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Papagayo 25 Reviews 3115 reads

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About once every 12 - 18 months I get to do a tour of several countries, which is wonderful for a hobbyist.  For those who are interested here are some quick notes from my latest.  These are not successive days, but comprise 3 different trips over the past 3 weeks.  Keep in mind that everything below was completely legal.  How good freedom is!

Winnipeg - Nothing a whole lot different than here in the US, except for the fact that all was legal.  This time, with a tight schedule, I had a girl named Marti meet me at my hotel.  Wonderful time.  My most memorable Canadian experience though was a year or so ago when I was looking for a brothel where I had an appt.  I asked a cop where the street was and he replied with a grin and the name of the brothel along with directions and a 'have a great time'.

Halifax, Nova Scotia - I hadn't really planned anything for tonight, but while having drinks with my hosts at a pub I couldn't help but get horny watching the local WG's (working girls) talking to potential customers.  One in particular was about 5' 2", blond, and extremely cute.  I really had no choice but talk to her.  For $120cdn she joined me back at my room for a very wonderful hour.

London - This was a quickie, in every way.  I arrived about noon, had a very busy afternoon and then met my wife and some friends of ours, one of whom is a fellow hobbyist, for dinner at my favorite tandoori place in SOHO, before we all took off in 4 different directions from 3 different airports.  While the ladies were away for a moment he and I compared notes and he was shocked that I hadn't visited anyone for over a week (he's Italian) and likely wouldn't for the next few days because of my schedule.  "You must do something." He smiled.  After the ladies returned and heeding his good advice, I excused myself for a few moments while we awaited our meal.  I slipped out the side entrance, which could not be seen from our table.  In the next 8 minutes I; visited a walkup with a girl who was not exactly my type, visited the walkup next door where I found a cute petite brunette, got off faster than I thought I could, and, £25 less wealthy, returned to our table.  My friend found it difficult to suppress a grin so the ladies knew something was up, just not what.  Walkups, btw, are common in the SOHO and Chinatown areas of London.  Girls rent flats and then place a sign, usually saying 'Model' with some descriptive information, in the entry hall near the street where those walking along the street can see them.  You 'walkup' to the flat to meet the girl and decide if she's someone you'd like to spend some time and money with.  There's an interesting excitement about it as you go flat to flat anticipating whom you'll meet.  Americans can get an extra thrill by asking a cop who he'd recommend for the best fuck for £20.  A surprising number will either make a recommendation or at least point out a couple to avoid.

Frankfurt - Some here have heard me extolling the virtues of the German FKK's.  This trip I visited FKK World, a new outfit.  For the uninitiated, a FKK is a sort of brothel in a naturist club skin.  Spending a few naked hours around the outdoor pool with a bunch of naked women is wonderful, but not when it's near freezing.  I spent the day hanging out at the indoor pool, swimming, visiting the sauna, eating and drinking well, and ending the day with a great massage.  Oh, there were about a dozen great looking gals walking around naked just waiting for you to talk to them.  I was there on a Tue so it was really slow (more girls than customers until around 6).  I made 4 trips to a 'zimmer' with 3 different girls before I left.  You really have to visit a place like this to get even a slight appreciation.  For me FKK's are the ultimate hobby experience.

Manila - I'd chosen to spend 5 extra days in Manila to relax and do some writing.  My first night I visited some bars and came home with a gal that I think was likely from China or somewhere thereabouts.  It was a wonderful night and I hated for her to leave the next morning.  The next night I met a cute local girl who ended up spending the rest of my time with me.  Kind of like the ultimate GFE.  Not only great sex and massages, but she generally took care of me for the rest of my stay by fixing food or taking me to out of the way places for really great food.  I miss her still.

Hong-Kong - Visited a couple of bars and, similar to Manila, met a cute local girl who went back to my hotel with me for the night.  Hobbying has generally not only been tolerated here, but has also been a normal and accepted part of their life.  Over the past few years though they've been putting some pressure on the providers at the behest of the Chinese government.  Most think its a temporary measure and all will, hopefully, go back to normal soon.

I didn't get to Israel this time, which I missed from not only the great hobby environment, but also because of the people and interesting history.  From a hobby standpoint I've heard from friends that the cops have been cracking down on providers in order to clean up some gang activity.  Hope is that once the gang activity is dealt with, hobby activities will return to normal.

Though I'm sure that somewhere, other than the US and some Muslim countries, what we do is illegal, I haven't run across that country yet.  I hope the US ends it's repressive attitude sometime soon.

FatherHemmingway9063 reads

Very interesting JTH.  Thanks.  Do you have PM capability yet or an email address?

From a Provider2881 reads

To visit women who will service a guy "for £20".  And to think such men are back in the States.....  That's why I screen so much and have a (much) higher rate.

dc1a4234 reads

From my reading, I thought the £20 figure was what was/could be paid to the cop for info. I could be wrong.

Go to the Far East, and £20 will get you the girl for the day and night.

timemeout5441 reads

Can you tell what bar you visited in Manila and HongKong? I'm heading there and want to know!!

Ci Ci3444 reads

have to give you a big discount on my services.


As a frequent global traveler I have to say that London is wonderful.  Essentially legal in all ways; you can have everything from a SOHO quickie, which is like a Big Mac is to a real great hamburger (was that a bad metaphor??) - but hey sometimes you're in a hurry and hungry.  From there the sky and your budget is the limit with wonderful providers from around the world.  It's a world class city for food, things to do and did I say hobbies?  

Hong Kong is fun, I've heard that Macau is the best.  Just working on figuring how HK can be a lay over next trip to get on the ferry over to Macau.  Had a really fun time in a Beijing private room hostess karaoke club with a Chinese friend.  All innocent fun, understand the take home price is around $150. No offense to the western-style ladies but there is a wonderful Asia style that makes a man feel so great - poring your drink, feeding you, giggling at your stupid jokes (which considering the almost total language barrier is a true good sport). It's silly and appeals to the lowest form of male maturity and intelligence but what a wonderful indulgence (also have done this in Japan and same fun time in Ginza but $$$$$).  The Tokyo Shinjuko scene is fun with lots of girls and "love hotels".  It's not just about sex at that point but the whole cross cultural, no language, how the hell did I get there fun of it.

Craziest was a couple of years ago driving through the countryside of Tuscany in Italy and out of the frickin' no where, over about 1 mile of road are a dozen or so black women flagging cars down.  I know it's crazy but I hard to turn around and check this out. I mean what the hell is this about???  This is really in the middle of nowhere.  Pull over to a nice looking woman, Dannell from Nigeria speaks some English and we do a car quickie in the Tuscan country-side.  OK I'm hopeless but I'm into this cross cutural thing....

As long as we're on the subject looks like Austrilia, Korea and may be India are on the docket for the next months.  What's the outlook there??

And note to providor about rates.  Around the world there are different prices for different things.  In some cases such as a £40 20 min. SOHO walk-up you get what you pay for where the cost of living is higher than most of the US.  For an hour of qualtity it's comprable (maybe a little less which I think is because there is so much more available and no LE).  When I go to Beijing and have wonderful full meals for $10 and the average wage is probaly less than $300 a month it wouldn't seem our of order to expect to pay less per hour - everything is less including the providor's rent, food, etc.  I don't think it's explotive nor an indicatation of that I would expect and be happy to pay in the US.   It's like going into the restrauant in Beijing and saying "this dinner would cost $40 in the US so I'm going to pay you an extra $30".  When in Rome, pay like the Romans do... and always treat *everyone* with respect and kindness.

From a Provider5303 reads

Are you so despondent that you place no value on life?  Have you ever read the stats on the HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis/other STD infection rates in third world countries?

Or how about comparing the odds of seeing a woman who sees 500 new guys a month (or even 50!) versus one who sees just 1-2 carefully selected and screened men a month and these men being regulars who only see her (and once in a blue moon their wives)...

Please be safe, and if you're finding yourself in situations where you feel compelled to seek out a release with any female creature nearby, and cannot afford someone reputable, you might want to think of seeking help.  Otherwise, you could find yourself very, very sick physically and have your life ruined!!!  Am totally all for developing relationships and having fun, but only safely!!!

I travel too and find myself missing TER for these trips.  By the way, any advice on Paris?  Those bars with 300Euro bottles of champagne just to meet une femme d'occaision is ridiculous and I notice many of the websites are old.  Nothing reviewed either....

But really TER people, can't we at least put in Europe/Orient, etc for locations outside the US?

-- Modified on 3/10/2004 7:51:13 AM

...could be a new thread.  What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you while hobbying?

Xenopus, I am an American escort living in Paris.  Check out my website and my TER reviews, and check out www.captain69.co.uk for others available.
Quick note, I believe agencies are illegal here, but indies are not.  I've read the horror stories on World Sex Guide about the enormous rip offs to be had here in Paris in the Pigalle area-  Fun in the daytime, with cool sex shops/shows and fun bars but AVOID it like the plague at night and especially the hostess bars there or near St. Denis.

Naomi Madrid

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