TER General Board

What a rebel ....
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 178 reads

I wouldn't expect less from you ... and KHAKIS ... nmp

My preference is a woman on the thinner side. However I have enjoyed the company of women of ALL shapes and sizes and allow myself to have a good/great time with someome that doesn't look exactly like their pictures  

I just find bunions very distracting and a bit of a turn off and don't know how I'd react if my date had them. For the record, I don't have a foot fetish.  

What might your peeves be? We all usually have one.  

Let's eliminate hygiene, smoking and crack heads from this thread and ...

JakeFromStateFarm324 reads

My pet peeve is if she farts whilst I'm eating her twat.  Or if it smells like something died in there.

was at least a practical option but you can usually see them anyway. The hygiene part is unacceptable. Follow the rules or I'll rescind your license to sell insurance ...  But thank you for NO PICS....

JakeFromStateFarm343 reads

Come on , nob, you know you can't expect anyone to follow a "rule" put up in an OP, so GFY.  That goes for pix, too.  Just to piss you off.  Khakis!

-- Modified on 4/11/2017 8:55:27 AM

I wouldn't expect less from you ... and KHAKIS ... nmp

Are confined to her feet I can ignore them.

Rot-Gut Breath.

Take care of that please, for a better kissing experience.
Google is a good source for education on this subject.

Thank you.
I LoVe you.

I'm very surprised you admitted that here.. LOL xo

I'm feeling very Teacher-like this morning.

That is for all the boy's benefit who love KISSING.

Don't make me wanna spank you when I see you ...

Posted By: GYBOpower
Rot-Gut Breath.  
 Take care of that please, for a better kissing experience.  
 Google is a good source for education on this subject.  
 Thank you.  
 I LoVe you.

seeing the beautiful shade of Pink my ass turns,
    when spanked

pink ass is another one of my peeves .... lol

-- Modified on 4/11/2017 12:13:55 PM

yes yes  i know    
   i'm going

Happy Day!

It's when the dude just lays there and doesn't make a word. Very annoying.

as a provider, i like having the assurance that a condom is on correctly (most people suit up incorrectly), so I always do it myself. Its pretty annoying when you get that sucker on and someone starts fucking with it....

other one.... when its a particularly large dick and you guys get a little stabby stabby with it. Like if you know its a lot, let a girl take her time and make space for that monster. the eagerness to just throw it in isn't helping...

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