there's no room for is people who tear us apart, be it misogynists, homophobes, racists, etc.  For most people reading this, ptp is illegal.  Piss outside the tent, dude.

And finally, for making me look like less of a douchebag.  That's quite an accomplishment.

Here_I_Go407 reads

Can't any of you recognize an attention-seeking troll when you see one?  All these responses must be encouraging him to dream up his next post, which we can expect any time now.  He wins.  

GaGambler326 reads

but he is hardly the first troll who has gotten all the natives up in arms, ala ridgetucky, BBFS4ever, Hirogen, Udo, and Jack_Schitt. just to name a few.

There was a troll here who had the handle BBFS4Ever?!?!? lololol, what a dumbass.

Wonky_Portals412 reads

Of course he is laughing. He should probably run for office, he has similar skills to some politicians. He'd get himself elected easy.

Where I love to languish.....
Sweet naughty kisses,

Posted By: Naughtyfrederica
Where I love to languish.....  
 Sweet naughty kisses,  
LOL. That is the "acceptance" stage.

...not to mention he's obviously ready for non-consensual sex with warm blooded animals lacking opposable thumbs. Or had a bad experience with a family member, assuming they've survived this mental giants abuse...or simply out of money.
Provider shaming...very creative and original

xoxox, Jasmine Jewels

-- Modified on 4/28/2017 12:00:51 AM

Posted By: TSMissJasmine
...not to mention he's obviously ready for non-consensual sex with warm blooded animals lacking opposable thumbs. Or had a bad experience with a family member, assuming they've survived this mental giants abuse...or simply out of money.  
 Provider shaming...very creative and original  
 xoxox, Jasmine Jewels

-- Modified on 4/28/2017 12:00:51 AM

Does that mean you are doing good in your own head?

Just think, most were busy to even come here and read your garbage. Wonder how this will explode for Friday.... Want to bet noone is going to give positive post to this?

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
What stage of existence are most TER hookers in?  
 After contemplating how they took the dark dank highway to hell and smarting from the Preparation H after burn what stages do hookers go through. I think it’s similar to the five stages of grief. Do some skip over a few stages while sucking the cocks of total strangers until they accept their fate? Do others remain in the denial or anger stage and fail to accept their fate?  
 Denial: The first reaction is denial. In this stage hookers believe their fate is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false reality. They deny that they are really hookers.  
 Anger – When the hooker recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at mongers who helped enable the mess they got themselves in.  
 Bargaining – The third stage involves the hope that the hooker can somehow come up with an exit strategy to get out of this cesspool.  
 Depression – "I'm so sad.”I'm going to be a hooker forever. Why me? Depression is a tough stage to be in.  
 Acceptance – "It's going to be okay.” I’m a hooker. I’ve accepted my fate. The highway to hell led me to this sordid underground world but I will somehow thrive in the “Playpen of the Damned.”  
 What stage are most girls in?

bargaining stage. One in particular said she just wanted to quit turning tricks altogether, but she worked for a pimp. Several others said they'll leave once they save enough money, and this one in particular said she's just doing this until she's finished with nursing school, and she's the only one I actually believed when she said she was in school. This would explain the sudden surge in flakiness among providers, many of them are transitioning into civvie careers, and are only in it until they manage to save enough money. Oddly enough, I know many providers who are happier with their career choice than some of my coworkers are with theirs, but yet those same coworkers would ironically look down on the escorts for their chosen path. It's not what you do, it's what makes you happy.

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