TER General Board

totally! how hard is it to pick up a frickin' phone!!
Combato 1 Reviews 4743 reads
1 / 40

I have read on many other posts how providers want to be treated with respect.  I think I have a pretty good idea of what they mean but here is a brief list I came up with.  Somebody tell me what I left out

1.  Client is clean, showered, attends to personal hygiene
2.  Client is mannerly and acts like a gentleman
3.  Client is never stoned or drunk
4.  Client handles donations with tact and discretion
5.  Client respects the wishes of the providers and does not
   push past her personal limits.
6.  Client tries to make the experience as enjoyable for her as
   it is for him.

If you want a GFE, treat her like a GF.

halofan 6 Reviews 4794 reads
2 / 40

7. Client should not complain when the appointment is cancelled, even if it's just before the appointment time.  This is perfectly normal.  The provider's time is too valuable compared to yours.

8. Client should not expect provider to call to cancel an appointment, she'll tell you it's cancelled when you call to confirm.

9. Client should not expect provider to call you back even if she said "I'll call you back later today".

10. Client should not expect to be given a higher prioirty if your last appointment is cancelled.  Wait a week to reschedule just like everyone else.

-- Modified on 5/19/2003 5:00:54 PM

goodtimesman 4566 reads
3 / 40

I am an older man and have seen many providers.  I always treat them with respect and on very few occasions have I received anything less.  I feel that I am no better than she and she is no better than me.  I have been with a few that may have been  a better person than I.  I do enjoy their company and always thank them and make sure they know I enjoyed our time.

brookebutler 3536 reads
4 / 40
Mara 3834 reads
5 / 40

I feel is not really the responsibility of the clients.
I have a great time but it is not his responsibility to make sure i have a great time. ( i hope this makes sense?)
my 2 centavos
Kisses & licks............
Mara of San Diego

flyfisher69 1 Reviews 4419 reads
6 / 40

10. And the # 10 way to make sure you show her your respect....Don't forget the dang envelope (cue music)

Take that with a grain of salt folks and stop taking all of this so seriously.

The providers are there for the income and we are there for the thrill and companionship.  Everyone take a shower and play nice and it will be okay.

mrphilly 4316 reads
7 / 40
IamSilky 4163 reads
8 / 40

when writing a review, please consider, that this is this Providers livelyhood and unless you were ripped off or mis-lead, please be kind. Also, I would like to mention the Hobbyists or "Lurkers" on these boards, who jump in to attack and disrespect many of us, whom they have never met. These flames, (Sucker-punches) are their style and are usually posted under an alias and are neither respectful, or manly. As for the rest of your list, it's very well thought out and I commend you for taking the time to care. Kisses, Robyn

kainoa 5 Reviews 4460 reads
9 / 40

I disagree with these, why is the providers time more valuable compared to mine?  It's also good manners to call when you can't make an appointment.  Please tell me you were being sarcastic.

rustproof 3670 reads
10 / 40

Honesty. That's all, just honesty.

Singer 15 Reviews 4509 reads
11 / 40

This is a service based "industry".  If the provider does not call back or meet the level of service you are looking for, move on to the next.  It's the provider's loss in my opinion.  If they are a no show with no legitimate explanation, they do not get a call back from me.  If they cancel at the last minute, at least they don't have you sitting there twiddling your thumbs.  But there has to be a good reason.  S**t happens.

However, we still need to treat them as you would like to be treated yourself.  If you want her to be clean, well, you better take care of yourself first!  Just because you are the client doesn't give you the right to treat her like dirt.  I have found that the better I treat the provider, the better I am treated in return.  And stick with well reviewed providers if you don't want to take chances.

Enough preaching to the choir.  Happy hobbying!

IamSilky 3920 reads
12 / 40

Since you tagged on to my post, shall I take it to infer, that I am not honest...? If so, that's the second time in two days you've attacked me personally. Exactly what is your issue with me...? Since you continue to hide behind an alias, it becomes necessary to air our dirty laundry in public...Care to PM me to discuss your problem..??

sick_twisted_demon 4008 reads
13 / 40

I figure providers who are really irresponsible like this are drug addicts.  I guess I put up with their crap because I'm a sex addict.

loverofwomen 3 Reviews 3812 reads
14 / 40

I only went on one incall, and I didn't really like it (the lady was very nice, I just didn't like the venue).  In all other cases, I've entertained ladies in my home, and I prefer long sessions -- usually overnights.

In my bathroom cabinet, I have a shelf dedicated to my female guests (many are civilians).  On the shelf are such things as hand lotion, body lotion, body powder, feminie hygene spray, feminie wipes, tampons (3 sizes), pads (thong and regular), douche, Pamprin, baby oil, cold cream, make up applicators, nail polish remover pads, shower cap, and a bunch of other stuff.

I always provide my love du jur with a turkish cotton robe and slippers (relax, I KEEP those).  Fresh towels (I found out girls need two) are out, as well as a body wash, shampoo, conditioner, feminie shaving cream, and ladies disposable razors (both regular and bikini).

My fridge is stocked with raw vegetables, fresh fruit, and the appropriate dips (by now, many of you might be thinking that I'M the biggest dip).  I also have strawberries and chocolate dip, as well as shrimp and cocktail sauce.  I always have various juices, such as cranberry, orange, and grapefruit, as well as several soft drinks.

The evening usually begins with boxed roses, followed by champagne and strawberries.  If the lady hasn't eaten dinner, we either go out, or I have a meal on deck that will keep if we decide to give it a miss.  

We then move to the bathtub, where my new friend enjoys my bathing her in a bubble bath, complete with bath pillow, Bach, scented candle, and the champagne comes upstairs with us.

After the bath, we move to the bedroom, where I administer a scented oil massage, accompanied by scented candles.  Prior to my guest's arrival, I treat the sheets and pillows with a scented spray.  I usually have some Bach playing in the background here, too.

Then, if I can keep her awake, the fun starts.

In the morning, I like to prepare eggs benedict or french toast.

My donation is always sitting in an envelope, in plain sight, when the lady arrives.  I am always carefully groomed and showered, all nails clipped, nose and ear hairs removed, and various scented products applied as required.

If you look at it, the additional effort I expend is really not all that expensive.  The roses and champagne can get a little pricey, but the fruit and such aren't really that much.  The supplies, candles, and so on, I've acquired gradually, so they were painless.  And they tend to run out at differnt rates, so I rarely have to restock more than a few items at a time.

The return on what is really a modest investment is striking.  The young lady is made to feel like a little queen -- and coupled with a session long enough to really get to know each other -- makes for a GFE that really FEELS like a girl friend.  Win-Win.  

I won't delude myself into thinking what's going on is anything other than business (although a few providers now see me gratis, as their schedules permit).  But, the effect on the session is remarkable.  It's a matter of getting out what you put in.

I don't get a lot of cancelations on appointments.  And I usually have little trouble scheduling.

My civilian girl friends get the same treatment, less the donation, of course.  Oh, I know the donation is still provided.  It's just made in a medium other than cash.

Mara 4891 reads
15 / 40

Wow! what a way to make someone feel special...........I want to come over and spend the night with you..........
Kisses & licks.........
mara of san diego

loverofwomen 3 Reviews 3336 reads
16 / 40

New Jersey.  

It's not bad enough I have to be 3,000 miles away.  But, I have to be 3,000 miles away, IN NEW JERSEY!

chesuncook 4286 reads
17 / 40

Robyn, I completely agree with you on the unkind reviews. Unless
someone is a ROB or one of those "just laid there" deals, I don't understand the need to bring her down. Nobody is perfect and everyone has a bad day. These ladies are human, not robots. A couple of denigrating reviews can really damage their reputation, and nine times out of ten I'm sure it is just a case of YMMV. You guys should really think before you hit the submit button. Do I really want to damage this provider because I didn't get a cookie cutter experience like the last guy?

As far as aliases are concerned, the reason I use one is to protect the privacy of the providers I see. Where I see only a few ladies it would be easy to figure out who they are. So IMHO I think aliases do have their place.

Melanie Love See my TER Reviews 3496 reads
18 / 40

I may be heading out towards Red Bank to visit relatives..Soooo, that is where they are keeping the considerate gentlemen like yourself at ;) I need to bring men like you back to Boston! :)))

Mel ; )

aphroditez 3796 reads
19 / 40

on a first liaison.  Gents know there are perks to be had, but don't realize that a comfort level needs to reached first.  

Also, never use reviews as a bartering tool.  IMHO in the long run you only urt the community as a whole in compromising what the review process is really about.


SexyCurvesDC 3479 reads
20 / 40

That you withhold your respect until I earn it... given the opportunity, I certainly will. I don't expect your respect of me to be handed to me on a silver platter, however.  Meanwhile, I believe that everything you mentioned falls under the heading *common courtesy*. Most of us are perfectly happy with courteous behavior.


caguy_69 9 Reviews 3586 reads
21 / 40

I understand the tenor of your comments and in general I agree.  But as others have stated, simply treat the lady the way you would like to be treated.  And that leads me to disagree with #8, about contacting me if there is a cancellation.  Just as I am sure a provider would appreciate knowing as early as possible if I need to cancel, I would like to know as early as possible as well.  Whether this is done via a phone call, email, smoke signals or some other method depends on the situation.  Respect is a two way street.  And I don't think lowering my standards of courtesy is showing respect.


-- Modified on 5/20/2003 8:13:50 AM

lwien 3625 reads
22 / 40

You're just too perfect, loverofwomen......

Sounds like it's out of a movie script.......but it sure is fun to read...........nice visuals...............

I'm lucky if I have enough time to wipe down the toilet bowl and clean up all the spots from the bathroom mirror left over from the last time I flossed my teeth.........

IamSilky 4842 reads
23 / 40

WOW..a perfect example of how I feel about pampering my clients...It's the "Nature of the Beast", as GIVERS, it's what we do. I prefer in-call in my home for all the same reasons you do. In all honesty, you and I get far more, from giving than receiving, it's how we're wired, so I wouldn't say our motives were purely selfless...LOL I've never felt comfortable in the "Princess" role, so I don't play that part well...but that's just me.  In reading your other posts, it's easy to see why, at some point, your Providers, become more and more attached. That may fill a need for you, but most guys are struggling with relationships in the real world, that's why they see providers, no strings, no obligations. We're all in this Hobby for our own needs, which to me, is what life is all about, Never settling for less than what we want and pursuing pleasure in all that we do. I'm a Hedonist, what can I say.!!! I do love your passion and positive energy, you, Sweet Man are a Jewel...Kisses, Robyn

caharmon 2 Reviews 4714 reads
24 / 40

that would you do for your providors and civilians is the way to go. However, I would argue with your assertion that assembly of these additional foods and toiletries, etc is "not all that expensive". Again, I understand, and agree with why you do it. However inexpensive is a relative thing. I am not a cheapskate by any means. Nevertheless, on my salary I could never afford to spend that amount of money strictly for that purpose. Also while I applaud and respect you for the respectful way you treat your guests, I would argue that while what a reputable charges is an excellent value for the money, virtually every providors web site states that rates quoted are "all inclusive". Therefore, based on that wording I would expect a providor to supply her own "extras", even on an over night visit. Now please don't misunderstand. Although, I have never had the pleasure of an over night visit, and if I ever do I would natuarally try and treat that individual with dignity and respect including but not limited to, Coffee,Tea, Juices, Water, Wine  etc. Basically, I would offer whatever I normally keep in the house. However,I would expect the providor(or civilian, unless I happened to be in a relationship with that civilain)to provide any of the other necessities described above. Just my opinion.

loverofwomen 3 Reviews 5055 reads
25 / 40

I doted on my wife of thirty years until she passed away.  I guess that desire to pamper and give pleasure needed to go somewhere, so...

loverofwomen 3 Reviews 3806 reads
28 / 40
SULLY 24 Reviews 3195 reads
29 / 40

What up with the stoned or drunk part?   That's part of what makes this stuff fun.   Besides, showing up with a reek on helps the lady to know one is not John Law.

Never had a GF who did not know their way around a BH- had a bunch who misunderstand the BJ!

gorgeous4fun 3695 reads
30 / 40

To be honest, this gentleman is very unusual---stocking up on feminine hygiene products and toiletries? Hmmm. Believe me, I can take care of myself in that department and would feel odd if he offered me supplies from his bathroom.

singleton 5 Reviews 3446 reads
31 / 40

it's because of (fictitious?) gentlemen like yourself that (generous?) guys like me get treated like dirt! :)

i once tipped a girl a $200 gift certificate to one of the top-rated  Spas in the country, where $100 just gets you a basic  facial (no pun intended) and she just smiled casually and said good night.

she must've just spent the previous night with YOU!


loverofwomen 3 Reviews 3038 reads
33 / 40

A number of the girls who visit my place as simply girlfriends, and visit me on a fairly regular basis.  So, it's only natural that I have supplies for them.  If I didn't keep them here, they'd leave them here themselves.

Besides, I don't make a big deal out of the supplies.  Everyone simply knows about the shelf, and everyone knows they can simply help themselves as needed.  Honestly, I'm on my fourth bottle of Pamprim for Maximum Cramp Relief.

Without exception, my girlfriends, and the providers who stop by, find the whole thing charming and thoughtful.

loverofwomen 3 Reviews 3670 reads
34 / 40

But, honest to God, I'm just trying to be nice.

lwien 3289 reads
35 / 40

What the hell happens if you fall in love...........

I know, you're in love with all of them......right???

::::shrugs shoulders, eyes roll up in forhead with a wide smirk, turns around to leave and runs into the wall::::

gorgeous4fun 4009 reads
36 / 40

Although being stocked up with feminine supplies doesn't sound like the typical male, the massage and food items you mentioned do sound great.

You're on your 4th bottle of Pamprin?! LOL.

loverofwomen 3 Reviews 3964 reads
38 / 40

But, yeah, you're right.  In a sense, I guess I DO love them all to some degree.  On the other hand, I'm not married and I'm not attached.  All my girlfriends know I'm dating several others.  In fact, three of them get along pretty well, and aren't above having the occasional party here.  Of course, if I ever get [gulp] serious, that will all stop.

But until then, pass me the spackle and the ice.

Puck 20 Reviews 4111 reads
39 / 40

Everyone wants it, some demand it, but hardly anybody worries about giving it. There are some notable examples on this board who are convinced it's a one-way street.

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