TER General Board

when I first started the hobby and writing reviews
Blowing Chunks 2046 reads
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write a review that you consider a well-written review?  

Providers, what type of reviews are your favorite reviews in terms of the style, how it's written, tone, etc, etc? Can you post some examples?

I usually just see the girl again if she's 9 or 10 worthy and I haven't written a single review in many months although I've seen plenty of ladies during that time. But once in a while the inner voice in me talks to me with a booming voice telling me to write one. lol Well, who am I to disobey that command? When this happens I find myself devoting a lot of thought and time into writing one. It's like writing an adventure story slash erotic literature (probably some babbling added too but I try not to go too long).  

It's a distributed effort though since I might spend a 10-15 minutes for a couple of days on my mobile device / laptop while taking a dump. It's amazing what you can get done while taking care of business on the john. Complete focus and complete relief equates to a calm cool and collected clear mind. Several revisions are typical before it is finally submitted so that it reads the way I want it to read.  

Are there others here who treat review-writing on a fairly serious level like this?  

PS: Those who recognize my alias, it's against the rule to out an alias but feel free to PM me if you wanna verify that a certain review might be from me. I'll either confirm.. or ignore. rofl

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 909 reads
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Or unless there was something unusual about the session.

So, although I ought to trim them more when editing, it usually only takes about 20 minutes to actually write it. About one beer.

39Steps 20 Reviews 830 reads
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I almost didn't write my last review (still awaiting posting) because the experience was so good that I figured people would assume I had developed a crush. Well there was definitely a connection, but that's what takes an experience to its best levels, right? So it took me a while just decide to write it simply because it was more personal than usual, and then longer than usual to figure out how to address it. I finally came in with an approach of not so much reviewing "performance" as making sure people took the time to put something into their session to get the most out of it.

Long-winded, okay. I do a lot of writing anyway, so it takes me less than an hour to say what I need to say, and then another half hour to let it get cold and then read it again with fresh eyes.

And then another good 15 minutes of deliberation before I hit "post".

mrfisher 108 Reviews 836 reads
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and I take notes right after the session to keep the impressions fresh and retain the order of events, etc.

Once I start on the keyboard, it only takes about ten minutes and another few minutes to edit.

That's not counting filling out the blankety-blank profile stuff all over again.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 718 reads
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I try to do it the same day as I saw the provider (within a few hours) so as to have the events, sights, smells and feelings still in mind's eye as I write so as to be accurate in my reporting and expressing what I experienced.

rtpexplorer 7 Reviews 946 reads
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Before I start writing, I reflect on the meeting, not just in terms of what happened, but on my overall impression and what might be considered the theme of the encounter. I want to give readers an idea of who the lady is, how she made me feel and what made my time spent with her special. I've been fortunate so far, in that every lady I've met has been special in her own way.

Once I've settled on a theme, I start writing the story of my visit. I focus more on the atmosphere and emotional/mental state, since a mere cataloging of the sexual activities that took place is, frankly, boring. Besides, in a really good meeting, things should become a sensual blur in which the total experience is much more than the sum of its parts and should be memorable by the pleasure both have enjoyed. When there is a particularly erotic move by the lady, I'll mention that, as it is part of what distinguishes her from other ladies. Since men look for different things when they meet a lady, I hope my reviews can help them decide if the lady in question will be a good fit. They also, I hope, let the ladies know how much I appreciate them

GhostWriteroftheDamned 852 reads
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Posted By: Drunken Asian
write a review that you consider a well-written review?    
 It's a distributed effort though since I might spend a 10-15 minutes for a couple of days on my mobile device / laptop while taking a dump. It's amazing what you can get done while taking care of business on the john. Complete focus and complete relief equates to a calm cool and collected clear mind. Several revisions are typical before it is finally submitted so that it reads the way I want it to read.  

JohnyComeAlready 709 reads
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I forgot I wrote it. I guess you weren't as memorable as I had thought.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 732 reads
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89Springer 678 reads
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I haven't seen a lot of providers, but there's two I've seen several times. Each time I see one of them, I usually write a new review. One reason is that, each time I see them, the experience gets better. So, I want to let other hobbyists know what the ladies' potentials are.

The other reason is that I want to have current reviews. Since I'm not seeing a lot of providers, I need to re-review the one(s) I'm seeing regularly.

I spend a couple of hours writing the reviews, and then let them sit for a few, then go back and edit.  

I'm old school, and don't like to "kiss and tell". I recognize, though, that the providers use reviews for advertising, and that I need reviews in order to see new providers, especially the well-reviewed providers.

inicky46 61 Reviews 635 reads
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I haven't read any of your reviews but if they're like your posts I'd guess they are just about as useless.

Blowing Chunks 780 reads
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Those blankety-blank profile stuff are a real road block to writing reviews. They need to be auto-filled, at the very very least auto fill some of the ones that don't change such as her race, height, etc

Blowing Chunks 796 reads
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That was hilarious. shill friday?

russbbj 89 Reviews 737 reads
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It took me perhaps an hour per review. Now however I'd say its down to about 20 minutes. I can't say I've ever written a review while taking a dump, I guess I'm not thinking about the women I've banged at that moment. I will say though that I often don't get around to writing my reviews until two, three or even more days after my session. This is due primarily to the fact that I must travel to hobby and I guess I'm more comfortable writing them once I'm home. I have written 1 or 2 while sitting at a gate on a layover on my trip home, but the majority get written once I'm home. I've learned to use a previous review of a lady for the height, weight, breast size etc specifics as I don't know exactly what sizes or cup size a lady's boobs are, I just enjoy playing with them.

JohnyComeAlready 796 reads
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Reviews are fictional writings(drivel is more like it) any who.

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 756 reads
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I just enjoy reading them.  Nobody is candid IRL, so it feels like seeing a mirror for the first time.  It's fascinating to me the difference between what I thought would be memorable and what you guys actually think is memorable.

rtpexplorer 7 Reviews 713 reads
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...it would be really interesting to see the ladies review the men they see. I'm sure some of that goes on in the Providers Only area, but I think a side by side comparison of the two reviews would make for enlightening reading, especially for those of us who are looking for ways to make the sessions better for the ladies.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 774 reads
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Some years ago, a TER administration person said in response to this issue that they see this as a way of eliminating non-committed reviewers.

Perhaps there is something to that, but hell's bells, after one has written about 50 reviews or so, could not that be proof that one is pretty damned committed?

inicky46 61 Reviews 775 reads
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and, no, my little Fruit Fly, I'm not saying why.  But generally it takes me about a half hour to write the full review here.  I try to do it either the same day or the day following the session so all the details are fresh.
Now here's a NEWS FLASH for our favorite BSC hooker:
Thanks for the invitation but I will not be making you my 60th review.  Or my 61st or 62nd or ever.  Based on your behavior here, you are the last person I'd give any screening info to, as I'd be afraid it might be subsequently mis-used by you. I'm sure most other mongers here feel the same.  Except one.  
Say, that reminds me, when are you two kids gonna get together?  Now there's a review of his I'd read.
"We fell into each other's arms like long lost lovers. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. She knew without asking I wanted her in cowgirl and didn't make me ask.  I brought her to sixteen shuddering O's.  Run, don't walk, fellas.  Treat her right."

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 820 reads
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1. Rough Draft  
2. Revision for spelling, grammar, and punctuation....
3. Final Version

89Springer 779 reads
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For someone who's had writing as part of his education and career, you certainly have a problem with the word "hobbyist". ;)

Epsilon_Eridani 661 reads
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what a shitload you put out there. Takes you 15 minutes to dump your shit? Wow, how much do you eat per day?

This post only took me a minute to reply and taking a dump took less than a minute.

Blowing Chunks 772 reads
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"Stay strong pretty lady" at the end of that review. HA HA

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 774 reads
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She'll understand.

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DT_lover 188 Reviews 843 reads
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All of the profile questions are for YOUR observations not anyone else.  Yes there will be repetition.  I realized the value of filling all this stuff out when I looked up a girl whose profile was no longer listed.  All of the Profile info was gone, but all of the details...everything I wrote and all the blanks I filled...were still available to me in my review history.

Made good use of this when a retired girl came back and contacted me to see me again.  :-)  She had contacted TER trying to get her reviews back but did not know her profile number.  Was easy for me to find!  :-)

DT_lover 188 Reviews 738 reads
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JohnyComeAlready 892 reads
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DT_lover 188 Reviews 665 reads
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