TER General Board

To the ladys: What is your opinion about unexperienced hobbyists?
Mr_K 4559 reads

Hello Ladies!

I was thinking about getting professional help in increasing my level of experience - which is fairly low for my age.

Would you in general be willing to teach a guy some lessons? Or would you see that problematic?

Mr. K

Because you can visit providers to gain experience.  Advertising the fact you don't have experience sounds odd to me.

But if you are genuine then good luck!

You want a sex coach? There are many of those.

Or you need experience in how to be a reputable hobbyist? There are many here. Ask them.

Its like starting out getting credit.
You start out with Capital One© and then you move your way to American Express. We all consider ourselves American Express :)

Just call us American Express

sicnarf1951 reads

So now what, can I get frequent flyer miles with that!?  lol - happy fathers day!

skisandboots3284 reads

American Express SUCKS!!!  So does Discover.  Visa & M/C are the way to go.  Comparing one's self to AMEX is an insult.

earsay2501 reads

Ya, Mr_K, I'd love to give you lessons for $$$$$$$$$ per hour. Mr_K give it a break bro!!!

A gift which gives and gives and gives yet again!

Jadie4530 reads

I just retrograded to newbie status. Okay I just need a lot of remedial work.

-- Modified on 6/19/2005 4:53:26 AM

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