TER General Board

WOW is right!
wyldman 265 reads

It's amazing how people who are involved in illegal activity (prostitution) become so uptight over a bit of marijuana.

This was my first time ever doing this. You guys have seen providers ad that states "4:20" friendly before, I am sure of it. She was a very good looking--probably an 8, so I was surprise that she smokes marijuana. Anyways, I contact the provider about this, and she said that she smokes, but it is hard for her to find it cause she is constantly traveling. She said she can give me a discount if I give her marijuana. For example, I give her the same equivalent value of weed as a substitution for money.

Now, this is the interesting part. Since I work for the government, and there is the occasional mandatory "surprise" drug test, I cannot do any kind of illegal drugs otherwise it would jeopardize my career. Ok, that being said. I know a buddy of mine that grows the goods for his own personal use--that's his business and I do not take any part in his business, hell, I even avoid going to his house fearing an LE sting. Anyways, he grows the premium buds, hydroponic marijuana where he substitutes soil for a nutrient supplement. So, he got the high-quality shit.

Okay, so I talked with the provider for a bit and made some arrangements. I told her I want to spend the hour and her ad states $250 for the hour. I had informed her that I can give her some good quality marijuana and she agrees. I told her I cannot go to her incall location because I will not be trafficking drugs. She said, well, if I am going to your place, and if you got the good stuff, then I can service you in substitution for marijuana. I was like, umm, ok...

Anyways, I call my reliable buddy and informed him about my situation. Remember, he doesn't sell drugs, but he is willing to help me out so I can get laid. He showed up at my location and gave me $250 worth of hydroponic marijuana. I gave him a bill for his troubles and owed him a beer.

Anyways, the provider showed up at my location and I gave her the marijuana. She showed me a very good time, she didn't even watch the clock, hell, she was at my place for about 2.5 hours and I had to kick her out. Anyways, that situation blew my mind after it happened. Just curious if something similar ever happened to you gentlemen. Exclude the crack whores (literally).

But would you like to go to prison? Just curious..

I just wondered if all of your reviews are for girls who accept weed for payment..

Hell, I tried to be civil with you. But your statements lead me to believe that you r a hatred person. I don't know what made you conclude that I see all providers in exchange for marijuana payment. Now, your first reply states that you did not read my message until the end. So, it just shows your intelligence level to post a question without knowing all of the facts. I stated that this was my first experience with this scenario. And this should answer your third question as well.

I have also respectfully ask you to clarify your questions because it was too broad. You do not have to get sarcastic. You pose a reply that, "if I don't understand what you meant"--apparently I don't, that is why I ask you to clarify yourself.

Now, as far as your second reply about my reviews. I do not have to show you my level of prestige by the amount of reviews I have written. If you haven't notice, most of my reviews are TOFTT. I do not have to justify myself to you because I do not know you.

Your responses are careless and you seem to lack vital intellectual and communication skills. Here is my advice: I before E=intelligence over emotions, implying; make all of your future decisions with intelligence and not emotions. You are like every typical bimbo I meet. Don't be insulted. You lack these skills, and I am here to inform you. You should thank me. Also, don't reply to another post, esp. mine if your going to criticize without appropriately and intellectually defending yourself--because I do not understand what the hell your asking me. Next time, just STFU and move on. If you don't have any constructive criticism, then move on to the next post so I don't have to waste my dame time on you. Thanks, no offense taken and no offense intended--Respectfully.

You handled this hater perfectly!

Where to start lots and lots of people smoke pot, and do tons of other drugs to. I'm never surprised by who does what. You would not get a trafficking charge for transporting drugs possession of a CDS yes.

Why wouldn't you just pay cash when you have it? You work for the governmet and get random drug screens. What would they say when they find out you were charged with solicitation charge and a CDS charge on top of it, and distribution may as well go for the trifecta.

I ignore any ad that says 4:20 freindly. I keep all my vices seperate, I have smoked pot with providers that I have seen on more then one ocasion and know well enough to not get in trouble. I would never take drugs with me to an out call with some one I havn't met before, or would I invite an unknown to my home.

I don't even smoke any more, so it wouldn't be an issue. I do condone smoking pot and love it.

She didn't watch the clock, and I had to kick her out. LMFAO You should of made her pancakes.

Now write a review.

get.a.clue342 reads

This sounds totally made-up I'm sorry don't believe it!What girl in her right mind would sit on a phone talking like that?I am guessing she is not reviewed here.
You know nothing about this girl could have been LE but you are on the phone talking about drugs and you work for the gov't yeah okay got it.
I am sure there are plenty of guys waiting to jump on this and tell you similar stories.NOT!

HourAndHalf309 reads

The OP mention nothing in the line of BB, either insinuated or implied. It is you interjecting the topic of BB.

Stay on topic idiot and stop constantly looking for validation with your prose. It is not working.

HalfHour264 reads

just don't forgat to put your helmet on in the morning, you want to preserve what you have left.


I've had a provider offer to smoke with me, but same with you we my job does random drug screening. We knew each other for well over a few months before she made me this offer though.

Reading your post though does sound careless. You responded to a non well reviewed provider for sex in the exchange of drugs, and let her come to your personal residents. You did this because you feared being caught in a drug/sex trafficing LE bust.  

Well had this young lady actually been LE, you would not have only been arrested, for paying for sex, and selling drugs, but then LE would have done a full search of your house, and could have possibly gotten gotten your best buddy caught up to. Because you would have had all these charges on you, and your buddy's number being in your phone, you may dimed him out, or the would have gotten to him some way.

Not to mention when word got back to your good gov. job, you could loose your job.. Also if you live in a really nice home, what if now her "pimp" or bf knows where you live?

Glad everything worked out for you man. But this was kinda careless.

I don't invite any1 to my house. I didn't mentioned that she was well reviewed, I think about 8, and the last couple were recent (last month). But I know what you are implying. Everything that I do, I always think ahead first, weighing the pros and cons out. If its too risky, then fuck it. But, in this case, she was legit.

About the part of her pimp or boyfriend. She travels with another provider across country. Hopefully she doesn't get her future pimp or boyfriend in. My house is heavily armed since I am a gun collector. I wouldn't mind putting some bullets in some dude if he randomly shows up in my house--its a good stress reliever (never done it, but I'll do it if necessary). Anyways, the provider saw my home, and she is respectful of my possessions. I even showed her a couple of my guns, so, she knows not to fuck with me--didn't show her where I placed it though.

Anyways, she seems like a chilled person. And I forgot to mentioned that I tip her a bill including the weed. My story is true, its not hard to believe. There are some crazier things out there. Hell, I wouldn't have post it if it didn't happen. Some people r like that. I guess she hasn't smoke high quality bud in a while, and she wanted to have a good stash for herself--think that is why she did it. I doubt that she needed the money at that particular point, otherwise she would have told me and not mentioned the offer. I didn't mentioned it, she mentioned it. I offered her the options, and she drew the conclusions from there. Anyways, best.

Are you trying to get on the DNS list?

wyldman266 reads

It's amazing how people who are involved in illegal activity (prostitution) become so uptight over a bit of marijuana.

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