TER General Board

Well, since you have a big smiley on your OP,
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 229 reads

I am going to assume your post (and this whole thread) was a joke! Great trainwreck Tuesday thread! :)

Taking back the boards

There are women in this business who are strong, BOLD, Passionate and good business women, we are outspoken, demanding and downright unfiltered at times, but this is us.. the women of Passion, We are the women of this business..we are good lovers, we have amazing minds, we know exactly what you need in and out of bed. We are here for you!

Can we cause drama, YES, can we douse it out when we want YES.. but we are the women that have been thru it all in this business.

We have been stood up, stalked, lied to, heard the wildest stories in the business, asked the funniest things, kept the most amazing secrets that you have told us, we have done the wildest things to you, Kissed on by drunks and fought off bare-backers and stinky men and we have done all this with a smile.

NOW, we are asking for our boards back….

What I mean is this..

When we ladies come on the boards, we want to talk, we really do want to post, but at the risk of getting flamed or made to look bad, most people on the boards will do what they can to make each other look bad.

To protect our reputation, we don’t post anymore, we are afraid to talk, to voice our opinions, to say what we really feel. Or even just to be silly sometimes.

Those of us that do speak up get labeled, shit stirrers, drama queens, board hi-jacker’s, bitches, and most likely get Rumors started around them to RUIN their reputation.

So ease up with each other, this is not a mind race. Nobody has to be smarter than anyone else, nobody has to one up anyone, or try to sound the funniest. Nothing can ever be cured on these boards, no one is going to save the world or even have the best advice, so relax.. let us post again.

Try HARD not to make us feel little, or insignificant or hurt our feelings.. we are your lovers, we are ladies we have feelings, most of us are tender and loving and all we really want to do is love you..Make love to you, Rock your worlds and be your mistresses.

Let us come back and post,,we need the COMMUNITY back in this business.

Peace and Kum-bi_ya my friends!

Just who took them away?

Seems like many gals understand how to play here..if you don't, learn!

And FWIW they were NEVER yours to begin with!  Any more than they were mine.

This is a game for most of us...if you need to chat with your gal pals there is a board specifically reserved for the Oprah show and your LIfetime Network drama.  Go there and the only flames you'll get are from your fellow hookers.  Deal with it, or not!

Since this isn't a game for you, conduct yourself accordingly.  And maybe you might want to spend a heck of a lot more time putting up ads and such so your phone is ringing and you get some appointments.  That way you'll have a lot less time to waste on the boards, and even be able to pay your rent on time!

I must say, with all due respect, your post sort of amazes me for several reasons.
1) "We are asking for our boards back."  Well, last time I looked these boards were primarily intended for clients to exchange info about providers, not the other way around (except for the PO Board).  After all, we are the ones who pay for membership and write the reviews.  The Boards are much better when smart, sexy providers are posting, too, and no one should be flamed, but given the nature of this business it will never be all sweetness and light...nor should it be.
2) The boards are actually somewhat more civilized since the recent changes.  Personally, I think it was better before, but everyone's entitled to their opinion.  I'm surprised you haven't noticed the change, that's all.  
3) There seem to be lots of ladies posting very regularly, including Julia, London and lots of others.  They seem to have no problem saying whatever they want and having fun with the give and take.  I'm not sure why you have a problem when they clearly don't.  It's all about how you conduct yourself.  If you are smart, funny, sexy and just tough enough, lots of guys will treat you with respect.

She's bored, lonely and frustrated that no one is calling her :D

So I will guess that she isn't smart, funny or sexy, hence the comments she will likely see here.  Except for those fellas that need to kiss up to a gal that is clueless and narcissistic.  

" After all, we are the ones who pay for membership and write the reviews. "

You guys do write reviews, but we gals pay for VIP membership no less if more than guys.

Guys can get free VIP by writing reviews , girls can't.

Consider yourself smacked!


I would like to smack him for EVERYTHING he said.. lol

But I expected rebuttal.. this is what the Haters do. when I WROTE THE POST, IT WAS FOR EXACTLY MEN LIKE HIM.

I am not afraid of what he says to me, but I know so many that are.. so this was for you ladies.. I hope to speak for you all..

Smack those bad boys!!

-- Modified on 5/29/2012 11:26:33 AM

Lina corrected one error in my post which I happily conceded to her.  As for the rest, I stand by it and defy anyone to call it "hate."  I disagree with your entire argument.  I have a right to say so, as long as I do it respectfully, which I did.  If you find that hateful, I'll remind you of what Harry Truman once said when he was asked why he was known as "give 'em hell Harry."
"I don't give 'em hell," he said.  "I just speak the truth and they THINK it's hell."
PS: Everyone reads things into words and say they prove their point.  You think the push-back you've gotten today proves your point.  And while some others have smacked you harder than I did, I'd say your reaction proves simply that you are too sensitive for even this neutered board.  Oh, well, at least it was an interesting thread.
Final word.  Most of the other women who posted can handle themselves just fine on this board and I have no doubt it helps their business.  On the other hand, I'd be surprised if you didn't hurt your business with the attitude you displayed here.

especially after saying 'everyone has a right to post.'

If this gets around, MP67 won't talk to me any more!

I stand corrected on that one, Lina.  But the rest of the post stands.

The board is not primarily for hobbyists to exchange information about providers. Guys say this all the time, and it just is not true. Sure, it makes a certain amount of sense given the name of the Board, but TER serves many purposes on many levels for lots of different people, and to say that one purpose is the primary one is BS. Hell, I do not even agree when people say that the primary purpose of reviews is to help other hobbyists choose providers - again, there are many purposes and it is hard to argue which one is the most important. TER's primary purpose is to build traffic and generate revenue for the ownership, and they will take it in any direction that works toward those goals.

I do agree with you that the boards in general have been a lot more civil and restrained since the big change, though some of my more feisty brethren seem to be getting a little more leash in the last couple of weeks.

First and foremost, TER is, and should be, a community where we take care of each other to assure that everyone has fun, stays safe, and does well. Many choose to see the interests of providers and hobbyists as being in conflict, and this applies to the ladies as well as the gentlemen. While I understand why that is the case, it is wrong. This is always best when everyone goes home happy (though there will always be the vicious fucks and the robs, but they are never really part of a community, are they?).

OTOH, Charlotte, you are asking TER to be unlike any other Internet forum I have known. These places are always dominated by swaggering assholes who like to pretend to be big guys online, possibly to make up for being something else in their real lives. You come here, say your piece and let the a-holes do what they do. To expect anything else seems a lot like expecting the sun to rise in the west tomorrow.

But I do share your hope.


The General Board is all things to all people, I suppose.  But I was thinking beyond the GD Board and really referring to the site, and not from TER's point of view -- about which I could care less.  What I care about is mainly learning what I can about safely finding hot gals to have great sex with.  Everything else is just window dressing.  I've met some good people here and I agree there's a sense of community, but even that is not the point because the "community's" purpose is P4P.  And I certainly don't share anybody's "hope" that this place becomes even more sanitized than it already is.  I liked the rought and tumble of the way this board was under LP and Gambler.  There were some very entertaining train wrecks and, after all, it's all about entertainment, ain't it?

...the point Lina. Just want to point out that though providers can and many certainly do pay for a full VIP membership they do have to option of the free limited VIP that is for providers. It allows the full use of the PM system and allows you to see the full content of your reviews.

I don't say this to argue whether the OP is valid or not simply to point out that it's not necessary for providers to buy VIP.

I do agree with inicky that since the changes my perception is that there are more ladies on the boards now. Yes, they do get flamed from time to time but they aren't the only ones.

I agree with the OP that nothing will be solved here and that a lot of the drama is completely unnecessary.

Not when we have topics like this to discuss

And to be honest, i personally find these "women took over the boards" or "men took my boards from me" post to be melodramatic, childish and silly.


Would you rather see the "where do you like my cum the best?" posts.

And the OP has yet to chime in...perhaps she is busy?

Do providers like big cock?

Does it matter if I have small cock?

Does she really like me if she told me so?

Pussy must be free

Where can I get a sandwich?

I am sure I missed a few :)

The "fact is" ? Do you have access to the TER membership records?

True many ladies pay for membership. Many do not
Many men pay for membership. Many do not
I am not going to try to state any facts here about VIP membership because I don't know them, as I am not privvy to TER's information.
Although one fact I am sure on, is that you don't even have to be VIP to post on the boards. So while there are paid VIP members and free VIP members, this thread is about board posts, and any basic member is free to post on the boards, so who pays for VIP is kind of a moot point anyway.

BTW, I agree with the rest of your post, and your other posts in this thread.

So while our Limited VIP allows us to see our own reviews and send PMs, it is not sufficient to screen.

Hence, any lady who uses ter as one of her screening methods has to fork up VIP fees.


"MORE" ladies than men pay. I assume you cannot know that, and neither do I.

The men that are hating on my thread seems to be exactly what I was referring to.. they just think they are cute..

Are once again proven that the Haters run the boards..sad that you all had to attack the thread and make it so vile.

Proves my point and I am sure alot of boards will never change because of this reason.

i absolutely LOVE these train wrecks..trouble is..i cant exactly figure out who is really driving the train.

I'm HAPPY... I have amused and entertained the masses..lol

but rather at you LOL

But keep on posting and join the madhouse.

Just might want to consider how many folks you want to insult at a time.  Not many can get a 90% insult rating on one thread :D

yes you have..you see how easy is it was to get over that anxiety..now you can join us more often for these mind bending discussions we so dearly love..

Posted By: MsCharlotte
I'm HAPPY... I have amused and entertained the masses..lol

there were certain guys who annoyed the crap out of me...I now find them to be funny as all get out. The same guys you call "haters" are the first who would be there when you were truly hurting. They post for commentary, but many have hearts they don't want you to see. I busted a few of them lol.

London couldn't be more right, our board persona and who we are in real life, for alot of us, is WAY different.
We may come across as assholes on here, but, would be there for u in the blink of an eye.
We have to have the ocassional train-wreck, to keep things lively. Even if someone attacks your character, hey, who gives a shit. WE, know who we really are!!
I know alot of people think  i'm a "Fuck-tard", so be it, it's just an opinion and nothing else.
This is one place i can act like a "Fuck-Tard and get away with it!!....lol.

Posted By: MsCharlotte
Taking back the boards

There are women in this business who are strong, BOLD, Passionate and good business women, we are outspoken, demanding and downright unfiltered at times, but this is us.. the women of Passion, We are the women of this business..we are good lovers, we have amazing minds, we know exactly what you need in and out of bed. We are here for you!

Can we cause drama, YES, can we douse it out when we want YES.. but we are the women that have been thru it all in this business.

We have been stood up, stalked, lied to, heard the wildest stories in the business, asked the funniest things, kept the most amazing secrets that you have told us, we have done the wildest things to you, Kissed on by drunks and fought off bare-backers and stinky men and we have done all this with a smile.

NOW, we are asking for our boards back….

What I mean is this..

When we ladies come on the boards, we want to talk, we really do want to post, but at the risk of getting flamed or made to look bad, most people on the boards will do what they can to make each other look bad.

To protect our reputation, we don’t post anymore, we are afraid to talk, to voice our opinions, to say what we really feel. Or even just to be silly sometimes.

Those of us that do speak up get labeled, shit stirrers, drama queens, board hi-jacker’s, bitches, and most likely get Rumors started around them to RUIN their reputation.

So ease up with each other, this is not a mind race. Nobody has to be smarter than anyone else, nobody has to one up anyone, or try to sound the funniest. Nothing can ever be cured on these boards, no one is going to save the world or even have the best advice, so relax.. let us post again.

Try HARD not to make us feel little, or insignificant or hurt our feelings.. we are your lovers, we are ladies we have feelings, most of us are tender and loving and all we really want to do is love you..Make love to you, Rock your worlds and be your mistresses.

Let us come back and post,,we need the COMMUNITY back in this business.

Peace and Kum-bi_ya my friends!

it's not going to happen. There are people who just don't have it in them to be cordial and you won't change them or the aliases they use to do so. Everyone has a right to post here, all posts are welcome, so you should not let others intimidate you into being silent. If you want to post...post. If you are afraid of what someone on a hooker board thinks about you or what you have to say..don't be. Why? These are people you might meet or may never see. They are paying for a service or giving you references. That's where it ends. This is not real life, never will be so don't take it so personally.

Just as there are many bold and outspoken people, there are also overly sensitive cry babies who expect to have their ass kissed by people they don't even know. This is not "our" or "your" board. It belongs to TER Admin. We support it financially (some of us) and by posting to be funny or help others. It's a discussion board that takes all kinds, and that's never going to change. In fact, some might mock this thread just to do so.

-- Modified on 5/29/2012 11:20:37 AM

you intention for stating this is admirable, I don't think most are as thick skinned as we are!

Your always welcome to post.  What you post will bring a response, it does for me and every other person (provider or Customer). That response can be a good, bad or indifferent message.  Your right you have gone through a lot so why is it a surprise if you get a few not so nice comments? The only thing about the change that I like is a moderators personality no longer gets in the way. IE no power trips.  But the boards are what we make them, it is up to each of use to contribute, or not but be ready for a different opinion.

And your reputation will follow as such. Don't be afraid to be flamed on and when that happens, argue it through.

I'm sure the gals with IQ's under 75 will thank you...

All the rest can speak for themselves...as is evident on this thread already.

Oh, and we can't forget about the fellas that agree with you as well...you certainly can speak for the guys who have no backbones.

What new name would you like to call this board?

Back in the OLDEN days, the likes of MP67, GAGAGAMBLER, LITTLE PlHIL, DRUNKENASIAN, ruled the board.

This board was designed to be a man cave. Right now, there is too much estrogen on the board. We need some testosterone back in here..

If anything, we need the good old days of Moderators back. Sure people got banned..They got warned. But it was fun and games.

This total takeover of the boards by ladies is nauseating...It feels like going to a girls night out...

And they still add NOTHING of value but drama and nonsense.

You can't teach a (very) old dog new tricks :D

if you think us women with all of our estrogen should be seen and not heard, why do you post on TER? Seriously...if you just want to get off, then do so and don't worry about what goes on here. We are not going anywhere so na na na boo boo!  You never struck me as the cry baby type, so I am actually surprised you posted that lol. I have had some fun banter with you, that I would like to continue.

Not likely my dear...

You should PM the OP and teach her how to be a good hooker...

Not a whiny one!

who bitch and moan about too much estrogen.

People take this shit way too seriously.


If only those fellas would come and join this party again.

And fellas bitching...come on.  We don't ever bitch...EVER.

And I'll have you know that I for one am NOT self-appointed...I earned all of my points :D

No one should change for another person period. I don't do on purpose to be a bitch, but when I see stupidity I can't help but call it out. When people post and contradict the very things they have said in the past, it paints them as a nut job and a hypocrite. Be consistent, be real, and don't give a flip what others have to say about it. All this "trying" to be someone you're not, is what the problem is. I have never had a problem with saying what I want and doing so under my hooker name. It has only cost me business from overly whiney guys anyway...cry me a river.

-- Modified on 5/29/2012 11:53:38 AM

She said so...and a few others have agreed with her (mind you only a few...).

Too bad this wasn't put up about six months ago....

Isn't today "train wreck Tuesday?"

She's including ALL women in that paragraph  (herself included).

And then rants about how some folks are just not nice here...and hurt ALL the gals feelings.

But I am not a bigot...I have NO problems posting my thoughts to guys who are out there as well :D

And when someone posts something as ridiculous as this (the OP), to not expect that there may be some feedback is just naive.

The direction of this thread is JUST WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT.. Sigh

That's precisely what you did.  And the sad part is that YOU knew exactly what was going to happen.

And to post this drivel...sure, you had no clue LOL

The equally pathetic part of this was the couple of posters who agreed with your synopsis are in such a lalal land as well.  And their posting history reflects that.  

So maybe you take those couple of posters and start your own discussion board and bash everyone here...except those here don't need to waste their time reading your garbage.

Although it was pretty humorous for those of us who spent the time this morning reading the thread :D

and handles the boards just fine.  The OP should carefully read what the other women have posted here and learn from them instead of complaining so much.

saturnsky200 reads

Then why are women even allowed on here?

And in your perfect world if women are permitted on here how would you see them interacting with the hardcore guys?  Give us something tangible to go with, not just "we need less estrogen".

Are you looking for women who are supplicants and submissive? Or even a list of subjects that you would prefer NOT discussed by the ladies.

Or would you prefer no women at all?

They only want the ones who say what they want to hear even when it's bs, and those who kiss their ass. You know the type..always horny, always up for anything, always politically correct when deep inside it's only because they can't be bold and pull it off to still make money. I find it amusing how guys and gals who don't agree with certain posters are painted as "bad" lol. If you want peaches and roses, go find a Disney chat board. This is an ADULT and illegal lifestyle, not for the overly sensitive types. It also seems to be from ONE area that these whiney posters are coming from...all but 2 all have the same M.O. We are all here from different walks of life, different locations, and different cultures so trying to say we are all going to live in hooker board harmony at all times, is ludicrous!

If you are that sensitive, you don't belong here...period.

saturnsky180 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
They only want the ones who say what they want to hear even when it's bs, and those who kiss their ass. You know the type..always horny, always up for anything, always politically correct when deep inside it's only because they can't be bold and pull it off to still make money. I find it amusing how guys and gals who don't agree with certain posters are painted as "bad" lol. If you want peaches and roses, go find a Disney chat board. This is an ADULT and illegal lifestyle, not for the overly sensitive types. It also seems to be from ONE area that these whiney posters are coming from...all but 2 all have the same M.O. We are all here from different walks of life, different locations, and different cultures so trying to say we are all going to live in hooker board harmony at all times, is ludicrous!

If you are that sensitive, you don't belong here...period.
...and not a sexual object or unless she is a supplicant as insecure, immature and sadly lacking in social skills.

Most of this little fantasy corner is telling these guys what they want to hear. I guess the truth is something they can't handle and come out swinging when they get their egos dented.

But then again, if it's an all male board they want, then just say so and we'll happily leave and go some place else. Then any female interaction is purely "hand over the envelop" do your thing and leave.

I don't think a single guy who posted on this thread said they wanted "an all male board."  We just like sensible, feisty, sexy, no-drama gals whom we can respect.  Such as London, Julia, Lina and, yes, you.

saturnsky184 reads

Then that is not too much to ask...;) I got the impression that the ladies were not welcome unless they were seen and heard (only what the some of guys wanted to hear).  

Good to know there are some men who are not afraid of another human being conversing with them, using common sense , logic and the truth and who happens to have boobs.

and he wants me to tell you you're a "fucking fucker!"  LOL!  Get it?  Now get back in your man cave!

Big-Bad-John214 reads

You can't have something back that you never had in the first place.

In case you hadn't noticed, this board does have some regular posters of the provider side and it is much more provider friendly then in the past. That includes when stupid idiotic posts are made.

Feel free to yap away.

From the amounts of emails and PM's that I have received, They all feel the same as I do.. Tired of people looking for the negative.

BTW..Thank you support for keeping the reputation damaging posts to a minimum.. this was only intended as an observation.   My thick skin can handle anything.

serpius189 reads


I may not agree with you all the time.... but this time...

I do agree with you on your point about "taking back the board".


Posted By: Big-Bad-John
You can't have something back that you never had in the first place.

In case you hadn't noticed, this board does have some regular posters of the provider side and it is much more provider friendly then in the past. That includes when stupid idiotic posts are made.

Feel free to yap away.

serpius180 reads

Hey Charlotte,

I will break down your post and respond to each section...

Posted By: MsCharlotte
Taking back the boards
Can we cause drama, YES, can we douse it out when we want YES.. but we are the women that have been thru it all in this business.  
Ok, so what seems to be the problem here? No one is stopping the providers from causing drama. It happens almost everyday in the TER forums. Tell us something new, please.
We have been stood up, stalked, lied to, heard the wildest stories in the business, asked the funniest things, kept the most amazing secrets that you have told us, we have done the wildest things to you, Kissed on by drunks and fought off bare-backers and stinky men and we have done all this with a smile.  
Yea, I've been robbed, beaten by providers who brought their "muscle" with them to rob me of my hard earned money. I've been ripped off by providers who didn't do a fookin' thing except maybe a handjob for $300. Do you think you're the only one? Tell us something new that we don't know already.
NOW, we are asking for our boards back…

What I mean is this..

When we ladies come on the boards, we want to talk, we really do want to post, but at the risk of getting flamed or made to look bad, most people on the boards will do what they can to make each other look bad.

To protect our reputation, we don’t post anymore, we are afraid to talk, to voice our opinions, to say what we really feel. Or even just to be silly sometimes.

Those of us that do speak up get labeled, shit stirrers, drama queens, board hi-jacker’s, bitches, and most likely get Rumors started around them to RUIN their reputation.
What you REALLY mean is that you don't want us hobbyists to say anything that *MAY* be thought of as negative".

HELLO?? Being labeled as "shit stirrers", "drama queens" and so on... didn't you say a few paragraphs ago that YOU WANTED DRAMA... guess what? You got it!! Go for it!
Your statement right there is contradictory.
So ease up with each other, this is not a mind race. Nobody has to be smarter than anyone else, nobody has to one up anyone, or try to sound the funniest. Nothing can ever be cured on these boards, no one is going to save the world or even have the best advice, so relax.. let us post again.

Try HARD not to make us feel little, or insignificant or hurt our feelings.. we are your lovers, we are ladies we have feelings, most of us are tender and loving and all we really want to do is love you..Make love to you, Rock your worlds and be your mistresses.

Let us come back and post,,we need the COMMUNITY back in this business.
How about YOU taking a step back and realize what you are posting here. What it looks like to me is that you want to CONTROL how TER forums operate... ON YOUR TERMS.

Without us hobbyists, there will be NO need for providers. Us hobbyists are paying for YOUR time, effort to provide the best service possible. However, when that doesn't happen... there's drama... everywhere you go, even on TER, a competing review website or even your website, too.

HELLO?? Are you running TER? Are you moderating this forum or any other TER forum for that matter?

You want make love to us? Us make love to you? Sure, I love to... for FREE.

Otherwise, I have to pay you providers to do that to me. When there is money involved... there's drama. Get over it, please... already.

Go back and finish up YOUR website that you claim would be BIGGER than some of the competing review websites. Let me know when YOUR review website gets over 835,000 reviews.


You post that you want NO drama...take YOU boards back...are offended by the folks here...

And have the audacity to make the condescending and narcissistic remarks that you make.

Congrats toots...YOU have made it to the TOP of the list.

#1 Hooker hypocrite

Peace indeed  LOL  :D

I'm not offended.. who said that..

I stated what most will not say.. end of message..!!

Most...who are you pretending to be representing here?

The only one YOU can represent is yourself, and you're not doing a real good job on that either.

And learn to read the posts in the context they are written.  It helps a lot!

There is an old saying.. don't argue with an idiot. the masses may not be able to tell who is whom.

Your right.. I'm all wrong.. glad you feel better..


Everyone knows me as being the type of gal who can handle her own in an argument.. I stir pots.. I like to see fools like you get bent.. proves my point.. so am I hurting myself,, not likely!! LOL

I have been thrown under the bus so many times that I know all the parts of the undercarriage by name!  

I speak as a lady, no lady likes her reputation hurt.  PERIOD!

Glad this thread got some blood flowing THAT WAS MY INTENTION!

I'm sticking my tongue at you!!  HA

EVERYONE knows...you sure have an awfully inflated ego if even YOU believe that for a second.

And "fools like me get bent"...you need to edify yourself in how I play here...only a FOOL wouldn't understand.

And since I have NO reputation to be concerned about, only a complete and utter FOOL would post the drivel you have posted.  And only someone who is as narcissistic as you would feel "hurt".

And sticking your tongue out...HOW OLD ARE YOU?

Oh yea..it says on your TER page...pretty old !!

serpius148 reads


Anyone (mostly guys) that DISAGREE with this post is automatically classified as a 'HATER'.

Wow... talk about being quick to judge.

You knew that your post would cause a backlash.

Were you expecting an all-Disney response to your post?


Posted By: MsCharlotte
Taking back the boards

There are women in this business who are strong, BOLD, Passionate and good business women, we are outspoken, demanding and downright unfiltered at times, but this is us.. the women of Passion, We are the women of this business..we are good lovers, we have amazing minds, we know exactly what you need in and out of bed. We are here for you!

Can we cause drama, YES, can we douse it out when we want YES.. but we are the women that have been thru it all in this business.

We have been stood up, stalked, lied to, heard the wildest stories in the business, asked the funniest things, kept the most amazing secrets that you have told us, we have done the wildest things to you, Kissed on by drunks and fought off bare-backers and stinky men and we have done all this with a smile.

NOW, we are asking for our boards back….

What I mean is this..

When we ladies come on the boards, we want to talk, we really do want to post, but at the risk of getting flamed or made to look bad, most people on the boards will do what they can to make each other look bad.

To protect our reputation, we don’t post anymore, we are afraid to talk, to voice our opinions, to say what we really feel. Or even just to be silly sometimes.

Those of us that do speak up get labeled, shit stirrers, drama queens, board hi-jacker’s, bitches, and most likely get Rumors started around them to RUIN their reputation.

So ease up with each other, this is not a mind race. Nobody has to be smarter than anyone else, nobody has to one up anyone, or try to sound the funniest. Nothing can ever be cured on these boards, no one is going to save the world or even have the best advice, so relax.. let us post again.

Try HARD not to make us feel little, or insignificant or hurt our feelings.. we are your lovers, we are ladies we have feelings, most of us are tender and loving and all we really want to do is love you..Make love to you, Rock your worlds and be your mistresses.

Let us come back and post,,we need the COMMUNITY back in this business.

Peace and Kum-bi_ya my friends!

I am going to assume your post (and this whole thread) was a joke! Great trainwreck Tuesday thread! :)

No problem Perfect storm,, I can do It with the best of them!  Just no one knows me yet!!  HA

It's funny, I posted this same thing across the boards in different cities and got so many different responses..

I assume some peopLe panties will never get out of a BUNCH!!

Horatius155 reads

...why MsCharlotte's comment got so many folks so wound up. Horizontal commerce is all about fun, isn't it? So where did the fun go?

"There are women in this business who are strong, BOLD, Passionate and good business women, we are outspoken, demanding and downright unfiltered at times, but this is us.."

Of this you are correct, and some are smart and some are dumb as rocks. Its the rocks you need to address and keep in mind.

"We have been stood up, stalked, lied to, heard the wildest stories in the business, asked the funniest things, kept the most amazing secrets that you have told us, we have done the wildest things to you"

This could be almost any man with 30 reviews or more. It could even be a few unlucky guys with 10 or less reviews. There as as many crazy companions as clients. I have clients who have come close to getting killed and having their life ruined by crazy providers. Men do not corner the market on rude, arrogant, selfish, conniving or threatening.

"When we ladies come on the boards, we want to talk, we really do want to post"

When I, and most every provider I know on a personal level comes to the boards, its a form of marketing. Sales, period! If any other provider says otherwise then she is either a liar or just does not understand what she is doing. I am not saying that while selling your brand you cannot benefit others with your wisdom, thoughts or opinions. However it is what it is, lets not sugar coat it.

"Those of us that do speak up get labeled, shit stirrers, drama queens, board hi-jacker’s, bitches, and most likely get Rumors started around them to RUIN their reputation."

Well if the shoe fits, wear it. Some of us ARE drama queens. Some of us do stir shit and god knows some of us are bitches. Some of us are not. Some of us take a moment to think about how to say what we want to say and THEN say it. Then we proof read it, then we edit it and then it goes out. There are a few of us ( not me ) blessed with the ability to say it like it is and still not be overly rude without even thinking, for others its an attempt in futility. And to be honest, NOT everyone is going to agree on everything.

@Ms Charlotte, I am a companion. Not a special one, nobody famous, I don't have pages and pages of reviews. But I am an educated, articulate, well traveled individual. I function in the civi world just fine. With that in mind I have a somewhat different view or opinion than you. Its my opinion, and the board allows me to state it. The board also allows anyone who disagrees with me to say so.

And to finally get to the point, this is not a companions board to take back. The site is for men to assist other men. Its not a screening site, its a review site. Its main purpose is to house something we ( you included ) cannot do. The fact that we companions found a way to market, advertise and benefit from it is great. But that is not its main purpose. This community is not controlled nor is it regulated. The benchmark and ability to be a member in this community is not so significant that only elitists can speak. Thats what I love about it.  

Just my two cents

( No time to proof read, gotta make dinner. Excuse the Typos )

Making sense again, are we?  Don't you know that makes you a hater?  Lol!

serpius194 reads

Hey ReaganMoore,

That was one of the best posts that I have seen in a LONG time!

Very well stated and the typos? What typos? It was so good that if there were any typos, I didn't see them.

Will you marry me?


Posted By: ReaganMoore
"There are women in this business who are strong, BOLD, Passionate and good business women, we are outspoken, demanding and downright unfiltered at times, but this is us.."

Of this you are correct, and some are smart and some are dumb as rocks. Its the rocks you need to address and keep in mind.

"We have been stood up, stalked, lied to, heard the wildest stories in the business, asked the funniest things, kept the most amazing secrets that you have told us, we have done the wildest things to you"

This could be almost any man with 30 reviews or more. It could even be a few unlucky guys with 10 or less reviews. There as as many crazy companions as clients. I have clients who have come close to getting killed and having their life ruined by crazy providers. Men do not corner the market on rude, arrogant, selfish, conniving or threatening.

"When we ladies come on the boards, we want to talk, we really do want to post"

When I, and most every provider I know on a personal level comes to the boards, its a form of marketing. Sales, period! If any other provider says otherwise then she is either a liar or just does not understand what she is doing. I am not saying that while selling your brand you cannot benefit others with your wisdom, thoughts or opinions. However it is what it is, lets not sugar coat it.

"Those of us that do speak up get labeled, shit stirrers, drama queens, board hi-jacker’s, bitches, and most likely get Rumors started around them to RUIN their reputation."

Well if the shoe fits, wear it. Some of us ARE drama queens. Some of us do stir shit and god knows some of us are bitches. Some of us are not. Some of us take a moment to think about how to say what we want to say and THEN say it. Then we proof read it, then we edit it and then it goes out. There are a few of us ( not me ) blessed with the ability to say it like it is and still not be overly rude without even thinking, for others its an attempt in futility. And to be honest, NOT everyone is going to agree on everything.

@Ms Charlotte, I am a companion. Not a special one, nobody famous, I don't have pages and pages of reviews. But I am an educated, articulate, well traveled individual. I function in the civi world just fine. With that in mind I have a somewhat different view or opinion than you. Its my opinion, and the board allows me to state it. The board also allows anyone who disagrees with me to say so.

And to finally get to the point, this is not a companions board to take back. The site is for men to assist other men. Its not a screening site, its a review site. Its main purpose is to house something we ( you included ) cannot do. The fact that we companions found a way to market, advertise and benefit from it is great. But that is not its main purpose. This community is not controlled nor is it regulated. The benchmark and ability to be a member in this community is not so significant that only elitists can speak. Thats what I love about it.  

Just my two cents

( No time to proof read, gotta make dinner. Excuse the Typos )

saturnsky173 reads

Well said...when in someone else's playground, you are a guest and at least behave with some dignity. I can get a little riled up but have learned to get pissed off, walk away and come back when less emotional and post something that I would be happy to read, even if it was the opposite opinion. You get more results with honey than vinegar.

This is a community. Every community has its infighting and rivalries. It is what makes each community interesting. I have been bashed by both hobbyists and providers, and have bashed both as well. We do not always see eye to eye here, but that is what makes the boards worth reading. A little drama is a good thing.

The differences of opinion is what make this board valuable. Yes it can be rough, but it is also kind and supporting at times too. Both sides need to be there or this site loses value. Some people can't stand when others don't agree with them or get offended way to easily.

A wise man who is not me said "Only a fool gets offended when offence is not meant, only a bigger fool gets offended when offence is meant." Meaning only fools get offended. (We all pay the fool at times.) Fact is this is not a game for the timid. What we do is a crime, has health risks, increases our risks of being the victim of a crime, is looked down upon by most people, and can easily ruin our lives. If a few blowhards is enough to scare them away, this is not the game for them.

In short, this board is what it is, and I like it that way. If that makes me a hater so be it.

MyRantAlias154 reads

Is like running the 100 yard dash in the Special Olympics....
No matter who wins your both still retarded!

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