TER General Board

Up until about four years ago . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 444 reads

I would routinely see one girl in the morning at 10 or 11, and then another one in the afternoon after lunch.  Eventually, the fact that it pretty much blew a while day made it a drain on my work, so I switched to two hours sessions so I still get two pops, but only ties up a half a day.  If I was retired, I would still do two different girls.  Its more fun and exciting.  

I would like to know if any hobbyists have seen more then 1 provider in 1 day or night.  How did it go?  I would also like to hear what the providers opinion is of that scenario.  I'm not talking about doubles or an orgy.  Multiple 1 on 1 dates with 2 or 3 providers in a day or night.  Thanks in advance for your responses.

I was on vacation (and a lot younger and wealthier), and the wife took the day to ride off and visit friends while I "shopped".  (Well, I did shop, sort of.)

This was before the internet was available for hobbying, so I used classified and the phone book.

Results were anywhere from a 3 to a 10.

It was an interesting day, to say the least.

...your wife wasn't in the mood for a little hanky panky when she returned from shopping that day mrf!!!   lol

Mr.M.Johnson581 reads

Damn Fish!

I've never had even 2 in one day - I've led a sheltered life...

I've never had 2 @ once either - sheltered #2

I better get busy before I get too old!

Saw one before a M&G, and a second one after, about 4 hours later.  Now, I'm too damn old to try  that....lol


I've known gentlemen who go on "hobby vacations" and pack in as many visits as possible into a few days. ;)
I don't see anything wrong with you having multiple dates, if that's what you like.  Just don't over commit yourself - you don't want to be too wiped out after girls 1 and 2 to have fun with girl 3!

GaGambler598 reads

Okay, you caught me. lol I used to do exactly that about once a month or more until recently.

I would typically see a dozen or so different chicas over a typical 3 day weekend. Five girls a day was pretty easy to do as long as I spaced them out every 4-5 hours or so until I got to be in my mid fifties or so, at 58 it's true that sometimes girls one and two will wipe me out before I even get to girl number three. It sure sucks to get old, but it does beat the alternative. lol

souls_harbor512 reads

The problem with too much at once is that you might not remember too much of it afterward.  One of the benefits of doing fun things is being able to remember and enjoy the recollection.  Which is one of the reasons one-hour sessions aren't the best, too hard to remember everything from such a short timespan.  

When I travel to Vegas I would arrange to see one young lady when I landed, 12pm, then I'd have my night time date at 10pm, then I'g go to the bar and hook up with a CG at 2am...But by the time I was ready to go home, I was dead to the world. One time I fell asleep in the terminal and I almost missed my flight, I heard them paging me...Now It's one long date on my first night and that's it..On my last night I'm riding solo, recuperating from my first night.

here in the states , I have not done two dates in one day ,  
Usually it's due to barely being able to sneak out for one date.
However , when I go on a " fishing trip " down to Latin America
I always do 2-3 or even 4 dates in one day , I go crazy .

My dick is soar from all the fucking , I love it !!!!

GaGambler485 reads

It's hard NOT seeing multiple women in a day when staying in a whore house, constantly surrounded by women all aggressively trying to get you into bed.

Back in the heyday of the Del Rey it used to piss me off when I would come downstairs after fucking an "8" only to see a "9" immediately upon getting off the elevator, and not being able to do anything about it due to the fact that you had just fucked your fourth chica of the day only five minutes before. lol

I remember my first extended threesome down there. I had indeed just come downstairs from fucking my fourth chica of the day, I made my way to the bar to find a chica EXACTLY my type along with her friend who while not quite as cute as her, was still a solid 8. We had a few drinks and I told the hottest one that next time I ran into them it might be fun if the three of us spent the weekend at the beach, which back then due to the bad roads was a minimum 4 hour drive. She responded, "why wait til next time?" and ten minutes later I had thrown my bags together and we were on our way. I spent two great days (and nights) as the "meat in the sandwich" and spent less than a thousand bucks in the process.  

Now at my "advanced age" I have to be even pickier about which chicas to bed while I am down there as I am not ready to go again anywhere near as quickly as I once was and I hate to "settle" for an average looking chica knowing full well I will be "out of action" for a few hours afterwards.

As you know , i just came back from there not too long ago ,  
It was my second time in CR and the beat time .  
I just went there with one friend and he also had a blast .

Anyway , what I did in del rey in those situations you described as getting  
Off the elevator and finding a 9 ,  I went up to her and told her I give her  
50$ for FS and  if she makes me cum ill tip her extra 30$ .. hahahaha

It worked . Hahaha it was a total riot . I was surprised they went for this deal
But again , that was am time and early afternoon so it was slim pickings for the ladies .

One hell of a trip , i cant wait to go back ...

GaGambler391 reads

I had already seen three or four different chicas that day and the sun hadnt' even set, so I told her if she could make me cum in 30 minutes or less I'd give her $100, but if she couldn't it was free. She left with lockjaw about 90 minutes later. lol

It's funny now that I am seeing mainly SB's here in the states, most of these young "non pros" have never been with a guy with staying power as most young guys are done in five minutes or less, just like we were at that age. Hookers tend to hate it when a guy can go for hours at a time, as to them it's work, but some of these young girls without a lot of experience are in awe of it.

Senator.Blutarsky409 reads

I have a business trip coming up and I couldn't decide between three ladies, so I scheduled with all of them. One in the afternoon when I arrive, one later that evening, and one the next evening. I'll let you know how it goes. 😎

-- Modified on 3/4/2017 9:46:48 PM

at my age..my dick would cum off..

Posted By: LongIslandDan
I would like to know if any hobbyists have seen more then 1 provider in 1 day or night.  How did it go?  I would also like to hear what the providers opinion is of that scenario.  I'm not talking about doubles or an orgy.  Multiple 1 on 1 dates with 2 or 3 providers in a day or night.  Thanks in advance for your responses.

John_Laroche349 reads

obviously the first didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
#2, who I had seen at least 40 times, definitely noticed extra staying power on my part. It was fun for me because for some reason, she usually gets me to cum pretty fast.  

It's really not that different from a two-hour encounter with the same woman, except you get to have a quiet meal between events and there's less anxiety about the clock possibly running out before you've recovered from pop #1.

Sure, you have two commutes and maybe an extra shower, but a small price to pay for a day of fun. It just depends on how fast you recover, and how much time and money you have to spend. If this is some sort of bucket list thing for you, I'd pick girls that you know are very reliable as far as keeping appointments and being on time.

Enjoy those capabilities while you have them, as things do change as you get older.

As some point in time, you'll realize that 2-3 times a day just ain't in the cards. I had a great 2 hour session with a lovely woman 20 years younger than me (I'm 63) last weekend on Saturday and she just about wore me out (in the best possible way).

I thought I had given myself enough time to recover, as I had a Sunday morning session with an incredible 25-year old I had met and we just clicked. We had a hell of a 2 hour session but I just couldn't reach the finish line. She was a bit disappointed but given the amount of intense fun we had (and I made sure she got hers), I'm giving myself plenty of recovery time before I see her at the end of this month.

No, I WONT be seeing anyone else prior to visiting her --she's going to get all I have to give her.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may -- who knew The Bard was a hobbiest?

I would routinely see one girl in the morning at 10 or 11, and then another one in the afternoon after lunch.  Eventually, the fact that it pretty much blew a while day made it a drain on my work, so I switched to two hours sessions so I still get two pops, but only ties up a half a day.  If I was retired, I would still do two different girls.  Its more fun and exciting.  

The only way I could see two to three providers in a day/night would be having the actual date with the first girl then once I got home check out other girls' websites.  Just sayin'  lol


From a ladies stance I'll say this...  

 One of my favorite regulars is will regularly see between 2-4 providers a day. Often times 1 or two of them are body rub gals followed by girlfriend variety provider and I'll get a call circa 2am if any of my predecessors failed to complete the task at hand.
So I either end up being the one who has to go finish up what everyone else started but failed to finish or the one who leaves him hard up for more action. With that in mind..long story short; See all the ladies you can, have the time of your life. but don't tell me about it. Unless I am hearing about it an an erotic context it's a huge turn off.Unless I'm invited to join the conquesting of course;)
I'll likely either feel like I wasn't satisfactory enough if I was the first, and on the flip side If I'm last I feel like I'm being sent in to  clean up everyone else mess when I'm the  4th one you've seen that day.

You don't really need to let the girls know that you will be calling another girl to visit you cuz she might think that she wasn't good enough for you to have another girl over haha..

Have fun! And if you want me to be one of those girls, let me know! Mwahhs

When visiting an AMP or other MP, I have often wanted to stay for another round with another girl who caught my eye on the way in or during line-ups or intros. On those occasions when my schedule allowed time for another go, their schedules did not. (The places I usually visit can accommodate short notice, but they do get booked up. "Can you come back in two hours?" is tempting but not also doable.) I have done sequential days, but that's not what you asked.  

I saw one provider and a girlfriend in the same day, and way back when, two girlfriends in the same day.  Now my goal is to have two naps in the same day.

and he would see many of us during his trip.I recall one time I saw him a lady was walking out of the room while I was getting ready to knock.He said I was the second lady and this was early afternoon.He had another appt lined up for later in the evening.And he was in his early 60's.lol

...from Little Miss Sunshine
"Fuck a lot of women. A lot of women!"

Yeah, there used to be a legend who once a month in my area hit up 3-4 in one night-
He was a sweetheart, respectful, and the donation was always right.
My only concern was wondering where he got the stamina- it got to a point where we would sometimes compare notes. It was fun.

I booked an appointment and then found out I had a lot more time on my hands to play so I tried to find someone else to play to help the day go by.  The first girl saw the request and figured I was canceling on her, I wasn't.  I felt then as I do now, that I was under no obligation to contact her, I figured I could see as many ladies as I wanted, especially since I was not canceling.  

Boy I got a lot of hell on the board and even got PM's, from white knights even came out told me how horrible I was.

In fairness, I did have a few that came to my defense, but most sided with the provider.

Looking back, I learned a few lessons that I'll share with you.  
1.  Providers don't like it, they figure it you've got all this extra cash, you should be giving it to them, only.
2.  If you're going to this, don't advertise it on any open boards, just ask a lady and leave it at that
3.  Give yourself a lot of time between appointments, cause one girl will be early and one will be late.
4.  If you're gonna book mulitiple appointments, by all means keep them.  Its ok for a provider to cancel because
     of  a (?) headache, but you're toast if you use the same excuse, and then she finds out you were with some          
     one else

When I travel I do it all the time, its great fun and I love the variety it brings.  And everybody leaves happy...

GaGambler410 reads

Just like guys will ask hookers "how many guys do you see before me?" It's quite common for chicas at the Del Rey and other places in Latin America to ask me how many other girls I had seen that day. I find it rather amusing, and just like the hookers here, I rarely give a truthful answer, and just like the hookers here, I do make it a habit to remove the evidence of previous "guests" to my room. I always have plenty of clean towels and I make sure not to leave cum stains on the sheets. lmao

I do remember having an American girl ask me if I had seen any other women that same day one time in Vegas as I was having huge difficulties finishing. I finally fessed up that she was number five for the day and she immediately got out of bed and started getting ready to leave, I will confess I was so spent from a VERY long day of drinking, fucking and losing at the tables, I didn't even try to convince her to stay, I think I passed out 10 seconds after the door closed behind her. Ahh the "good old days" lol

This happened to me once and when it was my turn, he didn't have any energy left
I wouldn't want sloppy seconds thirds....
I want first dibs

GaGambler495 reads

How many guys are ridiculed for wanting to be "first" on this very board?  

Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!!!???

You are getting paid whether he can perform or not. Do you have any idea how ridiculous your statement sounds?

BTW, even at 58 I can still go the entire hour whether it's my first, third, or fifth appointment of the day. I may have some difficulties finishing, but that's my problem, not the lady's

I feel the same way which is why I've never operated a revolving door business  
I happen to find that the sexual/sensual  benefits of what I do out weigh the monetary benefits even though the monetary benefits pay for my board and keep
Go ahead and laugh

GaGambler453 reads

I am sorry SC, but you just made that one TOO easy for me to pass up.

and yes I will laugh because dozens of guys have had their asses handed to them for saying the exact same thing you just did about being "first". What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  

I find it hilarious that other women have taken me to task for being a "high volume" guy all the while protesting the guys who seem to want their hookers to be virgin like.

I don't mind being easy like Sunday morning
I love mornings
The earlier the better

stucaboy387 reads

if you have to fuck a half dozen girls in one day to be satisfied, especially if you are in your 50's?  In our teens we were all able to fuck them one after the other but, at that age, few females were getting in line.  During University days new doors were opened but between studies and sports time was limited.   In the military, new doors opened and we were exposed to a whole new world of very willing pussy, pussy of all colors and looks that drove use crazy. Orientals with silk pussies, blonde German farm girls, and  Latin chicks who had no need to wear a bra. Then you get married.  The first couple of years are great but sooner or later you hear the "get the fuck off me" and "I want a divorce and half your stuff". When you recover and now have all this money to spend you buy pussy.  Not just any pussy but quality pussy.  You don't have to feed them, house them, or put up with any bullshit from them.     Only problem is that, unlike some of you, you find yourself saving money because you are just unable to mount as many bitches as you'd like.   However, along comes the "blue" little pill and all is well.  Nothing to worry about except The Big One.

GaGambler375 reads

I don't HAVE TO fuck a half dozen girls to be satisfied, but it sure is fun.

Just because you are satisfied with a garden salad without dressing for your main meal, don't hate on those of us who can still eat a full pizza with no ill effects. I happen to still have a rather large appetite, so sue me for living large.

I have on several occasions visited a provider on subsequent days within
24 hours but never actually on the same day.

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