TER General Board

To nude, or not to nude? That is the question...
Lovelyelle See my TER Reviews 1710 reads

I recently had a photo shoot with an AMAZING photographer. I was changing outfits between a shoot, and he stopped me dead in my tracks and said there was no way he was letting me leave without shooting me just the way I was in that moment. I had only a tie draped across my shoulders. I told him that it was ok because I don't do nudes. He asked me to trust him to take a few pictures even if I kept them for myself. So, I figure WTH? I'm paying for it, so I may as well see how it goes. Besids, a girl can never have enough pretty pictures to admire, right?

The end result, for me anyway, is pure chocolate orgasmic bliss... After seeing the shot, I wanted to fill out my own booking form and request myself for an appt. Well, I showed the picture to a few trusted friends (male and female alike), and they all think I should publish the photo on my site. Now, I'm not completely against nude photographs if done tastefully and with class (and I DO undrstand that everyone's defenition of taste/class differs as well). But, I have never had the intention of publishing a nude photo of myself either. I mean, it's not like I NEED to because guys have NO issue doing what it takes to see it in the flesh. While I WOULD like to gloat a little (it's freaking HOT!!!), I would hate to turn off my friends/potential friends.

My question for you guys is does it change your view of a lady if she decides to post nude photos of herself? Ladies, have you published nude photos only to notice a negative reaction from the guys you intend to attract/have attracted in the past?

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 12:14:31 PM

and I am frequently drawn to what the photos don't quite show, wanting to see what still remains to be revealed. I am certainly not turned off or offended by nude photos, especially those that are done artfully and tastefully as opposed to being trashy. So nude would defintiely not be a deal breaker.  But it is certainly not a deal maker either. I will not feel anyway less about a woman who is comfortable enough to show hersef nude, as long as she is messaging positive energy about herself by the way she is posing.

Photos are very important to me in my making hobby choices. I love photos that reveal a woman's personality, that leave someting to my imagination - showing  enough to want me to see more in person, that show a smile, even when the woman is reluctant to show her face, that leave me saying, "wow, this is a woman that I would like to get to know better!"  

One man's opinion - helpful?

-- Modified on 7/27/2012 2:32:38 AM

I think if the nudes are tastefully done they can be very beautiful pics.
I have seen nude pics that have hands,hair,or a piece of clothing blocking certain parts
I have a couple of nude pics on my website but the rest of them are either clothes,topless,or lingerie.
I have not noticed any negative feedback from my nude pics all of the responses I received were positive.
At first I did not want any nude pics on my website or ads either but I gradually changed my mind maybe try to post that one nude pic on your website and see what type of response you receive.
The only nude pics I do not like are the ones that show the "p" or legs wide open.
Hmm...it be nice to hear what the gents think about nude pics:)

I am a little horn dog, so I personally love to see nude pics.
Also, just the fact that a provider does that is a sign she is really comfortable in her own skin.
That in itself is a turn on for me.
Would a nude pic make or break my decision to see a woman?
Would I ever give a lady negative feedback for posting nude pics?
No way!
Again I'm a horny little fuck who gets hard at the idea of a woman period.
What goes through my head when I am tempted to book a date is another thread completely.

done tastefully [recognizing that "tasteful" is a very subjective term] can, in my view, be quite attractive and a positive influence in the decision to see someone.  I personally like photographs that create a bit of mystery and leave something, but not necessarily everything, to the imagination.  However, photographs that look like they were shot for a porn site leave me cold.

I personally do not post nude pics. As the saying goes "who wants to buy the milk if you give it away for free?"..lol

I did visit a NUDE BEACH for the first time outside of NYC and it was a blast. I love being nude and enjoying the sun warming my skin, but in my photos I prefer to have tasteful  and sultry shots.


give my butt for free is another really different :D

that is my opinion !

I love nude ... porn star way pictures !

but personally I think that you don't have to be naked to be sexy  



In the end us men focus on the curves..
The shape of a smile, curve of the breast in profile.
Curves around the eyes, eye brows, and cheekbones.
The spot where the line of a girls jaw flows into the neck.
Women are beautiful art. Go to a museum. We have been trying to put beauty into form forever.
It is subconscious, so I am sure many may disagree.

Posted By: sitaradevi
I personally do not post nude pics. As the saying goes "who wants to buy the milk if you give it away for free?"..lol

I did visit a NUDE BEACH for the first time outside of NYC and it was a blast. I love being nude and enjoying the sun warming my skin, but in my photos I prefer to have tasteful  and sultry shots.

I'm a firm believer in the saying myself, Miss Sitara, lol. But, I don't think I can apply that logic here. I mean, it's not a full on poon shot that an HD screen and 3D glasses could bring to life. I believe that just as there are ladies who have tasteful and sultry clothed shots, there are ladies who have tasteful and sultry nude shots. I've got one. I'm just trying to decide if I'll put it out! :-D

I'd prefer all pics be nude. I have a good imagination and can imagine what you look like in biz attire, or lingerie. Give me nude all the time.

for me, i wanna see everything.
Spread them legs!
Kitty shots from behind.
Nude under a fishnet body suit.
Tits thru an open bra.
It MAKES me wanna see you.

ps, something just like this!!

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 3:36:49 PM

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 4:59:31 PM

My shots are NOWHERE NEAR as revealing as these, lol.

Posted By: lungman
for me, i wanna see everything.
Spread them legs!
Kitty shots from behind.
Nude under a fishnet body suit.
Tits thru an open bra.
It MAKES me wanna see you.

ps, something just like this!!

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 3:36:49 PM

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 4:59:31 PM

that's ok...i'm just saying, to me, shots like these are a REAL attention getter for me.
believe me, if a lady posts pics like these, i'm doing everything i can to see her.
shows me she's very erotic, even before we meet.

Sorry, but couldn't help that one.

But seriously:

The main thing is that you be comfortable with it.  Some gals only show themselves in fashionable dress and poses, with some cleavage or legs, or whatever.  As long as I get the idea of whom I am seeing, that is cool, and if the photo is artistically done, so much the better.

But I've seen some fantastic frontal nudity too, and I love that as well.  It does not turn me off, I'll say that much.

So you do what you are comfortable with, and we'll be happy as long as a good effort is made to make a nice picture.

for damn sure, but nudes like Met Art do the trick. Since I don't show my face I think it is important to at least show them everything else ha ha. You're beautiful and well spoken, so I think anything you do will come off as a positive thing. You're simply not the type to be all trashy in speech or in demeanor, so the photos will only reflect your persona even more. Send me a copy lol!

Posted By: Lovelyelle
I recently had a photo shoot with an AMAZING photographer. I was changing outfits between a shoot, and he stopped me dead in my tracks and said there was no way he was letting me leave without shooting me just the way I was in that moment. I had only a tie draped across my shoulders. I told him that it was ok because I don't do nudes. He asked me to trust him to take a few pictures even if I kept them for myself. So, I figure WTH? I'm paying for it, so I may as well see how it goes. Besids, a girl can never have enough pretty pictures to admire, right?

The end result, for me anyway, is pure chocolate orgasmic bliss... After seeing the shot, I wanted to fill out my own booking form and request myself for an appt. Well, I showed the picture to a few trusted friends (male and female alike), and they all think I should publish the photo on my site. Now, I'm not completely against nude photographs if done tastefully and with class (and I DO undrstand that everyone's defenition of taste/class differs as well). But, I have never had the intention of publishing a nude photo of myself either. I mean, it's not like I NEED to because guys have NO issue doing what it takes to see it in the flesh. While I WOULD like to gloat a little (it's freaking HOT!!!), I would hate to turn off my friends/potential friends.

My question for you guys is does it change your view of a lady if she decides to post nude photos of herself? Ladies, have you published nude photos only to notice a negative reaction from the guys you intend to attract/have attracted in the past?

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 12:14:31 PM

serpius342 reads


... that you want to make an appointment with yourself... well...

You can share it on your website. If you want to limit the possible downloads, make it undownloadable. Your website designer should know how to do that. If not, PM me and I'll help.


Posted By: Lovelyelle
I recently had a photo shoot with an AMAZING photographer. I was changing outfits between a shoot, and he stopped me dead in my tracks and said there was no way he was letting me leave without shooting me just the way I was in that moment. I had only a tie draped across my shoulders. I told him that it was ok because I don't do nudes. He asked me to trust him to take a few pictures even if I kept them for myself. So, I figure WTH? I'm paying for it, so I may as well see how it goes. Besids, a girl can never have enough pretty pictures to admire, right?

The end result, for me anyway, is pure chocolate orgasmic bliss... After seeing the shot, I wanted to fill out my own booking form and request myself for an appt. Well, I showed the picture to a few trusted friends (male and female alike), and they all think I should publish the photo on my site. Now, I'm not completely against nude photographs if done tastefully and with class (and I DO undrstand that everyone's defenition of taste/class differs as well). But, I have never had the intention of publishing a nude photo of myself either. I mean, it's not like I NEED to because guys have NO issue doing what it takes to see it in the flesh. While I WOULD like to gloat a little (it's freaking HOT!!!), I would hate to turn off my friends/potential friends.

My question for you guys is does it change your view of a lady if she decides to post nude photos of herself? Ladies, have you published nude photos only to notice a negative reaction from the guys you intend to attract/have attracted in the past?

-- Modified on 7/26/2012 12:14:31 PM

cure4sanity308 reads

I think it depends on how they are done... as someone mentioned, nudes don't have to be spread eagle, in your face. I think the pics who leave something to the imagination are the best pics. There's a hint there, a sample of what's to come... it's like your mouth watering before you start eating.

For me personally, I like seeing what the girl looks like clothed as well as a little skin. But I stress the "little" part, it doesn't have to be a full body spread-eagle shot, I enjoy finding out in person what she looks like under her outfit. But a tasteful amount of skin makes the girl seem more sexual and confident, and proves she isn't using clever angles or outfits to misrepresent herself.

when you see them in person. I am sure the guy would like to know beforehand if we have tits that sag to our knees, jacked up nipples, or a kitty that "looks like a sandwich from Arby's" Stole that one from a thread a few weeks ago ha ha.

I have changed my mind to both Go/No Go after viewing some.

Hustler for damn sure. When I think nude, I think all out kitty shots like I have but hers are very subtle and tasteful.

the more shots of your kitty, the better....damn that thing is pretty!! ( i mean pretty!! )

oldchiguy467 reads

It shows a confident woman who is comfortable with and proud of her body and sexuality.  That is a turn on.

crazyshit503 reads

But that's just me.

It's far from a dealbreaker, but if a woman is likely to put out a nude shot, I'm more likely to pay attention.

From the point of view of a provider, and agency owner, I can say that the girls who don't want nude pics on my site get significantly less requests for appointments. Especially if you have your face obscured, AND you're not nude. I've never heard of a negative reaction to using nude photos.

But if you're happy with the volume you get with non-nude pics, then there probably isn't any need to change that.

Tastefully done it can be very cool, sexy, and even artistic. It's most definitely hot and us guys tend to like them. We generally like to see naked ladies. 😉

I love showing off my naked body what can I say! I never show anything distasteful (I don't think I do anyway! Please correct me if I'm wrong) and I am very pleased with how my nudes turned out. The one on the red satin sheet is my current background picture I love it so much! (I felt vain when I put it there but that's passed, I love it!)

:D :D :D Nude beach is a destination I have in my plans for this summer!

...I may have to come see the person who inspired the photog for such a shot.
To answer your question: do not show them.
As long as your other pics are real, something are best left to be seen, felt, & tasted in person.

Therenare basically two types of nude photos.  The first are those which show the female form as a beautiful piece of art work.  The calendar shot of Marilyn Monroe comes to mind.  These require a good photographer.

The second are the "I'm a two bit whore and I suck cock for a living" photos.  

Sounds like your photographer took the first type.

Regardless of whether you use them on your site, keep copies to show to your grand daughters when your are aged. Let them know that grannie was a looker!

Don't mean to shill, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules, but this example from the Over 60 Board really stands out and shows that you can show off anything in a very sexy and artful way.

For that I'll check out a porn site:)

I was merely pointing out, that in my opinion the picture in your post above is not a nude. To me nude is birthday suit. Skin from head to toe. No lingerie. No underwear. No stockings, garters or sleeves. But nude does not have to be revealing. The picture below from butterflydust is nude, even though she reveals nothing in it. The pic you posted is not nude, even though she is revealing breasts and a little "patch."

Of course, that is my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions and assholes! :)

when i am going in for a photoshoot, creating good photos for work purposes is not the first thing on my mind.  the first thing on my mind is to create ART that i can be proud of for the rest of my life.  my photos are for ME, more than anyone else.  i want to be able to look back on those photos, years later, when my youth has faded, and be proud that an artist and i made something beautiful together.  sure, i want people to look at that and say "wow!  that is beautiful!" -- but it's not my primary priority.  making art is my priority.

whether or not it offends someone else's delicate sensibilities?  well, to be honest, i can't say i care.  i like to make photos that satisfy ME.

at my last photo shoot, i quite literally *climbed across a waterfall* (which was absolutely terrifying) to pose for a photo.  in the end, you can hardly even tell i am there -- but to me, it was worth it, because we created something amazing.

i tend to prefer "implied nudes" -- where i am unclothed, but neither my breasts nor genitals are showing.  i think that's a tasteful way to present the human body that still celebrates its beauty.  particularly, natural settings & abandoned industrial settings are my favorites; i think they provide a perfect juxtaposition to the beauty of the human form.

my photos have been on the walls of art galleries.  i can't not be proud of that.  you look at the photo i'm posting here -- i dare anyone to honestly tell me it's not a beautiful shot of the human form.  even if you don't think it's lovely, i don't care ... i think it's incredible.

That photo is simply gorgeous... SC has an eye for capturing what's in front of the lens. I think I've found a permanent photog! Very pretty, butterfly!

and you should be proud! Did ou actually take it on the waterfall or did they cut you out of another photo and place you in it? Always so hard to tell, but I have a few where that was done.

And way to be modest and say you give yourself a raging boner lol

Thanks and big CHOCOLATE kisses to you all! I understand that the majority vote is to publish the photos. I figured that would be the outcome in the first place. I know that men are visual creatures, so it's important to display things that are visually appealing. Of course a naked woman is appealing in the hobby world. My concern isn't if the pictures will be attractive because I'm completely confident that they are. My main concern is that I work very hard to present myself in a certain way and attract a certain type of clientele. I have done very well so far, and I would hate to turn off any admirers, whether they be near or far, new or old. After reading the responses here and on other forums I posted on along with the responses that came in a more personal form, I realize that not as many gentlemen are excited to see me publicly display myself in such an intimate fashion. However, I have ALSO found a way to have my cake and eat it too...

Thanks to the input of the ladies and gentleman of the hobby world, I have made my decision about my photos. Sorry guys, I will NOT be posting them here in this thread. I apologize if my post was misleading, but it has never been my intent to do so. The first people to catch a glimpse (and the only ones who'll receive a copy to their inbox) will be the ever so loyal members of "Club Elle". They'll be published to my actual website photo gallery soon after.

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