TER General Board

Why? How bad are yours? (eom)
dakine18 413 reads


Pink_Panties1672 reads

In a previous life, I was once involved on a different hobby board when guys frequently complained about womens' stretchmarks.  What I am curious about is, I can't remember ever reading a review on this board that makes ANY mention of stretch marks.  Most women have them, some very light, some severe, so why are they unspoken of on TER?  Is that illegal here?  Do TER men not care about them?

-- Modified on 4/14/2015 7:02:18 PM

Some have even resorted to just using Twitter as their only means of communication now.

Sad...but true

I assure you some men discuss stretch marks...but it has to be in secret code so as not to upset the prima donna's on both sides of the fence.  

Posted By: Pink_Panties
In a different life, I was once involved on a different hobby board when guys frequently complained about womens' stretchmarks.  What I am curious about is, I can't remember ever reading a review on this board that makes ANY mention of stretch marks.  Most women have them, some very light, some severe, so why are they unspoken of on TER?  Do TER men not care about this while on the other boards they are an issue?


Now I'm trusting you not to tell anyone, lest some poor souls will go on a Twitter spree decrying the objectification of women.

And God knows we don't want that to happen...again  ;)

TwoMints944 reads

If you believe that the lady you are paying to suck you dick has to be absolutely perfect or you just can't get off. Or wow you blew a big load, but you say to yourself that her ass was a tad to big for me....  You've got bigger problems then a few imperfections she happens to have.  

Look at yourself it the mirror you fucking old fat ass gorilla with grey/white hair and nuts sagging to mid thigh. Just be honest with yourselves, even the older Gilf types advertising on BP wouldn't give most of you the time of day in RL. Get over yourselves. It's nauseating

Therapists632 reads

Perhaps you are a "fucking old fat ass gorilla with grey/white hair and nuts sagging to mid thigh." I'm not.
What I am is the guy who's paying her hundreds of dollars.  She's not paying me.  If she were, she could expect "perfection."  And I don't even expect perfection.  Just someone hot and sexy who looks remotely like her pictures.  Why, in your book, is that too much to expect?

-- Modified on 4/14/2015 9:47:15 PM

And just what is wrong with being able to afford what you want?

Nothing as far as I can see.  And if I want to pay for 105# of tight ass and abs and tits...why in the fuck should I not get what I am paying for?

What the guy looks like is never the issue....in spite of a few protestations from the typical naysayers.  

Cheer up pal...the gals don't give a shit what you look like.  They get paid to pretend to make you feel like a rock star.  

As well...many of "us" have no problems getting the time of day from most people in this world.  Try looking at people in the eyes once in a while.  They may look back and smile  ;)

Posted By: TwoMints
If you believe that the lady you are paying to suck you dick has to be absolutely perfect or you just can't get off. Or wow you blew a big load, but you say to yourself that her ass was a tad to big for me....  You've got bigger problems then a few imperfections she happens to have.  
 Look at yourself it the mirror you fucking old fat ass gorilla with grey/white hair and nuts sagging to mid thigh. Just be honest with yourselves, even the older Gilf types advertising on BP wouldn't give most of you the time of day in RL. Get over yourselves. It's nauseating.    

Pink_Panties453 reads

And I'm not advocating picking apart womens appearance.  I also have very minor stretchmarks, like need a magnifying glass to notice them, and they've been there ever since puberty.  My question was mainly why on the other board they were mentioned so much but never here.

I'm no expert, but I suspect this is something women place more importance on than men. Kind of like men worrying about dick size or muscles. Can't see it being an issue unless the stretch marks were prominent and extensive. Perhaps it is less spoken of here because the talk of sex is explicit, so minor physical imperfections are trivialities compared to the experience and overall look.

Pink_Panties370 reads

if the stretchmarks are extensive, how come they aren't mentioned?  

I did have a friend who was very slender and tight bodied, and had a 10 lb baby.  Years later, her stomach still had redish purple marks from her tummy to pubic area.  They were actually really bad to the point that she wouldnt wear a bikini in public.  She had hers "fixed" eventually but that was an extensive surgical procedure and she really did need it.

In Taiwan they only have one size. Wide, and short! Like them.
They make gigen pants now! Long enough to fit a black or white man without insult.
Who goes first?

Maybe not super common, but they are there.

-- Modified on 4/14/2015 8:01:26 PM

wrps07465 reads

That things like that we don't notice. The women that we see including the ladies at home state we have a very high sex drive. Some off even get turned on by BBWs (myself included). Many of us exercise and eat a good diet so when our clothes come off we are semi erect or throbbing erect ready for fun with no or very little foreplay required.

Men and women have them, part of life. Beside most men here are past thier teens and have seen stretch marks
On damn near every woman they have been with. Now there are some extreme cases where it can be "kinda" distracting
But for the most part it is the last thing on your mind. Some women that have had children have that group around thier navel. Others have it on thier ass.  Eh, in p4p you get to pick what you want, but in life no one is perfect.
Not sure if this chick has stretch marks but this is an ideal naturel look for me:

I'd like to think that many reviewers are not idiots expecting airbrushed models but rather recognize that in reality everyone has some blemishes, and so they choose to be tactful about insignificant attributes.

Sometimes they don't mention them directly, but it is reflected in the appearance score, which is tasteful IMO.  I have also seen it mentioned as "evidence of motherhood", etc, which I also think is a tasteful way to let guys know what to expect.

I have them, and they are quite obvious.  But I love mine.  They are a reminder to me of the life I've created, nurtured, and sent out into the world.  And they are of more immense value to me than any amount that is paid to me for my time and companionship.

And on that note... time and companionship is not a euphemism for me.  THAT is what I offer, and that is what guys are paying for when they spend time with me - and that great feeling that they are left with when that time is over.  My stretch marks have never seemed to be a hindrance to that.

There are however, many who go into these arrangements thinking they are paying for other things, and of course, that is well within their prerogative.  If I've done my screening right, I will have avoided those who prefer to just pay for body parts.

I always say, "water seeks its own level"  ;-)

we were with a group.  Another girl I didn't know came over...  admired her suit...  said she had a cute figure which she did...  Then said  "It's too bad abouth the stretch marks!"  I hadn't even noticed.  My date was humiliated as it was only our second date.  She proceeded to tell me she'd gotten pregnant in nursing school, her BF dumped her & she had giiven the baby up.  By the time she was done, my date was in tears & the outting had been spoiled.
The other girl came back & appologized to her but really.  What was she thinking?  

A Massage Gal I used to see...  said she'd never had children...  never been  pregnant...  but had scaring from a childhood kitchen accident.  At first I thought "That's what they all say!"  But clearly her scarring looked different.  Said she was supposed to get more skin grafts but her parent's could afford it back then.   She's retired from the business now

I've seen a couple providers who have stretch marks from motherhood. Some lucky women don't, but most women who have had children do. Doesn't bother me in the least. I found these ladies to be beautiful and sexy. They are incredible lovers, and the stretch marks from their babies didn't detract from the experience one iota to me.

I once overheard a conversation between 2 female co-workers. One was telling the other about how her husband was complaining about her stretch marks post childbirth. She told him "you try shitting a watermelon, and see wtf it does to your body!" I never forgot that analogy. Lol! Childbirth puts a woman's body through changes us guys can't even fathom. We should cut them a little slack. ~~~~Rob

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