TER General Board

Emperor Palpatine 2670 reads

...you've apparently not heard. Lord Vader lost his pee-pee in the same stroke that that took his legs, therefore he won't be able to meet you in the Bastille tonight. He has, however, authorized me to make love in his stead, should any lady be so inclined.

-- Modified on 9/28/2005 8:23:52 PM

Capacitance3307 reads

OK folks, I've made inquries to five providers thus far, all with unsatisfactory results.

Provider #1 sent me an email chewing me out because I "didn't give [my] f***ing cell phone number on [her] f***ing booking form".  I figured she would understand "NA" means "I don't use a cell phone", but perhaps not.

Provider #2 failed to respond to my email (sent 6 days ago).

Provider #3 flat out refused to see me because of my autism.  She said she can't take chances with people with mental illness.  I wanted to tell her that autism is not an illness, but let it drop as dragging out the conversation would be pointless.

Provider #4 failed to respond to my email (sent 4 days ago).

Provider #5 asked me an inappropriate screening question.  She wanted to know where I work.  Since my job is not rationally related to the service being offered, and not necessary to perform the criminal background checks necessary for screening, I refused to provide it.

This isn't the type of experience I was hoping for.  How do you folks put up with the hassle?

Generally we read a lot of Kafka and sit around and grouse about how the risks are so unfair.  In particular, I'm thinking you should ask Kafka's policeman.

 -- Deep Heat

I ask for the occupation just for a mental picture as I try not to remember clients by real names or keep a papertrail. I also remember which ones had cute pet stories and which ones brought me wine but every little bit helps

WebTerrorist2250 reads

you could find a local lady that would be willing.
The general board is a good place to get general answers, but won't help you find a lady in your area.
If you made a post on your local board, mentioned your situation perhaps a lady, or even a few would respond, and you could then work from there.

If you have already done that,  I don't have any other advice I can give you, sorry.

Best of luck.

Emperor Palpatine3338 reads

...telegraph "I am a problem client" don't have any hassles at all. Of the three who responded it was you refused two of them.

You don't have a cell phone in 2005? WTF? Some people may buy that, but I don't and obviously the provider didn't either.

She asked you an inappropriate screening question?! Who died and made you god of what is and isn't appropriate? Asking her to have sex for $ is considered inappropriate by many folks (including the law), but you don't seem to have a problem with that.

tell Vadar I'll be at the Bastille Castle tonight

Emperor Palpatine2671 reads

...you've apparently not heard. Lord Vader lost his pee-pee in the same stroke that that took his legs, therefore he won't be able to meet you in the Bastille tonight. He has, however, authorized me to make love in his stead, should any lady be so inclined.

-- Modified on 9/28/2005 8:23:52 PM


This is just a horrible thing. At least you know right off the bat those providers arent for you.Maybe post this on the city board of which you are from ? And a provider  may email you etc.. In this situation ( which shouldnt be a situation at all ) Let a provider come to you . I think I saw a post like this on the DC board. Are you from there ?

#1. It may be advantageous for you too get a cell phone (it's hard to do the "two call system" while searching for a pay phone)

#5 This was NOT an inappropriate screening question. It is as common as cell phones are in LA. Either get used to this particular question or pick a different hobby.

If you make yourself visible with your problem on your regional board possibly a local lady will take pity and help you on your journey.


Bizzaro Superdude2494 reads

With the attitude you have exhibited in your e-mail, even if a provider would see you, you would probably not enjoy the experience.  While Autism does present challanges, it is not disfiguring, and many can function somewhat normally within defined boundaries.... soooo, here are some new boundaries for ya....

1)understand, you are going to be intimate with a lady for at least 1 hour, she has a right to know a little about you, not to torture you, but to assure herself that under occupation it does not state Deputy Sheriff Fife.  But something more mundane like "high performance stock broker."

2) the hobby has changed a lot over the past 2 decades and cell phones are a part of it.  My suggestion, get a disposable, pre paid phone for the hobby - total set up cost is around $100 or so.

3)don't advertise your autism, unless it is out of control or would seriously be obvious that you need some "special" help in "performance" - Which I doubt.  (Personally I have a defective hand and I am green- but that just means that on one finger I don't have fingernails - guess which finger I use to assist with DATY!)

4) I have had ladies not respond to me - I just hang in there.... no biggie!, do not take it personal - only Bond, Miss Emma Bond gets to me!

5) Most ladies do not do "Criminal background checks"  Well actually I know of one who does - but that's ok...  cause I know that she is safe.  What they want is some verification that you are who you say you are, you work where you say you work and have been there long enough to be a solid person not likely to be weird and finally you are not LE.

Luck - hobbying is fun -

First I find this guys story not all that uncommon. I have had many of the same problems he has. I also find it pretty RUDE that a few of you would chastise him for not having a cell phone! As one person put it "WTF"! Is there a law that says one is suppose to have one?? Why is he getting cussed out for not! DAM!
I have found that the simple work issue has been really difficult for me. I am a stay at home dad and this doesn't really sit well with most providers. I also find that most providers don't return phone calls nor emails as he mentioned! To simpley brush off this guys troubles as one person put it as having something wrong with him or the provider feeling bad vibes about him is kinda ridiculious! I understand the saftey issue I really do, but if you are that afraid to get stuck be LE or a luney toon, maybe this isn't the job you shoud be doing. It really shouldn't be this difficult to get an appointment with a provider. Especially if they aren't doing background checks as one person said. I don't know, it just seems funny that to be so selective would require quit a bit of regular biz in order to survive! than again why post on this site or anywhere else for that matter if they are gonna be so picky with whom they do biz with?? You post out in the public yet turn most away afraid they are loons or LE. Doesn't sound right to me, but that's just my opinon!

Bizzaro Superdude2519 reads

Most providers, even those I have met for the first time respond well to nice gestures, politeness and honesty.  Did I cuss this guy?  Think not - he was asking for assistance.  OK, so you don't like the advice.  You tell him how to have more success.  

What I find amazing is that I offer a successful method that I have used to get appointments with ladies that I select.  They do not select us, we select them, but the more popular they are, the less that they have to see everyone who has the money.  As one provider stated to me, "what most of the guys forget is that after they leave, I have a life"  This provider is one of the toughest but sweetest people I know, but she expects certain protocol from her gentlemen callers.  

I am not brushing off this guys problems, rather giving him a much condensed version of 1) what providers have shared with me, 2) what I have learned (sometimes the hard way) 3) what other hobbiests have shared with me and 4) common sense.  

Right now, the whole world is going to DVD and online movies, it would not be smart to buy a Beta max machine.

And yes, the ladies to have a right to be selective and picky.  Think of what they do.  They share an intimate act with (in most cases) total strangers.  really, rude?  don't think so, and while I may disagree with some of the posts here, I think they are all intended to help.

Oh, and I was a stay at home dad!  help me here, how do you get the money to play?! You wonder why the providers don't like this?  Wow, you need some serious couch time!

Yes attitude! That was why I posted being rude. Advice, yes cussing, in the form of "WTF". " GET INTO THE 21st. century".  Sounds like a put down. Your whole tone of the post was as if this guy was a loser and you were pointing it out to him. Sure there were useful points, but the tone was rude and condesending! I happen to agree with about 80% of what you said. I don't agree with why you are correct, but that's life. I just thought you could have given advice without the ATTITUDE! Than to turn on me and use my situation as a slam and a personal attack just brought home my point of your attitude. So who cares if I am a SAHD!! As if that is some sin!! What I find even funnier is how you share you were one and than turn around and blast me for being one and questioning my money situation!! Sounds a little hypocritical to me

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