TER General Board

What went on,under that table is highly inappropriate?regular_smile
Donald Trumpet 3136 reads

That should only be done at board room tables!

Your fired!...OOPS...sorry, wrong venue.

-- Modified on 4/25/2004 4:33:15 PM

Bond...James Bond4370 reads

Many moons ago,I was out on a dinner date one evening with Pussy Galore and I had my traditional vodka martini;of course, shaken with no stir.
Pussy had her usual Cosmo.
The first round went down bloody smooth so we ordered and drank another round of splendid cocktails.At that point, Pussy was becoming very playful with my majesty's jewels.Talk about Pussy rubbing me the right way.It felt mighty fine.

Pussy and I shared some succulent oysters,sauced them up,slurped and sucked them down.Those delicious,juicy oysters slid through our mouths and tongues so quickly that Pussy said all that was missing was an orgasm.
But that was next.

Pussy looked at me. I looked at Pussy.It was the looks of lust!
We both had to have it!
I had to have Pussy right then and there and Pussy needed me inside her pronto.
Needless to say, I excused myself to the rest room and Pussy followed close behind.The coast was clear. The lock was put on the door and We f**ked each other like we never f**ked before.
It was a grand ole' time!

Anyone else have any erotic dinner dates?

Cheerio and here's to PUSSY!

-- Modified on 4/25/2004 3:52:34 PM

-- Modified on 4/25/2004 4:06:50 PM

SirPrize4881 reads

Sometimes the wife just gets overly horny.

No controlling her then.

Donald Trumpet3137 reads

That should only be done at board room tables!

Your fired!...OOPS...sorry, wrong venue.

-- Modified on 4/25/2004 4:33:15 PM

Dirk Bogard3147 reads

Best I ever had "under the table" was on the movie set with Tallulah Banghead or was it Moorehead.My mind escapes me.

I said to T, "Tallulah, Tallulah dollie, Tallulah moore Head"


WhatTheHeck3379 reads

pretty damn hot (especially at the age of 13).

Wasn't there another one named "Alotta Fagina" or something like that?

This man walks in to his psychiatrist's office and lies down on the couch.

The shrink says, "What makes you think you need the services of a psychiatrist?"

The man replies that he wakes up every night in the kitchen after some pretty crazy sleepwalking.

The shrink says, "So, would you like me to try to cure you of sleepwalking?"

The man explains that the sleepwalking isn't really the problem. Every time he wakes up he is in the same place, doing the same thing - he has his pajamas around his ankles and his dick in a jar of peanuts.

The psychiatrist says, "I think I know what your problem is. You're f**king nuts."


A good laugh at a time I could really use it.

Pussy Galore2598 reads

Please don't hesitate to call the next time you want to................ shake things up or want to go..........down town, for dinner,:)

Bond...James Bond2728 reads

That's a given Pussy!

...sound of Bond music....

-- Modified on 4/26/2004 5:21:00 AM

Carrie of London3586 reads

There's nothing quite like getting flirty and naughty over dinner :)  I have fond memories of some great lunch/dinner dates.  (One was very well described in the attached review.)  

It's a pity more restaurant don't have long tablecloths :)

Bond...James Bond3974 reads

Would love to...with you Darling.Maybe,we'll invite Pussy.
Although with me, Pussy needs no invitation.

God save the Queen and hold the main course (the food part)!

...Bond theme music...

That teaches me to keep an eye on your website.  If you are ever stateside when I have deep pockets...

Come to think of it, I haven't been to London or Europe yet.  


He wanted to control the buzzing, and he really did, taking me to the edge a few times and toying with me there.

I know for certain that the wait staff knew what was going on, as we kept getting a different one every few minutes checking on water and bread!!

That's a fun memory!  Thanks!

Elise [email protected]

We had just finished a wonderful dinner and were making the 15 mile drive back to the hotel on a So. Cal. freeway. She was on the phone with a good friend who is fellow provider. As I slid my hand across to her thigh she responded by puting her feet (high heels still on) up on the dashboard, spread eagle, skirt hiked up to who knows where, and began an erotic description to her friend as to latest location of my fingers, complete with moans and groans. Now I'm only hearing one side of the conversation when she starts laughing and says, XXXXX says what the hell are you talking to me for, get his dick in your mouth. Now we'e both laughing, cars are passing us and looking in, we're passing cars, her high heels still pressing against the windshield, I'm having a tough time staying in my lane. Then she turns to me and says--I wish we had a camera with us, I'd love to have a pic of this for my website, I'd bet no one has a pic quite like this.

Maybe you had to be there, but I thought it was great and I'll always have that pic in my head.

I couldn't include this in a review since I've previously reviewed her.

Miss Moneypenny4443 reads

Why James, I'll go to dinner with you any time!

Bond...James Bond3905 reads

Well,well Ms. Moneypenney

I'll have dinner with you anytime

We've been flirtin with each other for so long,
I'd say it's time to skip the appetizers and the main course.

What do you say we go right for dessert!

...Bond theme music....

Rosa Klebb4436 reads

"What do you say we go right for dessert!"

Spotted dick, James?

Bond...James Bond4490 reads

but thanks to "Q" and these magic shades,I can spot Pussy from at least a mile away.

Bon Appetit!

...Bond theme music...

Ci Ci4480 reads

This is Octopussy. I'm ambidextrous and can change hands/tinticles without loosing a stroke.  Hmm . . . maybe I should take up golf. Wink!


Bond...James Bond3389 reads

You can let your tentacles play with my__________anytime.

OOPS!...had to catch myself darling

...Bond theme music....

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