TER General Board

MrSilk 4 Reviews 2008 reads

You crawled all over my ass on a couple of occasions when I've critisized this practice...make up your mind!  You just repeated my very same message...this info creates a false sense of security and accomplishes nothing but driving away business.

I'm new to this and wanted to check it out....unfortunately the few providers I've contacted have all either 1) requested info I don't have or am uncomfortable giving (eg employment info), or 2)requested references (similar to #1 in that I don't have it).

I'm close to giving up at this point.  Can anyone offer assistance/advice?  I'm thinking about signing up with RoomService2000, but stating I was doing that was no good either....


karmacoma4957 reads

to the top of the list!  Most newbies jump in the deep end before they see the steps leading into the shallow end.  
You can also use the 'search messages' tab to get info on topics that have been answered in the past (on any board).  
You are not alone in not wanting to give out your personal info.  If you keep looking you will find a provider that does not require much information to screen you.  Date-check & RS2000 are other ways for you to get screened without giving the specifics to the provider, but they will want your work info too.  

Good luck!


-- Modified on 8/10/2005 6:07:51 PM

Nothing wrong with this question being here...subject has been discussed here numerous times.  We all go through this bs, not just beginners.

karmacoma2132 reads

When this topic has been discussed here it has been a debate about WHY the screening process exists.  JR7823 stated that he is "new to this" and that he was "thinking about...RS2000".  Had he started on the newbie board, he would have found all the info he was looking for about RS2000 (or any other screening options).  Thus preventing this STUPID ASS debate ONCE AGAIN!!!

Jr, some ladies will ask you for info that you aren't comfortable giving.  You can either accept her rule, or move on.  It varies from lady to lady, and there are some out there with less requirements than others.  If you come to terms with one, you've built a base for references.  It's easier from there.  Think of it as getting your first job...need experience but can't get it without the job.  Life can be a catch 22, and yet we're all here.  Don't stress, don't do things that make you uncomfortable, but understand that asking a lady to change her rules would make her uncomfortable.  At best, that will make for a less pleasant experience.

Good luck, you'll get past this...

Post on your city board.. Instead of General discussion..

I never understood what a mans employment can prove- anyone can set up a business and line in 1/2 hour and say" Yes Joe Schmore works here" and bam, bust complete

License- doesnt mean he isnt le

home phone - WEIRD

The mexican stand off will end soon.
And it wont be beneficial on our parts. (providers)

Many a good man is lost thru these techniques.
As said No money, no honey
As I say, No honey, no money..

One persons opinion

Sorry you are having such a problem in escortland:( I hope it works out for you

This isnt a screening thread, so dont bother
answering on those terms people

BILL183566481 reads

"I never understood what a mans employment can prove- anyone can set up a business and line in 1/2 hour and say" Yes Joe Schmore works here" and bam, bust complete"

so true but at least ya feel comfortable when they cuff ya

"License- doesnt mean he isnt le"

nor does his picture on the license but it may help you to remember him the next time :D

home phone - WEIRD

oh yeah I'm sure every married guy on here is happy to give out that info. Good way to lose 50% of the market

The mexican stand off will end soon.
And it wont be beneficial on our parts. (providers)

The sad part is it's only purpose served is to do what the LE wants anyway, make it less profitable and enjoyable for all involved.  

-- Modified on 8/11/2005 7:40:07 AM

You crawled all over my ass on a couple of occasions when I've critisized this practice...make up your mind!  You just repeated my very same message...this info creates a false sense of security and accomplishes nothing but driving away business.

My rants have been about screening in general and how its important. Its never been picked apart.
I never said I agreed with all aspects of the lengths many girls go through. Simply said screening is a must.

I simply said what I find odd.. my screening practices have kept me safe for  12 years. ( Yes  12) If a girl feels comfy with those 3 noted things.  So be it.

We all screen. Not the same as every girl does.

again. a place of employement means nothing
a home phone isnt necessary.
and a license ( including pic) means nothing.
Sure one can tell the next girl and the next who is a cop after the fact. However we arent talking about AFTERMATH of an arrest . we are speaking of how to NOT get arrested.

Keep on topic- and these things will not have to be repeated or spelled out in A B C - 1 2 3

So, notwithstanding what I've said to Bill these last several days, I'll defer to your supreme knowledge in the matter, Ciara.  

My earliest experiences with some women I most respected, they demanded the work number.  It worried me at first... but I got to think it was normal practice.    

If other methods of screening are more effective, and get the job done, then I'll look for the ladies who practice those, and don't ask for the more intrusive information.

Vicki Nicole3459 reads

I just checked out your appointment form Ciara and you and I basically ask for the same things

i don't ask for work info (doesn't prove anything),
home phone (i don't call your home, so what's the point?)
and only check license on the rare occasions that i think the gentleman may be underaged

i have only been in business 2 years but i feel my screening methods have kepot me safe as well, and ALSO keeps me comfortble with who i am meeting.

"...or am uncomfortable giving (eg employment info)"

Suck it up or find a different hobby. The first provider I ever saw wanted my company name and phone number and I gave it to her without a moment's hesitation.

I just don't understand what it is you guys are worried about. Oh, yeah, you might be "found out" -- well, shit, she might be KILLED if she doens't take precautions.

Some of us don't run a lawn service out of the back of a pickup truck.  A call from a disgruntled provider (guy misses appointment, doesn't want to tip, doesn't say "yes maam, no maam") can create havoc with a call to compamy personnel or human relations department.  Can't believe I am even addressing you on such a stupid remark.

-- Modified on 8/11/2005 8:52:24 AM

Now you're stepping on Lex's toes.  I believe that act is reserved for women.  Besides slik, we've all heard your rant.

...if you're worried about a "call from a disgruntled provider" you need a different hobby.

Or in more generic terms:

If the risks outweigh the rewards, the game is not for you.

How exactly is that "stupid", Mr. Silk? Can you explain it to me? We professional lawn service workers are sometimes a tad slow on the uptake, so if you could explain to me (with no long or fancy words) where my logic is flawed, I'd sure appreciate it.

First - just "suck it up" is truely sage advice.  Hell, maybe he is afraid of main-lining; hell, just "suck it up" son, everything will be fine.  Second - "My first time I gave out my info" - well geez oh whiz...if you did it then it must be the right thing to do.  Tell me Casper: would you give any criminal your personal information, or just criminals that wet your noddle?  

-- Modified on 8/11/2005 9:59:51 AM

The whole statement was...

..."Suck it up or find a different hobby"...

...to which, none of your subsequent statements was a rebuttal.

Your initial attempt by bring up the sensitivity your job addressed the "suck it up" part, but ignored the "OR find a different hobby" clause.

Sorry, pal. I stand by my statement. If you don't like the screening process, find a differt gal, or find a different hobby.

Your initial advice DID NOT INCLUDE the following solution as did your last post: "...find a differt gal, or find a different hobby."

My original post didn't include the "different gal" part because that option had already been dismissed by the original poster as indicated by "the few providers I've contacted have all" statement.

He had gone the different gal route and decided that wasn't working. That left him with the two options I pointed out.

So keep trying, Mr. Silk.

What other group of criminals do you give your personal information to???

If I get my noodle wet, I give them my personal info.  Otherwise, I give them yours.

Since I am not foolish enough to have my personal information available to you!!!  See how it works!

That way, when you're a victim of identity theft, you'll never even suspect poor little old acidom...

BILL183564219 reads

and at times your posts pretty funny. You almost remind me of Triumph the Insulting dog.

However how many law abiding citizens are there in this country? Tax cheats abound,crooked attorneys, scandalous corporate executives, religous leaders that cant keep their dicks in their pants (I'll never know how they even attempted celibacy) and the list goes on so why attack the providers and are they anymore criminal than the hobbyists.

You could make this statement in Sunday church and 3/4's of the people would be ducking

No Bill, you miss my point.  I am NOT picking on providers.  That is exactly my point.  I wouldn't give my personal information to ANYONE that I knew was involved in an illegal activity.  If I gave the impression I was singling out any class of criminal (including us willing participants) that was not my intention.  NOW, I will poop on you!!!  

-- Modified on 8/11/2005 12:02:18 PM

BILL183562413 reads

couldnt ya just piss on me instead.

junior4572631 reads

If not then why do you keep lobbing them over the plate for me to hit out of the park like Sosa?

My head hurts with all the retorts I have for this post.....so many I can't pick.....so I'll just leave you with this post.

Be well my friend

karmacoma4318 reads

would you be willing to give your personal info to a provider you went to visit in Canada?  How about in Vegas?


I know it's on the books.  So what?  They are not criminals to me and I don't treat them like that.

Now, there may be some who are criminal for other reasons.

She should need to do a lot more than place a call.  The fact is, anybody who has your work number can call up with a story.  If they fire you or demote you on that basis, can you say, lawsuit?  
What company can risk that?  As long as you didn't call from a company phone, use a company computer.  Otherwise, if they start an investigation on that basis: lawsuit.  

Not only that, I believe if she does something as extortive as that, you could probably get her on felony charges, that carry real time.  If you went to an incall, she probably has a landlord who needs to know what's afoot.  Either way, you could probably do just as bad to her as she could to you, or worse-- without beating her or doing anything illegal.

Karrie2930 reads

I wont ask for your name and information  and my 6'9" 300 lbs bald tattooed glass eating body guard will sit in the room with us. but that will cost you extra.

Sorry boyz my safety first. there are no 100% in this business and any info can be faked. Giving us the information gives us some security. Security in knowing that you value your info and won't do anything to make me want to call your wife’s or girlfriends or even the LE. I do a bad thing by doing in call, well my name is on the bill, I want to know who I am seeing, who am I inviting over into my space.

This subject is getting tiresome, take Lex's advice and find a new hobby. I am sure you have gotten plenty of PM's from guys who know underground girls who do not screen.

sicnarf2351 reads

Me, personally I like screening - cause know what - if a whacko does harm a gal, and it is know that I was not him or was not scheduled at that time... they will know to not bother me!  go figure- I am watching a case here unfold - where there actually was a whacko... and fortunately ALL the info was obtained!  makes this hobby safer - for ALL of us - another thought while I am on my rant mode...

What if the whacko gets his jollies just whacking folk - no matter their gender?  So, you make an appointment - just after him... you walk in - he has already done his worst with the provider - what do  you think?  at that point in time - giving up your work phone # is gonna be the absolute least of your worries....

Screening - it not just a good idea - its the law...

Your quote:  "Security in knowing that you value your info and won't do anything to make me want to call your wife’s (sic) or girlfriends or even the (sic) LE."  The fact that this is even in your mindset is enough to send up a "wacko alert".  Why the heck should anyone take a chance giving YOU their personnel information?

BILL183562068 reads

and you don't know the half of it. roflmao

It doesn't take a whacko mindset to think of calling your wife, Mr Silk, and squealing on you.

Giving your work number to a quality provider is not a big deal.  She knows that if word gets out that someone has been embarrassed; she will lose a lot of business very quickly.  I have found that many providers never call, and when they do it is usually late a night, just to confirm that someone with your name has voicemail.  I have given out my work number 18 times, and I have never had anyone ask for me or leave a message.  Contact is always over your cell phone.  Usually they want to hear your voice to ask what you look like, and confirm that you are not an ass.  Have the good sense to avoid discussing what will be taking place.  If her rates are post on her web-site, do not talk about money.  If her rates are not posted on her web-site, wait until she has screened you and then ask what she charges for her time.  If you are still nervous, start off by seeing providers with 15+ good reviews on TER, over a multi-year period.  They obviously know what they are doing.

PeterPickle2837 reads

If you are uncomfortable giving out your personal info, RoomService probably isn't the answer.  They ask for more info than any provider will.  

Giving out employment info is pretty painless (IMHO).  I'd suggest you suck it up for the first couple times. Then you'd be in a position to offer references going forward.

Al Swearengen2008 reads

Those LE cocksuckers would like to check it out too.  Get with the program.  Either give up the information to someone reputable or take your chances with someone who is probably careless about everything she does.

I bet the police are too dumb to figure that little trick out!  I'm sure they would NEVER consider using a fake company or "cousin bill's" taco stand as a front..  Geez.

-- Modified on 8/11/2005 9:04:34 AM

Al Swearengen2263 reads

Try to follow the point.  There is an endless stream of newbies that post on this board day after day that are interested in "checking it out" without disclosing anything about themselves.  They're really horny, but they just overcome the paranoia.  There's a market for guys like that and it doesn't include any women that I would want to meet.  I don't give a rat's ass about the differences in what providers ask for to screen someone, but I do know it's pointless to bitch about it or try to change their mind.  They are the ones that have to live with the results.  If you don't like what one requires, move on to another that is willing to take more risks.  Keep in mind that she probably takes on more risk about  other things in her life.  It seems inconsistent to resist screening requirements and ignore the other possibilities.  The key to not getting arrested is to not get stupid and say or do the precise things that will get you arrested.  Screening is about preventing that opportunity from happening.  I have an extensive list of names, phone numbers and business names that LE uses in my city.  I share them with the providers I see, because LE is always interested in "checking it out".  If you don't want to share your information with providers because they're a group of self-admitted criminals, it seems only accurate to include yourself. I would.  

-- Modified on 8/11/2005 2:16:44 PM

Vicki Nicole3601 reads

very very true
i had a guy 3 days ago spend about a half hour instant messaging me and calling me trying to find a way around filling out my appointment form,

in the end i got so tired of the nonsense that i told him i would see him

then put up an away message saying 'Please do not contact me if you do not want to fill out my appointment form, i find it rude, offensive and pushy, and i do not enjoy spending time with men who are rude offensive and pushy"

then i ignored his calls.

BILL183561648 reads

located or where you have been looking but there are many providers that will work with you. Part of the problem is being new. The other stuff well I'm not going there but suffice to say I think if you're seearching in the right places you'll find someone :D

Plenty of good options out there who do not require everything but dna.  I've been "playing" now for about 3 or 4 months and have seen 6 different ladies and have never given more then name and phone with driver's license at the meeting.

BILL183563648 reads

making sure I'm old enough or that I'm capable of driving, whats the point of me showing ID? lol

For the life of me I can't figure out why its asked other than providers think its some kind of unwritten rule and if they violate it they will be drummed out of escorting and driven to the streets. There is not a prisoner in jail that doesn't know where he can get new ID when he gets out for $50-$100 dollars and does anyone seriously believe that ellie couldnt get this done? Please tell me they just want to make sure I'm over 17 :D

BILL183562076 reads

I need this in my life. More , more more

BILL183562379 reads

hey are you going to want to see my ID when you come to NY or would ya accept a note from Junior?

Whenever I see guys getting all het up about how us girls do business, especially as regards safety, there's only one question I like to ask them; "So...how long have you been an escort?"

-- Modified on 8/11/2005 11:55:55 AM

A permission slip of sorts.

" dear ciara,
I give permission for you to have lunch at espn zone with Bill and to poke him in the eye with Fork.

All my BFE love,
Junior    "

junior4571662 reads

I give permission for you to have lunch at espn zone wtih Bill and to poke him in the eye with a Fork.


p.s. can I come too!! I don't eat much(lie) and only speak when spoken to(bigger lie) and I'd actually pay to see the fork in the eye trick(truth!!)

Don't worry Bill I'd still like ya with an eye patch.

Maybe I wanna rethink that whole "buy Junior a drink in LV thing".  At least keep the sharp looking silverware visible at all times.

junior4572624 reads

plus It's been a childhood fantasy of mine to have a pirate as a friend!!

And three in just within the last week.  Seems it was really rare before this; providers must be getting really strict.  

Are you going to forget everything about this thread except for my response below?

BILL183562168 reads

oh yeah they sure are:D I'll be spending the weekend in Saratoga with a lady that never asked me for ID, doesnt have my email address but does have my cell phone number. I promise to bring her home safely and I have no intention of arresting her although I might cuff her to the bed for awhile.

This was one of the more enjoyable and lighthearted topics on screening I have seen yet.

I was in the same stressful situation you were in 17 months ago.  

First try going to rs2000.  And there are probably other third-party verifiers now.  Just saying you're going there isn't going to do it.  Some women won't accept their service, but enough women will that you could get your foot in the door.  

Network a little.  Feel free, if she won't see you, to ask her if somebody will.  In my home town, half the providers here started their work at the same massage parlor.  A lot of them stripped before, and know other women in the business.  

See, also, if there's any alternate information she may take.    

By employment info: the name of your company, address and the phone number isn't unreasonable, but, that's a source of debate as you could see.  If she's asking for more, I'd forget about her.  BTW, have you checked to see if your name might be on your company's public website?  

However, you could ask her if any alternate information might be acceptable, since you are a newbie.  However, that's like like asking a woman to help you lose your virginity.  

You could also start with massage parlors/agencies.  In theory, they are supposed to screen there too, but as the indys have told me, they can be tragically lax. Usually a bad thing, but it works to your advantage here.  Just research it carefully and find a good agency.      

There is some trouble with employment verification anyway.  My company uses a third party verifier, called The Work Number.  The things I'd have to disclose to her to make The Work Number verify me are out of the question (my SSN, not to mention a credit card # for billing).  As I've told providers, if you call my actual work number, you'd be lucky if anybody admitted they knew me.

When I saw my first provider, I didn't have a job.  I was on severence.  But it was after 9/11 and work was really slow for her, so she saw me on the strength of seeing my paystubs.  She actually had me sign a paper saying that I agreed that payment for sex was illegal and so on... (you know the disclaimer on every provider's page.)  I didn't press the issue of sex with her.  We talked for like 55 minutes, and then, letting her initiate it, she fucked me in the last 15 minutes.  The session went on a little over, bless her heart.  But in the meantime, she knew I wasn't LE, because I didn't press the issue, and I lost my civvie virginity.

Not every guy's ideal session, but I was thankful, I had her as a reference for the next lady.      

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