TER General Board

Totally disagree...
Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 422 reads

There is nothing like the real thing, baby.  I love my companions to be sans clothing by time we hit the sheets.  Garters, stockings, and shoes?  Prefer these not to part of the equation.  Bra, panties, and negligee...items to be removed during play.  

Nudity equals low quality? Not in my book.

Nudity signals low quality?

And that it is always more alluring  for man to discover her body - under her well assembled and conservative outfits( conservative can be sexy as well )  
 How many of you would feel very uncomfy  to meet a woman when her hills and boots just scream
" F me"  
  Woman in toooo much revealing outfits or just in garters and bra opening your door?

I am that kind of woman which  have been told here - will make dishes in hills and in pearls .. and it was said to me  as negative thing about me.
 yet, as Russian person i would go to buy milk in grocery store across road wearing lipstick and stockings.

As well how many of you will be ok with me not doing my hair and as from shower dress and go right the way out with no blow drying my hair??
 I am very upset- outside is very hot and I am right after the shower..dressed in light dress , lipstick, perfume , comfy hills and just brushed my hair and said - lets go out - and I was lectured -  
"lady would not go out with wet hair" I said there is almost +80!! Hair be dry in ONE min ..
or if I am called explicit for having filthy mouth  
in bedroom ..
 No way i will say vulgarity and f word outside of bedroom .. but how you do feel about saying
F me in bedroom??
I  say make love to me raither while behind close doors .. but when I said F me .. would I be less lady?

If I would not post nudity any more.. would I be less woman?
If I locked my pic and show them ONLY toward to dates made ...and I recive email often that In order to have your attention I need show more.. how true is THAT
What you are looking for in woman?
Nudity? Services? or personality ( my personality is sweet but defined )
Who agrees with me that nudity is signals low quality?
Just wanted to know who say what.

Is it  not common in states well dressed and intelligent lady to use at times explicit language in most intimate moments? And gave up her man may be in fitting rooms while shopping or in restrooms in upscale places?
Also have been called not a lady that I love such fantasies ..may be we will do may be not .. but should I be worry to speak my mind what I want? and how I want? Should our session be all about you?
If you donate money.. how you would treat woman with you- as she just have to comply or she is in charge ?  
I love be in charge and emotionally and sexually at times.. but the most I  want to gave you pleasure to find out about me yourself .. gorgeous woman is as unknown island in hot summer eve when  night just
putting her covers violet see through in dark dusk covers where  you can see just stars- her eyes? and explore the  rest privately ..not on public display as I have been told - show it..
 OOO Iam very very very upset actually..
I think i do not need to prove myself and my looks and my drive and incline to love you and do all .. there and reviews and pictures and means to talk and share privately  ..
How important nudity is for you gentleman when you come here look for date?
 What you prefer ? Face or nudity?

-- Modified on 6/12/2015 2:14:46 PM

Zangari474 reads

Posted By: Pavliena
Nudity signals low quality?  And that it is always more exiting for man to discover her body - under her well assembled and conservative outfits( conservative can be sexy as well )
 You're right.  There's something quite erotic about a woman who knows how to dress in a way that  makes a man want to undress her.  The delayed gratification of stripping her down is part of the fun.   Within this context, a nude photo in a provider's gallery/ad can seem a little desperate.  
Posted By: Pavliena
   No way i will say vulgarity and f word outside of bedroom .. but how you do feel about saying F me in bedroom??
 Bedroom talk is fine--you can say whatever you want.   Sometimes a provider needs to be able to arouse a man with her words, gestures, etc.  --z  

-- Modified on 6/12/2015 9:09:28 AM

wants him.

She wants him and he wants her.

Thank you..for nice words.. I will say more .. it is very very rare in this business have a date when man is paying attention to all my body .. not just to particular sexual parts .. but kissing neck, kissing arms.. every finger.. holding hands and looking to eyes.. then kissing knees.. and under the knees making his way  to part of the body where it be oasis for his erected desire ..
 iam very very very upset.. have dates.. well appreciated dates by the way .. when man just as violent deprived from sex prisoners  almost from first 3 min staring  out his fingers  everywhere .. when he just can t hold but undress himself and await services..  
.... I am lucky one I have good dates.. but I ended up with service like man even if he donates above 1000 I am very upset. I rather  would have  romantic and intimate connection and sharing and exploring rather then rashing porno like session ..I have nice reviews but I soooo afraid that Iam coming by reviews ONLY as porno star.. How to fix it? How to attract and be known by more sensual not service like gentlemen who in need of touch , sharing., fantasy .. those who ready worship woman and sub miss to her after all?.. and do not afraid strong in spirit woman with well defined system of values..
Other question -
 Gentlemen - everywhere, in  real life I do read that man wants strong woman in states .. woman who can take charge and be not helpless babies, clueless and weak playing on is basic needs to getting what she needs..and how..
Would you like strong defined very intelligent woman as your companion for adult games which can be and in emotional charge and  dominate you so you can relax and not to think at all about anything  - just about pleasure to give her and receive from her..
 Wpould you trust YOUR date set activities  and inside of bedroom and  outside fro social time?
I love it.. yet very often I even not asked what kind places I love to go .. where i want to travel when I am invited..  
 How many of you do think that giving is way more rewarding then receiving  
 I mean - who wants love themselves rather to be loved .. do you agree that chemistry in YOUR body would take place ONLY if you are active and exited  not when you let her love you

....to each his or her (yes HER, OP) own.  Some people don't care about formalities and just want to get down to business. I prefer to have the provider greet me with as little clothes on as possible. That way we can get right into it....unless I have requested a particular outfit for her to wear. Then I prefer to see that outfit on her before I remove it with my teeth.

And she can drop as many f-bombs as she likes. It's all a pre-paid fantasy that doesn't mean anything beyond the sex itself. She can recite the Declaration of Independence for all I care.

was making his women read passages from Bible during intercourse ..
 ( in case is she will get pregnant I guess  so baby be conceived  under the holy spirit)  
Not applying for our purposes .. though .. But I like it

maxdogooder401 reads

Like lopaw saids to each his or her own. For me personally, I always request my provider to dress classy, sexy, I guess I like to unwrap my own gift.. Also I can ask them to give me a stripe tease as well. I actually got disappointed one time when I meet a provider in her incall & she was in a bikini.  

I would prefer both face and nudity, but if I have to choose only one - I want face always

Nice answer :)  
And connection  
And why it is people do think that if woman does not show a lot of body she is ugly?  
I personally feel very very very bad to share open nude  
And sexy pics just by one word - send me your pic I want to see  
I feel as I am used as just porno icon to masturbate then and then I feel very unhappy that he thinks he can masturbate on my pictures men whom I just never will consider not never connect to him and they want see me all! -t is demeaning for me  
I rather would deny date if he insist see pic as it is only one reason he wants see me  
I want be taken as whole package I am :)  
Thank you for sharing your views .

nom_de_plume350 reads

Example... my atf is a wonderful person, and provider--"top quality" in every respect. But she's very comfortable in her own skin (and very lovely skin it is!), and sometimes she's nude when I arrive. Other times she's clothed in various ways--all alluring. I've told her, as I tell every provider I see, to dress in whatever makes her feel comfortable and sexy. If a woman feels comfortable wearing nothing but her birthday suit when she's with me, I'm fine with that. I've not yet found clothes that rival the natural beauty of a woman's body.  

Oh, and her face is just fine also.

Nice answer but I asked ab advertising! Nude adds  
Of course when we know each other and if we decide start date in newborn outfits -  
I have dates at upscale places where I am asked open door to room services nude and we dining out nude  
 It is given - I am very comfortable and proud have my body the way it is is - pls see my pic - I just wonder if gentlemen here think that if every every not deserving man was able see his woman naked so that woman may be not sooo classy It is bad feeling for woman to know that every every evry creep may see you naked here... So good to have gentleman who is inviting and booking caring on my feelings as well :) and see how hot and pretty and fit and fresh with perfect natural B and long legs I am I do not want all mensee that only those I may have in bed  
But when in bed - then then then just read reviews :) Thank you for wonderfull post

nom_de_plume460 reads

... I've seen what I think are very classy ads showing providers in the nude, or very nearly nude.  Not only were they tasteful, but some were quite artistic in pose, lighting, staging.  They showed the beauty of a woman's body and portray sensuality without making me feel as if I just stepped into a gynecologist's exam room.  

In short, while I don't like every kind of nude ad, I don't feel that nude ads alone imply that the subject is of low quality.  I think there's more to the measure of a person than the photos in their ads.  Although I believe it's possible to tell something about a person by the kind of photos they choose for their ads.  For example, some providers I know have ads that are particularly clever/fun, and I've found it's a reflection of their personality.

Some people are gifted with such grace that they can pull off almost anything no matter what they wear or how their hair is.

You my dear, are among them

I asked NOT from Insecurity being ugly and fat and not fit - you gave me highest rates in my looks so you kno well how stunning fresh I am  
I asked about nudity being low class as it is as put yourself on observation to all creeps and being as as as spare change  
Lady can you imagine true nobelity  
Being naked publicly?  
I am not talking about low life celebrities with twisted values!  
For me it is matter if I attract nobel men or any jerk who want see boobs and peace of ass  
Yes nobel men need the same but as Old British sayin states  
A Gentleman is a Patient wolf.  

I guess we need meet more then few times a year:) hahah I need tell you a lot more about myself  
 Woman as a book and please do not miss most interesting pages  
Actually It is from Operetta By Kalman  
Flying Bat  
Hope I translated it correct. Ay be next time I will ask you take tickets to this one! May be someone else takes me to this operetta in Budapest - doubt they play it in NYC :) Kisses Lover

I will agree with Nom on whatever a lady feels comfortable in. I have asked for specific wardrobe requests like two times ever, followed with only if you feel comfortable. My requests were some sort of t-shirt or casual Victoria's secret wear. Lol. So nothing kinky or raunchy per say but to each their own. Bra set, garter or whatever. If that's her, rock with it. Whatever is you, rock with it. With that said, I'm sure a lot of men have certain requests and if you could possibly be a little bit more open (not to an extreme outside of your personality or comfortability level) then Im sure it will make some of your gents happy. I mean you are in a service oriented business! Don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable but again, finding some flexibility might not be such a bad thing. Especially if it's a gent you have seen before!

Nudity signals low quality? Not at all. Not by itself. NOPE. Not at all. Sorry. If that's what you think, fine! Hoping you weren't suggesting that a lady who would is low quality because of. BIG ERROR and a short-sided, narrow-minded viewpoint.  

Conservative can definitely be sexy for a lot of us. For multiple reasons but not to all of course.

I will LoL at the vulgarity during the act. Lol. Not at you. Just the men who have had an issue with it. Lol. I will never get some people but hey, we alll come from different backgrounds, familiarities and taste. Again, to each their own!

Any man who doesn't get the hair thing with women, well, I'm just going to roll my eyes at Em. Wet hair can be sexy though, lol. :)

No, you would not be less woman if you decided to not post nudity anymore. BUT, you may be less of a successful provider depending on your goals and timeline of getting to those goals and the type of men you attract. But not less woman. Lol. I seriously laugh at the way some of you women phrase things in some of your messages. It's quite quite comical.

AND finally, if you don't have the looks, keep doing what ya doing. Oh I kid but I'm serious as hell!  

Plus, I don't know where you get all these issues with the divide/differences between men and women but lady, pleeeeeeease get over it. I mean damn. How long have you lived on this earth? It's about time don't you think?!  

Posted By: Pavliena
Nudity signals low quality?  
 And that it is always more alluring  for man to discover her body - under her well assembled and conservative outfits( conservative can be sexy as well )  
  How many of you would feel very uncomfy  to meet a woman when her hills and boots just scream  
 " F me"  
   Woman in toooo much revealing outfits or just in garters and bra opening your door?  
 I am that kind of woman which  have been told here - will make dishes in hills and in pearls .. and it was said to me  as negative thing about me.  
  yet, as Russian person i would go to buy milk in grocery store across road wearing lipstick and stockings.  
 As well how many of you will be ok with me not doing my hair and as from shower dress and go right the way out with no blow drying my hair??  
  I am very upset- outside is very hot and I am right after the shower..dressed in light dress , lipstick, perfume , comfy hills and just brushed my hair and said - lets go out - and I was lectured -  
 "lady would not go out with wet hair" I said there is almost +80!! Hair be dry in ONE min ..  
 or if I am called explicit for having filthy mouth  
 in bedroom ..  
  No way i will say vulgarity and f word outside of bedroom .. but how you do feel about saying  
 F me in bedroom??  
 I  say make love to me raither while behind close doors .. but when I said F me .. would I be less lady?  
 If I would not post nudity any more.. would I be less woman?  
 If I locked my pic and show them ONLY toward to dates made ...and I recive email often that In order to have your attention I need show more.. how true is THAT  
 What you are looking for in woman?  
 Nudity? Services? or personality ( my personality is sweet but defined )  
 Who agrees with me that nudity is signals low quality?  
 Just wanted to know who say what.  
 Is it  not common in states well dressed and intelligent lady to use at times explicit language in most intimate moments? And gave up her man may be in fitting rooms while shopping or in restrooms in upscale places?  
 Also have been called not a lady that I love such fantasies ..may be we will do may be not .. but should I be worry to speak my mind what I want? and how I want? Should our session be all about you?  
 If you donate money.. how you would treat woman with you- as she just have to comply or she is in charge ?  
 I love be in charge and emotionally and sexually at times.. but the most I  want to gave you pleasure to find out about me yourself .. gorgeous woman is as unknown island in hot summer eve when  night just  
 putting her covers violet see through in dark dusk covers where  you can see just stars- her eyes? and explore the  rest privately ..not on public display as I have been told - show it..  
  OOO Iam very very very upset actually..  
 I think i do not need to prove myself and my looks and my drive and incline to love you and do all .. there and reviews and pictures and means to talk and share privately  ..  
 How important nudity is for you gentleman when you come here look for date?  
  What you prefer ? Face or nudity?  

-- Modified on 6/12/2015 2:14:46 PM

Misunderstood by some of you even with nice intends  
 Men and women In my opinion are very different :) and not just in my opinion plus to different set of hormones they  are also have different way of thinking :) I would not start on that here now but I never be as man and never will think as man... many though in states noticed how this differences eroding... sad.. and it is why - am talking here  
And as to nudity and low style and looks  
It is not necessary to walk topless on the streets to have men s attention... why we here should do so? As here many many many people whom I never say hello and will avoid for any price in real life and iwhy I would want them see me half naked or totally naked?  
I have such pictures on site and tons of them to share. I am just zonding and making my de scions  
Thank you all!  
But Hector? May I ask you something?  
Once I went out of swinger club and was waiting my partner and there was a driver Latino man... whom I was soo naive share phone as to hire him to drive us while I went pick up my drunk partner... So then this Hector may be not you but Black Hectror was sending me million messages. ... Can that be just chance? That handles here and he was sighing his texts match? It was two years ago may be :)  
Thanks in participating in my pool of questions :) I will see what I will do with adds Know only one - I am not hiring any pro photographers any more :) and hundreds pic on site which are locked with password are in 50 percent home take

Men and women are surely different. You certainly don't need to get into all of that here. Especially for me and I'm quite sure most. Lol. We all know what you would say! ;) That point I brought up had to do with more than just this message I've seen from you Pavliena. So with all due respect, no need to vanilla up your rhetoric now.

I for one have no personal problem with your practice of how you want to deal with your pictures nor how you want to dress for your appointments. Not at all. I made that clear I hope. The advice I gave you on finding maybe some middle ground with it, was good advice. Shoot, it doesn't even have to be middle ground. Just loosening things on your end. But if you don't want, perfectly fine. Stick with your "principles" girl ;) You go!!! Lol.

And of course, you may always ask me something but again, NO, most certainly was not me. For one, I don't blow womens phones up and you most surely wouldn't meet my EYE for me to contact you!

Have a great weekend Pavliena!

HectorBlack but you can just call me SIR! Lol. Smh.

Addition: So, you're just talking ads? Well that makes more sense but again NO. Not just based on that alone. There are surely some low quality ladies who don't show such naked pictures and some high quality ladies who do. A large enough percentage that for me, no, it's not enough information to determine that for me. JUST DO YOU! As if you were going to change anyhow! Or am I wrong about that? Lol. Come on woman.

-- Modified on 6/12/2015 1:37:13 PM

I just spoke about that becuase it is how I feel about myself  
Even I can show all myself and walk naked on the streets  
I have same attention and when I fully dressed  

Hector... I just want wrap up conversation :)  
Common woman already was said as I am your wife  
I am not and Coomon woman Is just familiarity. It was nice talk to you.

I hope you were just talking on how you feel about yourself but I have a feeling you were trying to broaden the discussion to other ladies practices from a judgmental standpoint. Not cool. Maybe all of that was lost in translation and if so, I apologize and understand how it could be. I beg to differ about that same attention but that's neither here nor there! Hey, I'm from the States, soooo. Maybe over there in Europe, Russia. Maybe, lol. I'm sorry you gave into peer pressure at one point. You should never compromise your principles if they are strong and well thought out by you! There is no problem with you feeling this way and wanting it for yourself. Again, don't try to broaden the discussion. Just Do You.

You lost me after conversation but its ok! What is clear by it is that advice about men and women I gave you in my first message is SPOT ON!

Now, you can have the last word Pavliena. Lol. Like I said, this is not the first message I've read of yours. You are quite entertaining. I'll give you that.

You know I never talk about other women  
I talk about problems and views
Too bad that some can take it on own Conn but it is not my problem  
I even never reading women reviews never and sometime just sometime opening women s add  
I am not competitive  
At all - I love to discuss and share  
Hard to believe I not read one single review of any woman and can care less how she does with men  
I even do not need women oks on men - know my dates well before any one can say anything  
Now I know you just by talking here  
So trust me I am selfish And all about myself :) hahah  
Take care Rare man :) who able gave last word to woman  
Salute to your mother

GaGambler423 reads

I can't help it that your "last word" is usually unintelligible gibberish, but I let you have it none the less. lol

Skyfyre578 reads

If I have to run the risk of between either a slutty, trashy prostitute and one that is too uptight, stuck-up with all words but no action then I'd rather take the former

Skyfyre547 reads

I assume this is in the context of what kind of pics I like to see in an ad? Sorry but I'm not as naive and idealistic as the other dudes. I sure don't want to be surprised to find out later that naked it turns out that she's got stretch marks, cottage cheese thigh, spare tire tummy or other physical "defect" that might be a turn-off. Things that she "conveniently" hid under her "classy and high class" attire!

I do know yes that with this photo shop and very nice skilled photographers you never be sure even if you see nude pic  
I understand... totally agree :) about photoshop and it is why I took last week pic at home just on the phone  
Posted them then then just started worry that my landlord or not good people would see me in my apartment - and it is easy to recognize so I not posting them but would share with those who will email me :)  

You do projecting society hypocritical views.  
May be because I am other culture but you know being fully dressed on my pictures not make me less active behind close doors actually quite opposite :) Thank you for time you took to share I am doing some thinking about how to communicate better to gentlemen who I am :)  
On my reviews - I am mostly presented as Porno star it is correct but it is just one side of me other side is known just by few. May be only 3 my reviewers know me well :) I want be known it is veru sexy when woman is open and ready to share:)

I prefer a girl who is a lady in public and a whore in bed.

Gave me 10 in performance and and my 10 was attributed to some other actions while in fact man just fall in love with me because I am always real and love man I am with beyond of time we have:)  
It is very old french saying about lady in public and slut in the bed  
So yes - fully dressed and sharing intimate pictures with serious for meeting gentleman I am am dping that way just wanted to ask :)

AFICIONADO13259 reads

A mixture of cocktail dress pictures, bra and panties, and other assorted lingerie makes great pictures for advertisement and websites. No nudity.  This is pretty much how I like to see the lady when we meet.  

No saying nudity implies low quality, but for me I like the tease.

You have  refined sensitivity toward the beauties of art , and  nature
 AND women  

-- Modified on 6/13/2015 12:02:04 AM

AFICIONADO13372 reads

Better than Nudity but still prefer what I mentioned in my original post. Every woman is truly a work of art. Every shape, size, and color.

There is nothing like the real thing, baby.  I love my companions to be sans clothing by time we hit the sheets.  Garters, stockings, and shoes?  Prefer these not to part of the equation.  Bra, panties, and negligee...items to be removed during play.  

Nudity equals low quality? Not in my book.

Everyone is different in one way or another, there are  no answers that fit for all.
 Nudity in an ad does not signal low quality from my perspective.  
A nude ad does not entice  me to investigate any more than a  clothed photo showing her curves.  
 Some nude photos I see lead me to believe, she's not what I'm hoping to find behind closed  
doors.  For those nude ads I am grateful.

I prefer looking at Playboy or Smooth magazine instead of Hustler.  
 If I'm looking at a wet Vagina glistening in the light I prefer to be within savoring distance,not looking at a glossy page.
 I've never been into watching porn, performing porn with a GF  is fun.
  If she did not care enough to take the time to wrap her gift for me,the suspense of a surprise is gone as soon as she opens the door.

  A woman opening her door with "heels and boots o screaming  " F me""  does  not intimidate  
me at all."  
 A woman I have never met opening her door naked,screams lazy indifference to me.
Going out with a Gal freshly showered with hair not blown dry is fine by me.
   I never blow dry my hair. I do not believe she should feel the need.

  A Gal who cusses like a drunk outside the bedroom is OK for a one night stand, nothing more,
unless I'm stranded with her on a deserted island.
  In my opinion the bedroom is  the perfect place to say anything on your mind.

If I'm paying for her time I'm not hoping she's a Gal telling me what to do,unless she's asking for  
  higher, lower, harder, lighter or don't stop"

    I can look through her clothes and imagine the body behind.

  If I have a choice I prefer to see her unmasked eyes, though I understand why  doing that in this business is not usually wise.  


Posted By: Pavliena
Nudity signals low quality?  
 And that it is always more alluring  for man to discover her body - under her well assembled and conservative outfits( conservative can be sexy as well )  
  How many of you would feel very uncomfy  to meet a woman when her hills and boots just scream  
 " F me"  
   Woman in toooo much revealing outfits or just in garters and bra opening your door?  
 I am that kind of woman which  have been told here - will make dishes in hills and in pearls .. and it was said to me  as negative thing about me.  
  yet, as Russian person i would go to buy milk in grocery store across road wearing lipstick and stockings.  
 As well how many of you will be ok with me not doing my hair and as from shower dress and go right the way out with no blow drying my hair??  
  I am very upset- outside is very hot and I am right after the shower..dressed in light dress , lipstick, perfume , comfy hills and just brushed my hair and said - lets go out - and I was lectured -  
 "lady would not go out with wet hair" I said there is almost +80!! Hair be dry in ONE min ..  
 or if I am called explicit for having filthy mouth  
 in bedroom ..  
  No way i will say vulgarity and f word outside of bedroom .. but how you do feel about saying  
 F me in bedroom??  
 I  say make love to me raither while behind close doors .. but when I said F me .. would I be less lady?  
 If I would not post nudity any more.. would I be less woman?  
 If I locked my pic and show them ONLY toward to dates made ...and I recive email often that In order to have your attention I need show more.. how true is THAT  
 What you are looking for in woman?  
 Nudity? Services? or personality ( my personality is sweet but defined )  
 Who agrees with me that nudity is signals low quality?  
 Just wanted to know who say what.  
 Is it  not common in states well dressed and intelligent lady to use at times explicit language in most intimate moments? And gave up her man may be in fitting rooms while shopping or in restrooms in upscale places?  
 Also have been called not a lady that I love such fantasies ..may be we will do may be not .. but should I be worry to speak my mind what I want? and how I want? Should our session be all about you?  
 If you donate money.. how you would treat woman with you- as she just have to comply or she is in charge ?  
 I love be in charge and emotionally and sexually at times.. but the most I  want to gave you pleasure to find out about me yourself .. gorgeous woman is as unknown island in hot summer eve when  night just  
 putting her covers violet see through in dark dusk covers where  you can see just stars- her eyes? and explore the  rest privately ..not on public display as I have been told - show it..  
  OOO Iam very very very upset actually..  
 I think i do not need to prove myself and my looks and my drive and incline to love you and do all .. there and reviews and pictures and means to talk and share privately  ..  
 How important nudity is for you gentleman when you come here look for date?  
  What you prefer ? Face or nudity?  

-- Modified on 6/12/2015 2:14:46 PM

You can never use broad stroke to characterize human beings

As with the type of woman I desire, it depends on my mood and I like variety.  

Personally, I prefer to see what I am buying (pics and reviews) before making a date.  

At date time, I prefer romance, sexy clothes, seduction, conversation, and, of course, passion.  

But, we are all different. The best providers transform into the woman of the customer's dreams, whatever that may be.

. . . the web site, with or without nudity, is one of them.  You have an outstanding site (although I'm not crazy about passwords for pictures) and your reviews are above reproach.  So if you had nude pix on your site, I would not deem you low quality.

I am seeing three girls now.  One I discovered when she answered an ISO.  Then I saw her without her clothes on, and I realized I had seen that body on her web site some months prior.  A pleasant surprise, she was just as sexy in person.  So I would say tasteful nudity or semi-nudity is fine with me.

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