TER General Board

Wow! That was an extreme excuse! "Just got a text that my wife died." Yikes!
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1154 reads

But I did literally LOL reading that review! :D

that is funny and sad all at the same time.

AnotherDonJohn1242 reads

Prob Trich or really bad BV. Ugh, it doesn't even sound like the ol' college FIV sniff test would have helped him.  

The olfactory memory is powerful. I feel for the guy.  

-- Modified on 4/7/2014 12:27:20 PM

I need to eat some "real" fish and chips..... And...hmmm....NOT come back... :D

I can understand the guy who puked just wanting to gtfo, but I would have maybe called her later and explained. Sounds like something she really needs to go see her gyno for, even if it's something as simple as BV.

True... but damn, Tobi! It is ALWAYS awkward communicating a hygiene problem; whether to a man or (gulp) maybe worse to a woman!

Pimpathy1364 reads

I wouldn't call that a different profile.

Pimpathy1159 reads

I was agreeing with what you said, I was not sure if you were aware that it was the same profile ID.

You sure are excitable... it was two handles assigned to the same account/profile.  


What will your reaction be when you read the review of the provider who has two vaginae?

Usually when you change your handle, all your old posts just get assigned to your new handle (Notice there are no courtney.ova posts. Even though her old posts are still here, they are under her new handle). Also TER doesn't allow you to have two handles at the same time, yet apparently you do! Weird glitch, or you're just special! ;)

How in hell does she not smell it? Or has it been that bad for months that she has become desensitized to it.

your own perfume or cologne. Just much, much more icky.

That was his second review. He has VIP now. LOL. I guaranty that is on those guys who refused to cough up 30 bucks for VIP but was willing to blow a few hundred on a bad experience.

GaGambler1176 reads

ended up with a priceless story.

I guess we the public are the real winners here. lol

And now he has VIP for 30 days to research and make a bucket list, but it's more entertaining for us if he doesn't

in which he said the stench was so bad it caused his eyes to water.

This girl literally took a dump on a guy's lap whilst riding CG. She has IBS lol. That review had like 50 replies saying "Shit happens." "Y'all stop giving her shit." "When you gotta go, ya gotta go" lol. It was classic.  

Whom I met on a blind date no less.  She must have been extremely horny because halfway through the first date she asked me if we could just go somewhere and fuck.  Now I wasn't expecting this on a first date, and I really wasn't that attracted to her, but what the heck right?  If it's offered I'm accepting.  So we get to my place, start making out, then get naked and busy.  All of a sudden I smelled this nasty cheesy fishy stench wafting from her pussy.  I gagged a little, but kept plowing away.  When done I excused myself to go to the bathroom and the act of removing the stinky condom made me almost retch.  I flushed it and showered immediately.  Dropped her off at her house and never called her again, it was gawdawful!

I told our mutual friend that while she was nice, we just didn't' hit it off.  She asked for details, so I told her.  She said she didn't blame me, that the other girl "had always been nasty".  Well then Why the fuck did you fix her up with me????  I don't stink and I ain't that fat!  You seemed desperate, she said.  Ugh.  I hated that night

Who finds that shit out in a text message? Next time something weird goes down in my life, I'm going to say "I just got a text letting me know that I have cancer, TB, and hysterical pregnancy. I gotta go."

He jumped up and puked BEFORE he even put his cloths on or checked his phone.
If the girl isn't slow like AF she'd have caught that.

It started off as such a normal, mild, recounting of a date.
Very funny!

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