TER General Board

Why do you care?confused_smile
Senator.Blutarsky 598 reads

What are you her father? Her brother? If you want to know that badly, why don't you ask her?

whollysh!!2961 reads

Why would she not take down her po profile here? And she shows her website as an IP link? She has a semi hi profile real life and I was wondering why the game? The thrill of getting caught?

Some of us are. Also sometimes getting ones profile pulled can be tricky. I has a friend that couldn't get hers pulled because cityvibe wouldn't pull her ad for some reason or another. Also she might not care if her profile is up or not. There is lots of reasons for this kind of thing.

Senator.Blutarsky599 reads

What are you her father? Her brother? If you want to know that badly, why don't you ask her?

Unless she has indicated otherwise to you, it's not your problem.

GaGambler542 reads

People who are already "out" don't have to worry about getting "caught" because they are already out in the open.

If this bugs you so much, why don't you take the advice already given here and just ask her? Be prepared for a "mind your own business" a LOT harsher than anything you have gotten here so far though.

The more advanced a person is about sexuality,  
the less they care about what Society, Religion, and Politics thinks about promoting
 the number one,
 all Natural,  
PLEASURABLE activity .

Posted By: whollysh!!
Why would she not take down her po profile here? And she shows her website as an IP link? She has a semi hi profile real life and I was wondering why the game? The thrill of getting caught?

EVOLVED is the word.

Promoting Pure Pleasure, with  
No Guilt  
No Shame!

I would be proud to marry a provider. They are without any doubt my most favorite people.

And I would enjoy it if she were to keep providing, I'd love to hear about her sessions afterwards, in fact if it were plausible I'd hide in the closet and watch her sessions. But then, I'm a little fucked up in the head, and I am most definitely a voyuer.

I think you'd have to look at it this way, she was a provider when you met, and this is the woman who you admire so much that you'd want to marry. So asking her to be someone who she is not, seems quite stupid. If she wants to quit, that's her decision, but this whole notion of asking someone whom you care about to change, is in my mind ridiculous.

To be clear, there is a better chance of me getting hit by lightening than there is of me getting married again, my point was merely to illustrate that what someone does for a living, who they've fucked and how many people they've fucked, if anything, attracts me more. I adore sluts, and I find prudes to be repulsive, especially self righteous, condescending prudes.

I have to say, I have been surprised by the amount of men who want reassurance that I am not married (I'm not). Of course, all of the men who are worried about this, are married themselves.

-- Modified on 6/3/2016 9:20:35 PM

souls_harbor452 reads

At least one of my providers was married -- she talked about her husband's hobbies.

I've also had an affair with a married woman where her husband definitely was not aware.  (That was kind of hot!)

So lots of different stories out there.

Providers have a whole other life outside of this and some are more public with it then others. I myself am not married but there is absolutely nothing wrong with being an escort and a wife. Good for her for having it all is my opinion!

my biggest concern would be her safety, She would always have to let me know where and who she is going to meet. That would be my biggest concern.

JakeFromStateFarm304 reads

But that is only because I would never marry ANYONE again.

I will answer each question as best I can, from my own perspective.   But I have quite a few questions of my own for you.  ;-)

Posted By: whollysh!!
Why would she not take down her po profile here?
Well, if she's still working, why would she?  If she is no longer available, maybe she just doesn't care if her profile is still up.  Or she forgot, or she indeed asked for her profile to be removed, but it hasn't been.  If you know her, and you're this curious, just ask HER.  
Posted By: whollysh!!
And she shows her website as an IP link? She has a semi hi profile real life and I was wondering why the game?
What do you mean by "the game"?   Are you referring to this line of work as "the game"?   Because the reasons why she is a provider, and possibly continuing while engaged & getting married, can only be given by her.  
The rest of us can only guess.  :-)
If "the game" actually means you think she's playing some sort of game..... please explain that, because I really don't understand.  
Posted By: whollysh!!
The thrill of getting caught?
Are you assuming that her fiance is unaware of her providing activities?   Why would you think that?  
In my experience, it's just as likely that he DOES know.   ;-)

If you don't wish to revisit this topic publicly, please PM me as I think this could be a very interesting conversation.  ;-)


Ms. Hollander perhaps you should have a disscussion with Maggie Mcneill.  She would be able to give you some insight on this subject because she did work for a bit when she was married. You should send her an email.

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