TER General Board

Why did you use this handle my friend?
Bob.Sugar 428 reads

Was Dale Carnegie already taken?

Bob.Sugar1164 reads

I never did.  Maybe I'm still a newbie?  Nah, that can't be right either.

I think that once you get your first "official" board troll or stalker accusation, you can safely assume that you're no longer a newbie?  Maybe having a board poster tell you to "fuck off"?  

What other specifics might one consider that they've graduated beyond the newbie status?

JoelGoodsen503 reads

and of course i mean that in the very nicest of ways.  
Now there can be no doubt.

Bob.Sugar623 reads

That "you haven't made it here till you have your first stalker"

I'm quite happy that I've accumulated many of them over the years.

And fuck you very much for the "fuck off".  It's appreciated.

Posted By: JoelGoodsen
and of course i mean that in the very nicest of ways.    
 Now there can be no doubt.

So I think you have officially graduated from "Newbie School" Mr Executive :D


-- Modified on 6/28/2015 2:42:33 PM

Bob.Sugar490 reads

Thanks Captain Obvious  ;)

Posted By: Blaze81
  I wish I could be like Bob.Sugar.   He's my idol

Bob.Sugar507 reads

I became this incredibly wealthy capitalist by charging everyone.

No exceptions.

You must get a lot of civie p***y if your bank roll is so thick? I would think :D

Bob.Sugar649 reads

It's OK to say pussy here.

I think the women of the world just find me irresistible.  Why else would every woman (that I would consider fucking that is) in the world have at least 10 orgasms with me...every time?  And they're fully clothed when this happens.

I think you're just pumping me for information Blaze.   If you can't say what you mean however...and need to use the *** shit, I'll have to ask you to cease communicating with me.  I have an image to maintain.

You must have learned that shit from London Rayne.

Posted By: Blaze81
You must get a lot of civie p***y if your bank roll is so thick? I would think :D

Bob.Sugar502 reads

My friends at the CIA and FBI have the dossier on this matter.  

I don't think they made a mistake.  Perhaps I need to contact Ms Rayne directly?  

Posted By: Blaze81
Come on Bob, I thought you were past the noob stage? :D

He must be too busy being rich and powerful to have noticed. Don't worry Mr Sugar, I cleared my calendar so I can wait on your call. I would never keep you waiting for me.  

Posted By: Blaze81
So I think you have officially graduated from "Newbie School" Mr Executive :D  

-- Modified on 6/28/2015 2:42:33 PM

Bob.Sugar549 reads

My crack delivery team contacted macdaddy1944 to personally deliver the inquiry.  Given that you're roughly 90 miles from him, I hope that he can get this document to you before his blood spitting episodes preclude him from leaving the area.

Sometimes contact using the old fashioned method of a personal messenger service is more effective than an impersonal email/text.  I expect he'll be there shortly

Don't be mean to MacDaddy... he sure the hell dances better than me! That might not be a compliment as "Elaine" from Seinfeld dances better than me lol.

I can Ballroom dance and Square dance, does that count for anything?

Posted By: inicky46
-- Modified on 6/29/2015 9:53:34 AM

thank you Bob..i will be alright..just had to take a healthy shit..thought of you though..the turd looked like your Dad..

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
My crack delivery team contacted macdaddy1944 to personally deliver the inquiry.  Given that you're roughly 90 miles from him, I hope that he can get this document to you before his blood spitting episodes preclude him from leaving the area.  
 Sometimes contact using the old fashioned method of a personal messenger service is more effective than an impersonal email/text.  I expect he'll be there shortly?  

All of you guys are a riot. Well, not you Bob, I waited all night for your call and you never did :(

Posted By: macdaddy1944
thank you Bob..i will be alright..just had to take a healthy shit..thought of you though..the turd looked like your Dad..  
Posted By: Bob.Sugar
My crack delivery team contacted macdaddy1944 to personally deliver the inquiry.  Given that you're roughly 90 miles from him, I hope that he can get this document to you before his blood spitting episodes preclude him from leaving the area.  
  Sometimes contact using the old fashioned method of a personal messenger service is more effective than an impersonal email/text.  I expect he'll be there shortly?  
-- Modified on 6/29/2015 9:52:31 AM

See I'm still a knewbie, I always figured you'd get some kind of notice by mail" but that might not be good either.

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
I never did.  Maybe I'm still a newbie?  Nah, that can't be right either.  
 I think that once you get your first "official" board troll or stalker accusation, you can safely assume that you're no longer a newbie?  Maybe having a board poster tell you to "fuck off"?    
 What other specifics might one consider that they've graduated beyond the newbie status?

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
I never did.  Maybe I'm still a newbie?  Nah, that can't be right either.  
 I think that once you get your first "official" board troll or stalker accusation, you can safely assume that you're no longer a newbie?  Maybe having a board poster tell you to "fuck off"?    
 What other specifics might one consider that they've graduated beyond the newbie status?

Bob.Sugar441 reads

I appreciate that very much  ;)

Are you the byproduct of mtndewking2016 + blah blah bleu?

I've never gotten a notice one way or the other.  But I certainly get accused of being a troll and have a few stalkers.  It's flattering.  As wealthy and powerful men, it is part of the price we pay.
And, as you know....

you sound just like Bob's bitch..

Posted By: inicky46
I've never gotten a notice one way or the other.  But I certainly get accused of being a troll and have a few stalkers.  It's flattering.  As wealthy and powerful men, it is part of the price we pay.  
 And, as you know....

Bob.Sugar405 reads

Why such negativity?

You should see a really good Doctor right away.  I'm sure I can recommend one if you'd like.

And this thing of yours...shit, dead mouth, slit throat.  This just can't be good  LOL

like a very angry old woman.  You seem to really hate your life.  You have my condolences.  Now I'm worried you'll send me an angry PM about how you plan to shit in my dead mouth, then block me.  Talk about pathetic. LMAO!

hey Bob...have you blacklisted any TER members lately??

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
I never did.  Maybe I'm still a newbie?  Nah, that can't be right either.  
 I think that once you get your first "official" board troll or stalker accusation, you can safely assume that you're no longer a newbie?  Maybe having a board poster tell you to "fuck off"?    
 What other specifics might one consider that they've graduated beyond the newbie status?

Bob.Sugar484 reads

Oh...I see why.

Drip, drip and more drip.

Sorry to see that your condition has accelerated.  But at your age it really doesn't matter.

How's the rest of the macdaddy family?

Posted By: macdaddy1944
hey Bob...have you blacklisted any TER members lately??  
Posted By: Bob.Sugar
I never did.  Maybe I'm still a newbie?  Nah, that can't be right either.  
  I think that once you get your first "official" board troll or stalker accusation, you can safely assume that you're no longer a newbie?  Maybe having a board poster tell you to "fuck off"?    
  What other specifics might one consider that they've graduated beyond the newbie status?

When you book a provider, do you feel they are lucky to be with someone as wealthy and powerful as you? Or are you humble and appreciative to be in a fine woman's company? :D

-- Modified on 6/28/2015 4:15:23 PM

Bob.Sugar494 reads

To have acquired the wealth and status I have achieved, I know most things and what I may not know I have an extensive network of associates who will research anything still unknown.

I have even met with your President Putin.  He's a putz.  But I introduced him to Kim Kardashian and she kept him busy for a few hours while the rest of the world was solving the Global crisis.  No need to thank me, the World Bank has already wired my fees to my account.

Bob.Sugar444 reads

First off, luck has NOTHING to do with any of this.  The hookers post their ads, my underlings find a few that day that meet my criteria and present me with those sites for further investigation.  

If a hooker is so lucky as to be contacted by the incomparable Bob.Sugar I expect them to swoon and reply immediately.  As for a face to face meeting, the hookers love coming to my 25,000 s/f palatial estate to partake in all of its enormity.

I am always cordial and make sure they leave with a smile on their face, and a goodie bag.  I have my driver take them back to their home in my Rolls.  They can even stop and pick up a nice meal at Wendy's since they are a client of mine.  Frosty's are popular.

Posted By: Blaze81
When you book a provider, do you feel they are lucky to be with someone as wealthy and powerful as you? Or are you humble and appreciative to be in a fine woman's company? :D

-- Modified on 6/28/2015 4:15:23 PM

(Not to mention, handsome) was ever a newbie. You don't fool us. We know you were born knowing everything.

As to the "regular" newbies, they receive a TER diploma signed by mrfisher, and personally presented by swimtreker. I am sometimes asked to send lei for the ceremony.

-- Modified on 6/28/2015 3:38:10 PM

Bob.Sugar397 reads

Although it seems he's been taking them more often.

And he's no newbie!

Thanks Bob great clarification. Stalker accusation is probably a good indicator.  Another for me what when I started meeting providers who have been escorting for less time that I have been hobbying.

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