TER General Board

Why not choose providers who offer this in the first place?
coachmyster 16 Reviews 1441 reads
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If you require a deposit, is it ok if I require a current selfie? I have walked out on quite a few ladies that are not looking as good as their pics. Also had a recent date that wouldn't allow daty. Thank you to the ladies that share their rules beforehand!

BarbieAlexa See my TER Reviews 51 reads
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Once the client is verified and IF the provider requests a deposit nothing wrong with a current pic / or quick phone call. Top providers always post updated pics /  verify Social media / Reviews/ website / ads / posts. And yes rules should be established before not during. TER is a great start buy the VIP so you can get the details 👿

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 51 reads
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You have a few questions here so I am not sure exactly how to answer them of where you are going with this. I do *not* ask for a deposit, I have had a few gents that have asked for a current selfie, I usually refer them to my twitter page as that is where I post the most current selfies of myself. As to the deposit I am not really sure what your question was, you may want to add more info and someone who does deposits can better answer.  
When you say "do not look as good as their pics" I have heard this complaint before. I am not really sure if I have a good answer for you on this one. In our current digital age dates are procured from online, so the best way to get selected is to have the best pics, not necessarily the most authentic. I do not edit my pics, what you see is what you get, but I have had guys describe me as very ugly (even on TER, which is shocking, because most of the guys that post on here are so kind and supportive of women!)  yet when they see me in person I often get "you look so much better in person than in your pics!" I do not think I look any better in person, I just think we have become so accustomed to pics being altered and we have come to expect it.  So, it is a double edged sword. I live in a smaller community with little competition, so that is really all I can contribute to being successful.  
DATY. OK, this I do allow (and enjoy!) just like using your hands, but....here is the deal.....you need to have a SUPER clean mouth and super clean hands/fingernails. Floss, brush you teeth and tongue for 2 minutes, and use mouthwash. Mouth and hand bacteria can transfer to my money maker, and that is not gonna happen if your breath is foul and you have rotten teeth or long and dirty nails.   And also you have to follow directions and be gentle. If you go down there and think you are going to replicate some nonsense you watched in porn I am going to very politely tell you that we need to move on.  
In ending I have no clue who you are, but whenever I hear someone say they were with a gal and she did not allow something, several of the times I have seen gals post as to what the issue was and usually it was that the guy was too rough or needed work in the hygiene department.  

Clean+gentle+respectful=golden in this industry!!!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 48 reads
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most providers provided a selfie after verification.  The problem most customers are having is that most providers will NOT give a selfie until after verification AND AFTER the deposit is tendered, so the customer is essentially tying up his money, and MAY have to fight to get his deposit back if the selfie is not a current, accurate representation of what the provider looks like.  There have been scores of threads on this topic on this board.  A simple search will reveal what is REALLY going on with deposits.  

LolaRyan 53 reads
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Once a potential client meets one of my small asks for screening:
I ask for either (1) a photo of a business card or work badge, (2) LinkedIn account (while signed in) OR (3) a 10% deposit if they don't want to share ANY information.  

I'm just trying to make sure 1) they're not affiliated with LE and they're just a safe, regular guy and 2) they're not an Internet creeper wasting my time.  

After that is established, I'm not offended if someone asks for a selfie or to video chat for 30 seconds. I think it's fair, and I always feel better when there is an equal level of respect and consideration for one another before meeting. It leads to good vibes all around. :-)

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 50 reads
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Many providers have other platforms that we offer more of us.  I post unedited raw, and totally nude photos and videos for my friends & fans. I have full face selfies with no edits for you to see if you subscribe. As a single Mom creating content allows me the freedom to work remotely. If you want to see unedited contents it’s always available.  

After I have received the deposit for booking I may, or may not depending on circumstances. I don’t give out my personal # to everyone who books a date. I have shared personal photos with many of my friends after being vetted & getting the deposit to secure a date. YMMV, but it never hurts to ask.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 47 reads
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consider having OPTIONS.  While I'm generally opposed to paying a deposit, 10% seems like a reasonable amount to allow me to avoid giving personal information, and enough that you are compensated if I uncharacteristically didn't show up, which I always do, but you don't know that if I'm new.  Lol

Other providers here CLAIM to have options, but they really don't for the customers who do not want to share much personal information.  

brownjack 48 reads
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GiaLucia See my TER Reviews 58 reads
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My deposit amounts are extremely modest (and waived under certain circumstances) - they're lower than I charge for custom photos and are discounted from the final monetary gift due, so it doesn't really make sense for me to do that.  
However I post regular candids on Twitter and Onlyfans.

When you say selfie it suggests you want to see their face, many of us never show our face except in person. But the beauty of this scene is that there are also plenty of providers who blatantly do offer complimentary verification selfies or videochats during the booking process and mention that on their ad, so it shouldn't be a problem to find companions whose ethos is compatible with yours?

Taniatonsorial See my TER Reviews 60 reads
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I wouldn't have a problem with it personally, but I can see why some might. Usually I don't start getting ready for our date until the deposit is paid and assume this is the same for most. Most of us have our photos taken when we are in makeup and hair done, so I can see why some providers may prefer not to take photos until they are ready. If the provider is active on social media like twitter/x or instagram this is a great way to see current photos and videos and even get a better glimpse at their personality.

AvaMarie92101 See my TER Reviews 55 reads
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I keep my face hidden or blurred for personal safety reasons so I very very very rarely will send a selfie. Also, I keep my photos up to date.  

Worst case I can put a paper bag over my head but that's never been necessary 😜

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