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Free Std testing no matter how old u r

I just read another posting by our fellow hobbyist
And he mentions that agancies test their girls .
So I figured this would be a good subject to revisit .
Ladies give us your feedback .  

First question ?  

Do agencies require STD screening before employment?

As Independent, do you get regular STD testing and how often ?

Posted By: statson1234
I just read another posting by our fellow hobbyist  
 And he mentions that agancies test their girls .  
 So I figured this would be a good subject to revisit .  
 Ladies give us your feedback .  
 First question ?  
 Do agencies require STD screening before employment?  
 As Independent, do you get regular STD testing and how often ?  

Oh man oh man, this subject. Most girls will tell you a month, or ever or month, but I'm at my doctors every other week to take the needle. I know what I do, and I know how quickly something can get caught even WITH protection (some things condoms just don't fix) , I'm not risking it- the sooner I know- if anything- the better.

Every 2 Weeks, Butterfly needle and all.

there was some place near me that did a full work up at little or no cost. I would def go for that then.


Free Std testing no matter how old u r

Posted By: statson1234
I just read another posting by our fellow hobbyist  
 And he mentions that agancies test their girls .  
 So I figured this would be a good subject to revisit .  
 Ladies give us your feedback .  
 First question ?  
 Do agencies require STD screening before employment?  
 As Independent, do you get regular STD testing and how often ?  

Sorry, I'm sure SOME agencies MAYBE ask their 'independently contracted employees' to get tested but when I was once a young agency gal, NONE of the agencies mentioned the mandatory testing and the one I went with did not mandate testing.  

Just got my full panel back. At least twice a year.

GaGambler296 reads

I don't know of a single one that requires testing. Except of course for the state mandated testing at the brothels in countries where it's legal. and Nevada of course, where the gals are tested like lab rats.

Is this possible without involving my doctor? May I pm you about it if it is?

Afro-desiac152 reads

You don't need a script from your Doc and they can give you the full spectrum test.

but the poster that made such a comment was a moron. Don't perpetuate it.

It takes two to tango. Do you really think this is a provider-only question?

Good grief. Ask 1000 guys and 1000 gals (agency or not) and you'll get 2000 answers.

I can tell you that some agencies MAY (and I doubt it) mandate frequent testing (like, in legal brothels) but most do not.  

Testing is not a "where you work" issue, it is a personal one for each guy and gal. Trying to generalize on any other basis is absurd.

I'll go out on a limb here, and say all of us are well aware we are sexually active (like rabbits) and none of us want an STD. So, we test at a frequency that works for us to remain STD-free. For me, that is every three months.

If it truly bothers you, abstain from sex, engage only in covered sexual activities, or take 2g of Zithromax and a 400 mg Suprax every time you have sex. Guarantee, you will have the least possible STD risk to worry about. Then again, you will have the raging shits from all the Antibiotics.

I can't imagine I could even enjoy sex if I was so freaking concerned about STD risks.

Thanks for the label ,  

If its such a stupid post ,  
why did you make such lengthy comment ?

Next time if you don't like a post ,  
don't participate in the thread or just make your smart ass remark  
and leave.  

Don't waste anybody's time with your insults

I referred to the other post (more than one in the last week or two) as moronic, not yours.

I answered your question and expressed my own knowledge and own opinions,.

Thanks for the advice, but I'll feel free to post my opinions when I choose, be a smart-ass if I choose and call stupid stupid when I choose.  

You don't have to listen.

Afro-desiac209 reads

Testing does NOT keep anyone "STD-Free."  If any STD test comes back positive, it means you have contracted said STD.  If it's curable, you can get treatment.  If not, you're screwed.  I am sure you actually know this and simply wrote your statement carelessly.  I agree with everything else you wrote.

I've got\tten sick of writing on this topic ad nauseam. A test never "prevented" a damn thing. It does help generate faster treatment and slow or stop transmission, but no - it prevents not a damn thing.

I got lazy.

good to be reassured  

Posted By: statson1234
I just read another posting by our fellow hobbyist  
 And he mentions that agancies test their girls .  
 So I figured this would be a good subject to revisit .  
 Ladies give us your feedback .  
 First question ?  
 Do agencies require STD screening before employment?  
 As Independent, do you get regular STD testing and how often ?  

We're sex workers.  The answer should be "often" across the board.  Stds can be transmitted orally  so I  get tested  quarterly.  I am 44 years old and I have never had an std.  For this I am grateful!  

Posted By: octavia.lexa
good to be reassured  
Posted By: statson1234
I just read another posting by our fellow hobbyist  
  And he mentions that agancies test their girls .  
  So I figured this would be a good subject to revisit .  
  Ladies give us your feedback .    
  First question ?    
  Do agencies require STD screening before employment?  
  As Independent, do you get regular STD testing and how often ?  

require anyone to be tested because they are running an escort agency. Escorting is legal, and escorts do not sell sex.  

Brothels in Nevada require testing for gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia and HIV/AIDS before getting hired, after returning from any time off the property, and then every week they are in residence there, I believe (the weekly test is by urine only, so it doesn't test for syphilis and HIV/AIDS, so they get a blood test every month). In some places they are tested for hepatitis. Pap smears are optional I believe, so HPV is not regularly tested for.

I myself am a very sexually active woman, so I get tested every three months.

I've been vaccinated for Hepatitis A&B, and I get monthly STD/STI testing.  I also wear condoms when having pussy and/or anal intercourse, but not during oral sex.

bigguy30157 reads

It's not just the testing that's important but I always use protection in my hobby or personal life.
I just feel it's respectful to myself and female partners to know the truth

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