TER General Board

Was your email HACKED?
impposter 49 Reviews 512 reads

I have received spam from a lady I have seen but I knew right away that it was not her sending the email. I contacted her to check to see if her email had been hacked, hijacked or spoofed. Sure enough, that was the problem.  

There was spam.
It APPEARED to be from the Provider's email.
It was not her direct fault (other than to have been hacked).  

If you were hacked ... apologize to the guy. Explain what happened and that you are fixing or have already fixed the problem and hope that it doesn't happen again. IGNORE his insults, do not mention them at all and let it slide.  
Posted By: Kitty76
I just got a response back from a hobbyist. He Bitched & Complained about spamming him and not having any reviews in 2 years. I've been doing this since I was eighteen & a half. And up till the point that I got on this point no male has ever said anything about my reviews. If a hobbyist wants a provider. Then why can't he think for himself?!! I never believe what I see and hear about anything that I see until I try it out for myself.

I just got a response back from a hobbyist. He Bitched & Complained about spamming him and not having any reviews in 2 years. I've been doing this since I was eighteen & a half. And up till the point that I got on this point no male has ever said anything about my reviews. If a hobbyist wants a provider. Then why can't he think for himself?!! I never believe what I see and hear about anything that I see until I try it out for myself.

As far as your reviews go, some guys may be concerned about it but oh well just do your best. that's all anyone can expect from another person.

Don't let what one guy says to you  bother you.

Steph xoxo

First of all, I don't spam!!! Secondly, I am more then capable of doing my job. But some hobbyist are ridiculous with this whole "Review" thing. Just because 1 to 5 hobbyists say that he had a "HOT" time. Does not mean that you will. If the hobbyists thought with the correct head(And not their dick), then the hobbyists will not be caught up in the so called hype. I have read have of all the provider's reviews and about 5% to 50% of the provider who do have up to 5 or 6 (Maybe up to 10) good reviews......Also have 5 to 15 bad reviews where the guy says the are ugly....plain.....or that the hobbyist need to be drunk to fuck them. And the hobbyists  want to email me on this site and say stupid ass shit about how I have not had any reviews on here for 2 years. And I am the who accommodating the Hobbyists, Half of the hobbyists on here that I have dealt with set a date and won't show. Then turn around and try to reschedule.  Well, Now I am changing things up up. And I will no long take whatever you have. You either pay full price or go to pacific avenue in Atlantic ctiy, NJ. 5% to 75% the hobbyists on here are so disrespectful of the Provider with their posts & Reviews, but most of them expect a provider to respect them. Things like respect goes both ways. And from now on any hobbyist that contacts me must have an honest & Truth referral or forget it.

GaGambler224 reads

There are well over a million reviews on TER, I know you have a lot of time on your hands since no one seems to want to book with you, but no one has the time to read a million plus reviews.

By your own account though, it sure sounds like you are spamming. If you disappear from this site I will assume that admin agrees.

Then she only had to read 700,000, not 1.4 million.  A much easier feat. :)

GaGambler482 reads

As you said, I am perfectly capable of "thinking for myself' and EVERYTHING thing I have ever seen, read, saw or heard about you would keep me from seeing you even if you had pages of 10-10 reviews.

and you still have not answered the question, Why were you spamming him in the first place?

If you spammed me, i would have much worse to say to you in my reply than him, and if you spammed me through the TER PM system you can bet your last dollar I'd get you banned for it as it is most definitely against TER rules.

because ads alone can not be trusted.  Surely, as a professional, you can understand this.  lack of reviews makes clients question if your pictures are current, if your services are up to snuff, if you are still active even.  

I don't know if you spammed him or not...  but it may be interpretted differently by different people.  I see gals reply to guys ISO posts...  I don't think that's spamming, unless it's a flood of unwanted replies.  

If I was a provider & someone said this to me, I'd think they were looking for a price reduction.  Maybe they are not a good fit anyway.  You don't really have control over people review you or not...  unless you request to be delisted when your profile will be taken down & NO reviews will be allowed.

did you spam him? As far as your reviews, they are all from 2014 so he could have wondered about your service now. Are your pics also from 2014? Did you change your appearance? Why did he accuse you of spamming him? Did you? The reviews are positive so he probably wants to make sure that you will still give him a good time for his money. We ladies make good money in this business. I talked to a lawyer friend of mine and there are ladies, top notch that charge more than he does an hour! Same as a doctor friend of mine! Many of these guys work hard for their money and want to be assured that their time with you will be worth it. As far as the spamming, it seems some people here who posted wants to know if you did spam him or not lol. :

When any person who sends a message on this site(The system could send it as spam). And I do not  update my photos, but I do inform the hobbyists that I can send them an updated photo. And truthfully it's up to the hobbyist to put a review on this site(Despite the fact that it won't make a difference, because either way I make money. My point was........Don't accuse me of sending spam, when it's up to the system to decide whether it's spam or not. And as far as Reviews......They are a joke!!!! I have read most of the reviews of the Providers. And most of the provider's reviews are a joke. Some say that they are ugly & a waste of time. I looked at their photos and despite the fact that they are not Supermodel type.......They are not ugly.

GaGambler375 reads

I guess we can now understand why you were accused of sending spam, it's because YOU WERE!!!

I shudder to think that the photos you post are "old and outdated" I can only imagine what you look like now and PLEASE do NOT send me an updated pic. It's probably more than my old heart could stand (yes, I do have a heart. lol)

You do know that the first rule of the internet is "when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging" If you are not careful you are going to find yourself banned for spamming the PM system before you are done here.

I have received spam from a lady I have seen but I knew right away that it was not her sending the email. I contacted her to check to see if her email had been hacked, hijacked or spoofed. Sure enough, that was the problem.  

There was spam.
It APPEARED to be from the Provider's email.
It was not her direct fault (other than to have been hacked).  

If you were hacked ... apologize to the guy. Explain what happened and that you are fixing or have already fixed the problem and hope that it doesn't happen again. IGNORE his insults, do not mention them at all and let it slide.  

Posted By: Kitty76
I just got a response back from a hobbyist. He Bitched & Complained about spamming him and not having any reviews in 2 years. I've been doing this since I was eighteen & a half. And up till the point that I got on this point no male has ever said anything about my reviews. If a hobbyist wants a provider. Then why can't he think for himself?!! I never believe what I see and hear about anything that I see until I try it out for myself.

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