TER General Board

Well, this is what you'd look like today.
sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 2904 reads
1 / 94

You can't change people. At least not online. I have yet to meet the woman who stopped providing because she received an email about the fiery death that imminently awaited. My guess is if it exists at all it's an after party, not main event.  

That said it would save you not only time but effort if you hit a demographic less likely to chuckle at your efforts. See, we chat and back channel and most of us while prepared to slide back into civilian world at some point, are happily resigned to our current posts of paid ecstasy.  

You can't make what often feels so damn good into something I'll feel bad about. No Hail Mary's here.
The occasional OMFChristdothatagain!!! maybe. Sure…but that's not what you had in mind though…

Bae (sorry just trying to PUSH you forward)… If fucking is hell worthy, we're all going to burn. Sending women who literally feed themselves and often children by this means, awful emails about burning in hell… Who and where in the bible says that's awesome?

Trust me, we already pay a hefty price in this life, your eternal damnation is like having to watch the credits after a cool film… It's silly and boring. You are a running joke on the PO board and I suggest some therapy (nothing wrong with it)… Or you can just murder the source Norman… either way, nobody cares.

Please cease with the "you're going to hell" emails. I don't mind Etsy or other pushy cunts because they have a business to run, but knowing you spam us all with nothing to gain but your strange indignation almost breaks my heart. Some things take time to swallow…trust me or try for yourself, but what you offer is a spit always no exception kind of anger. If you believe in god so much, let him do the emailing or damnation. Doubt he needs your help and maybe you should explore why of all the "sins" you are obsessed with the one's involving PUSSY gets your strange goat...

mmmmm PUSSY…(sorry side note)…

I'm not big on brandy...
But christ almighty (was that offensive? Certainly hope so) I won't turn down a good old fashioned.

Likewise you should probably focus on sins that don't make you touch yourself… Baby J told me to tell you that…in a dream.

God Bless your brand of nutty and find your happy, it's not too late. Nobody knows who you are ;) You can run for office and make happiness illegal…. because that stuff is a sure pass to heaven right?

Ugh… vodka martini extra extra dirty please...

I don't believe in hell. Hell to me would be emailing strangers awful things for years based on random judgement… sooooo ummmm….

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 2:48:45 AM

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1232 reads
2 / 94

it seemed like the mere fact of living in the city of angels was enough to warrant emails like these.  Oh for the days when the Internet was young, when life was simple, and all we had to worry about was where to send our check for the Nigerian prince.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 948 reads
3 / 94

Irony is they are more concerned about saving others than themselves.  


Posted By: sophiaLA
You can't change people. At least not online. I have yet to meet the woman who stopped providing because she received an email about the fiery death that imminently awaited. My guess is if it exists at all it's an after party, not main event.  
 That said it would save you not only time but effort if you hit a demographic less likely to chuckle at your efforts. See, we chat and back channel and most of us while prepared to slide back into civilian world at some point, are happily resigned to our current posts of paid ecstasy.  
 You can't make what often feels so damn good into something I'll feel bad about. No Hail Mary's here.  
 The occasional OMFChristdothatagain!!! maybe. Sure…but that's not what you had in mind though…  
 Bae (sorry just trying to PUSH you forward)… If fucking is hell worthy, we're all going to burn. Sending women who literally feed themselves and often children by this means, awful emails about burning in hell… Who and where in the bible says that's awesome?  
 Trust me, we already pay a hefty price in this life, your eternal damnation is like having to watch the credits after a cool film… It's silly and boring. You are a running joke on the PO board and I suggest some therapy (nothing wrong with it)… Or you can just murder the source Norman… either way, nobody cares.  
 Please cease with the "you're going to hell" emails. I don't mind Etsy or other pushy cunts because they have a business to run, but knowing you spam us all with nothing to gain but your strange indignation almost breaks my heart. Some things take time to swallow…trust me or try for yourself, but what you offer is a spit always no exception kind of anger. If you believe in god so much, let him do the emailing or damnation. Doubt he needs your help and maybe you should explore why of all the "sins" you are obsessed with the one's involving PUSSY gets your strange goat...  
 mmmmm PUSSY…(sorry side note)…  
 I'm not big on brandy...  
 But christ almighty (was that offensive? Certainly hope so) I won't turn down a good old fashioned.  
 Likewise you should probably focus on sins that don't make you touch yourself… Baby J told me to tell you that…in a dream.  
 God Bless your brand of nutty and find your happy, it's not too late. Nobody knows who you are ;) You can run for office and make happiness illegal…. because that stuff is a sure pass to heaven right?  
 Ugh… vodka martini extra extra dirty please...  
 I don't believe in hell. Hell to me would be emailing strangers awful things for years based on random judgement… sooooo ummmm….  

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 2:48:45 AM

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 906 reads
4 / 94

Not sure what I'm drinking to, but it sounds like fun.  Merlot or Cab, please. Or bubbly.  It's been a hell of an epic two months of hobbying...

MasterZen 33 Reviews 880 reads
5 / 94

I few counterpoints for the proselytizers:

Matthew 7:1-5  ESV
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."

Romans 2:3  ESV
"Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?"

Romans 2:1  ESV
"Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things."

John 8:4-9  ESV
"They said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. "

I grew up a "church kid". The hypocrisy sort of soured me on it

inicky46 61 Reviews 912 reads
6 / 94

But I hope you don't think any of those whack-jobs are reading this board or, on the off-chance they are, you'll convince them to stop useless and idiotic spamming of hookers.
What is interesting is that I've never received said spam and I am an out-of-the-closet, in-your-face, un-repentant and indeed proud-of-myself whoremonger, john and trick.
I enjoy this life and the people in it in part because it's illegal and supposedly immoral.  So fuck society and its fake morality and foolish laws.  The women I like best think like me.
So I find it both sexist and a moral double-standard that johns don't get spammed by these fools.  Clearly, we're no less "guilty" than hookers.  It does, after all, take two to do the horizontal Mambo.

inicky46 61 Reviews 682 reads
7 / 94

Some of us actually missed you.  What have you been doing during your sojourn from this place?  Anyway, just so you'll know, I made a promise to a "certain someone" to play nice for a while and I'll do that.  Actually, what I'm hoping is you've had a revelation and have morphed into a more sensible version of yourself.  I never thought you were a bad guy, so I'll try to be optimistic.  We shall see.
That said, if we get the "Old Version," of you, well........

lopaw 29 Reviews 871 reads
8 / 94

and most importantly save us from ourselves? It is, after all, why we are burdened with their presence here on god's green earth.

GaGambler 642 reads
9 / 94

I'll give you two guesses what I told her. lmao

AAR, we have not been lacking in pinatas over the last couple of months, and I am always willing to give posters a second, third, or even 25th chance to act like someone worthy of respect. WTF, I even gave FIDIOT a chance when he asked me to, but we all know how long FIDIOT can keep it between the lines.

It's always nice to see a familiar name on the boards, let's see how he handles his "clean slate", but remember, unlike you two bozos, I didn't promise shit. The ball is in his court.

GaGambler 929 reads
10 / 94

just like LE and others who aren't "one of us"

I think the Bible Thumpers who spew their venom here occasionally secretly are whacking off to both the pics and the thought of fucking a prostitute, it must feel so dirty, yet delicious to them, even though deep down they hate women and themselves for having these "dark desires" lmao

It really must suck to be a thumper in this modern age of the internet.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 830 reads
11 / 94

Well...At least AC/DC thinks so..

They even wrote a song about it...

akiya See my TER Reviews 1030 reads
13 / 94

Because he doesn't have your email. Otherwise, you would have probably received precisely 56 sweet messages from him, telling you you're going to hell. And I doubt TER would allow him to send this BS via PM.  

 In reality though, I personally don't believe his hate is towards prostitutes, so much as it is towards women in general. Hookers are just his outlet because he can't start spamming the women at his job now, can he? Plus our emails are easily accessible.  

This is just another fine example as to why we screen so hard. One day, this nut job might book an appointment with one of us and decide to burn one of us alive, in the name of God. I think that would earn us a pass through the gates of heaven, though.  

*Sigh* Now I fully expect to receive a "whores of babylon" email at any given time today because of this post. Do I really care? NOPE

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 998 reads
14 / 94

I find them?   Are they cute?   Is their review system fucked up too?

inicky46 61 Reviews 961 reads
15 / 94

But still, I'm sure there are loads of them and agree they are probably women-haters as well.  I guess I'm just surprised they don't harass johns, too, just out of sheer jealousy.  Because you know for sure part of them wishes they could taste the "forbidden fruit" and hate us guys who are gobbling it down without remorse.

inicky46 61 Reviews 942 reads
16 / 94
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1176 reads
17 / 94

I've heard of this religious zealot sending random providers emails about eternal damnation because of what they do for living from several sources. He is nutbag for sure...I've even seen some of this stuff and its way out there...

inicky46 61 Reviews 844 reads
18 / 94
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1032 reads
19 / 94
angelexotic See my TER Reviews 861 reads
20 / 94

so many have swore off organized religion, Its sad.
                  Sex is good. And that shall be the law. xo
   what an annoyance...................imgaine they are so holy yet they could be doing charity work as opposed to sitiing on thier butts and sending emails to escorts!  
 They obviously have mental problems....
 Actually historically if you read history the invention of the christian devil, that whole story line was invented at the same time that fundamentalist christianity was on the rise . They figured demonize the paigan religion and faith to gain power, money, instill fear.  
                Back then actually a more earth based religion was more popular horns wore worn at ceremony and rituals to pray to god or goddess ! for a fruitful hunting season, they werent praying for eveil doing or praying to an evil horned creature that lives in fire, The horns to the old religion depicted and was symbol of hunting and the earth, Nothing eveil at all actually.
                            The only religion to date that has a devil is christianity.  
But because they dont wanna hear it you could never get a christian to read a book by Gerald Gardner. The history of wicca is interesting,  
 I think respecting every ones religions and just shpwing respect,   If any oen i respect asks me to go to thier church i will gladly go and may go alot, I been to musluem classes and read into that, a friend asks me too, I seen parts i liked. I go to catholic mass with my mother out of respect to her.  
                       I was the hired vegan chef at a unitarian universalist teen summer camp once. i REALLY liked that faith, At the end the day theyd gather in circle and pray and end the prayer with , thank you to alah, mary, jesus, like go dow the line and say biddha, ect, Basically paying respect to every ones gods and faith, I thought that was nice.  
                  oppresion isnt sacred and it doesnt prevent evil. Look at catholic priests that molested children and how many mens lives they ruined forver. Thats damage you cannot undo.
                     Yet these are the same whom believe obstaining from sex makes one worthy of holding ceremony, That tell people to believe gay is evil. Well now all these poor gay men go into priest hood and they get so pent up they cant control then went after nearest penis which was little boys,  
 Maybe if they werent preaching oppresion and hate these truly EVIL acts wouldnt have been made.
 SO onviously the holier than though sex;ess anti gay way and institution based on money , guilt, fear power. It is finally crumbling, It isnt working,  
 You will see alot of jesus freaks in an uproar and trying to be holding on to it, but reality is it just isnt healthy and the molestation cases across the nation is proof, If thats called being closer to jesus then... hmm.
                     I d say to them back in and email.  
    " you go pray in church for me. And i will go dance naked round a bonfire in the woods for you."
blessed be......

inicky46 61 Reviews 545 reads
21 / 94

Besides, I am doing penance for how rude I was in welcoming him in that other place

JV73 20 Reviews 923 reads
22 / 94

I agree with everything you said.  

As I read this, all I could think of was Cartman from South Park, "It's my body, I'll do what I want!"

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 860 reads
24 / 94

They are just plain horrible, filled with hate and to some they are just plain scary.


SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 682 reads
25 / 94

It wasn't a blank check that I wrote to her... :D

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 700 reads
27 / 94

it had to do with winning, money power, here is a link about the demonization of pan! But i cannot sit down with a catholic and get them to agnowledge this or read up on it.
          Which further pushes me away from that organized faith, I know ME , i will give any ones beliefs a chance and show respect to them, i wont sit there and look at them and say "nope it wrong. Its evil, and your evil too."  
 "for not believing MY faith is the ONLY faith"
           I personally never want to be some body like that so for me i been to paigan festivals and rituals and sabbats and solstices, i been to musluem teachings where they teach you to write arabic and read koran. That was with my old cell mate. Out of respect . And open mindedness and curiousity, I wasnt allowed to know about other religions and even had my own family make me turn my back to the gays that marched in the Southie parade, I was taught intolerence and I dont want to be like that as an adult.  
         I chanted "nam myo ho renge kyo" with my old roomies that would have the buddhist meetings in my living room, Like 30 asian mostly in my old apt in Cambridge. I liked that religion and all its ritual and beliefs and think it is awsome.
        I DONT like that only men can become priests, i dont like the rule that celibacy is required to be a holy man or preach in catholic faith, i dont like the un openness to accept other faiths as also good for those people.
 They belief if a tribe in africa worships gods and godesses and not mary and jesus then they are satanic and they are evil.
 i dont like that mind set, Different areas world, different cultures, different set ups,
               If thats how holy people goij g to heaven act i will definetly take my horns and stay away from them as far as possible thats a rotten attitude to have and i wouldnt wanna be a part of that if thats what they atand for,  
           on that note here is a modeling pic of me 12 years ago. Somethings never change!
                         "Hoof and horn, hoof and horn ,,,, alll who die will be reborn!""""""""
fuck them you rock, and wear the horns with pride.
 If it helps take stress from you and gives you a place to turn too , it is a good things wether your wearin horns and dancin naked in the woods, or your praying to allaH, OR YOUR CHANTING THE MYSTIC LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT, oR IF YOU INTO FREE LOVE AND THINK SEX IS GOOD AND HEALTHY AND NORMAL. wHICH THE JESUS LOVERS AS WE SEE IN CATHOLIC, COULD USE A LITTLE EASIN UP ON THE NO SEX NO GAY RULE, tHEY HAVE NO DEFENSE.
  repression causes evil. molesting kids and teaching hatred toward gays is evil in itself.
                            The last time being gay was as on the rise as it is now was actually the last time the earths population was this grossly out of control!  
       It just may save the planet from self combusting as we are using up all our resources and running out of everything and depleting everything,.  
                my friend said they taight that in a college class, its a theory a speculation, That in a survival mechanism animalistic way we sense the planet is foreclosing because of our over taxing of her resources. Then this animal instinct comes in to stop reproducing hence more gay and lesbian relationships.
 Hey thats not my theory dont kill the messanger i heard of this from my friends college class, .
But i do think its intersting!
                              I think being tolerent compassionate, respecting peoples choices to live a certan way, is the closet to god you can get,  
                  putting mean emails in escorts in boxs, that definetly will only push people farther away from wanting to join or frequent that fath, that person is actually giving that faith a bad name which it already has if you ask me.
 I personaly was really impressed by the starwood festival and how the kids were treated there, I personally think it seemed to me like the funnest faith I seen and celibrates life and nature and teaches important things like taking care the mother earth, Which i think is like more important than concerning one self with an escort doing her job, in grand scheme of things escorts working as escorts is very trivial in our chance at survival or happiness or any that, It is trivial it doesnt affect anything,
 God is more pissed right now at oil spills and innocemt animals and creatures getting hurt by our stupid inventions and consumption.
         God is more pissed at priests whom harmed children , damaging them for life.  
  God isnt worried about 2 adults having sex in a understanding of money exchange for a fuck.  
       God is upset at the men whom kidnap and rape and leave for dead.
he isnt worried about johns that go pay for it,
 He is more shedding tears for the ones that abduct 5 year olds and tie em up and they are left damaged mentally or killed ater,
               he is upset about people that abuse animals, neglect children, abuse elderly,.
Those that dont care about the earth .
      animals being tested on in labs and abused in there.
                         I just spoke with him or her if you ask me, and she doesnt care your escorting, so tell them to fuck off and get a fuckin life, Go volunteer at a soup kitchen or animal shelter, If they fuckn wanna be close to god and help. Sending emails preachin, to escorts they are a part of the problem now they certainly are not godly or saintly,
 jesus would want them to go do something with thier energy to help somewhere, Emailing like that isnt helpin shit they are the evil ones if you ask me, god gave em two good hands to do somethin with not email escorts actin like they are any closer to god than I or you,
 Fuck . people! who needs em! {just kiddin} but seriously! good lord, cant they go do some positive work with thier energy somehwere?  
             hell adopt an animal that needs a home and soend your energy caring for it thats more admirable than sending preachy emails that your awsome and every one else is gonna burn in hell, PUHlease, what a sad existance. PRAY for them! xoxoxoxo

mrfisher 108 Reviews 838 reads
28 / 94

I love the photo, and that was a very thoughtful response too.  I agree.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1025 reads
29 / 94

...or a hooker lol! :D

You hit the nail on the head with what I think about when these (and other similar) yearly emails circulate.

Just think, the internet has given people the ability to reach more than 40 doors per day in the click of a button. I do notice the guy emails each girl individually. Maybe he can't make his quota going door to door, so he sits online and does it - conveniently choosing the audience that 'makes him touch himself' lmao!

You're so right. I've heard people point out what you pointed out. They're so focused on not doing the sin, it causes them to sin. They can still be involved but disguise themselves as "on the opposing end of the sin."

Like the homophobic, maybe he's scared he's  homosexual, so he causes movements against it for fear he will fall into that category - when deep down inside he's always wanted to try it.

Really, though, a sinner (or so they call us) will know how he/she needs to be reached, and that's with love, and open arms, and an offer to another path - not condemnation.

You know, I've been in ministry, and when we were around strippers, drug addicts, dealers, and porn addictions, the conversation was always the same as if they weren't there. It was a non issue - because any sin in that reliion separated us from God, not specific sins. The goal was to live pure in all ways, including disciplining our bodies by exercising, cleaning our homes and being appropriate in our speech and language in different situations. Sometimes it was NOT letting anyone even see us pray if that was appropriate.  

Just being real and open to whatever we were led to do. Not send condemning messages to those around us because an "easy sin to condemn" came up. Sure, take the easy path. There's always those people who brag about "Witnessing to a hooker." or "Helping a drug addict cross the street."  

Hooray. The hard part is actually touching someone's heart without being hypocritical.

The problem with these holy people doing these emails, is they don't understand how suave the devil is. When Satan tempted Jesus and other people, he used the damn scriptures himself. Some sinners know the scriptures, and even know the jackasses are talking it out of context.

What was made for good and also be used against good. The Word of God can be used even in defense of the Word of God. But this guy in saying he is good, is twisting and manipulating the scriptures not only by using them out of context, but by also ministering out of context (and love) and is, in turn, doing what Satan did. Used the scriptures to drive people AWAY from God.

1st Corinthians 13: 1 - :  
"1If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.  

2If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.  

3And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.

      4Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,  

5does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,  

6does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;  

7bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

      8Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.


13But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love."

In conclusion, STFU dude. You're doing it wrong lol!

scoed 8 Reviews 795 reads
30 / 94

I got a hell fire email. Don't recall from who as it was a year ago, but found it amusing. Hey, preacher boy wanna be, my email is [email protected]. Send me a new one, I can use a good laugh on my way to hell. That said if I could end up meeting said preacher wanna be it wouldn't be nearly as funny.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 881 reads
31 / 94

...the slightest fuckin' idea what you're talking about?"


Bill Burr's thoughts on those who say what the afterlife is about. Musicians say they're going to party in hell, but they don't know either because they haven't been there to come back and let us know how it went lol.

Liliah-Doll 832 reads
33 / 94

I dig this post!
Being new to this venue for meeting My 'clients' I have already received hate mail.  It's amazing!  Nothing better to do with their time then vomit anger and ignorance into my inbox because they feel I shouldn't screen because they type such reassuring emails.. umm hello? Some people are just wallowing in their despair.  

Btw... a good old fashioned is My favorite drink! ;

JohnyComeAlready 933 reads
34 / 94

They have that going for them... I'm sure some of the more diligent gals work that site, the guys too.

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 748 reads
35 / 94

That prince owes me BIGtime….

Posted By: Scarsdale
it seemed like the mere fact of living in the city of angels was enough to warrant emails like these.  Oh for the days when the Internet was young, when life was simple, and all we had to worry about was where to send our check for the Nigerian prince.

JohnyComeAlready 1158 reads
36 / 94
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 544 reads
37 / 94

resolve things in amicable manner and fling poop at each other from time to time, we need to be cognizant that we don't accuse each other of doing things that we can't back up w/o any proof.

That being said... "Welcome Back.."

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 1:31:51 PM

GaGambler 553 reads
38 / 94

but as I have told you, and said unnamed provider that everyone already knows, I don't mind giving second chances, or third, or even 25th chances here. If you post in a manner worthy of respect, respect you shall get. If not, well.......

Don't worry, there are PLENTY of board pinatas here to keep me amused. Lot's of people have gotten off to rough starts here only to become respected members here, yes there is hope even for you "ROD". (I still reserve the right to stop using the name ROD without further notice. lol)

GaGambler 502 reads
39 / 94
GaGambler 930 reads
40 / 94

I simply stated that it's not an "off chance" that some hooker hating, religious nut job will read this board, it happens all the time and like was mentioned in another post, only the ladies have their email addresses attached to their posts, so that the reason you've never received one of those emails. Since I have been "Outed" and my email address is quite easy to find, I have received similar emails about my impending visit to your good friend Satan. lol

You might work on making better qualifying statements, your other buddy Conan might be able to help you with that. lol

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 885 reads
41 / 94

The first time I got an email from the Iowa guy, the ad on the ad board here I had just put up was the subject line in the email.

But yes, a few of them get emails from TER, others from P411

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 949 reads
42 / 94

here here!!! I just had a fed up boozy moment… I could go back and fix my spelling errors but… I'll leave it to baby J...

Posted By: inicky46
But I hope you don't think any of those whack-jobs are reading this board or, on the off-chance they are, you'll convince them to stop useless and idiotic spamming of hookers.  
 What is interesting is that I've never received said spam and I am an out-of-the-closet, in-your-face, un-repentant and indeed proud-of-myself whoremonger, john and trick.  
 I enjoy this life and the people in it in part because it's illegal and supposedly immoral.  So fuck society and its fake morality and foolish laws.  The women I like best think like me.  
 So I find it both sexist and a moral double-standard that johns don't get spammed by these fools.  Clearly, we're no less "guilty" than hookers.  It does, after all, take two to do the horizontal Mambo.

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 1040 reads
44 / 94

YES the whores of Babylon guy is one of them and if he sets me on fire I'm giving that ass a bear hug...

Posted By: akiya
Because he doesn't have your email. Otherwise, you would have probably received precisely 56 sweet messages from him, telling you you're going to hell. And I doubt TER would allow him to send this BS via PM.  
  In reality though, I personally don't believe his hate is towards prostitutes, so much as it is towards women in general. Hookers are just his outlet because he can't start spamming the women at his job now, can he? Plus our emails are easily accessible.  
 This is just another fine example as to why we screen so hard. One day, this nut job might book an appointment with one of us and decide to burn one of us alive, in the name of God. I think that would earn us a pass through the gates of heaven, though.  
 *Sigh* Now I fully expect to receive a "whores of babylon" email at any given time today because of this post. Do I really care? NOPE.  

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 887 reads
45 / 94

He's such a little twat. I typically just laugh his emails off, but I was really pissed about the one that had photos of murdered providers with some shit like "these dead prostitutes are in hell now!" That one was really sick. However, he did inspire me to apply for an internship with SWOP, so his crazy ass obsession is actually doing some good in the world.  

And dude, if you're reading this, repent deez nuts.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 954 reads
46 / 94

The wjores of babylon that ive gotten. I think there are two main ones in the circulation right now. One is much grosser than the other

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 599 reads
47 / 94

Maybe a Virtual World on Earth? Sticks and stones and flowers and bones, that's what Earth is made of.

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 10:28:17 AM

RaymondDonovan 986 reads
49 / 94

Who's who? What's what....there must be something in the cosmos or something.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1272 reads
51 / 94
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 564 reads
52 / 94

We need to thank Jesus or blame him...? :D

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 825 reads
53 / 94

“Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses to be bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him?”  

― Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 783 reads
54 / 94

You're not doing it right.  

Mmmm extra dry extra dirty martini, triple olives "oh! You have stuffed?! stuffed, yes please". Eyes widen and lips moisten. Mmmm mmmm mmm! Come to nana *makes motions with the gimme hands! Cause drinking is a sin and sins feel lovely.

Screwing, it's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it right. C'mere!

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 930 reads
57 / 94

This little nugget is buried in the article: "(she) also teaches CPR and is a reverend who has married many couples."   The saints are nothing more than a football team in New Orleans.  

Posted By: sophiaLA
That prince owes me BIGtime….  
Posted By: Scarsdale
it seemed like the mere fact of living in the city of angels was enough to warrant emails like these.  Oh for the days when the Internet was young, when life was simple, and all we had to worry about was where to send our check for the Nigerian prince.
-- Modified on 11/17/2014 2:21:13 PM

JohnyComeAlready 965 reads
58 / 94
inicky46 61 Reviews 830 reads
60 / 94

Also, I never mentioned LE because we all know they read this shit.  Can you imagine getting paid to do this? Oh, and Satan did mention he's awaiting your arrival.  He said something about "vats of flaming turds" and "red-hot pokers up his Chink ass." LMAO!

inicky46 61 Reviews 670 reads
62 / 94

Yes, you did that in spades.  But you also were very free with opinions and advice based on misinformation.  Another habit I hope you've shed is PMing people and working behind the scenes to make things come out the way you wanted.  Also, incessant WKing.
And, while it didn't especially bother me because I never saw it, I believe the reason you were banned was continual complaining to Admin here about things you didn't like.  That sucked up lots of management time and they finally threw up their hands and threw you out.
That said, I agree with Gambler that I'm willing to give people plenty of chances.  You have always seemed like a decent fellow, albeit deluded.  I promised the lady I wouldn't flame you for a week no matter how bad it got but please don't test me.
I'll be reading what you have to say with interest.
Your Pal,

inicky46 61 Reviews 859 reads
64 / 94
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 645 reads
65 / 94

Posted By: inicky46
Some of us actually missed you.  What have you been doing during your sojourn from this place?  Anyway, just so you'll know, I made a promise to a "certain someone" to play nice for a while and I'll do that.  Actually, what I'm hoping is you've had a revelation and have morphed into a more sensible version of yourself.  I never thought you were a bad guy, so I'll try to be optimistic.  We shall see.  
 That said, if we get the "Old Version," of you, well........

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 656 reads
66 / 94

At long as he stops pm'ing guys unsolicited I'm delighted he's back. "Wanna do lunch?" Was waaaay too creepy.  

Posted By: inicky46
Yes, you did that in spades.  But you also were very free with opinions and advice based on misinformation.  Another habit I hope you've shed is PMing people and working behind the scenes to make things come out the way you wanted.  Also, incessant WKing.  
 And, while it didn't especially bother me because I never saw it, I believe the reason you were banned was continual complaining to Admin here about things you didn't like.  That sucked up lots of management time and they finally threw up their hands and threw you out.  
 That said, I agree with Gambler that I'm willing to give people plenty of chances.  You have always seemed like a decent fellow, albeit deluded.  I promised the lady I wouldn't flame you for a week no matter how bad it got but please don't test me.  
 I'll be reading what you have to say with interest.  
 Your Pal,  
-- Modified on 11/17/2014 2:32:10 PM

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 782 reads
67 / 94

Nice song choice. Haven't heard that one in a while.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 695 reads
68 / 94
inicky46 61 Reviews 618 reads
69 / 94
JohnyComeAlready 949 reads
70 / 94
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 671 reads
72 / 94

Lol,good one! I'm thrilled he's back! Fun! Fun! Fun

inicky46 61 Reviews 714 reads
73 / 94

A naked Russian sipping vodka and eating caviar.  You put as much thought into it as you usually do

Fridays117 27 Reviews 982 reads
77 / 94

but all the glasses have holes in em but the hookers don't have any...

That old hoary joke aside, I firmly believe that Hell is only for people with evil in their hearts and actions and that sex between consenting adults does not qualify as evil in my book, P4P or not. Evil is hurting a child, Evil is murdering the innocent, Evil is robbing without need, Evil is hurting others for a deliberate reason and not caring that you do.

Evil is intent to cause harm for no good reason

skarphedin 814 reads
78 / 94

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 8:06:41 PM

JohnyComeAlready 919 reads
79 / 94

do they have crackers in Russia?

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 1097 reads
80 / 94

Welcome Lillah…  

Posted By: Liliah-Doll
I dig this post!  
 Being new to this venue for meeting My 'clients' I have already received hate mail.  It's amazing!  Nothing better to do with their time then vomit anger and ignorance into my inbox because they feel I shouldn't screen because they type such reassuring emails.. umm hello? Some people are just wallowing in their despair.    
 Btw... a good old fashioned is My favorite drink! ;)  

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 960 reads
81 / 94

Words can't describe my luv for youz… yeah whore's of babylon guy. had an awful night and came home to 2 emails of dead women. He needs to die…quickly and quietly...

Posted By: Tobi Telford
He's such a little twat. I typically just laugh his emails off, but I was really pissed about the one that had photos of murdered providers with some shit like "these dead prostitutes are in hell now!" That one was really sick. However, he did inspire me to apply for an internship with SWOP, so his crazy ass obsession is actually doing some good in the world.  
 And dude, if you're reading this, repent deez nuts.

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 823 reads
82 / 94

Me likes you...

Posted By: anavictoria
You're not doing it right.  
 Mmmm extra dry extra dirty martini, triple olives "oh! You have stuffed?! stuffed, yes please". Eyes widen and lips moisten. Mmmm mmmm mmm! Come to nana *makes motions with the gimme hands! Cause drinking is a sin and sins feel lovely.  
 Screwing, it's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it right. C'mere!

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 823 reads
83 / 94

I wonder if Mr. “strangeness” would burst into flames if he knew there would be no line of Judah if it wasn’t for Tamar “playing the harlot.” Jesus is descended from the line of Judah. In fact, He’s called the Lion of Judah. (Yes, I meant to capitalize the “H.”)  

It’s in Genesis 38.

It’s amazing how people pick one sliver of their faith, usually the harshest and most restrictive part, and blow that up into a big old belief system. I see why people believe the lie we only use 10% of our brains

inicky46 61 Reviews 539 reads
84 / 94
sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 922 reads
85 / 94

I'm going to be IRON…like LION…in ZION…

The amount I use is waaay tooo much alreadyzzzzz...
Posted By: dcpoorboy
I wonder if Mr. “strangeness” would burst into flames if he knew there would be no line of Judah if it wasn’t for Tamar “playing the harlot.” Jesus is descended from the line of Judah. In fact, He’s called the Lion of Judah. (Yes, I meant to capitalize the “H.”)  
 It’s in Genesis 38.  
 It’s amazing how people pick one sliver of their faith, usually the harshest and most restrictive part, and blow that up into a big old belief system. I see why people believe the lie we only use 10% of our brains.  

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 759 reads
86 / 94

I'm the "provider (hate that name) friend". No need to go down memory lane with Rod's transgressions or anyone else's. I won't go down memory lane about any of us...

For me, it's like this, I like the board better with you, Nicky here, with Curly here and with Gambler here and it was more "interesting" with Rod here too and there was a void without him IMO.

Things got outta hand and 3 peeps for different periods of time weren't here. As you know Nicky, I MISSED you being here and Curly too Asked Gambler when he's sober IMISSED ya'll. I'm sure he got tired of me saying how BORING it was with ya'll. I damn near had the DTs at first, LOL. I had him and that Chi-town CPA Guy as my guy/dude buds, I was missing 2 of the Fantastic Four and it SUCKED!

There were bad feelings in the worst of it and you know it. My point is I don't want that again it wasn't fun for me not having ya'll here when you were gone for a while.

I'm glad Rod is back! YEP he took this board WAY too seriously ad seriously lost it. ALL of us made mistakes, some worse than others...EXCEPT for GaGambler he's ALWAYS right, so I'm not talking about him. The only time he wasn't here was after that whole no more moderators thingy. But I digress.

The GDB is all about checks and balances IMO, well again, except for GAG, he doesn't give a fuck-LMAO!

I mean come on...Rod missed the whole Andrewww12 thing. Can you imagine what it would have been like to have ROD on the board during that whole thing?

OK I'm  getting off my little box now...anyone want to jump on my little box? OMG did I just make this post a threAD by asking that question?



inicky46 61 Reviews 578 reads
87 / 94
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 952 reads
88 / 94

Even though I seldom respond, each incrimination, each threat, each curse gives me a toothache in my heart.

-- Modified on 11/18/2014 6:53:04 AM

GaGambler 1014 reads
89 / 94
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 589 reads
90 / 94
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 906 reads
92 / 94

I don't think Mary was a working girl when she was following Jesus, but I believe she still was at this point. (Not Mary the mother, Mary the prostitute with the Alabaster oil.)

Then the parable came, he who is forgiven little loves little, he who is forgiven much, loves much. That Alabaster oil poured for Jesus was really expensive. It was custom to wash the feet of your guests when they enter into your home. No one even washed His feet with water, yet this bitch comes in and washes His feet with really expensive oil/perfume. (She was probably thinking, "Hey idiots. Watch how this shit is done."

Yah, I think Jesus took more of a liking to someone like that than some douche bags who didn't even give him as much of a welcome as regular guests.

Some of the warmest, most affectionate hearts I've met are women here. No one on the outside gets that. I go by what I see, and apparently Jesus saw it too.

Luke 7
"...Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” The other guests began to say among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”"

Mark 14: 8-9
"She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”

And that other pro you talked about was put in the lineage of Jesus. Yup.

-- Modified on 11/18/2014 10:27:55 AM

GaGambler 756 reads
93 / 94

I think it should be slow, loud and painful, not quick and quiet. lol

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 1033 reads
94 / 94

I do tend to forget about Mary because I’m not always sure if she was actually a working girl or if that’s just me wishing. Because that would make her even more fascinating.

You say some of the warmest hearts you’ve ever met are women here? I’d add some of the sharpest minds, too. You’ve got to have a different take on things to end up here and that different-ness is intoxicating. That and the incredible sex make it real hard to go back to real life and stay there.

Anyway, I left out Rahab, too (Joshua 2). On purpose. Because I didn’t think she made my point as well (she helped the Israelites take Jericho), but actually, she does. My point was there is no blanket condemnation of working girls, and if there was, God sure seemed to work through them a lot

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