TER General Board

Try a bit of honey instead of vinegar...
bogsucker 46 Reviews 1951 reads
1 / 15

I have been playing at the hobby for nearly 17 years. For the last three years I have been seeing primarily one provider. I've probably seen her over fifty times. I will sometimes hobby when out of town on business but if I'm playing in my own back yard I see one lady in particular. Recently I thought that maybe I should branch out and see another one of the top ladies in my area. I'm a lifetime member on P411 so screening shouldn't be a concern for P411 ladies. Yesterday I had an appointment scheduled with one of the top ladies in my town (her TER rating is over 9). I texted her two and a half hours before our appointment to check in. About an hour later she asked if we could make it later. She didn't say what later meant. Thirty minutes? An hour? I didn't hear back from her so I sent her another text at the time of our original appointment. She texted back her sob story of, "I didn't get any sleep last night, I had to take my dog to the vet this morning, then I fell asleep and now my son stopped by. I have to cancel."  I texted her back and told her that it gave me a good chuckle.  I told her that I had another lady cancel on me last minute because she had an appointment to get her tires rotated and oil changed.  She said she didn't understand how it related to her. I told her that I was communicating how some providers don't respect their clients time. I spend just as much time getting ready for a date and clearing out my schedule.  This provider happens to have posted on her website that if you cancel with less than 24 hours notice you will be charged for your missed appointment! So getting back to the Question, why doesn't TER allow No Show reviews?  I think that hobbyists should know if a lady has a habit of not honoring appointments.

NaughtyMaddy See my TER Reviews 211 reads
2 / 15

On her profile. But as for reviewing someone you haven't seen...why would you think that was ok? You can't actually give her a real, honest review...because you have NEVER met. Not saying she is right and doesn't need to be outed but reviews should be left to people who have met in rl. If you feel so strongly about it, post on your regional board and let others know.

lopaw 29 Reviews 258 reads
3 / 15

... but it would be too easy to abuse. There would no doubt be disgruntled parties from both sides who would use the board as a way to falsely accuse others of all kinds of things. Tis a shame because a board like that, if used properly, would be very valuable.

JakeFromStateFarm 293 reads
4 / 15

Also, the OP could have made a post including her name on his local board.  Hell, at least she was in touch with him beforehand, which doesn't always happen. He sounds more than a little whiney to me.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 214 reads
5 / 15

She could've pulled a NCNS.  Your story has been told ad nauseum. Take a look at the S&P board. Suggestions for a way to recognize bad behavior whether it be A NCNS or NS appear all the time. Why won't TER do anything? Who the hell knows why?

-- Modified on 4/22/2017 2:22:51 AM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 196 reads
6 / 15

Sure, her excuses are lame, but as pointed out, at least she did contact you instead of letting you swing in the breeze.

Tell her that you are disappointed, but still want to see her and ask if maybe she could make up for your wasted time by giving you a discount or extra time when you do meet.

The worst that can happen is that she'll say no.

You are also free to post about this on your local board and name names if you really need to.  I don't recommend it, however.  You'll come off as a scold.

wrps07 252 reads
7 / 15

Is deposit his non used funds (No show) to his IRA or an investment account.

darmody 22 Reviews 189 reads
8 / 15

There has to be a line for when you can and can't write a review, otherwise guys would be reviewing a one-sentence text exchange or how he felt looking at her ad. The original poster actually had a set appointment,which appeared to have been agreed upon by both parties. But everyone knows how slippery that can be, how easily the parties can misunderstand eachother.  

Drawing the line at meeting in real life is at least clear and objective. It's possible, I guess, to be wrong. Maybe there was a case of mistaken identity. But most of the time it's something you can't argue about. (Unless one or both parties is flat-out lying.) Either you met or you didn't. Seems as reasonable a place to draw the line as possible  

Anyway, as you say there are other avenues to express your distaste besides reviews.

darmody 22 Reviews 240 reads
9 / 15

I've had girls reschedule on me the day of. Usually they don't tell me why, and I don't ask or care. It's a matter of how convenient it is for me to reschedule and how firm they are on the need to do so.  

I wouldn't care if they were lying to me, frankly. I would care if it's a symptom of her flakiness, because that kind of girl I don't want to see. But it's hard to tell on the basis of one rescheduling. If you catch her in a lie it's another matter, and you're right to be skeptical. But I don't see any real reason to hold her sob story against her.  

You're probably used to professional service. Lemme tell you, rescheduling happens. No need to lash out at providers for it, unless they do it consistently. NCNS's deserve to be reported. I don't think this technical NS does. But if you do report it somewhere, no need to be so smug about it.

jsymthe 23 Reviews 165 reads
10 / 15

It would be interesting to know if the various clients what percentages are also NS. Wouldn't surprise me to learn that clients may be worse than providers.

There are so many reasons for that can be either party's control. Happened to me years ago with a perfectly lovely in San Diego who I was to meet for the first time. Turned out she had a very good reason for her NS and the matter was corrected in time. In that case I'm actually glad there was no way to signal that because it would have been unfair to her in retrospect.  

Usual advice applies IMO, just move on.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 239 reads
11 / 15

telling me the assistant was sick and they offered me an alternate day/time. No free visit either.  

darmody 22 Reviews 218 reads
12 / 15

I vaguely recall an episode of Seinfeld where George's doctor missed an appointment and George tried to charge him because, sorry, that's his policy. Turns out the doctor skipped his appointment to go skiing, or something.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 236 reads
13 / 15

keep her appointment with you doesn't mean she doesn't honor her appointments.  She just doesn't honor them with you.  That may make it as little as a one or two percent no-show factor, which is not bad in P4P.

1256849 23 Reviews 141 reads
14 / 15

I was going to do this once, but was told since no meeting took place there is nothing to review. Reviews here are meant to measure the ENCOUNTER and LOOKS, for the most part.

They encouraged me to take it to the boards and  
Reveal who and what the issues are.  

Most ladies won't get involved in a discussion on a board about their business, but some will see the discussion, take note, and learn from what is posted here. Plus your discussion of said lady could warn others of a possible flake.  

Then again, shit happens in life. If this was your first interaction with her I'd say try to resolve the issue in private and if you want, give her a second chance. You say she has nines. Everyone deserves a second chance. If it happens again then  she is not worth spinning your wheels.

Some ladies will get away with this because we guys don't call them out enough hoping or thinking we can still score that session.


JustMyPOV 197 reads
15 / 15

So besides the  NS review discussion, here's a related point: if the lady has a cancellation policy and she cancels, should she provide the same terms as a discount for a reschedule?  

You make a point, I spend time prepping before an appointment, rearranging my schedule and getting mentally horned up. Plus the added cost of settling for a B team player who is available so I can nut.

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