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Ummmm... Mint Meltaways are amazing with coffee. What are you talking about? Lol! Eteeth_smile
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 481 reads


Particularly traveling providers. When visiting a city, if you get a booking from a new client (who passes all pre-screening) and you schedule a time.  Suppose afterwards a regular client contacts you for the same appointment time.  Do you cancel the new client in favor of the regular, or not?  What are your thoughts?

I also don't double book. I have had gentlemen tell me about that...

even if they are regulars...mine know that i will not do that

I for one would totally take a regular over someone idk... But if the new client made a deposit, that shows me that he's serious so I would tell my regular if he could come a bit later... My clients are the best, they cater to me!!!!!

Once I commit. No double booking or canceling for the regular.  

I would try to work with the regular for a diff time. But never cancel on a person whom I have committed to meet. It's disrespectful I think.

First of all I have better sense & mannerism then to double book..... Double booking is called desperation..... But I would take a regular anyday over a new client... I've been in the biz long enough to know how flaky clients can be especially if you don't know them!!!!!

Thanks for the clarification. Your original post was about if they came at the same time and not the situation presented then. That is good.

I don't make an appointment with the cancelled ones ever again!

Posted By: bpj078
Particularly traveling providers. When visiting a city, if you get a booking from a new client (who passes all pre-screening) and you schedule a time.  Suppose afterwards a regular client contacts you for the same appointment time.  Do you cancel the new client in favor of the regular, or not?  What are your thoughts?

ValuedCustomer579 reads

forget their appointments and cater exclusively to me.   Screeners beg to take my information.  The girls, of course, have cat fights for the privilege of servicing me.   Of course, I choose only the most scarred ones who have proven their devotion.

I am the most interesting John in the world....

Guys always have potential to become a returning client. The first appointment is the toughest one to get. Of course, I appreciate the reliable guys a lot, and no way I'd move that for a new client either. But I don't want to miss out on another potentially reliable guy. If they see I'm dependable right off the bat, it's is a great way to attract other dependable people. (Be who you want to attract)

I think everyone understands what we're doing here, and many will understand they may not always get the first time they pick.

-- Modified on 8/4/2015 6:28:17 PM

I will be 100% honest with you, I schedule a meeting usually a few days in advance.  My free time is limited.  So if I get that request that starts off "Hey I was wondering....", that is not going to sit well with me.  I may entertain rescheduling depending on my availability, once, maybe twice.

Booked for that time, I don't ditch the newbie. (Quite honestly, I don't book a ton of dates in a week, so I rarely come across that anyway lol.)

I say I'm busy, but I'm available this time, this time, and this time... and they can usually make another time work upon scheduling.  

To be frank, it's rude to blow people off. One thing I want to keep is my personal "this is a bad thing to do" radar in check lol. Just because there's no HR department watching my every move, doesn't mean I don't have personal standards for how I run things.

I totally understand moving a one hour to accommodate a 3 day with a regular who schedules those frequently. Duh. Lol. And I think any guy would "get that" too.

I have cancelled due to the following: unpleasant bodily functions, psycho period, flu, disrespect/degradation via email or phone. And most of the time they don't get a reason for my cancellation for their own sake lol

There have been times I've met new clients and been very thankful, as they stuck around for a while. Those are things you have to consider when bumping potential with less risk. You take more (appropriate) financial risk, you have more potential to gain. If you don't ever take risk, you won't gain.

Hopefully a regular doesn't feel entitled to have a girl cancel on others just for them. That would be kind of douchy, don't you think?

*please excuse my typos. This was all done on my phone lol*

-- Modified on 8/4/2015 9:19:46 PM

That's a different scenario and if she's unavailable, then she's unavailable and she'll let me know what her schedule can accommodate.  We'll go from there.  I'm more likely to wait than seek out someone else.  

No, I don't expect her to cancel or reschedule others if she's already committed.  She would have to make that decision on her own.  She might believe that a 2+ hrs get together is more beneficial than someone who is committing to a 1 hr.  But again, that's a decision she needs to determine for herself.

Bob.Sugar671 reads

Asked me to change a day....or time.  But I am really flexible on scheduling as well.  Many guys seem to have to fit this into some time slot...so for them getting asked to change may be a real problem.

Since most guys are one and done however, it generally behooves a gal to accommodate a regular.  Finding those guys who invariably will make up 60+% of a gals business is a better option...in most cases.  And all a gal needs is a few of those types to make it work for her.

Most do understand what we're doing here...but then it's still fun to read about the guys who think this is IRL dating.  I'll again ask those poor souls to bring the gals mint meltaways.  They're still my favorite  ;)   But they're not good with coffee!

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Guys always have potential to become a returning client. The first appointment is the toughest one to get. Of course, I appreciate the reliable guys a lot, and no way I'd move that for a new client either. But I don't want to miss out on another potentially reliable guy. If they see I'm dependable right off the bat, it's is a great way to attract other dependable people. (Be who you want to attract)  
 I think everyone understands what we're doing here, and many will understand they may not always get the first time they pick.

-- Modified on 8/4/2015 6:28:17 PM

I have my favorite who I will see on a very regular basis.  On occasion if I come across a lady who catches my attention I'll reach out to them.  But that's rare.  I know what I enjoy and I'm not so willing to take risks of trading what I know versus a maybe.  

There is a very distinct difference between IRL and this.  With that being said, sometimes this world does in fact leak over into IRL.

Ha Ha I love your little story! Good thing every thing on this site is fantasy or I would think you were a lunatic.

You really think Aunt Flo visits 3 times a month? Lol

Look, whether it's  a p4p gal or any other civie legit business, business owners will do what is in there own self interest.  

If it is canceling a $300 one hour session for an overnighter for 10 times that, what would you do?

There is a very famous gal from the west coast that is notorious for this. We actually chat about it from time to time. She feels it is in her best interest to cancel dudes for bigger pay.  

She told me one time when I booked her for 6 hours she cancelled a few guys so she could see me. Now she knows I wasn't going to cxl and she could count on me as I have seen her numerous times.  

She has gotten gigged for doing it by guys that compared notes a few years ago and called her out on it. She didn't give a fig. Her dance card is filled and she charges a ton.

As long as they don't bitch about the bad PR they will get when they get caught, I have no problem with the gals doing it but then again, I am on the receiving end of the good fortune of the girls doing it.

But I must concede it's also possible I have been screwed out of seeing a girl on account of another John swiping my spot. Dems da breaks.

It happens. BFD

I would not see her ever again. What can I say business ethics is important to me and keeping ones commitments is a major part of that. But to each there own.

I don't judge the hookers. How they handle there biz is none of my biz.

And as a consumer of their services it is my business how they run it. And they are running a business. And as a business owner myself I fully expect to be judged on how I conduct my business by my customers. These women are woman of business and should be held to the same standards of other business women in other fields taking in the consideration of personal and legal ramifications of the work. Anything less is demeaning to them.  

But feel free to do as you do. It is no skin off my nose. It is you who has to deal with it when your left with your cock in your hand because she flaked on you the next time.

How they treat others is for those others to worry about.

If everyone tells you a restaurant sucks and has bad service, but you love it there, do you stop going because of what others say?

The johns whom the girls fk over should hold them to a standard, not someone like me who is getting a good service from them.

Now stop talking about my cock.

HONEY123w457 reads

If the booking already set up, theres no way providers should cancel it, I tell the 2nd customer, please choose a different time.

If someone books me for a particular day/time and my regular comes along afterwards and tries to book me for the same time, I say, "I've already booked another client for that time. We can always meet on another day". I've had regulars ask me to cancel my appointments with other people to see them instead. Needless to say, they're no longer my clients.

That 's just rude. I would never do that. Don't treat others how you don't want to be treated. Go on with the appointment with the new guy, you never know he might be your new gem and become a regular as well. Your regular will understand and schedule another time. Making new friends is great!

If she's working with a waiting list, then it's in her best interest to bump you for the better offer, or the client she knows she'll have a good time with. You just got to roll with it.

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