TER General Board

To err is human....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 365 reads

but to really fuck up, you need a computer.

Good luck with all that

I am sure everyone who texts dreads the day they compose a sensitive or incriminating msg and accidentally send it to the wrong person. My cousin is the only one who I share this life with. Yesterday I texted him...."I just noticed I have 50 TER reviews. And there are some I haven't reviewed. Even when you throw in my measly conquests in real life I have a long way to go to catch Wilt". Problem is it went my nephew as well. The kid is 21 and the message is only incriminating if he knows what TER is. Hopefully not. Then again, even if he does it is unlikely he will ever bring it up. Aaaah technology.... Anybody ever get badly busted....

GaGambler544 reads

Yeah, I have texted to the wrong person several times. The most recent fuckup was texting to a young lady that I was "downstairs" in the usual "two call" arrangement, only I texted the wrong young lady and she promptly texted me back "WTF, are we supposed to be meeting today???!!!"

Yes, tiny little keys and old eyes don't always make for a good match.

his does not have to be related to escorts. It can be anything you sent to the wrong person.

But a simple Google search will tell him everything her knows. I'd start thinking of TER acronyms.

GaGambler362 reads

which incidentally has been doing quite well lately, up about 20% from it's August low and up and pushing the twenty dollar mark today.

bank2235 reads

I have received a lot of accidental texts from others and have fun with them. Loved the " I am running late for your birthday and will be there soon" I think I played along for 20 minutes on that one. LOL

I was texting a provider I'd seen a few times. "Want to get together in a week or two?." "That was a great BJ."  Etc, etc.

I didn't know the provider had changed phone numbers. After a week or so of my sending texts, I got a reply. "I'M NOT LAYLA!"

GaGambler403 reads

something like "does that mean a BJ is off the table?"

Lol, has it been a while since you last seen her though?

skarphedin367 reads

I ask because from what you wrote it seems like you were repeatedly sending intimate texts without getting a response. That is not good or not my style at the very least. I will be the first to admit it: I am direct with women and take a strike while the iron is hot, you got to be in it to win it approach. But after that first exchange (which I usually initiate because wtf?) I let it go unless they respond or re-initiate. Well, I am pretty good about it, if not perfect. But I would never send another text without a response in the same week...

GaGambler329 reads

For all he knows, it could have been her just sick of getting those texts.

Texting etiquette demands that you send one, or two texts at the most without getting a response. If she isn't responding, there has to be a reason and blowing up her phone is a good way of getting your number blocked.

To contact when I arrived, and I sent a text saying something simple, like I am here, let me know. No reply. I tried calling the number and got no reply, so I sent an email. A couple of minutes later I got a text from another number saying it was okay to go up, ring this buzzer, etc. I had rechecked and the number I used was the one she emailed me, but the one she used was a different one.

No big deal, all is well that ends well. Except a couple of hours later I got a text back on the first number asking who I was. I did not reply.

I have also gotten a text or two that I replied to with "Who are you?" Sometimes I got a reply back that it was some provider I had seen a while back, other times silence.

Yeah, keeping it clean and neutral, keeping it to one text until and unless you get a reply - these are all good things. If no one replies it means something, and that is not "Keep texting that number over and over until you get a reply." Respect.


She can take several days to reply. She always replies, though. And she sends unsolicited texts to me.  

There's no problems. If I didn't know her well, I wouldn't do this.

Much ado about nothing..

but to really fuck up, you need a computer.

Good luck with all that

Surprised the heck out of me, thankfully came from someone who entered the wrong number.  Not exactly the kind of thing you want to read before a session!

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