TER General Board

DellaReid See my TER Reviews 42 reads

I mean for what purpose? To show her you "know" something? Control? Power?

If she isn't listed anymore it seems she isn't providing anymore. So unless you are just trying to get kicks out of knowing her "secret" I don't really see the point.

John_Laroche2180 reads

I'm in Vegas. minding my own business and playing blackjack. Up walks a server to take a drink order. I recognize her as a provider I saw a few times about 3 years ago. She's no longer listed or has any web presence.

Assuming she does not recognize me, is it wrong to drop her a hint?

I mean for what purpose? To show her you "know" something? Control? Power?

If she isn't listed anymore it seems she isn't providing anymore. So unless you are just trying to get kicks out of knowing her "secret" I don't really see the point.

That would be my take.

But either way, do not drop any hints.   Instead see if she does, and if so, see if there is a discreet was to connect.

In the meantime, keep working on that five card charlie.

imanalias40 reads

Not a good idea but you could ask, have we met, you look very familiar. Take your drink and leave it up to her. It’s likely she will say no sorry. Let it go.  

Was she a good fuck back then? Hot looking?

Respect anonymity and leave it be. There may be a chance that she did recognize you and respected your anonymity...leaving you be.

You have your memories..keep it at that,  Go on with Your Own Life!! 😚

I might give her a "knowing smile and a wink" but I would never say a thing about having met her before in front of witnesses. If I get a "knowing smile" in return, I "might" talk to her away from the table and see where it took us. I would probably lead with "how have you been?" which gives her every opportunity to tell me how she is now "happily married" or something which of course would be my cue to  NOT to bring up the past.

It's called DISCRETION, PRIVACY, and RESPECTING  BOUNDARIES.  Don't be a creep.

She is a waitress in this setting, not soliciting business. Leave her alone, especially in a public setting like that.

Nothing goes unnoticed in a casino. Everybody is watching. She could have "reasons" she CAN'T be providing anymore. I can think of many. Health issues, child custody issues, pregnancy, legal issues, maybe she  entered into a monogamous relationship.

that even having to ask  shows a level of immaturity, arrogance and selfishness that is absolutely unacceptable and should send you to the top of the DNS list for those who maintain them.

-- Modified on 1/23/2018 7:17:06 PM

Leave well enough alone..

...and dropping a hint. Just don't be overly obvious about it and drop it if she gives you the cold shoulder.  Who knows she may show up at your room like this...

Would you want her getting all "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" while you're at work?

p4p is about discretion and respecting each other's privacy. It's always safer to be safe.

her the ball by just saying, "You look familiar.  Did we ever meet?"  If she doesn't remember you, then nothing's going to happen anyway, and as other's have said, no sense in outing her if she's no longer in the biz.  On the other hand, if she remembers you, she will let you know when and how you met, and then I would not hesitate to ask her if she's still working and/or would be open to seeing you while you're there.   Many Vegas hookers are part time and stay UTR because they have other jobs.  

Tippecanoe40 reads

I vote leave her alone.  

If you do have to say something, make it like you don't know her and are asking her out, "Thank you for bringing me a drink, can I return the favor and buy you a drink?"  

No mention of seeing her as a provider IMHO. I wouldn't want the reverse to happen to me. Remember, its not just her. The blackjack dealer knows her and can hear you, too. "pit boss", eyes in the sky, employees walking past, and people around you who might be her friends. Whatever you say won't be a private conversation.  

Most likely she left that life behind to start over, no need to remind her of it. Contrary to popular belief and what is said on this board by providers, its not a glamorous and fun occupation.

Never ever approach  either party outside of  the 'date' environment.  
I have gents that I have known for 15+ years that I could and would play grab ass with if I ran into them in public. However, I know their lives and tbh I know their wives.  Your situation is different.  Leave her be.

Privacy not publicly ,and fun .That's what it's all about.

Did you want her to shove the drink that you ordered in your face?

As my name would suggest I work retail and whenever I'm out in my work shirt at a bar to unwind after a shift I always get questions about what's on sale or if they can get a discount. It got very frustrating.  Most people down like discussing work not the outside.
While the two professions are not remotely the same, I understand.

souls_harbor38 reads

I learned never to wear a red short sleeve shirt to a home improvement store.  People always assume you are a member of the staff and start asking you questions.

I got that even though I wasn't wearing the right colors lol. I guess I just have that look.

She is not in the business anymore or at least no web presence so leave her alone. Sure she could have left to change her life or just to start over new and it's possible something bad happened to her in the biz and she wants to leave that part behind. Can't you just recognize her and realize she is retired or at least no longer openly active, remember the good times you had with her and let it go? Why would you want to even try to see if you can drop hints? Good grief!

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