TER General Board

Undercover policewomen . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 24 reads

are often hot, and actively advertise, but rarely get good reviews for obvious reasons.  On the other hand, providers are often not as hot as the shopped photos which made their ads more appealing, leading to reality being disappointing, which in turn leads to lukewarm reviews.

AllTheTimeBaby1332 reads

Hi Team,

I'm an established hobbyist with a good track record. I'm at the point where I see  mostly trusted regulars, and enjoy them a lot.

My question:  

There's a new provider I want to see who is 1) Very hot, 2) Actively advertising on 4 or 5 major provider sites. 3) Charges a very low rate  and 4) Has only two reviews on TER, the most recent being written last summer. The reviews were unremarkable.

Does this strike anyone as suspicious? No, I am not going to identify her, based merely on suspicions which may be unfounded.



In fact, back in the unlimited alias days I had around 200 of them. But if you're going to ask for advice like this and expect us to just accept that you're "an established hobbyist with a good track record" you may have gone a bridge too far.

RespectfulRobert20 reads

If someone I know well and trust, knows her, and who raves about her, for example, I would consider her. But speaking very generally, a "very hot" girl with a "very low rate" with "unremarkable" reviews are typically tell tale signs she may be TGTBT and thus I wouldn't see her.

AllTheTimeBaby21 reads

Thanks for your input! I think my suspicions are justified.

are often hot, and actively advertise, but rarely get good reviews for obvious reasons.  On the other hand, providers are often not as hot as the shopped photos which made their ads more appealing, leading to reality being disappointing, which in turn leads to lukewarm reviews.

AllTheTimeBaby26 reads

Thanks, CDL!

I'm pleased you chose to opine.

The "little" brain has been urging me to go for it. The larger brain senses things are not as they seem and urges caution.

As you quickly discerned, things just don't add up.


John_Laroche25 reads

Hot and low rates and advertising on major platforms doesn't add up.
I'd drill deeper into her two reviews and evaluate whether or not the reviewers are credible.  
If she'd on X, I'd examine who she follows, who she retreats, who follows her.
Since she's not established,  I wouldn't offer PII for screening or submit a booking deposit.

AllTheTimeBaby30 reads

Thanks, John!

All excellent suggestions. The paper trail on her is limited to two dated reviews. She's not on any other social media channels.

Too many fish in sea to risk it on this one!


If you're so established where are your many reviews that “established” guys have. You’re suspicious if you ask me.

Steve_Trevor25 reads

here is, what does “unremarkable” mean?  Could you be more specific?

Some of the best providers i know have had a few “unremarkable” reviews, by guys who always seem to write such reviews. I know other providers who got “unremarkable” reviews when they started out, but they upped their games or added to their menus (eg massage provider added FS) and their scores improved significantly.  

Also, I assume you’ve checked this providers pics to see if they’re stolen, as an experienced monger would do.  

Unless we know more about what her reviews say, and why, we’re shooting in the dark.

AllTheTimeBaby31 reads

Thanks for weighing-in on this! The two reviews are 6/7 and penned by gentlemen with established track records.

Yes, I checked her photos.

In my  final analysis, the fact she has only two reviews penned last summer, coupled with bargain-basement pricing for an a very hot woman is enough to make me pass. As noted, she's advertised all over too!  

I want to thank all responders, noting the Discussion Board fulfilled its purpose!  

I've made my decision to pass and will not take-up any more of this Group's precious time!

Thanks again!

YOU know there isn't exactly a hand book or Teusday Morning meetings for us providers. I have no idea what I'm doing 1/2 yhe time. However I'm very good at the action and connect with people well. I have rarely seen a client who didn't want a second or 3rd visit.  I am flexxible accomidating and very much put my clientd wants and needs first and always aim for regulars.    Some if the lower level  sites flag our ads regularly just to be giant pains and every time we basically start from scratch with reviews. And also alot of those guys don't leave reviews for whatever reasons . I also don't really understand how to advertise properly with some websites and haven't really realized my full potential as far as marketing platforms.  I think it's just case by case. Some of us just have a hard time with reviews or lack there of. We all gotta start somewhere.

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