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Uhm, why did you take her to the gas station?
SensualShai See my TER Reviews 496 reads

Ok I re-read it a few times. Ok gotcha. Same happened to a fellow I saw recently. He got a cramp and I said cow girl time! I suited up and solved that issue. ;)

The other night I was on a date with a new regular.  Everything was going fantastic.  We were working our way through a full menu and during doggy my legs (quads) started cramping up like there was no tomorrow.  I tried moving around a bit but they got so severe that I let my friend know.  She tried adjusting herself with me but nothing seemed to help.  

Afterwards she did tell me she had one of the more amazing or gas station. She said she thought it was the position I got into when the leg cramps began.  Great I thought to myself...pleisure for her, pain for me! Lol

The only thing I can think of is dehydration but I've been very good about keeping myself hydrated.  Have these types of cramps happened to anyone else?


Not sure what happened to your leg, but I would highly suggest using a foam roller daily to get hidden knots out.  

Sorry to hear about your fun night turning painful.

Anyways, if you're hydrating with bottled water, that could still be an issue. Minerals are important too, find an electrolyte supplement to get some without a bunch of sugar. Calcium can help that too.

Nothing wrong with stretching a bit first.

GaGambler434 reads

I think "amazing orgasm" got morphed into "amazing or gas station"

but back to the cramps, you guys all sound like fishbro, honestly are you guys like 80 where you need stretching, electrolytes and extra hydration just to fuck?

I am nearing 60 and my idea of hydration before sex is a half a bottle of tequila. lol

LMAO. I know it's autocorrect, I'm just a smartass. You're an asshole, I'm a smartass. It's who I am. And don't talk shit about Mr Fisher. I think we all remember the last time someone did that. Great for popcorn, that thread was. LoL.

that, in the future, forum members will refer to "orgasms" as "amazing or gas stations".  

It would be fun, and would confuse the hell out of new members.

Ok I re-read it a few times. Ok gotcha. Same happened to a fellow I saw recently. He got a cramp and I said cow girl time! I suited up and solved that issue. ;)

Cramps for me are all about electrolytes. The cycling drink mixes from Osmo or Skratch Labs are good to prevent cramps.

As an aside: Electrolytes are also (for me) anyway, the thing to prevent or recover from hangovers. I suggest the same drinks for that.

Skyfyre485 reads

I have mastered the Kama Sutra. I have researched hundreds of other positions but never heard of the "gas station" position... LOL

While lack of hydration is possible it's probably rarely a cause of cramp. There are probably many different and unknown causes. I know I have cramped before when over-exerted myself and/or when it's hot in the room. I have also cramped during car date simply because of the rather challenging positions I twisted myself into. OTH sometimes my SO cramped just doing her regular routines. Could be fatigue from whatever she was doing around the house. Who knows?

Anyway I've learned a very, very valuable tip to almost INSTANTLY relieve oneself of a cramp. It is called MUSTARD. Regardless of whether it's sport related, sex related or just cramp by itself (for example leg cramp at night) taking a spoonful or two of mustard will bring fast relief. Another alternative is PICKLE JUICE.  

No joke. This is what athletes do to counter cramps. Works like a charm.

I've dealt with nocturnal leg cramps while sleeping for many years. Doctor recommended stretching before sleeping. Friends have recommended bananas since they contain potassium. Do you drink a lot of alcohol cause I notice I tend to cramp up when I drink.

Raisins are way better for potassium. I eat them for cycling. Kelp pills are excellent for electrolytes. They digest very quickly and give cramping relief within a minute.

Potassium supplements.  Low dose 99mg tabs.  Take two a day to start.  If you're still getting cramps, add a third and/or fourth per day.  If you still have them, see a doctor.   Used to get cramps all the time.  Started two a day 20 years ago and haven't had a cramp since.  Had a few of my regular providers that got cramps during work.  Got them on it, too.  Cramps gone.  They're cheap and easy to find compared to some other supplements.  

If you don't like taking supplements, you can also eat eight bananas a day for same results, but you're going to get fat in the process.

...Drink gin and tonics.  Tonic water has quinine which prevents cramps.  And it's a lot more fun than swallowing potassium tablets.

Omg! I usually proof read my posts before I press send. Lol  I guess I didn't this time.
Thanks anyways for your suggestions  


I am assuming that your auto-correct was not used prior to positing, just as I wasn't for the OP.  

And so I further assume you meant to ask "where do you go to find the best pussy?"

The answer of course, is obvious:  at the gas station.  :p

Google it. It is all over the net. I drink an 8 ounce bottle every night before bed. Works like charm especially in the summer when I play golf 3 days per week and get leg cramps that night.

It must have Quinine in it though. Some tonic waters don't.

-- Modified on 3/24/2017 9:52:02 PM

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