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CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 3497 reads
1 / 44

...would consider themselves a hedonist?

Curious cat Camille

GaGambler 19 reads
2 / 44

Do you REALLY need to ask? lmao

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 22 reads
3 / 44

...and do you know why GaG? I’ve met 2 people this week who clearly have zero clue what a hedonist is!!!
That aside, playing in this arena does not a hedonist make - its takes more than that unless you are fucking multiple times a day!

DC9428 2 Reviews 20 reads
4 / 44

I mastered multiple orgasms when I was 16 years old. If I jack off, I just assume I'll get at least two orgasms out of it, but I commonly get three or even four. My record is 8. And quite frankly, nothing makes me happier than sex with a beautiful girl.

Fuck the whole idea of that life being "empty." You know what an empty life is? Being a workaholic who doesn't get adequately paid for their efforts and never has any fun. That's an empty life. Not one where you constantly have sex with beautiful women. That's called paradise.

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 24 reads
5 / 44

However, it is not my full time endeavor.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 18 reads
6 / 44
micktoz 41 Reviews 21 reads
7 / 44

A hedonistic person is committed to seeking sensual pleasure — the type of guy you might find in a massage parlor or at an all-you-can-eat buffet. This term — along with the related words hedonist and hedonistic — is derived from the Greek word hedone, "pleasure."

micktoz 41 Reviews 29 reads
8 / 44
John_Laroche 29 reads
9 / 44

Well, a practical hedonist anyway. I know I can't seek pleasure 24/7/365, but I'm certainly not a workaholic or someone who needs to achieve lofty goals to feel important.

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 22 reads
10 / 44

My life is based on giving and receiving the ultimate pleasure

CdnBman 11 Reviews 23 reads
12 / 44
DC9428 2 Reviews 25 reads
13 / 44

Its definitely important to be a smart hedonist. No matter how much you love pleasure, we all have limits. Like, for example, you can't literally refuse to work. A smart hedonist will try to work smart and get as much of it out of the way as soon as possible so they can return to what really satisfies them, but you can't just not do it at all. That's how you end up broke, homeless, and living a much worse life than if you'd been smart about it.

Thankfully, as far as sex goes, its more a matter of what your penis can handle. Its not like food where you have to say, if I eat too many desserts or drink too much soda, I'll become obese, so I can't do that. You just jack off or fuck as much as your penis will allow, and after that its literally impossible to push it further.

emorf4077 64 Reviews 36 reads
14 / 44
ElTorro 15 Reviews 23 reads
15 / 44

Booze and broads are at the top of my vice list.

souls_harbor 19 reads
16 / 44

Pure hedonism like pure nihilism is often claimed but seldom actually practiced.

DC9428 2 Reviews 20 reads
17 / 44

I feel like the opposite is true. Tons of people try to act like they aren't hedonists but they are.

trex44 9 Reviews 23 reads
18 / 44

A hedonist is someone to whom pleasure is the most important thing in life.

While I appreciate pleasure and seek it out, I do so according to my means and ability. I'm a discerning pleasure-seeker -- I like to get the best for my time and money, and I'd rather have a quality experience vs. just getting off.

Quality vs quantity for me.

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 23 reads
19 / 44

Maybe they think it appears narcissistic?

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 24 reads
20 / 44

Everything in moderation - including moderation :)

Posted By: DC9428
Re: I do.
Its definitely important to be a smart hedonist. No matter how much you love pleasure, we all have limits. Like, for example, you can't literally refuse to work. A smart hedonist will try to work smart and get as much of it out of the way as soon as possible so they can return to what really satisfies them, but you can't just not do it at all. That's how you end up broke, homeless, and living a much worse life than if you'd been smart about it.  
 Thankfully, as far as sex goes, its more a matter of what your penis can handle. Its not like food where you have to say, if I eat too many desserts or drink too much soda, I'll become obese, so I can't do that. You just jack off or fuck as much as your penis will allow, and after that its literally impossible to push it further.

MrIfOnly 21 reads
21 / 44

Count me as one...

GaGambler 18 reads
22 / 44

As long as I can get enough of it. lol

GaGambler 21 reads
23 / 44

I suppose I am a man of rather large appetites. I have lost track of how many drunken weekends where I have fucked a dozen or more different women. Or the times I have finished an entire bottle of tequila and decided another one would be a GREAT idea, or have sat down and eaten a dozen lobsters at a single sitting just because they tasted so damn good.



Hmmm, maybe I am not a hedonist after all, maybe I am just a glutton. lol

MasterZen 33 Reviews 32 reads
25 / 44

My name is Zen; I am a hedonist.

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 33 reads
26 / 44

I'm a hedonist to say the least! I thrive on the pleasures in life.... sex, a lot of sex!  I wake up with a throbbing pussy.... I NEED pleasure before going to sleep. Does that make me a hedonist? Lol I love to be naked and feel the sexual energy of others. Makes my sexual energy thrive! Mmmmm....
Just finished my morning "getting banged in my ass"  
Ahhhh.... life is good 🙄

Makoesq 11 Reviews 25 reads
27 / 44

I think that I lean towards being a hedonist. But I also am able to work and take care of my obligations. Maybe that's a hedonist wannabe?

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 24 reads
28 / 44

"Early to bed and early to be aroused , makes a woman healthy, wealthy, and wise"

mrfisher 108 Reviews 40 reads
29 / 44

a part of hedonism?

To take things to the extreme, can a masochist be a hedonist?

I would argue yes, and so, the next question that flows from that is, what is the opposite of a hedonist?
I would venture to say: a philosopher.

micktoz 41 Reviews 26 reads
30 / 44
GaGambler 22 reads
31 / 44

Does she have any pics? lol

It might also surprise you that I also believe in patience, as long as I can have it "Right fucking now" lol

micktoz 41 Reviews 24 reads
32 / 44

A great flogging or spanking then hot and wild fucking is the greatest of pleasures.

The philosopher thing, well I'm more a stand up philosopher.

DC9428 2 Reviews 24 reads
33 / 44

Maybe not even necessarily moderation, just not going completely overboard. I feel like the word moderation kind of implies that you take a middle ground on something. You can definitely pursue pleasure and limit pain more than is normal for someone. But a person trying to reach absolute hedonism (experiencing nothing but constant pleasure and never experiencing pain) is trying to reach an impossible goal and trying to reach impossible goals has been known to seriously backfire. Like the Communist party in Russia, its a noble idea to say everyone should be equal and wealth be distributed equally. Marx's original goals obviously came from a place of virtue, in actual practice though, its a terrible idea and disastrous when implemented. You cannot attempt to reach a kind of utopia if humanity has not progressed enough, technologically or socially, to achieve that. A major part of that being technological. I do believe that humans may advance enough technologically that we can create a utopia one day. We're not at that point though, therefore, trying to create a utopian society is a fools errand. Obviously, try to improve it, but don't go for the end goal yet.

Its the same as a hedonistic person who decides to give up work and dedicate all their time to pleasure. Unless they are extremely rich, and have enough self-discipline to watch their health, especially relating to food or drugs, then that plan is going to seriously backfire on them.

That doesn't mean you can't live a very pleasurable life though that a lot of people would probably consider excessively decadent for subjective moral reasons. A lot of people would probably see getting hookers every day as not "doing everything in moderation," but as long as you wear a condom and do regular STD tests, the chances of it actually backfiring on you from a health perspective is pretty low.  

So I guess TD;RL, the subjective morals of other may cause a lot of people to see what you're doing as "excess," so violating that rule is, in my opinion, a personal choice and one I don't see a problem with. Its excess from a health perspective you have to worry about. Its much harder to be excessive from a health perspective than it is to be excessive from a subjective moral view though.

DC9428 2 Reviews 18 reads
34 / 44

Hedonism is definitely stigmatized in our society despite how much its practiced. America loves its sex, luxurious comforts, drugs, and food, but we're kind of in denial about it. There are very few people who are actually self-identified hedonists, can't be any more than 10% of the population I'd say, but I'd say the majority of Americans are still hedonists.

The main reason I think hedonism is stigmatized is not necessarily people acting like its narcissistic, as much as they act like its empty, a pointless lifestyle, or that people should not be satisfied with it. America is very achievement oriented, therefore, straight up admitting that you care more about pleasure and leisure than achievement goes against our cultural values. I think you'd see a slight increase in self-identified hedonists in European or South American nations that don't place as much value on being a super career oriented workaholic as America does. Instead hedonistic behaviors are seen in America as proper "stress relief." Pursuing it as a lifestyle for its own sake, and admitting that its what gives you the most satisfaction in life, is very stigmatized though.

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 16 reads
35 / 44

This is a really interesting reply and probably has a lot of truth to it. It’s funny how many people view ‘hedonist’ as someone who pursues self-destructive pleasure - there’s definitely a heavy connotation there (that is what in fact prompted my post) - despite us definition not stating that. It’s also Interesting for sure how culture and interpretation impact views on one simple word :)

C xx

DC9428 2 Reviews 25 reads
36 / 44

That's definitely true too. I've even heard some people say that you're not a real hedonist unless you're recklessly pursuing pleasure, getting way too drunk multiple nights a week, fucking without condoms, becoming addicted to drugs, stuff like that. The truth is, you really don't need to do that. Not only that, but you'll live a much more hedonistic life if you're not reckless. Nobody tells skiers that they're not truly into skiiing unless they do it so damn much that they never show up to work and end up getting fired. Skiing could be your absolute favorite thing in the world, but its highly unlikely that even the most hardcore skiier would just refuse to go to work so that he/she could go ski. So I'm not sure why people act like being a hedonist necessitates being stupid about it.

My opinion is that people need to do more research on things before they do them. I think a lot of the self-destructive hedonists would not have become that way if they looked at statistical data before starting that lifestyle and setting hard limits on themselves. As far as food, booze, and drugs go, you can actually look at data that will tell you exactly what frequency and quantity things start to go wrong.

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 26 reads
37 / 44

Yes! Completely agree with all you said.
I’ve thought about this since my last post and the media definitely salivate at the opportunity to  perpetuate a myth of negativity. Think of celebs who have had a tragic end to life based on self- destructive behaviour and you’ll find (definitely in the U.K.) the media have called them hedonists: Amy Winehouse, George Michael, Michael Hutchence etc....

Posted By: DC9428
Re: often claimed
That's definitely true too. I've even heard some people say that you're not a real hedonist unless you're recklessly pursuing pleasure, getting way too drunk multiple nights a week, fucking without condoms, becoming addicted to drugs, stuff like that. The truth is, you really don't need to do that. Not only that, but you'll live a much more hedonistic life if you're not reckless. Nobody tells skiers that they're not truly into skiiing unless they do it so damn much that they never show up to work and end up getting fired. Skiing could be your absolute favorite thing in the world, but its highly unlikely that even the most hardcore skiier would just refuse to go to work so that he/she could go ski. So I'm not sure why people act like being a hedonist necessitates being stupid about it.  
 My opinion is that people need to do more research on things before they do them. I think a lot of the self-destructive hedonists would not have become that way if they looked at statistical data before starting that lifestyle and setting hard limits on themselves. As far as food, booze, and drugs go, you can actually look at data that will tell you exactly what frequency and quantity things start to go wrong.

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 34 reads
38 / 44

Agree a masochist can be a hedonist, why not?
Not really sure what the opposite of a hedonist would be? I suppose it depends on where you sit - philosopher could be one option miserable bastard could be another lol? 👍

GaGambler 42 reads
39 / 44

and for the record. Please count me out. lol

DC9428 2 Reviews 31 reads
40 / 44

Several philosophers are hedonists though.

The opposite of a hedonist is an ascetic.

DC9428 2 Reviews 22 reads
41 / 44

In the US, they don't usually straight up say they're a hedonist, but the media usually depicts hedonists as secretly depressed people living empty lives that are also frequently destructive.

GaGambler 30 reads
42 / 44

I get accused of the same thing right here on TER, just because my appetite for pleasure is a little bigger than the average TER member. I bet I have been accused of having a "sad and empty life" a hundred times on this very board by guys who think getting laid once a month is plenty

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 20 reads
43 / 44
DC9428 2 Reviews 26 reads
44 / 44

Once a month? Dear god, what do they think is low?

It doesn't even take me a week before I crave sex again.

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