TER General Board

Wow! Lucky lucky girl...
GaGambler 664 reads
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IMO they are both exhibiting a certain amount of trust that they both seem to be fine with. He doesn't seem to be the least bit worried about her flaking out, and she doesn't seem to be worried about not getting paid.

Personally as long as they are both happy, I don't see at thing wrong with how they conduct their business. I used to have an arrangement with a lady in Biloxi Miss , a city that I used to gamble in with regularity, where I would send her money when ever she was broke and in need, and in return she would see me whenever I was in town. I guess she sincerely liked my company because unlike all the horror stories you might have heard here, the arrangement worked out quite nicely. She always knew she had a 'safety net" as long as she didn't abuse it, and I got great companionship without a clock whenever I was in town. I will admit this is not the type of arrangement that works out well often,but it worked for us for a good couple of years, just like your friend's arrangement seems to work for them.

jgelement 10 Reviews 2392 reads
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One of my really good hobbying buddies tells me that when he sets up appointments on a monthly basis with his ATF, it's always for a 24 Hour session.  In terms of setting up the appointment, they usually agree on a date and time 3-4 weeks in advance and then after that, they don't even communicate with each other until literally the day before.  On top of that, my buddy doesn't even live in the same state as his ATF and takes a special flight just for the occasion. Fast forward through the session and when it's finally the 24th hour or if they go into Overtime or "OTC", he finally makes the donation as they are saying their goodbye's.  The donation is in the form of a personal check (every time), which he literally writes right then and there.  The ink on the check probably isn't even dry by the time he goes down to the lobby and gets in a cab to head to the airport to go home. Furthermore, this chick doesn't even deposit the check until several days later!  

Ladies what are your overall thought on this situation? I think there's a lot of risk here. My buddy tells me this girl is high end so it's definitely not a situation where this girl is some street walker or low life. Apparently she used to be one of the most popular agency girls ever.  


Cosette 526 reads
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Lila Aubrey See my TER Reviews 821 reads
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The only thing that seems a little unusual is him writing her a check.  That seems a little risky if he is married, but otherwise, I'm not sure I see anything else really odd about the scenario ?

palomamontecarlo See my TER Reviews 579 reads
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First of all, nobody here is in the position to make an appropriate judgment because we don't know the lenght of the relationship sustained between the two and obviously the level of trust of such relationship. I am under the assumption that there has to be a high level of trust among these two parties to commit monthly for that time frame, receive check as a payment, cash it days later and for your friend to write a check. After the trust evaluation, I would be more concerned about the paper trail left by the check ( we can recall cases such as Spitzer were paper trail was the kiss to death to his career and personal image). Bottom line is, while it is feasible to have this type of agreements and payment scenarios, I would think that the less documents you have that can link you to any type of illegal activity the better, specially if any of the parties can be audited or scrutinized by the IRS or anyone that is just perousing around.

Blowing Chunks 554 reads
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He must've won her trust.  He probably has this attitude: "Hey, I'm good for it. Trust me. If there are any problems, I'll take care of it one way or another" and probably really means it.  

I've had times when I took out maximum amount of cash from ATM in a 24 hour period, spent it all doing something else, and the bank was closed so I couldn't take out anymore cash. Much to my surprise though, some ladies are really cool about it, once they trust me that I'm good for it and that I'm an honest guy who wouldn't pull a scam on them, and still let me keep the appointment.    

Even when I offer to pay via paypal / money pak, the ladies just tell me not to worry about it and that I can pay her when the bank opens next day or so. I always take care of things immediately cuz I don't want to be known as some cheap ass scamming prick.  

I've only written a personal check once though. Paypal is only possible when the girl and I know each others names.

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 10:31:24 PM

HeathersLuv4u See my TER Reviews 464 reads
7 / 31

I kinda feel like you're looking for an answer but for the life of me, I haven't a clue what the question is or would be...hmmm maybe I'm having a blonde moment...brb

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 451 reads
8 / 31

Obviously they trust each other. They see each other every month for 24 hours. They obviously know each others' real names and personal info. They both trust each other. They have a lot of history.

Now it would be totally different if it was a first date. I don't see a provider taking a personal check in that case. I also don't see her accepting payment at the end of a date especially for a 24 hour session.  

The only issue might be on his end paying by personal check (as Lila mentioned). Maybe he is single and bulletproof like GaG, inicky, myself, and some others here, or he has a personal checking account his SO knows nothing about. Anyway if it works for them, great.

-- Modified on 3/27/2014 11:36:59 PM

GreekDeprived 527 reads
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If they are happy, why worry about it?  

Why worry about some one else thinks?


anonymousfun 6 Reviews 602 reads
10 / 31

enerally, this is how sugar daddy arrangements work.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 542 reads
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Generally, this is how sugar daddy arrangements work. Some people do trust each other beyond the transactional nature of P4P

2labman 26 Reviews 533 reads
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If they are both comfortable with the situation, fine.  I wouldn't leave a personal check as a trail, myself, but if he's single and self-employed, etc., that's his call.  The provider would have the incentive for dealing with the check in that it's a 24 hour date, that's a big check.  If they've got history, and are comfortable, fine.

DollyHaze 643 reads
13 / 31

If she's comfortable taking a check from this guy and they've got enough trust between them, then good for her and good for him. Otherwise, most women are not just going to take a personal check. And I think the reasons for that are pretty self explanatory.

0603450onThe 541 reads
15 / 31

personal check? No way no how. I had someone 'surprise' me with a bit of a 'tip' this way, while on my way home from our time together and had to pull the car over LOL. Of course there was no way I could ever accept it and I explained to him I would be returning it on our next date together. Which I did of course. But the 'thought' was overwhelming to say the least. There was no way I could ever keep the thoughtful gesture because of the 'form' it was in. He understood.  

But bottomline, not safe for him, and not safe for me. Doesn't matter how good the 'relationship' or connection is between two people. It's still in 'this world' and needs to be taken with the utmost care for both parties involved while in this world. I will always say, if you 'met' here, it will always and I mean always, stay here. There is no other way in my book.

-- Modified on 3/28/2014 5:17:21 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 538 reads
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GaGambler 553 reads
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Some self employed, happily divorced guys like myself have no problems crossing over into the "real" world, but I read a different book than you.

I can think of dozens of women I have met through the world of P4P who would be thrilled to get a large check from me, OTOH I can think of dozens more that share your attitude.

The important thing to remember here, is that it seems to work just fine for THEM, and if it's not broken, it's not our job to fix it.

and I am confused, if he handed you this check in person, why would you have to wait to return it to him on your NEXT date together? Why didn't you just hand it back to him on the spot. Come on Taylor, fess up, Just like with Roger, it never really happened, did it?

ALEA See my TER Reviews 601 reads
19 / 31

I am jealous.  How I would love to have a steady fun relationship with a man as dependable and trustworthy. (again)

but none of this is uncommon ... the man is obviously a great guy.  and the check payment?   not every man has to hide what they do ... or they have enough privacy the check is not an issue for them.    I don't understand your confusion or disbelief. (?)

LeanMute 501 reads
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GaGambler 555 reads
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and how do you impose YOUR rules on the rest of us, yet call me the Negative one?

I am in the camp that stated that if it works for them, end of story. How do you get "negative" out of a post like that?

Are you off your meds once again?

and I guess it's time to set the line on how long before your next meltdown. Something about your posts of late make me feel like another meltdown by you is right around the corner.

psst, If you'd like to give me some "inside information" on when you plan on stomping off the board again in a huff, I'd be happy to share my winnings with you, and it would be our little secret, and just like on your fantasy date, I could give you your share when you come back once again. God knows you'll need the money. lol

0603450onThe 663 reads
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'logistically' placed so I wouldn't see it til after the date. You somehow just CANNOT FATHOM for the life of you that there are quite distinguished gentlemen who enjoy spending time with me, oh and actually like it hahahaha. I am sorry to disappoint (not really).....but they do and perhaps even more than you'd care to believe.  

I 'skimmed' your post like I always do. I don't have time to keep reading the negative redundancy you throw out there about me LOL. You will always have your negative opinion which is fine because you and I shall NEVER meet so it just doesn't matter, plain and simple. I SAVE myself for those who I LIKE. Fortunately, you are just not one of them and that works for me.

'My opinion' of course on this scenario just like any other scenario thrown out on the GD board. Whatever works for each 'couple'. For me, this would not work. Remember, when I post, it's MY OPINION on how I handle MY Business. Nothing more. You can feel free to crawl back under what negative rock you woke up under today and EVERY day for that matter LOL...unless of course you can conjure up something POSITIVE to say for a change and show a lil bit of sunshine on the boards.



0603450onThe 574 reads
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GaGambler 565 reads
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I would repeat your words to you in re to "nice try" but it really wasn't even a nice try on your part.

It's plain as day for everyone to see, Why do you think I call you BSC? Only a crazy person would deny what's right in front of them

0603450onThe 478 reads
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GaGambler 586 reads
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after Roger, you don't have much credibility on the subject, and by your own boasting, you have admitting to doing it many other times, so just why should we believe you this time?

0603450onThe 611 reads
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Oof my posts, they are almost all revised...I thought you off all people would've picked up on that since you're one of my incessant stalkers.  However the revisions al most always take place PRIOR to anyone seeing it post for the first time. Please tell me your not that blinded by your dislike for me so much that you are aware that is possible. I reread after I hit send and if there are changes I make them then. Ummm duh.

Keep trying though. It is funny to watch you keep reaching and grasping for anything you can. LMAO


inicky46 61 Reviews 594 reads
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I tend to believe her, mainly because I often do the same thing.  In fact, you'll see several of my posts just in the last hour that have been modified.  I wrote them, read them for mistakes (which I wish everyone would do), failed to find a couple of typos and posted them.  I immediately re-read them and, perhaps because the type in posts is different than in the drafting stage, I noticed some mistakes and immediately edited the post.
You are free to choose which scenario to accept.

GaGambler 608 reads
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That doesn't mean that she didn't go back and modify her post once again to "cover her tracks" She does have a track record of lying about her "dates" so I don't see any reason to give her the benefit of the doubt.

I would think you would know how easy it would be for her to change her post two or three times after first making it, and as long as you edit part that says "modified at...." it will only show the post being modified once. Even an old broad, and proven liar like BSC Taylor could figure out how to do something so simple.

So she is quite likely telling two half truths which unfortunately don't make one "whole truth"

GaGambler 555 reads
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but completely unacceptable behavior, I hereby sentence you to drink at least four fingers of vodka every fifteen minutes until your alcohol deficiency has been cured, after that you can reduce your intake to four fingers every 30 minutes until you are unconscious, or you run out of vodka, whichever comes first

inicky46 61 Reviews 620 reads
31 / 31

I hereby withdraw my entire argument.  I should never, ever post while sober.  This would never have happened in Jaco, where cocktails started before noon.
Conan apologizes, too.

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