TER General Board

1256849 23 Reviews 189 reads

My IQ just decreased trying to read your rant. WTH?  

Seems like you have personal issues with taking jabs on in an anonymous review board. Chill out and enjoy the action man. SMH.

I know this is a long shot because some of the men here who have been emasculated so badly probably won't be able to speak their minds anyways because they been lowered to such a low position they no longer feel they have any real worth but I thought I try.

They have been put down so bad by certain people ( ladies/hookers) that really have no power over them, that instead of lashing out at the real source of their emasculation that they turn on people who they see as someone they wish they could be or someone that embodies the strength they never really had.   So in essence they became the bitch dog of the person that has emasculated them ( the hooker ).
So now instead of ladies and hookers needing to fight their own battles ( you know that whole equality thing) , they sent their bitch emasculated dogs to do their  work for them

So how does it feel when a girl tell you YOU MUST not write any reviews about them? and if you do YOU MUST send them a copy for them to fully read over and approve before you even can think about posting it.   Isn't she the lovely thought police huh?

How about when a lady is so secretive about what services she provides that she won't want any men telling other about it, so others have no expectations of her and she can do or not do whatever she pleases and you wouldn't know she held back on you for your money's worth.

So how does it feel being someone who is treated even worst than a child, and you put up with that just cause they are the only human beings who can put up with you only cause you pay them?  Only to be topped off by them telling you MUST leave 10 minutes early or exactly on the dot cause they can't stand the look of you any longer then the time you paid for cause you are so pathetic.   Where instead of being grateful she have a paying customer, instead she resents everything about you.. and want you out as fast as you came in.

Please explain how its like being told by a hooker what you can or can't do with your time and thoughts?

How do you feel when someone controls what you can or cannot say and when you need permission to think or write something.  How do you feel as a human being?  Does it feel good to be someone's bitch dog?

you should explain exactly what happened to you make you decide to waste our time by subjecting us to your 7 paragraphs of borderline illiteracy.

GaGambler377 reads

Since you have put so much time into this, you must know are the biggest offenders. If you have such big brass balls in comparison to the rest of us, why not call them out individually as cowards instead of being too chickenshit to call them out by name?

If you can't call out a BSU by name, you are bringing no more to the board than the cowardly whiner who carps about his latest NCNS, but is too chicken shit to name the hooker who stood him up.

Come on, lets see if you really have any balls, or if you are just a poser, even more cowardly than the guys you claim to despise?

Hey Moron....

I think you forgot there are rules that you can't attack or post personal info about people.  

GaGambler320 reads

There is no need to post personal info, just say xxxxxx, and yyyyyy are BSU's who need to turn in their man card, just like I did with that BSU Russ yesterday.  

He is a spineless wussy who lets hookers walk all over him.  

See how easy this is Now how about you grow a set and give us an example of one or two of these bitch dogs you have such disdain for. Either that, or STFU about having balls as you are the biggest coward on the board.

JakeFromStateFarm350 reads

It's the lack of a brain.  I think his IQ is lower than his resting pulse.

Go ahead, bitch, call me out.

I'll be glad to laugh at your sad attempts to be a bully with the providers who have the right to control their marketing plan (you're a CEO, you should understand this) and their bodies, and the clients who respect this.

And I noticed you've stopped writing reviews and none of the women you saw are still active.  So what's up:

1) You're whipped in to not writing reviews and just venting your frustration.  Ok, I get it.
2) You've stopped seeing providers, or, more likely, no one will see you.
3) You're one of those guys who uses reviews to extort services or money and you're worried business will dry up.

TL/DR?  Providers are not Burger King, you don't get to "have it your way," and why are you hassling people who have the self control and discipline to understand this?

Posted By: MidAgedCEO

I know this is a long shot because some of the men here who have been emasculated so badly probably won't be able to speak their minds anyways because they been lowered to such a low position they no longer feel they have any real worth but I thought I try.  
 They have been put down so bad by certain people ( ladies/hookers) that really have no power over them, that instead of lashing out at the real source of their emasculation that they turn on people who they see as someone they wish they could be or someone that embodies the strength they never really had.   So in essence they became the bitch dog of the person that has emasculated them ( the hooker ).  
 So now instead of ladies and hookers needing to fight their own battles ( you know that whole equality thing) , they sent their bitch emasculated dogs to do their  work for them  
 So how does it feel when a girl tell you YOU MUST not write any reviews about them? and if you do YOU MUST send them a copy for them to fully read over and approve before you even can think about posting it.   Isn't she the lovely thought police huh?  
 How about when a lady is so secretive about what services she provides that she won't want any men telling other about it, so others have no expectations of her and she can do or not do whatever she pleases and you wouldn't know she held back on you for your money's worth.  
 So how does it feel being someone who is treated even worst than a child, and you put up with that just cause they are the only human beings who can put up with you only cause you pay them?  Only to be topped off by them telling you MUST leave 10 minutes early or exactly on the dot cause they can't stand the look of you any longer then the time you paid for cause you are so pathetic.   Where instead of being grateful she have a paying customer, instead she resents everything about you.. and want you out as fast as you came in.  
 Please explain how its like being told by a hooker what you can or can't do with your time and thoughts?  
 How do you feel when someone controls what you can or cannot say and when you need permission to think or write something.  How do you feel as a human being?  Does it feel good to be someone's bitch dog?

GaGambler318 reads

but you manage to do it with less than 5% of the words it takes him to embarrass himself.

After reading your post, it just feels even better to be me and not you.  

Your obsession with "secretive" menus of providers suggests that you have been turned down for BBFS, Greek, CIM or other PSE-style services, which you were EXPECTING to get for whatever reason, and didn't get when you were there.  If you came off as the guy you are here, no wonder.  

The ladies have a right to set your own menu for each client and it doesn't have to be the same menu for everyone.  These types of services have no relation to rates (you can find low-end girls on BP and CL where anything goes and you can creampie any hole you want).  If you've been in the hobby more then ten minutes, you should know this.  I'm usually advising guys not getting what they expected to move "upmarket", but in your case, perhaps you should consider moving "downmarket."

FakawiTribe231 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
 I'm usually advising guys not getting what they expected to move "upmarket", but in your case, perhaps you should consider moving "downmarket."
That whiny bitch needs to move OUT of the market. (eom)

JakeFromStateFarm283 reads

He comes on with a negative and nasty post shitting on everyone, gets shit on himself, then posts nasty replies.  You are not the only one who feels "even better to be me and not you."
The good thing is, after getting shit on a few times he goes away for a while.  Back under his bridge, presumably.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Its very simple . . . .
After reading your post, it just feels even better to be me and not you.    
 Your obsession with "secretive" menus of providers suggests that you have been turned down for BBFS, Greek, CIM or other PSE-style services, which you were EXPECTING to get for whatever reason, and didn't get when you were there.  If you came off as the guy you are here, no wonder.    
 If you've been in the hobby more then ten minutes, you should know this.  I'm usually advising guys not getting what Hithey expected to move "upmarket", but in your case, perhaps you should consider moving "downmarket."
Normally I like your posts but every time a guy has something negative to say about the girls you go into that routine that "You must be seeing low end BP girls."  


You see mostly K-Girls. They are only 220 in my area. I seldom see K Girls because I found it to be scripted service and the pictures are mostly fake. Why don't YOU move "upmarket?"


There are plenty of misrepresentations at the 400-500+ level. How many are honest about age and weight? I think it's you who seldom plays at the level above K Girls.


I don't agree with much of what CEO posts but he never mentioned BBFS or PSE in his OP. Since when is CIM a PSE service? Not from any real life girlfriend I've been with.


His post was essentially about guys giving up their man card when seeing a hooker. That's the part I agree with.

"Since when is CIM a PSE service? Not from any real life girlfriend I've ever been with."

Unless all your girlfriends have been porn stars, I think you're confused.

Sorry Pal but I only ran into one real life girlfriend who did not like CIM. She did not last long with me. I did not get married until I was well into my 30's and my wife (before she lost interest) definitely did CIM. Hell, even girls I picked up at parties did that.

Maybe you just ran into the wrong type of girls. You can replace them if they don't give you what you want sexually.

Posted By: darmody
Re: Does "girlfriend" start with a "p?"
"Since when is CIM a PSE service? Not from any real life girlfriend I've ever been with."  
Unless all your girlfriends have been porn stars, I think you're confused.
"Seriously GF I'd never ever think of  finishing in your pussy when your  mouth is waiting for me"  :-D

I did have a GF when I was 16 who didn't like giving me BJ's.
Once I learned to satisfy her when DATY she started enjoyed swallowing.
The more I made her cum the more she swallowed.  
No such thing as a real GF who wouldn't let me CIM.  
Most of them swallow and comment how great I taste. :-D

Maybe I'm  lucky all my real life Gals, even Yankee GF's have Southern Hospitality .
I've never ever had a real GF use a condom when she's giving me a BJ.
I've had a few  hookers do that.  
They weren't my definition  of GFE.

Secret menus if some providers and those providers forbidding reviews?  You have to use your experience and knowledge of the industry to read between the lines, especially when it's a rant.  

BTW, Kgirls in my area go between $250-$300, and in LA at the top end its the best in the country. I also see indies  once or twice a month, but rarely review them.  FYI, the top 20-25 Kgirls in SoCal are actually independent as well. They use a booking assistant but run their own incalls. No org involved.  Top girls get a 2-br apt and rent the other bedroom to a second tier touring Kgirl. These top girls make more than most $1000/hr hookers do in a month.  Low-end is not defined solely by price.  Hope that helps you understand.

My IQ just decreased trying to read your rant. WTH?  

Seems like you have personal issues with taking jabs on in an anonymous review board. Chill out and enjoy the action man. SMH.

Gagambler or Lexi have it right about the man Gag... someone that you gag over

Yea sorry to burst Jakefromstatefram, that I'm not a frequent contributor like the loser that he is who spent basically every day and minute on a hooker board defending hookers and posting quick replies to thread he feel insults him.

Unless you losers other people have lives that do not revolve around hanging out in a hooker board day in day out.   When you feel the need to attack some like a useless foaming dog, a quick look at what your daily lives revolves around and I guess I know why ..

I know I have plenty of things to do then to spend my days hanging out in a hooker board

-- Modified on 5/16/2017 2:42:07 PM

Psychiatric Evaluations
Anger Management Classes
Herbal Weed
Pinot Noir unless you are alcoholic as well as deranged!

Here in NJ, we have an acronym for those types:  TFL.  That stands for: Total F'ing  Loser.

It's a subdivision of BDSM known as  "furries."  Some people really get off on that shit.

Sorry that I missed this amazing thread in real time. Unfortunately, I was busy being busy with a wonderful lady who is really excellent at making me believe that I am the best lover in the world for 90 minutes. Maybe........ I am. Hahaha!

Shame that all of you, including  MidAgedCEO, were not enjoying something similar at the same time. If you were, you probably wouldn't give a shit about all this baiting and aggression.

I know, it's a lot of adrenaline spiking fun to piss people off and be pissed off. But, the play and endorphin rush from fucking is so much more fun than this typed aggressive  crap.  

So, I'm going to follow my own advice and get  back to my business of earning funds to support the wonderful lifestyle that I have become accustomed to. Hopefully, I will be in the arms of an amazingly skilled lady in the next couple of days.

Have fun everyone.  

The summer doldrums might have arrived a bit early, or everyone's favorite is cycling at the same time.  And no, I am not talking about a spin class.

I'm not even going to touch on the word usage, word tense, grammar, or other "bitch-dog" things.

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