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Have you ever had a date, so good you didn’t want to share?red_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 1578 reads

I’ve made a new friend recently that stated they do not wish to write me a review because they don’t want to share. lol 😂 idk if that’s a compliment. My question is have you experienced the same TER friends? In his defense he didn’t want me to be booked & he couldn’t get a date. We already have our next adventure booked. I just found it interesting that he found me here on TER, and has reviews, but does not want to write me one. I whitelisted him after one visit. I had another provider tell me she requires 2 visits to whitelist. I don’t mind if he did not write a review. I was just wondering if this is a common practice for you gentlemen not to want to share your favorites?

Most of the time, when a guy says he won't write a review because he doesn't want to share or he doesn't have time to write reviews (which is the excuse I use), it's because he knows his own cred for honesty is on the line.  If a reviewer writes an undeserved good review to make the provider happy so she won't go BSC, then if other mongers who realize his review did not match the experience, he gets a bad rep in the reviewer community for "sugar-coating."  Sounds like you fell for the whole bit.  

To answer your last question, YES, it is a common practice and often discussed in private among reviewers.  

You have a point.That  actually happens, but most reviews are for the most  part credible - in my opinion.

HEIDEN48 reads

Interesting question Queen.  I've never written a review.  I'm old and I quess old fashioned but like to keep those things privite yet I read reviews of ladies I might be intereted in seeing.  Haven't played since my last friend retired which was a while ago.  We'd play late morning then go enjoy a nice lunch on the water.  We became great friends.  She recently moved out of state and am planning to go visit her this fall as just a wonderful friend.   I disgress have met some wonderful ladies on here but just don't write reviews

write reviews.  One of most entertaining reviewers of all time was a San Diego gent in his 80's who went by the handle of "rockynutz."  His last review was in 2018 before TER went dark for 20 months in the US and he never came back afterward.  I have no idea if he was a victim of the Covid years or not, but his reviews are still a hoot to read, especially since I have also seen most of the providers he reviewed.  He saw one or two ladies a month, which I found remarkable for a guy in his 80's.  I want to be him in 20 years.  Lol  

Do die of an heart  attack while  in the act.

Take it as a compliment but don't over analyze it.  There are many potential reasons to say such a thing that have substantially different motivations.
I always recall the advice of Miss Manners -- manners are a social lubricant that keeps us from killing each other over trifles.

I do take it as a compliment. Anyone who books months in advance & pays in full for multiple days definitely likes me. Repeat business is always flattering, so the fact that he’s continuing to book me is what’s really more important, than any review.

It’s okay you’re super special I get. You feel the need to comment on every post on TeR regardless if it pertains to you. Top TER poster for a reason. Well you’re wrong. It’s called exclusive arrangement & some people don’t want to share.

You’re on my ignore list because you add no value here on TER in my opinion. Keep post the male who thinks he’s the King of TER & knows absolutely everything.  I totally disagree with the majority of caca that you post, hence you on my ignore list. Your ignorance is bliss.  Continue your lame life arguing with yourself on TER.

John_Laroche41 reads

He's on TER with other reviews, but you call it exclusive. LMAO.

Sometimes guys will find a diamond in the rough for say 300 in some back ally site. They won't do a review because it might lead her to up her rate and then she'll becomes the flavor of the month. Then she'll up her rate to where now its 5-6-700 She then becomes harder to book and now you're low man on the totem poll.
I personally have never done it for that reason...after all...caring is sharing
Oh and I was going off your header.

It makes zero sense if you are already highly reviewed on TER. He's hiding you from nobody. He thinks he is so special his review is what well send you over the top? I think not.

This does make sense when you TOFT and find a gem that is not reviewed. Or, if they have a very very small number of reviews. Some may say it also works when their rating isn't that good, but I would argue that it will take a lot more than one good review to make a low rated provider popular.

Most definitely a compliment.  Means you did a good job I suppose.  But realistically I've known about you since I was stationed in San Diego (circa 2006-2010), so Idk how he would think he was keeping something to himself.  Personally I always make it a point to write a review for a good session.  Only way I think the not sharing part would work is if said provider was UTR or local and just starting out with few or no reviews.  

My guess is he has a regular that is costing him less and does not want her to find out .  
You have enough very good reviews that you are not a secret.

-- Modified on 3/7/2024 2:40:19 PM

Look QB, you can tell yourself whatever you'd like, and then believe it. Everyone does this, it makes life bearable.

 The problem comes in when you lose track of tenuous things you willfully believed, and then parrot those things to other people as though they're fact. Your new friend doesn't want you to know if he reviews you or not. The reasons for that are his own, but, he at very least offered you some flattery to gloss over it, and everyone leaves that conversation feeling good about it. That's probably as far as you need to understand it, someone was sweet to you, and wants to see you again. Well done.

 I don't doubt the high marks you receive on TER, you're probably alot of people's cup of tea, well done there and all. You also seem to generally have your shit together, which, doubly, perhaps triply, well done there because most girls in your line of work absolutely do not. That's not me buttering your bread, I'm not looking to spend time with you professionally, I'm simply calling it as I see it.  

What I'm getting at, however, is the fact that, you don't really care about your customers like you want them to think you care about them. You're not about to run off and retire with any of them, but you're a professional and them thinking you might is exactly what makes you so good at what you do. The hobby doesn't exist in reality, it's a fantasy. Nothing wrong with that, we all do this, because it makes life bearable. The things that occur behind closed doors are, in effect, a collective hallucination you share with someone else. In those situations, you're Cleopatra extending her well tidings on a worthy subject, the subject, a man hewn from white Italian marble by Michelangelo himself. However, as soon as you walk out the door, back into the dirty grey world, all of that ceases to exist like a vapor in the wind, everyone returns to their true form of being somewhere around average and life goes on. Acknowledging that doesn't ruin it, it keeps you grounded, it's the other side of the coin, no more or less necessary than the fantasy itself.  

Now, if your quandary is in fact honest, no, I've never had an experience too good to share, though the better question really is "how many times do you need to get off before you won't write a review", to which the answer is "more than any woman is capable of creating thusfar, but I'm open to any attempt along those lines".

RespectfulRobert40 reads

What did you mean, specifically when you said:

"You also seem to generally have your shit together, which, doubly, perhaps triply, well done there because most girls in your line of work absolutely do not."

What don't "most" girls (i.e. providers in this case) have their "shit together" even mean? That was very vague and was wondering what you meant, again, specifically. Maybe we just have vastly different experiences? Would you take back what you said in hindsight? Reword it maybe? I am not asking you to do that, just wondering if you would say the exact same thing with reflection. Not trying to nit pick you, just really curious. Thanks.

Hey Bob, I get the confusion, I was being perhaps too nebulous. What I'm getting at is, many women in this industry are in it for easy easy money, so they don't really have to have their lives well regimented and under control because the almighty dollar tends to solve most problems on the fly. Those that live in that sort of chaos are worse off for it.

 Worse still, something I see often in reviews are notes about untidy rooms, being late, having to reschedule, generally poor communication skills, being glued to their phones during/after a session, and things of that nature. I tend to avoid women like this, but, sometimes the juice is worth the squeeze (at least according to lil sauce) and what you see is certainly just the tip of the chaos iceberg in someone's life. While I'm not in the business of involving myself in these women's lives, there is certainly a significant risk that they will unpleasantly involve themselves in mine, and do so through no direct action of their own. I'm not talking about safety/danger here mind you, I've never felt unsafe hobbying, it's more that I'd like to avoid drama and the energy it takes to deal with drama. Drama, of course, isn't the extent of "not having your shit together", but, it certainly is a good marker all its own.

 We all know people like this, who are in a perpetual state of emergency, everything they do is a rush job, every need is dire, every day a new catastrophe. We also all know, and hopefully are or at the very least trying to become, people who are seldom subject to any of those things. That's the dichotomy I'm presenting here. I could, of course, present why I think of QB as on the correct side of that, but, I've fellated her enough for one thread, at least for free anyway, but if you pay attention you'll probably see it for yourself all the same.

RespectfulRobert45 reads

I am certainly not into drama at all, be it in the hobby or out of it, but there are some girls will I will risk it bc they fit all my other needs. Now it depends what the drama is and how often it happens. If drama is present in review after review, well yes, I would tend to skip those women. But if it's a girl that just runs late often, meh, I can live with that. That really doesn't bother me at all. But then again, I wouldn't really consider that drama.

I was curious about your "most" comment bc my experiences are the opposite. In my world "most" women have their act together professionally in this realm. Of course they are human at times and the everyday stresses of life, be it this one or their RW, one can be overwhelming at times.

Sometimes I think we forget that women in this line of work are essentially in advertising, sales, marketing, customer service, management, accounting, scheduling, attire, make up, etc all wrapped in one person. It can be quite a heavy lift, especially for newer girls and those without any previous formal business training.  

I actually marvel at many of these women as they are, many times, in school, working a day civie job, caring for a child or a sick parent. So when you factor all this in, these women by and large are incredible. I very very rarely have a "bad" date. Some are better than others to be sure, but I hardly ever walk out of the room thinking "that was a total waste of my time." Part of that is luck to be sure, part of it is my lengthy experience and research skills.  

All I know is my life would be MUCH less fun and MUCH more stressful if these women didn't do what they do for us.  

Thanks for your sincere take. Peace.

Most women in this hobby are not a reflection of who you see. The average person using TER is not seeing most women in this hobby. And you’re likely even above that average. The more you do your homework, the more selective you are, the less likely you are seeing most women in this hobby. Your selection through the homework you have done is naturally going to have a much higher rate of having their shit together. But as a fellow monger who is selective, I would say at least a third of the women I have seen don’t have their shit together. I can only assume this percentage would drastically go up if I didn’t do my homework.

Caught Carly Dahl very early. Wrote her first review. A true 10/10. Then the reviews priced her out of my league.   Long gone.

RespectfulRobert40 reads

This place is about sharing. I didn't get into this for monogamy and I am quite certain the ladies didn't either! lol.

420Smoka4Eva49 reads

Writing reviews isn't really worth the hassle anymore. Many providers hate them and the clients who write them. These days I only write a review if I TOFTT, I had a terrible experience, or I had an incredible experience. Then I will usually ask if the provider wants to be reviewed and many of them say they don't want a review.  

If a provider has great reviews, adding on another review doesn't really make a difference. I only risk saying something that could potentially upset her or offend her.

OP, you've been posting a lot praising guys who don't write reviews. It seems that you're not a fan of them these days. If that's the case maybe you should delist and stop posting here every single day.

Yes I've had an experience where it was so good that I didn't want to share it because I didn't want others to know she was so good--kind of selfish but whatever.  But in the end I did write a review, but it was more for myself to help me to remember the everything better years later.  Now, ten years later, I'm glad I did that.  In the end it didn't matter, she got dozens of stellar reviews.
No, not a common practice.  Just that once.

Over the years, I've had some amazing experiences with some truly outstanding companions that I have written about online.  In fact, I used to have an informal "policy", if you will, of NOT writing about the truly exceptional experiences.  There have been a few exceptions, but it's common for me to not write reviews of the better experiences I've had (not counting experiences with companions who have a "no review" policy).

The point of reviews and being on a review forum is to share information with others. The form is whatever, it can be a mini, a discussion thread (on other forums that allow discussion about a girl not in a review) and so forth

Id think people who are here to share info would share info. Otherwise what's the point of being on these sites?

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty
Re: No?  
The point of reviews and being on a review forum is to share information with others. The form is whatever, it can be a mini, a discussion thread (on other forums that allow discussion about a girl not in a review) and so forth  
 Id think people who are here to share info would share info. Otherwise what's the point of being on these sites?
For me, it's a mixture of both.  Not every experience I have is exceptional but not necessarily the "polar opposite" either.  These days, I tend to read reviews more for the erotic stories than to gather "intel".  In fact, the last few dates I've booked with companions I had never met before, I booked without looking for reviews at all.

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