TER General Board

Walk for Breast Cancer...
luv_women 28 Reviews 2503 reads

I once did the walk, and actually it was probably the most erotic experience I have ever had.  Let me explain...

They issue white t-shirts with the logo on them.  It was raining quite heavily.  Many women wearing white t-shirts in the rain.  You figure out the rest!


I posted this on the LA board, but since there are events around the country, I thought it belonged here as well

There's an event coming up on Sunday, Oct. 10 which deserves all of our support.  I urge anyone of athletic bent, hobbyist and provider alike, to cough up the 25 bucks and enter.  The lazier or physically limited among us can always just make a donation.

I'm doing the 10K as part of my company team.  

"Walk for Hope to Cure Breast Cancer is a family-oriented walk and run — including 5k/10k timed events and leisure walks — to support breast cancer research, treatment and education at the City of Hope National Medical Center and Beckman Research Institute, a National Cancer Institute - designated Comprehensive Cancer Center."

I once did the walk, and actually it was probably the most erotic experience I have ever had.  Let me explain...

They issue white t-shirts with the logo on them.  It was raining quite heavily.  Many women wearing white t-shirts in the rain.  You figure out the rest!


11:00 to maybe 10:45 miles, but walking.  Any plodding jogger should have no trouble keeping up with me.  If I were really in shape, those would be 10:00 minutes, but I'm 6 months away from that kind of condition.

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