TER General Board

Who's "us" lol
_____Taylor_____ 594 reads

and yes many weird topics are discussed on this forum. Very weird. But entertaining none-the-less.

Nothing brought "me" back. Just doin' a lil chattin'.  

Who's "Nicky"? Doesn't ring a bell.  

And who are you btw...;)
Posted By: Bob.Sugar
We did discuss just how bizarre this world really is.  
 So...what brought you back?  
 Oh...Nicky says "hi"

I figuered this would be a fun subject to explore .
Guys and Gals lets heare some ingenious ways  
That work

First rule of the successful hobbyist: fly under the radar..

and completely lie through your teeth that you aren't straying, then you've perfected the only technique you'll need. If you could potential risk their health by dipping your wick into different candles, you've accomplished something special.

I just know that I couldn't. If I'm that unhappy in a relationship, then its time to correct the situation.

Yup... food for thought. Women always say we want to hear the truth.. bullshit! LIE and lie fkin good. Some things are better off not knowing. It's just that simple. I don't have that gift, though. Can't really lie.  

Posted By: AHappyCamper
and completely lie through your teeth that you aren't straying, then you've perfected the only technique you'll need. If you could potential risk their health by dipping your wick into different candles, you've accomplished something special.  
 I just know that I couldn't. If I'm that unhappy in a relationship, then its time to correct the situation.

I wish I had that gift too  
I think when I lie the whole world  
Knows im lying .

I'm not capable of it. I have to live with myself and the decisions I make.

Skyfyre522 reads

So you think satisfying a guilty conscience by selfishly breaking up a family with no consideration whatsoever to the kids' psyche is a good idea?

Typical. Surely you wouldn't be and first nor the last to think so.

And learning the art of manipulation and lying..

Just be honest with yourself first about what it is you're doing and you should be all good ;)

It'll come back to bite ya in the ass one way or another. Nothing 'ingenius' about it.  

You can thank me later.  

T. xxoo

Posted By: statson1234
I figuered this would be a fun subject to explore .  
 Guys and Gals lets heare some ingenious ways  
 That work .  
-- Modified on 9/27/2015 3:50:35 PM

Bob.Sugar694 reads

We did discuss just how bizarre this world really is.

So...what brought you back?

Oh...Nicky says "hi"

and yes many weird topics are discussed on this forum. Very weird. But entertaining none-the-less.

Nothing brought "me" back. Just doin' a lil chattin'.  

Who's "Nicky"? Doesn't ring a bell.  

And who are you btw...;)

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
We did discuss just how bizarre this world really is.  
 So...what brought you back?  
 Oh...Nicky says "hi"

Bob.Sugar612 reads

I've been known by many names...sometimes as Jean valjean.

Other times...as a time traveling Gallifreyan.

And still some like to know me as CPA.

Are you sure you don't recall who Nicky is.  I know he knows who you are...and has asked me to tell you that he really misses you...A LOT.

Did you ever figure out who Panthera is?

Posted By: _____Taylor_____
and yes many weird topics are discussed on this forum. Very weird. But entertaining none-the-less.  
 Nothing brought "me" back. Just doin' a lil chattin'.  
 Who's "Nicky"? Doesn't ring a bell.  
 And who are you btw...;)  
Posted By: Bob.Sugar
We did discuss just how bizarre this world really is.  
  So...what brought you back?  
  Oh...Nicky says "hi"

So true. Ain't no freebies, physically or mentally. Always a price to pay even if it's just in your own head.

At a certain point, it all comes back to bite you.


Posted By: _____Taylor_____
Just be honest with yourself first about what it is you're doing and you should be all good ;)  
 It'll come back to bite ya in the ass one way or another. Nothing 'ingenius' about it.  
 You can thank me later.  
 T. xxoo  
Posted By: statson1234
I figuered this would be a fun subject to explore .  
  Guys and Gals lets heare some ingenious ways    
  That work .  
-- Modified on 9/27/2015 3:50:35 PM

Never use your CC someplace you are not supposed to be.  Gas up in your home area.  If you need breath mints, or any incidental purchase use cash.  
Never use anyone else as a cover story...  which can later come back to bite you in the ass.  

Devolupe real hobbies &  interests which occasionally are used for a cover.  They must be real & appropriate to YOU.  

-- Modified on 9/27/2015 9:47:39 PM

I wouldn't advise leaving receipts anywhere. That's what they make shredders for my new friend haha.

If you don't 'take' them in the first place, you have no need to 'keep' them or 'shred' them. Why would leaving a cash receipt anywhere be a problem, my old friend?

But thanks for playing...again. Old buddy lol

Posted By: perfectstorm
If you don't 'take' them in the first place, you have no need to 'keep' them or 'shred' them. Why would leaving a cash receipt anywhere be a problem, my old friend?

Check the Chicago board.  

Again. I rest my case. LOL

Actually, I'm engaged. Thank you for the congrats.

Bob.Sugar576 reads

He'll need a separate handle so we can know who is who.

You should email me an evite.

Posted By: _____Taylor_____
Check the Chicago board.  
 Again. I rest my case. LOL  
 Actually, I'm engaged. Thank you for the congrats.

You are phunny!


Posted By: Blowing Chunks

it is painful, devastating, and wrong.......and will eventually come back to bite you in the ass.

People are doing what they feel like they need to do, but this seems really callous.

bigguy30623 reads

I hate to hear this weak ass question.
Just be a man and tell her what you want in life!
You only live once and most of us are on here because one woman in your life is not enough.
So be upfront and move on enjoying your life.

Why be in a relationship with a girlfriend or wife and you can't be yourself?
If you cannot have time for yourself.
Then maybe you should look for a woman that is more open minded or less controlling.

All she has to know is you are into open relationship with other woman.
The other details beyond that can be left to yourself.
It just makes life a lot easier men.

Posted By: statson1234
I figuered this would be a fun subject to explore .  
 Guys and Gals lets heare some ingenious ways  
 That work .  
-- Modified on 9/27/2015 8:37:16 PM

It was about erotic animal clothing like fox but plugs and animal play. Big difference. And I don't get why a bunch of perverted people who engage in sexual behavior out side of social norms (P4P) can be so damn condescending of others kinks.Such things as animal play and cosplay may not be for you but how is others discussing their kinks stupid? And as long as everyone is of age and the play is safe, and consensual, why the condescending attitude? After all your a pervert too, because if you wasn't you wouldn't be on a P4P site.

And I'm really glad I'm "fixed" BTW, the "No-Scalpel" vasectomy is the way to go ... 10 years + and no issues.

Leave her, then there is no cheating, no worrying about getting caught. I feel that if I care about her that little that I'd be OK with betrayal, then I'd might as well let her go, so she can go find someone who will care about her enough not to do so.

A clear conscious is a comfortable thing.

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